World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)

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Please UnenlightenedOne stop this kind of confrontation, no more name calling BS, and read the rules of this forum. This is just a warning, you just need to be more respectful. I'm sure you'll be paying more attention next time ....
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: moog]
#22822713 - 01/25/16 01:23 PM (9 years, 28 days ago) |
I recommend the Universal poetry of George E Bourne www.abookoflife.org
A fresh and beautiful look at God's creation - from finally an Eastern and Western approach.
70 books which I believe are free to download, and share!!
The way for the world to move forward is in Love, Harmony and Beauty - with tolerance and understanding of Western and Eastern principals.
Share these books out. We need it!
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happy mutant

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MarkostheGnostic said: No arguement from me on this score. Madonna-Esther is a pet peeve. Down here in Miami, I've had middle school kids who belong to the Kabbalah Center and Madonna has shown up there to 'wow' the members, I suppose. Here is an individual whom I intuitively have an aversion to, despite the fact that I know that in the flesh I could just as easily be seduced by her charms if she wanted to appear charming. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I don't like her.
She has adorned her ears with crucifix earings (the ears being peripheral to the 'mandala' of the body - the crucific should be worn over the Heart to represent one's 'Center' not as a mere ornament at the periphery of the physical self). She has offended Hindus with her henna work and ingenuineness. I personally believe that her take on Kabbalism is to 'storm Heaven,' and circumvent her Gentile awareness of Christ by appropriating a mystical Truth originating with esoteric Jews. This may have philosophical validity for Jews themselves (of which I am one by birth) whose religious traditions pre-exist the historical Jesus, but it is a profanation inasmuch as I believe that Madonna thinks that she can appropriate Transcendental Truth while yet being the multi-millionaire 'bi**h' diva who now portrays herself as maternal, while disavowing her life of excess.
In a nutshell, she is like the Biblical Whore of Babylon (much more than anyone Aleister Crowley knew of), adorning her body, speech and mind with the Sacred traditions of humankind. I don't care a bit what the media or the cultic Kabbalah Center Jews say about her, she is a powerful example of demonic manifestation to me - worldliness that has grown bored. Madonna-Esther (Esther, from the Old Testament Queen - wife of King Ahashuerus who single-handedly prevented an ancient slaughter of the Jews and had the ancient Hitler-character named Hamen, hanged. Self-proclaimed Jewish savioress Madonna-Esther). She reminds me of a rich, spoiled Jewish acquaintance of mine in college who was so bored that his only social thrill was to try to seduce his friends' girlfriends. He seemed to be in love with his mother and would show her photo, and his wealthy parents had a larger-than-life winged fallen angel statue in their backyard. He even managed to get me to lie for him once, to get free concert tickets (which didn't work, but more importantly, he got me to go against my moral nature). At our last conversation, he asked me point blank: "Do you think I bring the demons?" I answered, "Yes, I believe that you do." He walked away, I never saw him again. Madonna reminds me of that guy in spiritual ways - like the fallen angels called Watchers in the books of Enoch who seduce humans.
But I digress. We can borrow, respectfully, from the Wisdom that rises like cream, to the top of other religions and philosophies - the best of the best, while maintaining the integrity of who we are. Humility is the important stance to assume, and humility precludes any type of arrogance, like assuming an exalted name or title. Who does not see this? How is it that so many people are so blind or asleep in the real matrix?
And you've got me pegged as a J type?
I think that Madonna had a Catholic background and was traumatized by original sin, that sin was some thing that was a part of her and would always be with her for the rest of her life, which scared her and a struck a feeling of guilt in her all the time. I think she chose the name Madonna to rebel, she was going to be a sexually liberated being and was no longer gonna take shit from the sick and twisted religion that fucked with her self confidence and maybe finally give 'em a little hell back in exchange.
Anyways, I remember being 9yo and going to the roller rink and listening to/watching music videos of Madonna singing Like a Prayer, w/ lyrics like "When you call my name, It's like a little prayer, I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there." Seemed to me she was saying pleasing her man was like pleasing God and she loved giving head, she loved pleasure others (you're always the first to receive pleasure when you really do imho, as your love was the source) and no guilt.....
As for the Kaballah, how often do we see Scott Pelley mention the Kaballah? Never. So basically she introduced hundreds of million Americans to even thinking the word Kaballah, it's like Quinten Tarantino turning the world on to the gab ball in Pulp Fiction. In no way was Madonna even cable of turning the Kaballah into a fad. Yanno, Oprah interviewed both Ram Dass and Eckahrt Tolle, being what, the wealthiest woman in America (believe she owns her own island?) Do I really give a shit about Madonna or Oprah? Not really, no.... but I wish them the best on their path towards Enlightenment. And they did accelerate information to people whose lives are so sad that they spend it watching daytime programming or watch shows about idolizing celebrities .
-------------------- Everything is better than it was the last time. I'm good.
If we could look into each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
It takes a lot of courage to go out there and radiate your essence.
I know you scared, you should ask us if we scared too. If you was there, and we just knew you cared too.

