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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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my find for the weekend..
    #338077 - 06/11/01 03:42 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)
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ok i think these are pan subbs but im no expert so i havnt eaten any yet..found them around the cow manure..spore print was black...gills were brown..

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338081 - 06/11/01 03:49 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)
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Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338083 - 06/11/01 03:52 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

this is what i believe to be some sort of amanita..it has the bulb like stem and white spores..

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338085 - 06/11/01 03:58 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)
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here is 2 more mushrooms that fit the description of the "death cap" another amanita..but like i said im no expert..found these growing next to each other in the sand dunes

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338087 - 06/11/01 04:02 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)
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Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338090 - 06/11/01 04:07 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

can anyone give me some for sure IDs on these? i never realized so much fungis grows right in the dunes..i found another mushroom that kind of resembled these but it had pores instead of gills..i should have gotten a picture of that one too ..

still not for sure on the pan subbs but if anyone could take a look and help me out id appreciate it..there was no bluing at the base..only turned really dark after sqeezing the stem..they dried a real dark brown color..thank you

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338102 - 06/11/01 04:28 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Sorry I can't help you much, just good to see I'm not the only one that is interested in non psychoactive mushrooms.

I'm pretty sure those are Pan Subs you have, but I'm no expert either. The warty one definatley looks like something
from the Amanita family to me. I don't know what those other things are, but they look cool.

Here's my catch for the weekend. It's a pity about the fucking worms eating it though, otherwise it'd be p-p-p-perfect.
Psilocybe cubensis

Give me a woman that loves beer and I could conquer the world

Edited by oO_wombat_Oo on 06/11/01 06:34 AM.

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338126 - 06/11/01 05:24 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

the pans you have im pretty sure are not paneaolus subbaltaetus, but rather the non-psychoactive paneolina foenisecii. cold be wrong tho, its not a very clear shot.
as for the aminitas, chuck em .

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338157 - 06/11/01 05:59 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

I wouldn't be chucking the Amanitas personally. That mushroom looks like Amanita Muscaria to me, and they're sure not the hardest things to ID! Where abouts did you find it? Around pine trees? Anyway, I'd give it a shot. Go to the shroomery and read Amanitas -> 'A New Outlook', it's very interesting. Also be sure to read 'Killer Mushrooms'. Both these pages are available as links from the shroomery (Go to the Amanita section). Anyway, whatever you do don't eat some just because I said. Make sure you educate yourself about it first, if you're at all curious. Go to www.erowid.com and check out their Amanita section.

Give me a woman that loves beer and I could conquer the world

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: oO_wombat_Oo]
    #338180 - 06/11/01 06:56 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

naw, i really mean chuck em. those are gross, aminita muscaria var.formosa (the big yellow one) i dont know anyone who had tried those and "felt" any thing more than stupid and nauseus. you want the RED aminitas with white warts. dont beleive me? go ahead and try the yello aminita muscarias. about the only somatic jouney i was ever treated to from that particular species was becoming a sleepy person who is vommiting and it doesnt feel so bad. after i vomited the first time, i thought about it and said to myself: "yup, i bet i could do that again, no prob" then i heaved another load of mushroom bits suspended in stomache acid. then i went to bed.

i wouldnt mind trying the red ones thogh. i hear nothing but good stories from people who I find will try just about anything..... heh heh "yah man, eat this, youll vomit...but you might feel high after you vomit" "really?? HIGH?? COOOL!!!!"

*munch munch* "dum dee doo, OH! i think i feel something!" *45 min passes* "woah man, im really feeling something now but its not likea buzz, its like my head hurts and i feel dizzy and warm and my stomache has butterflies... is this a trip?" "no man, this isnt a trip. this is the land of nausea, population YOU!" ***"burp gurgle huk! uh uh HUK! HUUULLGGGLAGHGLAGLA! *splish splash* uuuuhhh! oum! GULP HUK! *plop splash* OOOOOK! UH UH UH UH UUUUUGGHHH! *gasp wipe pant pant cough spit*

***YAWN*** "SLEEEPY, off to bed."

the end.

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338182 - 06/11/01 06:59 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Yes, that's why I insisted he educate himself and come to his own conclusions. Different coarses for different horses I guess. In any case, people usually eat way too much Amanita. Go read the article "Amanitas - A new Outlook" at the shroomery to see what I mean.

Give me a woman that loves beer and I could conquer the world

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: oO_wombat_Oo]
    #338183 - 06/11/01 07:04 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

you know youre waay around the shroomery. you should run for shroomery presedent :)

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338188 - 06/11/01 07:08 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

oh i checked it out and it just occured to me, i read this document years ago, i tried A muscaria var.formosa usung this guide as a reference. and i was still contacting warf on the big white triquarter.

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338195 - 06/11/01 07:13 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

hey look what it says...., the author secretly doses his familty. i wonder if he read its lethal to cats in a particular book about cats and mushrooms or he found out from experience, makes you think... i think this guy who wrote the document is quite possibly a little touched. i dont think its a credible reference. crazy people with mad sceintist complexes are spooky and i wouldnt eat anything they give me. heh heh heh.

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338394 - 06/11/01 03:51 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

you know whats really weird about those amanitas..i found one a bit ago that i posted on here that had gotten eaten up by bugs and wasnt fully developed so i assumed it had aborted with all of the holes in it....well i chucked it out my back door and to my surpise it had fully developed and became a beautiful mushroom right there on the ground..pretty neat i thought..

so if those pans are not the psychoactive ones it will be safe to eat just to see right??

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338399 - 06/11/01 04:02 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

i checked mjs site for shroom id on the pans..the cap and stem is no where near the same color as the nonactive species and the nonactive one that you speak of has a brown spore print and these have a black one like the pan subbs..also have the blackened belt around the cap like the subbs..the only characteristic that it doesnt have is the white around the very edge or the cap..i dont know though..i really have my doubts as to whether or not they are active because there is no bluing..so that tells me even if they are active they are probably not all that potent..could be wrong though..

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338429 - 06/11/01 05:05 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

scan them close up.

thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338445 - 06/11/01 05:26 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

all i got is a shitty webcam..it doesnt focus right up close.i had to put a light right down on them when i took that picture just to get it that clear )=

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338454 - 06/11/01 05:35 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

oh yea..about the amanita..yes it was right in between some pines in the sand dunes..and so was the other 2 mushrooms..i dont think i wanna eat the orange one if it is just going to give me nausea..but do you think that the red ones might grow out here since these do??i would definately eat those..

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: My Third Eye]
    #338473 - 06/11/01 05:53 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

well, i doubt it sadly. you see, all we have here is the yellow ones. so thats probably all you got there too :P

madness never slows down, it only piles up.

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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338547 - 06/11/01 07:22 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Hehe, I have red ones here. Last year I found a very large patch of about 20 of them, each at least 6" in diameter, and all of them red. Illgo back this year probably, maybe make a spore print just to say I have it, and take a pic so I have something to show off :).


I admit it, Im a fungal-feliac :wink:
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OfflineIts Pat
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Mitchnast]
    #338653 - 06/11/01 09:32 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Awright, that is enough posting from you already MItch!

Its Pat, representing the L.B.C. Since `73


DreaderThanDread - Listen!
(druqs said) don't get arsey, just get RC.

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InvisibleMy Third Eye
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Re: my find for the weekend.. [Re: Its Pat]
    #338933 - 06/12/01 05:54 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

that sucks..i want a big red one..today would be a good day to trip to..its rainin like hell and i cant work..

If there were no rewards to reap,
No loving embrace to see me through
This tedious path I've chosen here,
I certainly would've walked away by now.
Gonna wait it out.

suddenly a flaming stealth banana split the sky
like one would hope but never really expect
to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime
and stopping right at my Birkenstocks,
and me yelping...Holy fucking shit!

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