Hey I told my parent that I shroom and I need cold hard info writen by college professors or respectable people ie not shroom heads. So I am not asking for direct links I have just been out for a while and was wondering if there is any info on mushrooms and health effects and long term effects and shit. They want to know the facts. I am just asking is there the type of info I'm looking for out there? so I don't waste an afternoon. I just need info that says they are harmless and will not ill or kill you.
"Ha ha" -- Nelson
"Never trade or buy from DXMHEAD420... he ripped me off and was an ass about it too" -- Myself
-------------------- "It must be your stamps girl... cause it aint your face" -- Juvenile
"Only in America does someone order a cheese burger, large fries, and a diet Coke" -- ?
"DXMHEAD420 ripped me off and was an ass about it too" -- Myself
Hi, I hope this posts. One of the pages I brought up on you click gave me this info on shrooms. I have to disagree. It says they are taken in tablet form. No one has access to psilocybine tablets which were only manufactured in the late 1950s and early 1960s in 2 and 5 milligram tablets from Sandoz.
Also it claims that some mushrooms will kill you within one hour after consumption. This is not true. Galerina's and dealdy Amanita's and Conocybe filaris do not affect you until 10 to 20 hours after consumption and can kill you within 5 to 7 days or more. There have been only a few who have survive the amatoxins and related ones in those deadly shrooms. But they do not kill in one hour as written below.
See below.
Is kinda unrealable but some info is good and valid.
psilocybin (shrooms, magic mushrooms)
Chemical obtained from certain mushrooms that produces hallucinations.
Scientific Name(s):
Psilocybin or psilocin
click thumbnail for larger image
Can be distributed as mushrooms or in capsule containing powder, tablet or liquid. Powder mixed with fruit juice is a common form.
The major danger in "shrooms" harvesting is mistaking poisonous mushrooms for those containing psilocybin. Some poisonous mushrooms can cause death or permanent liver damage within an hour of ingestion.
Psilocybin and psilocin are the active ingredients in a number of psychedelic mushrooms found in Mexico, the United States, South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe.
Short Term Effects:
Decreased understanding, dizziness, giddiness, lightness or heaviness of extremities. Blurred vision, dilated pupils, increased blood pressure and pulse rate, sweating, nausea, vomiting, sharpness of colours, increased acuity of hearing. Breathing difficulties, incoordination, weakness, muscle aches/twitches, numbness of lips, yawning and tearing. Patterns and shapes develop and move, distance perception is impaired and euphoria develops. Subject becomes introspective, has slowed passage of time and transient sexual feelings.
Long Term Effects:
Many precipitate psychosis in vulnerable users. Headache, fatigue, contemplative state and decreased appetite.
Designer Drugs and Raves
A very good document which talks about raves and the drugs.
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Have a shroomy day and may all of your days be shroomy.