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UnenlightenedOne said: Why does there seem to be such an obsession here with eastern philosophies?
Seek out your ancestors instead of another person's ancestors.
Your own heritage will be much more relevantto your culture/way of life than another heritage which was developed under another culture and way of life.In "translation" much meaning is lost.
One should not really intrude upon another's heritage.It is akin to stealing and many people feel that way.Often times it is also not respected properly and taken lightly.
Does anyone elsehave an opinion about this?
Yes, I have an opinion if you're asking. You are being very provincial, parochial, and exclusivist - the opposite of global and universal. You are asking that people identify with a limited socio-cultural role instead of seeking a philosophical system that facilitates the expansion of one's identity to cosmic proportions. I do not hail from a tradition of ancestor-worship, but if I did, I would have taken leave of it long ago. In fact, I DID take leave of the cultural religion of my parents - Reform Judaism. I rebelled against the dry cultural Judaism that neither of my parents were very much into. My mother remained an atheist it seems til her death, my father was a Freemason and was more interested in living the myth of Hiram the Builder by helping to build a new synagogue in our home town (and receiving ego-enhancement from it). I rebelled by age 12, flunking my 3rd year of Hebrew school and was never a Bar Mitzvah (Son of the Blessings). That alienated me from my father for life.
Then, after changing my major from biology (pre-med in those days) to philosophy, I took catechism and Catholic baptism in my quest for spirituality. I had already taken a lot of acid, and had been studying/practicing Hindu and Buddhist yogas or a few years. I had visited several Hindu and Sufi teachers and some Catholic monks, inquiring about monastic life. I eventually took a two year Masters of Theological Studies degree at the United Methodist seminary at Drew University. I was a Jewish Christian more than a Messianic Jew. But then I went and wrote an essentially Tibetan Buddhist doctoral dissertation in the Department of Human Development of U. of MD for a Ph.D. degree. I returned to the study of Kabbalistic Judaism, and whereas I do light Shabbos (Sabbath) candles on Friday evenings at sundown, I am considered an apostate to Judaism by my adherence to the teachings attributed to Iesous in the New Testament, and I am considered to be heretical from a strictly Christian mainstream theology whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. So I do not fit into anyone's tradition-bound cubby-hole, yet I live a as virtuous a life as a philosophically-oriented person can in the 21st century, informed by a plethora of religious and philosophical schools and traditions.
Psychologically, from a Jungian perspective, I am living a "symbolic life" and Individuating. It can definitely appear to be idiosyncratic because Individuation in the Jungian school runs parallel with the theories of Abraham Maslow with regard to Self-Actualization. In order to Self-Actualize oneself, one needs to transcend one's "Belongingness Needs" which are often manifested as being an obedient servant in some particular congregation and tradition, accepting the doctrines and dogmas without question as a sign of one's faith. Baloney! The mystics of every faith have been outsiders in a radical way. They left the fold through experiences which set them apart from the mainstream. Where it stands today, I have only awkward, idiosyncratic descriptions of my faith-stance, like Jewish-Christian Entheogenic Gnostic. Ridiculous. My faith is better left unarticulated to others because anyone who seeks to cubby-hole people are just going to dismiss me as a weirdo right from my description. Most people will assume something from my blue-gray eyes (and onetime blonde hair), or from my Jewish surname anyway. You know that word assume - when we assume, we make an ass out of u and me.
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: CosmicJoke]
#22839785 - 01/29/16 07:09 PM (9 years, 23 days ago) |
Damnnn...How long ago did I post that? I gave away a little book I used to own, The I Hate Madonna Handbook (I think). I had a bone or two to pick with her when I was studying certain Kabbalistic doctrines at the time, and I saw her as profaning them. I still do, but I have none of the emotion now that I had then. My friend Robert (whom I hope you meet one day) just saw Madonna last week and posted pics on facebook when she was in Miami. He loves her, and he knows how I used to feel (he doesn't joke with me about our different emotions regarding her because I no longer have such virulent feelings. Her famous presence is completely irrelevant to my small life. I have pretty much ataraxia/apatheia with regard to her. If I see something about her on my news feed, I pass it by the same as I would pass something to do with football or basketball. Meh. 
So, it was a judgement, but not necessarily indicative of the 'J' function, which is quick to make decisions (a plus), but which can be 'judgemental' (a deficiency). INTPs can be quick to judge when important principles are violated. Personally, I think she revels in an identification with a "Babe of the Abyss," 'A' (not THE) "Great Whore of Babylon." It would fit with her rebellion against Roman Catholicism. Her fame and fortune surely isn't due to Divine favor!
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself
happy mutant

