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Registered: 05/16/01
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Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: Ryche Hawk]
#381709 - 08/29/01 07:43 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
McMan,I understand what you are saying,but I used multispore innoculations with my DB project.I used three different bags of rye berries and got killer flushes. I understand isolating the strain and the benefits there off,but my ecuadors couldn't have given me better flushes( IMO ).I'm speaking solely on their ability to fruit. They went mad fruiting.
So,I don't think in this particular project a pure strain would have yielded better results.The thought of a pure strain yielding better results in this case would be so freaking impressive.I'm not saying that it couldn't happen.I'm just saying I was impressed with how my ecuador multispore innoculation fruited.
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Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: isis]
#381737 - 08/29/01 08:28 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
would it make sense for me to do a multi-spore spawn inocculation, and then a master spawn innoculation next to it & photograph the results + stages?
man.. I've been gone for awhile
Registered: 05/16/01
Posts: 484
Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: nestafy]
#381749 - 08/29/01 08:44 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
I think it depends on the strain.Like with KS maybe that would be useful.If you want, you can isolate the strain you like and see if you get consistant results. I've done both,but not side by side.I'm pleased enough with the results of multispore innoculations that I don't find it neccessary.It's certainly fun to work with agar and create master spawns,but I don't think it will create a great benefit for me. Multispore is so convinient.
But go for it.It's fun and you'll learn so much from it. If you are interested in learning more,it's a great way to go.You can't go wrong by gaining knowledge.
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Post deleted by users_request [Re: isis]
#382276 - 08/30/01 05:34 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
Ryche Hawk
A Messenger

Registered: 03/01/01
Posts: 2,112
Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: McMan]
#389283 - 09/09/01 10:16 AM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
Yes you have stimulted some thought. But you have also stimulated some very confusing thought.
I just read what you wrote on your site as per link above. It basically says the same thing you posted above.
And its still wrong
There is no such thing as "germ pore matching". In all the books of mushroom cultivation I have read over the years I have never come across this phrase. A "germ pore" is nothing more then a word used to describe the dimple on the end of the spore. I refer you to P. Stamets Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms (3rd edition). page 67 & 68. There is even a picture of a germ pore, the dimple. So where are you getting this phrase ? What book? I would like to read this. You have extensivly used this phrase here and on your website.
I think, the term your trying to create here, your actually referring to something from the mating of compatible hyphae, creating kikaryotic mycelium.
This one paragraph and school of thought you are projecting here McMan is really bothering me because its just not true.
You state
Ok.. McMan... you stated
This is very important.... mixing two different grain spawns together will not produce results
as expected. Only
one of the strains from the grain spawn will colonize and go onto producing fruits. Even if
you use the same
syringe or inoculum for both batches of grain, they will each end up with a different germ
pore match than the
other and that means that they will be two independent strains that will no longer work
toegether as one.
There is so much to this subject I could go on and on. I think anyone interested in this should read Chapter 9, The Mushroom Life Cycle, in Stamets MMGG.
As stated above, how many people only see 1 out of 7 jars go on to fruit?
Long before we started using compost, we used multi-spore inoculation of grain for years.
Usually they all colonize very evenly, only a few would be a few days lagging, and perhaps one out of 20 would not colonize at all. Regardless, putting all the colonized cakes whole in a casing was used. They all colonize together, creating a mycelium network, and work together to fruit together. The mycelium works toghether. And after just re-reading Chapter 9, its not only the dominant strain that fruits. Not only are they working together, but the non-dominat strains create their own niche's in the domain and fruit as well. And along the way they exchange genetic material.
Its all outlined in Chapter 9.
McMan, if what you were saying was true, flushes like this could never have been produced.
Not the front trays, those are 2nd flush.
The back trays. We use to grow like this. These are all 1/2 pint cakes of birdseed, started from multi-spore inoculation, and all the cakes layed whole next to each other to fill up the tray. About 30 1/2 pint cakes.
As you can see, more then 80% of the surface area fruited. All of this mycelium worked together from every colonized grain jar to produce fruits. If what you were saying were true, only 1 out of 30 of these jars went on to fruit. Its just not true. There is probably a good 3 or 4 strains in here fruiting to ensure survival, and all of them worked together to exchange information, nutriants etc... to fruit.
I dont know what more to say except I think you leading people into the wrong direction of thought.
Especially with cubensis, all these elaborate techniques are not needed. Multi-spore inoculation produces tremendous results.
Sacred Mushroom Spores
Dung Brothers Premium Mushroom Compost Kits
Edited by Ryche Hawk on 09/09/01 11:21 AM. Edited by Ryche Hawk on 09/09/01 11:32 AM. Edited by Ryche Hawk on 09/09/01 11:52 AM. Edited by Ryche Hawk on 09/09/01 12:01 PM.
-------------------- -Peace-
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My Third Eye
old hand

Registered: 11/02/00
Posts: 641
Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: Ryche Hawk]
#389289 - 09/09/01 10:26 AM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
what he was getting across was still pretty understandable even if he didnt use the correct terms..
The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication
-------------------- suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!
between the walls

Registered: 05/20/01
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Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: My Third Eye]
#389429 - 09/09/01 02:09 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
sorry to be useless but, i like your new icon third eye!
drugs are good, and when you do them people think that your cool
-------------------- (the key-strokes that have completed everything ever typed on this user name have been a random coincidence, except for the words in this notation)
Registered: 12/04/00
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Post deleted by users_request [Re: MycoGlowFlow]
#390196 - 09/10/01 12:15 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
Ryche Hawk
A Messenger

Registered: 03/01/01
Posts: 2,112
Re: WACK FLUSH! HELP.. *pics* [Re: McMan]
#412485 - 10/03/01 12:57 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
Go back and read the damn thread again. You missed a lot. And I was only using 9 out of 10 as a figure, not a quote. And you still have not changed your new phrase you tried to make up, germ pore matching, no such thing. I asked you which book you got that from, its in none of my books, Its misinformation I brought to your attention and you still have not addressed it.
I wonder if I took the time to read all your other threads here how much misinformation or new phrases you have created. I know you are very knowledgeable in many ways, and we all make mistakes as aspiring ametuer mycologiest, but at least correct the information when you are corrected.
<a target="_blank" href=http://www.thehawkseye.com>www.thehawkseye.com</a>
Sacred Mushroom Spores
<a target="_blank" href=http://www.thehawkseye.com/dbkits/dbkits.html>www.thehawkseye.com/dbkits/dbkits.html</a>
Dung Brothers Premium Mushroom Compost Kits
Edited by Ryche Hawk on 10/03/01 01:58 PM.
-------------------- -Peace-
High Quality MUSHROOM SPORES and CULTURES for microscopy at www.muShrooms.com
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