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What Countries do you respect?
#335953 - 06/06/01 07:25 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
What countries, excluding your own, do you like and/or respect?...give some reasons.
Also your least favorite if you want.
I like:
1. Germany - I'm from German descent so i'm biased but i love the tradition (even the tourist attraction Oktoberfest) that
Germany has....minus that whole Hitler thing ofcourse. My wife is 1st generation American therefore my
mother-in-law exposes us to many german traditions.
2. Canada - Because i love the outdoors and Canada is the mecca of outside activities.
3. Scotland - The people where extremely nice. Hell a guy bought me, my wife, and my 2 friends a beer on the train just
for being American....you won't see that on the "L" train.
4. Wales - Similar to Scotland.
5. Japan - Nice people and a great culture
1. China - Friggin commies I have no respect towards the government and mean no disrespect to the people...
2. France - Basicallly because they hate anyony and everyone..they're rude (not all of them) and have no reason to be
3. Russia - hopefully one day they will get out of the fog of ignorance.
4. many of the muslim states - not that i'm being racist i just find blowing up unarmed people with carbombs to be a TAD
cowardess and the act of pussies.
5. California - I know it's not a country but it might as well be....all hail Grey Davis
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#336109 - 06/06/01 11:17 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Australia; nice country, good people. Steve Irwin "the crocodile hunter".
Ireland; rugged beauty, incredible history.
Lichtenstein; because it's name is Lichtenstein.
Canada; good beer, great hockey. We benefit each other economically.
Scandanavian countries: culture, people, just seems to be an all around nice place to be. I'll visit there someday.
Don't respect:
Mexico; they have all the means to become a great country, yet don't.
The EU as a whole; I think it's a bad idea. I can't understand why it has so much support.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#336723 - 06/07/01 01:53 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
netherlands, denmark, iceland and canada
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#336797 - 06/07/01 05:17 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
"1. Germany - I'm from German descent so i'm biased but i love the tradition (even the tourist attraction Oktoberfest) that
Germany has....minus that whole Hitler thing ofcourse. My wife is 1st generation American therefore my
mother-in-law exposes us to many german traditions. "
which german traditions do you mean??.(I don't think we have that many traditions left...besides that beer is loved by many)
...and oktoberfest sucks, Bavaria sucks...only good about Bavaria is that it is near to the alps..
And mookie what don't you like about the EU..
I think as an EU citizien that the EU has its good and bad sides good about uit is: we have developed to one union after 2 big wars..that I can move to every country in the EU, that I can work there etc..
only bad thing is that the government is soo far away..and I think big democrathy s don't work..see the USA as an example for a democrathy that doesn't work..
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Edited by Prellgott on 06/07/01 07:19 AM.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Prellgott]
#336803 - 06/07/01 05:39 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
i'm sorry but judging every person in a country to be "nice," "good," or "rude" is a fallacy and completely ignorant.
mookie, what is your definition of a "great country?" i don't understand what you're trying to say.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Prellgott]
#337577 - 06/08/01 02:18 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
This is going to be quick, because I plan on making a topic about the EU soon.
***what don't you like about the EU***
Pretty much everything about it. Turning once autonomous countries into one entity is not a good idea. Especially several countries that have had a notorious problem with getting along. Schroeder made his plan for EU functions correct? The rest of the EU didn't like it. France submitted their plan, the rest of the EU disliked it. Gonna be a bumpy road.
Not to mention the fact that EU officials aren't even elected. Unelected officials that are unnaccountable is a tremendously bad thing. I read that four of judges on the EU court (I don't recall its official name) wouldn't even qualify to be a judge in Britan.
The Treaty of Nice tramples on smaller countries like Belgium and Ireland. The Irish voted on it today/yesterday, I just haven't found out the results yet. I do know that fuckin Tony Blair and Labour won in a landslide. That's unfortunate.
I'll make a topic on this soon, I've meant to for a while.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#337578 - 06/08/01 02:20 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
1) Japan what's not to like?
2) Funny people, haha aboot.
3) Ecuador.. th strain
and I was gonna say Califonia,(as my least) but it seems you've beat me to the punch
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Tec-9]
#337580 - 06/08/01 02:28 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
It's just a matter of opinion really, some countries cause me to have a better opinion of them then others. If having an opinion is ignorant, everyone is ignorant.
Mexico is not a great country, because it has abundant natural materials, strong neighbors to trade with, and are still third world nation. It has nothing to do with the people.
A great country would be one that I would personally live in. There are only a handful that I would move to. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Iceland....
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: MOoKie]
#337812 - 06/10/01 08:47 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Netherlands-decrim, freedom
Costa Rica- no military, some regions are the worlds best climate, voting day is a national holiday
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: MOoKie]
#337987 - 06/11/01 12:39 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I would have to say that Mexico is one of the nations I respect the most...The currency changes every couple of years, the presidents are either corrupt or if not get assasinated..the police are paid squat(which is why they have to find little side endevours to make ends meet)...this is a country that has no chance to get a foot up, Mookie. When you are talking about a country, you have to be talking about its' people, too...God knows I wouldn't want Prez Bush to be my spokesman to extraterrestrial intelligence...so does respect for a country come from the top down?
I have been to many parts of Mexico and for the most part they are a very good people who have suffered for a long, long time...perhaps you have only been to the border towns where the worst of the worst is showcased in an attempt for gratuity and beggars offerings, but Mexico as a whole is a very depressed country. Imagine if the Great Depression happened every few years..every step forward squashed backwards. That sounds like a hearty, courageous people to me.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: hatter]
#338177 - 06/11/01 06:44 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
The corruption of it's officials make Mexico a failure. I'm sure the people are fine just as i stated that china's people could be nice. I believe the question of what do you like about the people wasn't brought up. Mexico has all the characteristics to be a great country but too many of the people accept this corruption therefore maybe they can be blamed indirectly.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#339192 - 06/12/01 03:36 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Planet Asia]
#339316 - 06/12/01 06:50 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
so let me get this strait...you hate Japan?...ha
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#339781 - 06/13/01 06:36 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I love all the countries of europe, south america, and some carribian islands ... But most of all i love Poland - Because we squashed the Communists with an electrician... peace
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: BrownPastures]
#339812 - 06/13/01 08:06 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
"Because we squashed the Communists with an electrician... peace"
Did you mean ELECTION? because the Electricians around my location charge way to much to wire my house...let alone fight communists..ha
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#340901 - 06/14/01 07:00 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
A drunk electrician crawled through a window in my house once. He was one of my dads friends.
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: ]
#341249 - 06/15/01 06:42 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
ha....at least we know electricians party!!!
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: Innvertigo]
#341472 - 06/15/01 01:06 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Country's suck
People good
People should get over their nationalist pride.
Then they are good people
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: JuR]
#341557 - 06/15/01 02:51 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
JuR.. I like your attitude. ditto
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Re: What Countries do you respect? [Re: JuR]
#341569 - 06/15/01 03:12 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
****People should get over their nationalist pride****
Why?...I think it's very healthy to have pride in your country...no matter what country it is
Relax, Relax, Relax.....it's just a little pin prick * there'll be no more AARRGGHHH!!!! but you may feel a little sick.....
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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson