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Veteran Seasonal PNW Hunter

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what an inspiring thread we have here. I've printed out the whole thing and I'm framing all the posts and putting them up on my wall. (just kidding) but I should. This thread has changed my life. ( well, sort of) When I first started looking through the posts at the shroomery I figured there would just be a bunch of computer retards being all retarded and shit, but I guess I am the retard. You guys actually seem to be the coolest people in the world. Real people. That's rare these days. Keep on postin'! Okay, sorry for continuing this post, it's going on for way too long...
-------------------- everything everyone everywhere.
forever and ever
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Re: Burnout Seeks Guidance :) [Re: Typingwords]
#369724 - 08/10/01 07:26 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
no bumping it is good for more people to see it, and yes we are actually all retards, no really. Every member of the shroomery besides you lives in a home for the mentally handicapped, damn maybe we should stop fucking with pyschaedelics like aluminum can said.
peace, happiness, love, girls, joy, euphoria, warmth, fuzzy, girls, touch, feeling, girls.
-------------------- peace, happiness, love, girls, joy, euphoria, warmth, fuzzy, girls, touch, feeling, girls.
Registered: 08/07/01
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Hi everyone... ive recently committed myself to learn how to meditate and things are going a lot better because of it. Ive also been reading books on Buddhism, and while i dont claim to be a monk, i do try to follow the teachings of compassion and understanding. Meditation in particular has helped me do away with stress that seems to be worse now that ive stopped smoking... I would reccomend it to anyone thats having trouble with their life.
Everyone at these boards has been very helpful to any questions ive had, and im thankful for the guidance and advice... I wish i knew some of you in real life :)
Registered: 08/09/01
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Re: Burnout Seeks Guidance :) [Re: geokills]
#370972 - 08/13/01 05:48 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
eww, beta
Olive grower

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I'm sure this post has struck a chord in a lot of people here who thought they were alone in this type of scenario.
All the advice i have seen has been spot on, because i think i have like a lot of others been through this feeling so many times, and the key to sorting your head out and getting some positive ideas, like so many of you have rightfully suggested is to just have a break from all drugs at least for a few weeks, because it really does help. Most people start using drugs basically for fun or positive experiences, but its easy to become disillusioned and develop a negative outlook which usually gets you down in a hole. So give it a break, look after yourself, eat right, do some excersise, get some creative outlets, and get some kind of goals and directional motivation, then when you have all this sorted out in your head, you can end your break of drugs if you want, as long as its for the right reasons.
and i couldn't awake from the nightmare that sucked me in and pulled me under
pulled me under
oh... that was so real
-------------------- I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than have a frontal lobotomy
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Re: Burnout Seeks Guidance :) [Re: Chonger]
#371020 - 08/13/01 08:53 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
good job dazed, we have to keep our people feeling gooooood:)
peace, happiness, love, girls, joy, euphoria, warmth, fuzzy, girls, touch, feeling, girls.
-------------------- peace, happiness, love, girls, joy, euphoria, warmth, fuzzy, girls, touch, feeling, girls.
Registered: 07/24/01
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I would like to say I agree with golden teacher fully about exercise. Now that you've taken up meditating, I might suggest Yoga to compiment your relaxation. I have tried meditating, but found my ADD to be too much of a distraction. I am VERY happy to read that you're doing better and that you're going back to school. Keep up the meditating and keep practicing compassion and understanding for the rest of your life and you'll be a better person than all of us here. Peace and much happiness to you.
Much love,
djRetox actually, Tim. Whats with all the fake names? We could alteast use our real first names.

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yeah, just be careful not to get fanatic and stuff... relax. maybe some psychoanalysis, pharmacotherapy could help also.
i hate witty sigs / if anything i say has something in common with reality, this is a merely a coincidence.
Registered: 08/16/01
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Quit pot for a while--it's fun, but sometimes it really fucks with your memory. Sometimes I will think of something to do, get distracted, then totally forget what I was going to do, only to have it suddenly come back to me a few minutes later (this may not be due to pot, it used to happen to me before I started smoking). Fuck all those yuppies--find a few close friends, chill with them. In college, i absolutely hate frat parties and shit, but luckily for me I found some really cool kids to hang with (they throw *real* parties)... you'll know who your real friends are. As for television, I stick with TLC, History Channel, CNN, Discovery, PBS, Bravo, comedy central, sometimes i like to watch Real World, and Star Trek: The Next Generation... oh yea, can't forget Simpsons. :)
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."
-------------------- "I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