Registered: 04/05/00
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Didn't notice somebody necro'd this thread, but I'm in full agreement with how irrelevant Madonna should be, she's just noise I don't even bother to tune in. I forgive as much as possible and you just never know when somebody might start to wake up, didn't happen to many of my great psychedelic heroes until they were middle aged so, afaik Madonna could be having a spiritual awakening at this very moment.
I've never been into the gay dance diva disco thing, so Robert and I don't share that one in common... I don't actually understand what it would be like to experience that kind of fanaticism over anything, saw many a teenage girl have her meltdown over when The Beatles landed, I don't understand sports fanaticism either.....
-------------------- Everything is better than it was the last time. I'm good.
If we could look into each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
It takes a lot of courage to go out there and radiate your essence.
I know you scared, you should ask us if we scared too. If you was there, and we just knew you cared too.

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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: CosmicJoke]
#22841168 - 01/30/16 05:10 AM (9 years, 23 days ago) |
I am gay but NEVER got obsessed with these tinny icons like Madonna and Kylie. they are utterly superficial. M's voice is...pathetic. Worse even than her acting and that's saying something. But see they--the Illuminati producers wid-de-moneyyy PR an image Now I LOVED this diva and would get well into dancing to this lol
Smut Peddler

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UnenlightenedOne said: Why does there seem to be such an obsession here with eastern philosophies?
Seek out your ancestors instead of another person's ancestors.
Your own heritage will be much more relevantto your culture/way of life than another heritage which was developed under another culture and way of life.In "translation" much meaning is lost.
One should not really intrude upon another's heritage.It is akin to stealing and many people feel that way.Often times it is also not respected properly and taken lightly.
Does anyone elsehave an opinion about this?
I've got an opinion here. Why don't we all just assume that history as we know it is completely made up and has practically nothing to do with reality. After that lets all start creating our own philosophies and see what happens. Maybe Aristotle and Confucius were not so much men as they were concept's made up by the power structures of the Holy Roman Empire to keep people stupid. Who knows?? None of us thats who. Think about how many generations it might take a determined group of powerful people to completely change absolutely everything about the "facts" of ancient world history.
-------------------- Don't die tonight.
The Minstrel in the Gallery

Registered: 03/15/05
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UnenlightenedOne said: Why does there seem to be such an obsession here with eastern philosophies?
Seek out your ancestors instead of another person's ancestors.
Your own heritage will be much more relevantto your culture/way of life than another heritage which was developed under another culture and way of life.In "translation" much meaning is lost.
One should not really intrude upon another's heritage.It is akin to stealing and many people feel that way.Often times it is also not respected properly and taken lightly.
Does anyone elsehave an opinion about this?
Who cares about one's heritage? It's better to follow your instincts imo. It's hard to compare Taoism and Christianity.
-------------------- "Don't believe everything you think". -Anom.
" All that lives was born to die"-Anom.
With much wisdom comes much sorrow,
The more knowledge, the more grief.
Ecclesiastes circa 350 BC

