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narc monkey
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Ketamine music?
#366564 - 08/04/01 12:25 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
does anyone know of some good trip music for a K experience? i have read that anything with a beat is bad, but doesn't that exclude pretty much all music? latley i've been listnening to Kid A and Amnesiaiac(sp?) whilst immersed in the experience, but i can't listen to the same 2 albulms forever.

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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: narc monkey]
#366921 - 08/04/01 09:20 PM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
lol, i guess no one really likes that dirty shit(k i mean ), man your one fucked up dude j/k
oh yeh on a side note RH sucks, they fucking whine too much, thats all there music is esp. Kid A, ok comp was ok
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: narc monkey]
#367188 - 08/05/01 01:06 PM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
Try Tangerine Dream
Abe Zaardvark
From historic coastal town in Southeast
-------------------- Abe Zaardvark
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: hubertd8]
#367512 - 08/06/01 01:15 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
radiohead does infact not suck one bit,i think they're one of the better bands out right now and they're music is really good to listin to when ur ripped...this is just my opinion so it means nothin.
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: Psycho]
#367517 - 08/06/01 02:11 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
come on, all tom does is whine, at least thats what it sounds like, i do however like some of there older songs, so i guess they don't suck totally, but lately i can't stand all that whinning, perhaps i don't like depresing music.
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: narc monkey]
#368661 - 08/08/01 09:17 AM (23 years, 6 months ago) |
Celtic Cross - Hicksville
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: hubertd8]
#445653 - 11/03/01 12:05 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
radiohead puts all other bands out there (xcept floyd of course) to shame...that is how music should sound.

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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: SonnyBlack]
#446024 - 11/03/01 07:41 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
How about 'Lost in the K-Hole' by Chemical Brothers
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: narc monkey]
#446699 - 11/04/01 01:59 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
My first K experience I listened to
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: SonnyBlack]
#447641 - 11/05/01 11:38 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
" that is how music should sound. "
thats quite the statement there, also quite an incorrect one as well. Music should not be compared like that, cause its all about preferences. For intances if u like RH and dislike say pop, ie britney, it is not justifiable to say that she sucks and think well everyone must think so or else they have not taste. In ur opinion she sucks for well various reasons, but that does not make her(hahahahah) music bad! Because to the pop-community(hahahaha) and by pop-standards(lololol) its is great. U have to judge music in there seperate generas, like if a metal head were to listen to say Garth Brooks(not a fan but possible the best country singer of this generation) he would say that GB sucked, which would be incorrect. Same goes for RH i personally dislike most of there work purely because i don't really like there newer sound(Amnesiac), simple preference. I loved Creep and other "older" tracks, but just simply lost interest with newer stuff.
I really hate people who simply hate one genera purely because it is in main stream-"pop" culture, they (there are exceptions, but majority) simply try to distinguish themselves by listening to something that does not appeal to the majority. Kinda like coloring your hair, piercings, cloths, etc. baisic accesories. Then when someone who say likes pop, openly admits it, they are somewhat ridiculed, for what? simply admitting to there preference in music, kinda fucked up IMO.
Listening to say RH dose not make anyone more"musically advanced" or opinionated (sp?) then someone listening to pop, its al about preferences. Similarily listening to say Slipnot or Tool does not make u a skater or hard core rock/metal individual. Only time i have found that i generally dislike individuals for say liking a particular band, is when an underground band becomes main stream and bam everyone loves them and bitches about them being the next big thing, even thought they were around for like 10yrs. Kinda like what happened with Tool, Slipnot and to a less degree Offspring. I see those people as simply posers with no taste and/or preferences of there own, so well i guess they can go to hell. And theres the Sell out bands, the main one in my mind would be The Offspring(personal preference, loved them but who gives a shit now). Back in the day these guys were pretty good, then IH came out, which seemed ok and all, but was rather a more watered down-alternative-pop-type sound, then Americana came out and fuck these guys turned into some of the biggest sell outs i've seen, kind was ashamed for actually liking there previous music. What pissed me off the most was that every 13yo was walking around listening to "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" and thinking there part of the hard-core Alternative scene, sure mtv and muchmusic started to air more of there(including older shit) vids but fuck i really can sit throught any Ameri-song with out getting upset at what happend. Oh well guess the coorperate machine will continue to destroy bands with reasonable(don't wanna gove too mush credit to OS) potential, changing there sound to whatever is the new fad/in-thing such as pop and hip-hop is right now.
Given enough time (within next few yrs) other generas of music will become main-stream, and well there will be 50 new "boy/girl-bands" coming out every week, and the posers will shift there musical preferences along with the transition. Only the true fans and well guess the confident individuals will remain true to there music and bands. I say confident because u have to be able to resist all the influx of media hyped-crap and fads being dished out at ya, as well as the pressure of your peers, by those i mean mainly posers who have conforimened(sp?) there musical preferences to what the media has offered.
I guess this type of senerio/reasoning works for other aspects of society besides music, so we will always have the weaker people submitting to the media outlets and those who have established a true personall identity which would prevent someone form dilibrately(sp?) challenging and altering there tastes and preferences.
"SonnyBlack" sorry bout the long response, it wasn't directed at you, especially any negativity which might be present. I just used the oppurtunity to throw down a few thoughts.
Also sorry (for anyone who actually read the post) for the spelling mistakes, as, well i suck at grammer(more of a sci-report person, so less grammer to worry bout). I know some ideas might be flawed and open to debate, this is just my opinion and i (like most) add and take out certain aspects form it with every new experinece and revelation in my life.
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: hubertd8]
#447669 - 11/05/01 12:11 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
I think radiohead is a completely original and awesome band, but if you are only listening to Thom's singing I can see why you don't like them. Listen to what the rest of the band is doing there is nothing else like them.
Learyfan: That is possibly one of the worst albums in creation, IMO.
Hubertd8: Yes I agree. There is no music that has any more value than any other music. Music's value is the value that the listener gives to it... there is no absolute standard by which you can measure the quality of all music except by how much it is able to move you.
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: narc monkey]
#447700 - 11/05/01 12:44 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
try some sitar music, I think that would be fun while on Ketamine.
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exactly, i guess thats why i get upset when someone just says britney sucks or Backs boys suck, even though i dispise(and well most kiddie-pop in general) them i can accept someone liking them, its just there thing, who knows maybe it relaxes them or something.
"I think radiohead is a completely original and awesome band, but if you are only listening to Thom's singing I can see why you don't like them. Listen to what the rest of the band is doing there is nothing else like them. "
u see i never really looked at it this way, most of my RH loving friends never really defend RH-music this way, they just give me either retorical ques, trting to make me seem as though i have no taste in music just because i dislike RH and in the process elevating there own supposed self-proclaimed music iq's(lol). Kinda makes me think if they really love the band or just following the crow type thing, and forcing themselves to enjoy it. Oh well guess i'll check out more of there work, and make a indepth decision.
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Bertrand Russell
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Re: Ketamine music? [Re: Learyfan]
#447984 - 11/05/01 05:46 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
"Poor Otis dead and gone
left me here to sing this song
pretty little girl with a red dress on
Poor Otis dead and gone"
great albulm.