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Knives should be outlawed!!!
#337735 - 06/08/01 08:59 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
not really....but with the latest news from Japan's recent school killings where 8 were killed and numerous others injured (i believe 8 died) I have come to the conclusion that it was'nt the guys fault for killing those kids. I have a few reasons why.
1. If knives weren't so accessable then this wacko couldn't kill anyone.
2. Due to the fact that Knives kill people and people don't then how can he be guilty?
3. The knife didn't have a blade lock on it so it's the manufacturer of the knife who is at fault.
With the recent shootings in the last few years this way of thinking is quite relevant. Therefor i want to call all of you out and support my new AGENDA....My slogan for now on will be: HELP US SLASH BIG KNIVES (like bis business, big oil, etc.) If not for me do it for your children..........group hug.
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#337787 - 06/08/01 11:39 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
yep lets outlaw knives. its a menace.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ no guilt i feel for the ways of my ancestors, only a responsibilty for those in my future. make a difference...enlighten a dark mind.
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#337819 - 06/10/01 08:59 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
> 1. If knives weren't so accessable then this wacko couldn't kill anyone.
Incorrect. He could've used his bare hands.
> 2. Due to the fact that Knives kill people and people don't then how can he be guilty?
A knife is an inanimate object and only a tool of him. He used the knife to kill someone. The knife did not move his hand. I am not concerned with his guilt.
> 3. The knife didn't have a blade lock on it so it's the manufacturer of the knife who is at fault.
Only in the USA, after a law suit.
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Registered: 02/08/01
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Loc: Crackerville, Michigan U...
Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Kid]
#338178 - 06/11/01 06:48 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
this was written in a toungue-in-cheek way. But i do find it ironic your for gun control but not the prementioned knife control. If someone uses their hands should we outlaw hands?
Solving absurdery with the absurd(sp)?
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Words of Wisdom: Individual Rights BEFORE Collective Rights
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#338194 - 06/11/01 07:12 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Knives have a legit use. Cutting food, etc.
Guns were made with the explicit aim of murdering things. Since on the most of us don't survive by hunting our food anymore, their use seems to be limited to solely murdering people.
That's the difference.
I'm sure farmers, law enforcement officers etc have legit and purposeful reasons to carry firearms - but as for the rest of us - what's the point?! I mean really, most of those who carry guns are men who just buy them to satisfy their primitive freudian penic insecurity. Same reason as why men buy ferraris and build chrysler buildings - its an extension of their dick.
But hey, I say "to hell with it". Let those cockheads with guns keep em - maybe one day they'll do something useful with them - like shoot a Republican or something . . .
Vote Libertarian!!

Registered: 02/08/01
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Loc: Crackerville, Michigan U...
Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: KAL]
#338206 - 06/11/01 07:33 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
You need to do some research on history. Your ignorance as to what happens when citizens give up their right to bear arms is overwhelming.
"Guns were made with the explicit aim of murdering things"
Murdering implies illegal activity. Very ignorant statement. I use my guns for hunting and self defense but i can also state that guns have a legitament use.
"I'm sure farmers, law enforcement officers etc have legit and purposeful reasons to carry firearms "
Then explain these uses? Why do these people have more a right than i do? Especially farmers.
"what's the point?! I mean really, most of those who carry guns are men who just buy them to satisfy their primitive freudian penic insecurity"
No we are already confident and happy that we are men and not the feminized male portrait that you are exhibiting in your post. There are too many wimpy men alive today that are afraid to admit that they are men. Hell i know woman that have more of a backbone than these feminized wimps.
"Let those cockheads with guns keep em - maybe one day they'll do something useful with them - like shoot a Republican or something "
Well this statement eliminates any possibility of taking you seriously "all you guys want to do is murder" But ofcourse it's ok if they or we kill those that have different opinions as you. Maybe that's why you posted under a stranger name. can you say Sock puppet?
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Words of Wisdom: Individual Rights BEFORE Collective Rights
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
Registered: 05/24/01
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#338226 - 06/11/01 08:08 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Okay - and farmers!
Registered: 05/24/01
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#338243 - 06/11/01 08:23 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Farmers might need to shoot pests, put down cattle, kill for food etc.
"all you guys want to do is murder"
Where did I say that? I never said that (I think).
I guess having a gun then makes you more of a man huh?!
That's for low self esteem I tell ya. Listen carry a gun if ya want, I really couldn't care less. I'm just saying I don't agree with it. It is nonsensical and a waste of time (like arguing with you is). Can you empathise with that? You have a capacity for empathy dont you?
So how often do ya get to wave your gun around in "self-defence"? Once, twice, never?
Most gun owners wil probably respond with never. What's the point?! Guns were made for killing. If you can explain to me any other purpose for their use - PLEASE TELL! You haven't provided me with any explanation at all.
There are better ways of getting around things than with guns.