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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: deezdelta]
#22849144 - 02/01/16 04:30 AM (9 years, 21 days ago) |
I suspect at least Aristotle actually lived, but more interesting to me is critically looking at what they said, and he was typically patriarchal and misogynist. He believed men were active intelligence and women were monsters!
So what interests me is to be aware of this, because it connects the dots because there is influences between western philosophy and eastern philosophy, and you find that both had this downer on women and the natural world. For example 'Maya' by its very root 'Ma' is recognizing the feminine as being the natural world which they believed was a seductive trap pf the 'masculine spirit' which seeks release back to its 'spiritual home', and hence that is when in the ancient eastern Yogi practices the aim was to try and go beyond the senses, practicing 'one pointed awareness' and eyes closed not even being allowed/fearing to observe the forms of the natural world because of its reminiscent erotic shapes and seductive aura
So it is better to understand and become aware of this connection between east and western concepts because doing so undermines their mindcontrol over us. Of course this doesn't mean having to have a library of books, but to get the overall gist
happy mutant

Registered: 04/05/00
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: Icelander] 1
#22849289 - 02/01/16 06:00 AM (9 years, 21 days ago) |
Icelander said:
Who cares about one's heritage? It's better to follow your instincts imo. It's hard to compare Taoism and Christianity.
I agree fully... First I wasn't raised with religion, I was a kid from the '80s who played video games at the arcade and listened to music. My mother was a Catholic and had nothing but negative memories first by how mean the nuns were in her school, how they slapped her hands with a ruler when she played the wrong notes on the piano and was always anxious when having to perform and secondly snubbed when she divorced my irresponsible, narcissistic father. Why would I want any part of that?
Personally I've found mostly Hindu exercises work for me, including pranayama, mantra, and asanas. With a mix of psychedelics and these practices I started getting results that I was looking for. That doesn't mean that I buy into all of the belief system. The idea that beings are lined up waiting on the astral plane and the number one thing they want to be is human so they can do the work they need to do to go "Home", and that we need more mothers to produce so that these beings on another plane can get free is just dreadful to me. Any spiritual tradition reveals some truths and hides others imho, and it's up to you to suss out what is useful and what is .
-------------------- Everything is better than it was the last time. I'm good.
If we could look into each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
It takes a lot of courage to go out there and radiate your essence.
I know you scared, you should ask us if we scared too. If you was there, and we just knew you cared too.
happy mutant

Registered: 04/05/00
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: zzripz]
#22849423 - 02/01/16 07:28 AM (9 years, 21 days ago) |
zzripz said: I am gay but NEVER got obsessed with these tinny icons like Madonna and Kylie. they are utterly superficial. M's voice is...pathetic. Worse even than her acting and that's saying something. But see they--the Illuminati producers wid-de-moneyyy PR an image Now I LOVED this diva and would get well into dancing to this lol
Ok, I take that back, once I was on some nice, clean MDMA and was listening to some Donna Summer "I Feel Love" and it was spacey, her voice, the lyrics, and her body moved to the music in a way that blew me away,
Left my heart in San Francisco, listening to some motherfuckin' disco .
-------------------- Everything is better than it was the last time. I'm good.
If we could look into each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
It takes a lot of courage to go out there and radiate your essence.
I know you scared, you should ask us if we scared too. If you was there, and we just knew you cared too.

Registered: 02/24/16
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: deezdelta]
#22942696 - 02/24/16 09:27 PM (8 years, 11 months ago) |
Afterall, Socrates may very well have been a character Plato made up for his writings.
Registered: 08/26/05
Posts: 6,440
Re: Eastern philosophies... *DELETED* *DELETED* [Re: zzripz]
#22943460 - 02/25/16 03:33 AM (8 years, 11 months ago) |
Post deleted by Lakefingers
Reason for deletion: v
The Minstrel in the Gallery

Registered: 03/15/05
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: Lakefingers]
#22943813 - 02/25/16 08:05 AM (8 years, 11 months ago) |
If you want to battle mental paradigms, that's where the real battle is at, not on astral planes.
-------------------- "Don't believe everything you think". -Anom.
" All that lives was born to die"-Anom.
With much wisdom comes much sorrow,
The more knowledge, the more grief.
Ecclesiastes circa 350 BC
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Re: Eastern philosophies... [Re: Lakefingers]
#22945871 - 02/25/16 05:43 PM (8 years, 11 months ago) |
Lakefingers said: Both in childhood and adulthood I've noticed that many parents have very negative views of schooling, other children, other parents, people in general. Frequent statements: "kids are horrible," "kids are mean," "people are mean," "people are cruel." Naturally, you have assume that the adults who say these things chose to express their own sadism by getting children to put through this, then by torturing their children with the reminder that they knew it would be like that all along.
Reminds me of this quote:
"Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults." --Thomas Szasz
-------------------- Let it be seen that you are nothing. And in knowing that you are nothing... there is nothing to lose, there is nothing to gain. What can happen to you? Something can happen to the body, but it will either heal or it won't. What's the big deal? Let life knock you to bits. Let life take you apart. Let life destroy you. It will only destroy what you are not.
--Jac O'keeffe
Enlil's Official Story

