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PF TEK book in the UK?
#321494 - 05/20/01 09:10 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Hey, Im thinking of getting in to growing shroooms, and Ive read up abit about it. I heard that the PF Tek book is one of hte best, so I want to buy this but I dont know where to get it! Does any one a place that all ship it to the UK?

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Blunty]
#321501 - 05/20/01 09:29 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Have you considered the only people that sell the PF Booklet, maybe even... no... it couldnt be... that PF actually sell the book themselves..... SHOCK HORROR!
Seriously now.... www.fanaticus.com, the people that made the book. They also have it online if you want it there for free.
For 1/2 pint jars... use Bonne Maman Jam Jars from Sainsburys. their a shoulderless 1/2 piont jar + You get jam.
Vermiculite can be bought from Garden centers. Dessicant from Homebase + Tupper ware boxes. I can send you your first syringe if you want seeing as the only nearby spore supplier for syringes is smart botanics.
Organic BRF has to be made yourself usuing a cheapo coffee grinder from John Lewis... and grinding the whole grain Brown Rice from a health food store. Make sure its organic though.
Need anything else just post your email addy and I'll contact you.
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-------------------- "Your Gimmiky Restraunt - By J.R. Bennigans"
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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Maddoc]
#321519 - 05/20/01 10:21 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Cool man. I did look at the site but it looks a bit plain, and I didnt see a email on the main page to ask them Q's. I will go there now and check it out abit more, read there info. Im setting up a new email so Ill drop you that when I get it done some time today. Dunno if you'd know the answer to this but its worth a go, that Vermiculite, I can get it so its not a problem, but I had a pet Turantula last year and its medium was just how Vermiculite looks, its nice and cousiny too! Is this it?

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Blunty]
#321522 - 05/20/01 10:26 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
go to www.growmushrooms.org to see how vermiculite looks.
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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Anno]
#321543 - 05/20/01 10:55 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Yea thats how it looks, theres big bits in the bag and also tiny bits, nearly powered in there too. Is this fine to us? I used to have to add water to it in the spider tank to keep it a nice humidity in there.

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Blunty]
#321591 - 05/20/01 12:00 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Vermiculite would probably e a lot cheaper too as it some in 25 litre bags where I am for only a fiver.
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-------------------- "Your Gimmiky Restraunt - By J.R. Bennigans"

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Maddoc]
#321593 - 05/20/01 12:03 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
And the spider stuff might habve anti fungal inhibitors in it.
Stick to good old J Arther Bowers SiivaPerl vermiculite :)
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-------------------- "Your Gimmiky Restraunt - By J.R. Bennigans"
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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Maddoc]
#321598 - 05/20/01 12:08 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Don't buy vermi. in gardening center!! It's damn Xpensive!! I went to a gardening center and it was 30F (3 pounds) for 2 liter, and I bought a 50L bag in a buildings shop (U know, were U get stuff to build houses!) and it was 7 pounds!!!!!!
"The moon has now eclipsed the sun,
The angel has spread his wings
The time has come for bitter things" )O+
"This is evolution, the monkey, the man and then the gunn" )O+
-------------------- I am completly mad so dont listen to a word I say its the littleblueguyz fault.If I don'tpost anything for a few days, it's that I have suicided myself or I had decided to live on Mars.

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: psylo330]
#321625 - 05/20/01 12:36 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
I get 25 liters for 5 quid.
By the way... your signitures wrong... theres one "n" in that "Gun" your quoting for... but two "n"'s for the "Get your Gunn" (after Dr. Gunn, a florida abortion doctor murdered).
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-------------------- "Your Gimmiky Restraunt - By J.R. Bennigans"
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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Maddoc]
#321635 - 05/20/01 12:43 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Cool, thanks for all the help. Im going down to the gardening stores tomorrow and ill check out the prices there for vermiculite, I can mail order 100liters for about ?15, but I dont need that much. I will be getting all the equiptment over the next week so I can get started. I will have to steralise in a suacpan cause I got no pressure cooker, any one do this? Have any tips?
Hey Maddoc, how much would you charge to send me my first syringe and what strain would it be?
p.s. im only planing on doing two jars max, hoping to do one, but maybe two.

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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Blunty]
#321698 - 05/20/01 02:15 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Free dude... no charge. It will be the same strain I started with, PES Amazon.
I'll help you with whatever you need.
But 2 jars? Why? Not enough space or parents? Why not case? Anyway, dont worry about email... PM (private message) me and we'll talk and shoot the shit.
Whoa! Where my Fingers?
-------------------- "Your Gimmiky Restraunt - By J.R. Bennigans"
Registered: 05/20/01
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Re: PF TEK book in the UK? [Re: Maddoc]
#321748 - 05/20/01 03:06 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Cool, thanks man! I PM'd you.