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spiders in the field
#379917 - 08/27/01 11:53 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
i heard that black widows are very comon in the fields in florida. have anybody ever been bite while picking in fl thanxs
Lizard King
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: devilboy]
#379948 - 08/27/01 12:48 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Actually, they aren't all that common, I've only seen about 10 black widows then entire 13 years I've lived in the southeast. They aren't the type of spider you'll run into walking in the woods, they make their webs low to the ground. From what I've noticed, they are more common around homes and buildings than they are in wooded areas. I find them when working in the garden/yard, under rocks and in brushy areas. Now Bannana spiders are another story, those sucker are all over the southeast and in almost every cow pasture I've encountred.
Edited by Lizard King on 08/27/01 01:50 PM.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Lizard King]
#380569 - 08/28/01 08:47 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Your not talking about the toxic South American Bannana spider are you? :)>
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Zen Peddler
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: devilboy]
#380590 - 08/28/01 09:46 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Australia has more venomous spiders anyway - i often play with funnel webs and red backs by patting them with my testicles...
Lizard King
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Zen Peddler]
#380634 - 08/28/01 11:11 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I think we are talking about the same bannana spiders, the black andyellow ones that write in webs(thats all I know about them, and they bite). Black widows aren't deadly anyways, more like having the flu if your in good health, an elderly person might become seriously ill from the bite. I believe Brown recluse sp? are more of a worry in the southeast, and are more commonly encountered, and their venom carries a bit more of a punch. Still not deadly though. I don't really worry about getting bit, I just have a phobia of some sorts when it comes to spiders. When I run into a giant bannana spider's web thats beats 8lbs Stren monofiliment fishing line, I scream like a little bitch and frantically brush myself off dancing around like I was standing in a bed of hot coals. I HATE spiders.
Edited by Lizard King on 08/28/01 12:13 PM.
Registered: 06/13/01
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Lizard King]
#380775 - 08/28/01 02:36 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
LOL LK... we've got those spider all over our yard. A bit more info on spiders: Black widows live where it is DRY. I have encountered them in fields, but the grass was all dead and there were rocks/pices of wood in the field. Typicaly you find them in dry rock piles or under boards or peices of wood on the ground, so they're not a real threat if you're looking for shrooms in the right place. The only place I've ever seen a brown recluse is at work(a petstore). They are smart little fuckers- they setup shop in our cricket room... but I took care of that with a can of Raid the other day. Anyway, I believe the live in the same habitat as the black widows in the wild. They are definately more of a risk than the black widows. If you are bitten, you will know it because it hurts like hell. Next you will get red streaks coming off the bite wound... then you go to the doctor/hospital or your flesh will start to rot.... not kidding.. its gross. But anyhow, you have more of a chance of being bitten by these guys when you are going through old boxes than you do when you are shroom hunting. There are numorus other venomus spiders out there, but none of the others (in the US at least) are real threats. If you are bitten, it will hurt like hell, and you may lose feeling where you were bitten, but thats about it. If possible it'd be best to put an extremly hot(but not to the point that it burns you) or cold compress on the bite, this will denature the proteins in their venom, making it inactive. Peace out, -Gumby
Registered: 10/16/99
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Gumby]
#380799 - 08/28/01 03:16 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I just saw a documentary on the brown recluse if you are sure that it was one of these things that bit you, you should use cold water... not hot one... it can be deadly... you get gangrene in the wound and it breacks down red cells
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Gumby]
#380812 - 08/28/01 03:32 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
The only place I've ever seen a brown recluse is at work(a petstore). They are smart little fuckers- they setup shop in our cricket room... but I took care of that with a can of Raid the other day. Just out of curiosity, how did the crickets fare after this treatment?
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: cprasky]
#380917 - 08/28/01 05:33 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
the spider youve seen LK "banana spider" is actually the "Black and yellow argiope" characterised by the zig-zag web, large dark females and thinner lighter-colored males, this spider holds its first four legs and last f together making it look like a four-legged spider or "letter X" in the center of the web :) they can bite. but it would just sting, the brown recluse (violin spider) however is feirce and would leave a black crater that would hurt like hell.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Mitchnast]
#381031 - 08/28/01 08:11 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
LOL cprasky... supprisingly the crickets were fine, the spiders were up in the corners and I avoided getting the raid in the cricket bins. Heres a pic of the underside of the Banana spider(aka Black/yellow argiope), in his/her web, from my front yard: Bet that makes ya squirm eh LK? Peace out, -Gumby
Registered: 12/23/99
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Gumby]
#381102 - 08/28/01 10:09 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
hey... bannana spiders are actually peaceful towards me.. they attack the heck out of any bug that lands in their webs, but they dont bite me, even if i walk head first into their webs (which has happened to me well over a thousand times), its all cool, bannana spiders just want the bugs in their webs. -Ive been picking shrooms and looking up into the trees to see a Hundred bannana spider webs, and each one is sitting in the middle of their web Staring at me.. -I have heard rumors of them Jumping off the webs and biteing people, but, ive worked my way through some bannana spider webs and they never bother with anything other than the bugs that land in their webs. The brown recluse are the hairy ones that scatter across the Sand.. they like sand Basically, spiders arent going to bite me, , as long as you dont stop in one place for a long time they dont get you.. sort of like Fire Ants..if you stand on a fire ant pile theyre going to bite you, but if you quickly just Walk over the pile none will get you.. ive done it hundreds of times.. you can walk straight on top of a fire ant pile and they wont grab hold, but if you stand there for a few seconds then theyll get you. BlackWidows are found around the house.. under your toilet, waiting for you to take a dump and then bite you on your ass, not in cow shit fields.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: GGreatOne234]
#382020 - 08/30/01 09:10 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
It is actually kind of funny that the topic of these bananna spiders came up just now... A friend of mine from canada was visiting me in florida, and I thought I would take him on a shroom hunt. Alas, i think it is getting late in the year, or is too dry, for nary a shroom was found. However, the trees around the field were COVERED in bananna spiders. And i do mean COVERED. I first noticed one hanging form a tree and I brought my friend over for a closer look. The sucker was BIG, almost the size of my hand. I looked over at my friend, and he was stairing upwards with a look of horror on his face. I turned my eyes up and hanging in the trees were HUNDREDS of these things. every available space between branches had a big fat bananna spider hanging on a web. I am not normally afriad of spiders, but seeing these things all over gave me a major case of the willies. We carefully backed away from any tree's and stayed away. my opinion: shroom season is over, bananna spider season is in.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: MagikBus]
#382026 - 08/30/01 09:21 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I've used the same stick for 2 weeks to clear the spiderwebs off of my trail through about 200 yards of woods to get to the cow field. I just wave it up and down above my head and to the ground all the way there and then I drop it at the spot the field starts and I pick it up when I go back into the woods.