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Check out what it really means "to appear" in court.
-------------------- Anxiety is what you make it.

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I've been reading Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God series, Oriental Mythology (part 2 of 4), and just read about a Greek king, Menander, who apparently was a enthusiastic patron of Buddhism. Story goes, he was touring the Orient with a troubled and challenging mind, searching for discussion and debate with any Indian sage who could instruct him on the matters of the mystical.
Luckily for him, the Buddhist monks of the Himalaya's caught wind of the king's search, and appealing to the gods, asked for one who could match the Greek in wisdom. Mahasena, a god, took the form of a son of a Brahmin, and having spent his time learning the Law, when forth to the king Menander, and answered every question of the Greek king.
"And the king, with joy in his heart, pride suppressed, became aware of the virtue of the religion of the Buddhas, ceased to entertain doubt, tarried no longer in the jungle of heresy, and, like a poisonous cobra deprived of its fangs, craved pardon for his faults and admission to the faith, to be its true convert and supporter as long as life should last."
Since I'm on the subject of the Greeks, they adopted Indra as Zeus, Shiva as Dionysus, Krishna; Herakles.
Chinese Buddhism has been influenced by Iranian, Zoroastrian concepts, which, as you know, is typically and predominantly Western.
I guess the point is... people have been borrowing, researching, being humbled about, tolerating, accepting, adopting, sharing from the East for quite some time. Not to mention that seemingly all beliefs seems to have stemmed from the One Great Tree of Eternal Life (Eastern) and Knowledge of Good and Evil (Western); the navel of this tree extending deep into the darkness of prehistory, dancing within the shamans, exposing itself majestically in the monuments of Egypt, climbing upwards along the trunk of the Near East, extending westward, eastward, adapting to local scenery...
Alas, I know what you're getting at.
Something like this, no?

Registered: 12/23/08
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UnenlightenedOne said: Why does there seem to be such an obsession here with eastern philosophies?
Seek out your ancestors instead of another person's ancestors.
Your own heritage will be much more relevantto your culture/way of life than another heritage which was developed under another culture and way of life.In "translation" much meaning is lost.
One should not really intrude upon another's heritage.It is akin to stealing and many people feel that way.Often times it is also not respected properly and taken lightly.
Does anyone elsehave an opinion about this?
Yes it seems that many prominent hippies and musicians etc of the 50s and 60s looked to the East for answers, and away from the dreary West. Even I joined a Hare Krishna cult when I was 17, having dropped acid when 15, and was searching searching in post-LSD years But in the cult I found that they were world-denying and had contempt for the physical body, hence when I joined their temple in freezing Edinburgh in January we all had to have cold showers at 3.am in the morning! And they didn't do cushions believing it was indulging the flesh. AND they were not into any mushrooms believing they were connected with graveyards and corruption
In fact in the literature psychedelics are dismissed in favour of meditation and mantras. that famous tale from 'Ram Dass' about his guru eating a mega dose of LSD and it having no effect implying that meditation is more powerful and 'you TOO can achieve it' if you get a guru Even gurus who claimed they weren't gurus like J Krishnamurti made sure to use negative propaganda against psychedelics claiming they destroyed the brain---ect the gurus showing the same anti-psychedelic propaganda of mainstream media. This to me says that they like the Western power structure are all about social control usually these gurus are men who have had positions in the culture and then decide to leave and go to the forest and meditate. There is no political activism. it is all about focussing on the self with the promise of all-the-time-bliss, and that somehow this action will affect a change. You hear the same thing with new agers 'you create your own reality'. IF you speak of injustice, and conspiracy, your accused of being too negative, and paranoid, and told to practice 'mindfullness'. This is all phony to me
Edited by zzripz (02/28/16 02:48 PM)