Registered: 02/25/01
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The purpose of this post is that when i was trippin on shrooms yesterday i kept getting this FEELING that i needed someone to come to me and tell me what i should do, and guide me.
I can relate to that, a few months back I was in a deep dark funk. I spent a few hours tripping sitting by the phone because I was convinced that I had to wait for a phone call; I was waiting for someone to tell me what to do with my life. The phone call, of course, never came and I was left feeling lost and alone.
You're right, the world is full of phony people and phony institutions. You can live in this world, but not be of it. You can work within the system, but don't work towards the goals of the system (whatever this "system" thing was set up for). Don't take part, learn to do your own thing. Take pride in what you do, not what you 'have'.
Good luck on putting down the herb, that's a good first step. If you want to meet new people, go to parties and stay sober. Once you've done a few drugs it's easy to relate to others when they are high/tripping/whatever. Get inside their heads to make friends. Wait until people are so stoned they are drooling and tell a few jokes. And then give them food, I promise you'll have made friends for life.
Clean your room. You won't belive how much a clean living space will change your outlook. Utilize good lighting. Avoid the dark, being in brightly lit spaces and sunlight will improve your mood and make it easier to concentrate and accomplish your tasks. Learn to listen to the little voices in your head, they usually tell you the right thing. And pick up a copy of the Tao Te Ching; your questions are centuries old, people wiser than me have attempted to answer them already.
Think about picking up a hobby. Learn the guitar, take dance lessons, go jogging, do yoga. Find something you enjoy that gets you actice and gives you a chance to meet people that you have something in common with other than pot. I started hiking and I am so much better off for it. I realized how much I hate working behind a desk and computer and how much I love being ouside under the trees. My hiking trips have inspired me to go back to college to major in forestry. Given the chance, I feel like I was able to see through the bullshit of our consumer culture to find the path that means something to me and enables me to be of greater use to the world.
And please send in a follup post, let us know what works and what doesn't. Once you get onto level ground, the needle on your compass will stop spinning, let us know what diection it points. Good luck.
old hand

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 260
Re: Burnout Seeks Guidance :) [Re: greenplato]
#380328 - 08/27/01 09:41 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
Inspiring, to say the least. I must endorse two of those notes from personal experience:
1) EXERCISE ROCKS! For someone who's finally working on getting into shape, it's the difference between night and day, this wonderful energy and feeling of well being keep me going. If you smoked hardcore, this exercise helps keep your lungs open and strong, not to mention lower your blood pressure and resting pulse rate.
2) Only smoke the herb after you get the day's work done. Too many times I've woken up with loads to get done, and think a quick toke will ease me on my way. That never works, you get playing Nintendo or dreaming of your colonizing jars...basically feeling like shit becuase you wasted a day. Get the work done, and that toke is a congradulatory pat on the back instead of a weight to draw you down. This way you'll be sharp when you need to and can relax in your spare time
Good luck
"What did you dream...it's all right we told you what to dream! Welcome, my son, to The Machine" Roger Waters, Pink Floyd
-------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "What did you dream...it's all right we told you what to dream! Welcome, my son, to The Machine" Roger Waters, Pink Floyd
Registered: 04/19/01
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Re: Burnout Seeks Guidance :) [Re: FungusFarmer]
#380566 - 08/28/01 08:38 AM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
> Only smoke the herb after you get the day's work done. Too many times I've woken up with loads to get
done, and think a quick toke will ease me on my way. That never works, you get playing Nintendo or
dreaming of your colonizing jars...basically feeling like shit becuase you wasted a day. <
-Cannabis doesn't make me lazy... Sure, it's much more fun to smoke and then relax, but I can smoke and work or do things I have to do with no problem. You just have to think to yourself "Ok, I have to get this done, so now I'm going to get up and do it."
Actually, I prefer to work while stoned, it's so much more fun. I'm not talking stoned out of my mind, but just slightly glazed.
Anyone else who thinks that weed is NOT a de-motivator>?
-------------------- LEGALIZE...