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Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping?
#321221 - 05/19/01 08:21 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
What are the dangers of mushrooms tripping? Does it really srew with your brain? Can it kill you (The shroomery and other pro-psilocybin sites claim not, but the FDA claims it can and has in their bad-bugs book - link available from shroomery => General Info.) There must be something bad that psilocybin mushrooms do!

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321229 - 05/19/01 08:33 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
go to erowid and do some research.
i think psilocybin shrooms are pretty safe.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I think. Therefore I am DANGEROUS.
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321230 - 05/19/01 08:34 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
hmmm.........we get a lot of this question,
first of all, dont believe a word the FDA says, they just dont want you to have fun.
second, people have been using the mushrooms for hundreds to thousands of years and i dont believe anybody has ever died from mushrooms it just doesnt happen. same goes for acid.
third, it depends. id say majority people return to normal after a trip while a very few select people have psychosis and the trip persists, but thats very few. i can promise you that youll live. have fun and dont listen to DARE whatever you do
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321245 - 05/19/01 09:07 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
the shroomery link you speak of is refering to amanitas not psilocybes. and heavenly blue you are a retard,

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: holographic mind]
#321247 - 05/19/01 09:12 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
your such a happy person sean.you must get a lot of girlfriends with that attitude.
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I think. Therefore I am DANGEROUS.
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic material as everyone else" - Tyler Durden
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: Psycho]
#321255 - 05/19/01 09:20 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
1) Why is heavenly blue a retard?
2) What/Who are DARE?
3) The link I porvided is not about amanitas.
4) What's any of this go to do with picking up girls!?
BTW, I use Psilocybin mushrooms at fairly low dose and quite enjoy it and don`t intend to stop anytime soon. All I'm doing is attempting to thouroughly educate myslef before embarking on a more intense journey.

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321269 - 05/19/01 09:38 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
I have heard from a doctor that mushrooms permantly change your brain chemistry. But I dont think this has to be a bad thing.
It can be and intense experince, any any intense experince will change you.
In moderation its not very terrible or evil like dare would have u believe

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321278 - 05/19/01 09:52 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
well you should be careful with anything you take(drug wise) and i really doubt that people here who claim that shrooms are 100% really know what they are talking about. most get there info from faq and sites like erowid and Lyce. but as to being sure nothing wrong will happen few people if any here will know. There could be some long term dangerous although compared to other drugs you might do shrooms are perhaps the safest, i suggest reading a published book concerning the subject. At least this way you'll get the info from a person who has studied these compounds and not from person who remembers reading about it on a web site.
That being said, the FDA does not always bs you, and keep you from having fun, some drugs are schedualed because when taken while say driving and what not they can be dangerous, because well.. basically you can't be doing normal sshit while tripping, And concerning that shrooms have been taken for 1000s of yrs, this means little since how would one know if a person died from mushies so long ago, and even within say the last 100 yrs i doubt doctors would be able to tell the diff between mushroom poisioning and psilocybin related deaths.
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#321563 - 05/20/01 11:34 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
1. Heavenly blue is not a retard, holo just says he is.
2. DARE are a school drug program that spreads a lot of misinformation about drugs in general, they think they're doing a good thing, but the drugs they talk about are mostly the cokes and opiates. They know nothing about acid or shrooms but claim to.
3. I can't find the link.
4. Holo can't.
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: hubertd8]
#321862 - 05/20/01 05:41 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
You really believe that a published book means all that much? A published book can't be changed, updated with new information, whatever. A website can. The people behind ehteogenic websites, at least the larger ones, have read those books and incorporated that information into the websites.
No one knows who will have a bad reaction to a drug, no one. Not the people who write the books, the ones who publish websites, or the ones who spark crackpipes in their bedrooms. No one.
Psiloc(yb)in bearing mushrooms are safe. Practice safe tripping guidelines which I won't repeat but I'm sure you know/can find.
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: Krendle]
#322049 - 05/20/01 09:57 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
actually i would rather trust either an updated book or even anybook by someone like R. Schultes(sp) or AH then a web site. Since anyone can have a web site EVEN a large one, while to publish a book you have to have some kinda of education regarding the specific subject. Also how can one person be an expert in all the chems on sites like erowid, this leads to obtaining info from other sources which leads to a kind of diluted and sometimes misleading info. I go agree that if a book is out of date its info cannot be regarded as 100% accurate but when it comes to revised editions or even scientific journals, no web site will ever be as accurate.
Plus you do contradict yourself in your post:
"Psiloc(yb)in bearing mushrooms are safe"
"No one knows who will have a bad reaction to a drug, no one. Not the people who write the books, the ones who publish websites, or the ones who spark crackpipes in their bedrooms. No one. "
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: The_Gnome_King]
#322350 - 05/21/01 11:03 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
There is only one (well, maybe two) "dangers" I can think of reguarding psilocybe mushroom use.
I've NEVER heard of this happening to anyone, but it is a definate possibility. Lots of psilocybe mushrooms are Little Brown Mushrooms. LBM's all look a lot alike IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and it's possible to mistake a different, and possibly toxic, mushroom for "the real thing". So don't go hunting by yourself for them. If you are really paranoid, don't buy them from someone who picked them but who you know doesn't know much about mycology. Of course, I'll say it again, I've never heard of this happening. So don't worry about it.
2) "Bad Trip"
Yeah, you can have a bad trip on shrooms just as easily as a bad trip on LSD. Lots of people will tell you that mushrooms are "easier" or "smoother" than a LSD trip. Don't believe this. ANY hallucinogen can cause a "bad trip" with anxiety, emotional distress, and all the horrible stuff that comes along with it.
Other than that, the "dangers" you might hear about are all, or mostly all, horribly wrong. Psilocybin does NOT cause brain damage, permanent trips, death, or anything like it. It's probably one of the safest drugs you could use.
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: trendal]
#322395 - 05/21/01 12:19 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
It would take many pounds of normal shrooms to kill the average person.
Overdosing shoulnt be at the top of your 'worry list'.

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: Intox]
#322422 - 05/21/01 01:04 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
There have been 2 deaths related to psilocybe mushrooms, on one of these locked threads on this page mjshroomer posted the info, and he is more trustworthy than most books.

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: dragoon]
#322478 - 05/21/01 01:59 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
ya but where do you think he got most of his info?
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: hubertd8]
#322986 - 05/21/01 11:42 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Well I'm sure books, experience, ect... but atleast you know he knoews what he is talking about. he is an authority on the matter.
Everything above is entirely FALSE.

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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: dragoon]
#322993 - 05/21/01 11:51 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
oh i know, he's helped me in numerous occassoins as i'm sure he has others
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: dragoon]
#322999 - 05/21/01 11:58 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Exactly how dangerous are you while tripping?
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Re: Exactly how dangerous is mushroom tripping? [Re: trendal]
#323087 - 05/22/01 02:50 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Yeah, the mushrooms I eat are the mushrooms I pick and nothing else, unless it's a freshly picked specimen that someone gave me. I am lucky in that I live in a place that mushroom buying is not necissary - at least not for the few of us that are 'in the know' and we all agreed it's not a drug that should be 'dealt'.
I'm not about to stop shrooming, I was just curious as to what dangers it presented, because I couldn't really think of any - unlike most (if not every) other drug (i.e. cancer, addiction, overdosing etc. are not problems with psilocybin)