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short hike big results (pics)
#323137 - 05/22/01 07:25 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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well today was a mycological bonanza. i must say i found 2 rare speceis and a few oddities. the first rare psychoactive speceis (these showed slight bluing at the base) is paneolus oliviaceus. at first i thought paneolus sphinctrinus because they were growing evrywhere. then i noticed that these were distinctly different. the bluing reaction was a dead giveaway. and they also taste different than pan sphin. i have a few scans from different veiws.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:41 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323138 - 05/22/01 07:26 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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heres a gill shot.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:42 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323139 - 05/22/01 07:27 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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and a nice top veiw showing the jet-black sporeprint.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:42 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323141 - 05/22/01 07:30 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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next up is a nice little find indeed. i beleive this to be a psychoactive inocybe, tho im unsure of the speceis, it showed rather noticeable bluing in the stipe, my scanner is scanning dark today so i couldnt get it to work. this small cluster was growing on a small clump of rye grass in the middle of a manured feild amond conocybes, paneolus Sphintrinus and the above specimines i picked.
when i first picked these they youngest were quite viscid on top.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:44 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323143 - 05/22/01 07:31 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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next up what do we have here? well if it isnt i nice chunk of wood-loving oyster mushrooms. these grow year round and are easily picked from the same treestump year after year. :)
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:45 AM.
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323144 - 05/22/01 07:32 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Mitchnast, those are not Olivaceus but rather ar epanaeolus papilionaceus.
OF course I have already mentioned that the P. papilionaceus photo in Paul Stamets book is actually P. sphinctrinus and not P. papilionaceus.
Mj. nice phot images.
Have a shroomy day and may all of your days be shroomy.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323146 - 05/22/01 07:34 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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next up, oh my, that would have to be the elusive false morel. fascinating, i cant imagine how people might mistake this for a morel. their is a slight structural and tactile simmilarity, but thats IT, this think anmost glows purple from its harmful toxins. it is also dusted with small white irridecent nodes.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:44 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: mjshroomer]
#323148 - 05/22/01 07:35 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
really? thats cool! well then even better! you know i ate them, and in like 5 mintutes i began to feel it. i wouldnt expect such an effect from oliviaceus. i hope to find more.
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323149 - 05/22/01 07:37 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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whats a false morel like on the inside? ill show you :)
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:46 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323150 - 05/22/01 07:39 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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now something different, here i think is some type of wood-loving polypore, here is how big they get in 3 days growth.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:46 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323151 - 05/22/01 07:40 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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heres 5 days growth :) WOAH.
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:47 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323152 - 05/22/01 07:41 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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heres an above veiw. have a happy day :) heh heh
 Edited by Mitchnast on 05/22/01 09:47 AM.

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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323156 - 05/22/01 07:48 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
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heres a close up of the skin at the base, almost elephant-like
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323158 - 05/22/01 07:49 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
all hail babar!
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323169 - 05/22/01 08:26 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
hey MJ. i have a wee idea. seems to me that paneolus (to me) are hard to distinguish from certain other speceis in their own genera. some are simple like pan sphinctrinus or P S Campatalanus. but for me the 3 killers are oliviaceus, castenifolies, and papillionaceus. ive found all 3, but was only able to distinguish one from another based on your identification. on your site you list a few very easily ID (for pans) speceis if you havent got any pics of pan Pap, you can use mine. i think just for curiosity it would be cool to have a little side attraction for all those wondeful pans out there. ive picked at least 6 different speceis, at least 4 active and . probably more im not even aware of yet too :P and to be honest i hate being wrong all the time. :P i wanna learn to get those speceis right. :)
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323174 - 05/22/01 08:31 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
oh, a side note, i used that Large fungus as bowls to carry home all the mushrooms, :) i should also note that the fungus, althogh soft and cutable with a knife, was so hevey i almost killed my back on the walk home, it wouldnt have been so bad, but i had to carefully cradle it, it weighs at least 10 lbs. and is bigger than my head. its surprisingly heavey, the base is as big around as my leg. and denser than wood. (but softer)
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323176 - 05/22/01 08:39 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Awesome pictures mitchnast, very very cool indeed.. Looks like you we have a serious aspiring mycologist here 
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Thor]
#323187 - 05/22/01 09:14 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
thanks thor, those mushrooms that i guessed were inocybe (and could be VERY wrong about) are now packaged and being sent off to Dr. Jochen Gartz in Leipzig Germany. Guten mush!! :) i gotta work tonight tho, so ill send them off tomorrow or as soon as possible. my mom will LOVE this, she hates that i pick mushrooms, she hates stinky fungus, she hates piles of dirt and bugs, and now my little hobby stepped off the deep end into the realm of sceince, ive always excelled in science, i have awards from naturalist organizations on my walls, im a memeber in several well known nature clubs (honarary memeber) and the funny thing is i diddnt realize it till recently... i just walk around he woods with my head in the clouds and share what i find with the general public. all my books as a child were feild guides and taxon, :P in my elementary school library there was one book that was consistantly taked out by a particular grade 2-5 student over and over called :"poisonous plants" and it had a picture of jimsonweed on the cover. can you immagine me in grade 2? man memories. :P i was aslo frigging hyper, and later in life (lately) im not a perticularly serious person, i find mushrooms make me reflect and help me get my shit together. otherwise i dont do anything but explore nature and sleep., the latter of wich i am now off to do, catch you later tonight, maybe before i go to work :)
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323189 - 05/22/01 09:25 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
CHRIST, that enough of the picture aw'ready!
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323238 - 05/22/01 10:47 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Mitchnast: I am very interested in the pan sp. that you found that shows bluing and is apparently active. If you can collect some prints I am sure we can work out a trade. I am interested in cultivating it and further identification work.
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Mitchnast]
#323492 - 05/22/01 03:54 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Looks like you've been busy, Mitchnast. Love the pics. What were the Pan. pap.'s growing in ?
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Re: short hike big results (pics) [Re: Workman]
#323698 - 05/22/01 07:44 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
ill see what i can do. next time i find this speceis i will try to take a few printsits the first time ive found this speceis tho. perhaps i will get lucky again. and they were growing in a well-manured feild
thou speakest arite
i am the merry wanderer of the night