I post under a stranger name cause I don't know how to change it. I have always posted as so.
ps. the republican thing was humor. you know joking. I am a pacifist. you know tree hugging hippy yadda yadda . . ..
Registered: 05/24/01
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Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: KAL]
#338252 - 06/11/01 08:32 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
oh yeah one more thing,
murder = to slaughter wantonly. Murder and kill are synonyms.
Murder has been legalised for a long time. Nothing illegal with murder anymore. In fact, it happens daily. Like a few hours ago - Dubyah just racked up another murder victim with Timmy didn't he?!
Murder is murder - get over it.
Kill a person, cow, deer, bear. It's all murder. It's just that we've evolved to somehow think we are special and removed from the animal kingdom.
So let me replace the word "murder" with "kill" to satisfy you.
Vote Libertarian!!

Registered: 02/08/01
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Loc: Crackerville, Michigan U...
Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: KAL]
#338268 - 06/11/01 09:03 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
"Farmers might need to shoot pests, put down cattle, kill for food etc"
Shooting a pest is murder in your book so isn't that wrong? What about cattle? And i thought we didn't kill for food anymore...enjoy that hamburger KAL.
""all you guys want to do is murder" Where did I say that? I never said that (I think). "
You never said that but that was the theme of your post
"I guess having a gun then makes you more of a man huh?! "
no not worrying about being a man makes me a man..the guns have nothing to do with it.
"So how often do ya get to wave your gun around in "self-defence"? Once, twice, never?"
If i have to do it once then then the gun has paid for itself. And to bring up this argument is futile because who can predict when they will ever need the gun for self defense. I would hope i never have to use it but i'm glad its there when i do.
"It is nonsensical and a waste of time (like arguing with you is). "
Then why did you post if it's such a waste of time?
"Can you empathise with that? You have a capacity for empathy dont you? "
Empathy? What does Empathy have to do with this discussion. I see your side of the argument and all i see are a bunch of emotions. I don't think with my emotions...i think with my head.
"If you can explain to me any other purpose for their use - PLEASE TELL! You haven't provided me with any explanation at all."
Unfortunatly there is a difference between killing and murder. I would kill a person in a second if they thretened my family in a harmful way. On the other hand that intruder would murder me in a sec if i stop him from taking what he wants from my family. If you can't distinquish from the two then I can't help you.
"There are better ways of getting around things than with guns. "
name one. If we all lived in a utopian society then i would have to agree. But sitting around singing Kumbia isn't a solution.
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Words of Wisdom: Individual Rights BEFORE Collective Rights
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
Posts: 2,365
Re: Knives should be outlawed!!! [Re: Innvertigo]
#338291 - 06/11/01 09:38 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I'll agree that I don't think guns are about masculinity. I wouldn't want to live in a country where people have the right to bear arms. That frightens me a bit. However, I've held guns, seen guns and yes, even fired guns. Simply put, guns are intense. It's neat to realize the capacity that tools give us. The power of a gun is equivocal to the power of a car or any other tool science has provided for us. Guns are, in their own way, fun to use.
That's not saying that murdering or killing is fun of course. One of my reasons for morbid curiosity is that death simply is so disgusting and objectionable. Ever seen the pictures at Rotten.com? It's disgusting, but I can't help but wonder when I see a dead body or a picture of a decapitated child if there is any difference between sheer psychological \ physical revulsion and moral wrongness. I don't think there is. Sorry, I'm on a tangent.
Anyway, the difference with guns is that they were designed as a means to kill and/or injure things. They do have uses outside of that now though. Target practice is not killing things. Target practice can be fun; it can be a form of stress relief, just the same way as riding your Harley Davidson. I don't think it's fair to apply Freudian theory to all hobbies that employ devices of "power" (be it your gun, motor car, or martial arts).
For me what gun control comes down to is trust. I don't trust my fellow human beings with guns. If someone wanted to kill me with a gun, I wouldn't have much chance to survive. The act of killiing a person with a gun removes the killer from the act of killing, therefor making it much easier. What I mean is, that it is much easier to kill a person with a rifle from 200 yards away than to stab someone.
I don't trust people with knives either, but at least they have to get up close to you and be psychologically prepared to kill, which is a very unpleasant and gruesome task.
As for who should have the right to have a gun, I don't think anyone should or should not have the right either way, but obviously that's problematic (I admit, you wouldn't get anywhere trying to write a democratic constitution with my form of "morality"). I don't necessarily trust police officers with guns (at least they have to be screened). But take a look at the military. They let almost anybody have access to some very serious weaponry there.
On the other hand, look at Switzerland. Every male over 18 has a (sub[?])machine gun in their closet, I believe. Murder rates are very low.
In the end I think the issue of gun control has more to do with the society's attitudes and sanctioning of uses of the guns than the mere availability of guns. I think though, that in the USA, there are some serious social problems which might make you want to consider restricting access to guns.