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Lizard King
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Ha, shroom season id far from over my friend. Close buddy of mine just came back with 1/2 dried lbs.
Registered: 05/21/01
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: Lizard King]
#382438 - 08/30/01 10:09 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Nope we weren't talking about the same thing. I know what your talking about now..around here we just call them garden spiders...they do look a bit like a bannana though heh . South America has a deadly spider commonly called the Bannana Spider because it likes to live in and around bannana trees...and bite bannana harvesters. They are quite toxic and can stop your lungs and heart with no treatment. Much worse than any Black Widow or Brown Recluse. You had me worried there when you said bannana spider ..thought they might have crossed the border and contaminated the U.S. lol
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1/2 pound of cubes? what part of the world? I am in central florida, and this wicked heat seems to have dried up every form of shroom about. I dont even see normal lil dogshit mushies growing around.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: MagikBus]
#383229 - 09/01/01 10:08 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I walk through webs all the time.I call'em hair nets. Some of 'em are so sticky, that if you stick your head out of the window of a truck while you're driving, your hair will be stuck in the postion that the wind blew it in.If you could figure out a way to put a web in a spray can, you would have some bad-ass hairspray. The spider in the pic does seem to be a garden spider. We use to call'em writing spiders. They say if you see your name spelled out in the web, it means your gonna die soon or some shit like that.I use to keep a live one, web and all, in a big glass jar on top of the TV set, to break my kids of their fear of spiders.They saw the movie Arachnophobia when they were young, and were terrified of spiders after that. The TV spider seemed to do the trick. doo
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: doo]
#383440 - 09/01/01 05:58 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
:::squirming in my chair::: I hate spiders, YUCK!! Round these parts we get Hobo spiders....nasty little bastages, and mean, if yer near one it'll try and bite you. We also got TONS of brown common spiders, I can walk out on my front porch and see about 30-40 webs. It's fun to feed those ones ants and stuff. I usually piss em off by flicking cigarette ashes in they're webs, they get angry and shake around in little circles, then go to each piece of ash and remove it and throw it away from the web. It's hilarious, I can't get enough of it. Hehehe. We've got so many different kinds of spiders here in the PNW.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: methos]
#385492 - 09/04/01 12:30 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I was just about to bring up hobo spiders. I have never seen one, but arent they supose to look similar to a brown recluse. I have heard that both have one larger front leg. Arent brown recluses also called fiddler spiders because of this, much the same as fiddler crabs are called that from their one giant claw. I like spiders and insects. I am a little freaked out when one crawls on me though. I have 12 tarantulas in my bedroom, now those fuckers are big. I would rather hold a bird-eating tarantula than have a harmless house spider crawling on me. I do the dance, you know, shaking and jumping up and down and flapping your clothes, rubbing your hands through your hair, every single time I run into a spider web. We have the garden spiders here to (pnw) just they are not very common. There really is no reason to fear black widows. They dont hurt much when they bite, more of a pinprick. Plus, before anti-venom, they killed about 5% of the people they bit, after anti-venom, 100% of the people survive. The 5% were all small children. A lot of people hate spiders and other insects and bugs, but they never take a closer look at them. Think about this: A spider can rebuild its entire home in just one night, humans takes months to build their homes. A species of spider called a hidden trap door spider, will dig a hole straight down in the ground for up to 60 cm. Then at the top of the hole, it will build a trap door made from duff, soil, and webbing. When prey, such as another spider or an insect walks across it, the trapdoor gives and the bug becomes food. I gave that example as an example of what spiders are capable of. If you were to look closely at any arachnid or insect, you would find something equally interesting about it. Ants are even funner yet. Carpenter ants farm afids. Another species of ant uses a beetle to get high and feeds the beetle its own babies to keep it around, then the ants become addicted. Leafcutter ants build a huge metropolis with a dump and everything and can cut the leaves off an entire tree in just one day. I will shut up now, but I just want to make my point that if you take a closer look at these creatures, you will realize how interesting, and sometimes human-like they really are. The invention of the chain saw came from close observation of a beetle known as the pine sawyer beetle, the largest beetle in north america.
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Re: spiders in the field [Re: pyromaniac]
#385882 - 09/04/01 09:16 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Brown Recluse's are called Fiddler Spiders because of the brown fiddle shapped mark upon their backs. Have you ever been bit by a Black Widow? :)> The bite is excruciating and some people can be highly allergic to it's bite. Otherwise your right it's mostly only life threatening to small children. The Brown Recluse bite is the one your more likely not to feel...but notice a large sore start to appear a couple days later and get progressively worse. Mushroom hunters shouldn't worry about either of these species however. They like it under houses, moldy basements, refuse piles, old sheds, ...etc.
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