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Can you see Sound on Mush?
#315278 - 05/11/01 10:30 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Has anyone ever gotten so fucked up that when you listen to music whether you close you eyes or keep them open you can see the beats of the music everywhere, dont know how to explain it really but maybe you know what I mean?
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#315388 - 05/12/01 01:43 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
The visions pulsate and dance to the music, but as far as seeing sound, I don't know what it looks like. I was shown where all colors come from, 4 elf/alien looking beings one blue,red,yellow,and purple sit in a circle almost as if they are surrounding a campfire and in unison throw them in the air...................
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: egolesss]
#315446 - 05/12/01 03:39 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Some people have more of a visual than others. I have "seen" music on shrooms before , but everybody sees it differentsly. Ive seen music on weed as well. Psy trance is good for visuals. For me..... many sounds turned into shapes.
One time I was even part of the music. For a good example....I was listening to the next epside by Dr. dre and the high pitch guitar strike kinda noise was like a tiny buble going around my head. So there were like a bunch of bubbles I could feel going around my head.
If you want to "see the music" you should try to focus on the music and ,but not push yoursef to listen to anything. Let go and just listen. Dont try to look at anything specifically or think of anything.
I also think music sounds "wider" on shrooms
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#315485 - 05/12/01 06:52 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
This happens on acid too. Though you have to take a pretty good amount. Its not just 'seeing the music'. Its not really like that. Its when your brain, kinf of, gets an overload, and your sences begin to mix and jumble together. There is a term for this condition, but I forget what its called. It begins with an 's'. I know that much. ;-)
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: pathoflight]
#315489 - 05/12/01 06:58 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
the "wideness" happens because of the sensors not firing right so different parts of your brain and what not work slower so the music gets wider.. go read up on acid(mmm) and shrooms at erowid.org or lycaeum.org they can explain it better..
haha fear and loathing rules..
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Sprinkle it with dew,
Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?
The candyman.
The candyman can.
-------------------- Who can take a sunrise,
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#315500 - 05/12/01 07:32 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
I've heard it explained like this:
Think of your nerve system as a bunch of telephone lines. Usually one is plugged into another, and they talk. Well on psychedelics, all of the wires are plugged in together, and your nerves all have a 'conversation' at once.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: Learyfan]
#315560 - 05/12/01 09:30 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
It's called synesthesia. I was just thinking about it yesterday. Some people have it naturally, but it's rare. They'll see colors around letters and things like that.

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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: RedNucleus]
#315845 - 05/12/01 04:57 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: RedNucleus]
#316079 - 05/13/01 03:30 AM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Right. Synesthesia can occur between any senses. In this case it's visual and auditory synesthesia. One time I would hear things according to what I saw.. like, the other way around. It got very loud actually. Looking at a cabinet made this raspy metallic sound, like the hinges opening - but hyperfast and skipping. A cute friend of mine produced simultaneous medium and low, smooth voice-like pitches.
The telephone wire thing is a decent analogy. But, check it out, it's not as if the brain re-wires. The brain is all very interconnected, it's just that most of the pathways between those unrelated parts of the brain are inhibited and unused. Psychedelics uninhibit them, so there's cross-talk. It's really cool. What's cooler is that, as those pathways are used more, they get stronger. Like, you learn to use them more. Artists are, after all, also very well trained people who TRY very hard to tap into their creativity. To open up their cross-talk.
I wouldn't suggest doing a lot of acid frequentlly to open up your creative pathways though. Although it may do that, drugs are indiscriminate and will open all kinds of pathways that are better left alone. Too much wired-togetherness and you will have extreme difficulty functioning normally.. can't focus, contextualize, sort things out, etc... Creative people evolve their abilities around functioning in the real world. So those sensitive parts of the brain (you know, for survival) are not too jumbled up.
Shite, just my fifty dollars though.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: Tonic]
#316477 - 05/13/01 07:34 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Edited by forax (09/28/08 04:22 PM)
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: Tonic]
#316490 - 05/13/01 07:53 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
good post, intelligent advice and warnings. have you ever read gilles deleuze? you should.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#317479 - 05/14/01 10:13 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
I have seen the music while tripping. It was incredible. It is so hard to explain. It was kinda like every sound in the song was a different shape and they were all swimming around and fitting together to make the song. It was like an endless river flowing into infinity.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: shroom-girlie]
#317519 - 05/14/01 10:55 PM (23 years, 9 months ago) |
Psychedelics disable the filters that your body has in order to sort the inputs from your senses.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: Hydro]
#328324 - 05/28/01 10:16 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
i know you begin to 'see sounds' after eating a lot of acid, but havent heard of it on shrooms(i could be/probably am wrong). I think the word Hydro was looking for was 'synapses' (spelling?)

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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#328458 - 05/29/01 01:03 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
on high doses of weed i get synesthesia -- lastime i was at my friends house and i looked at these cartoon characters on his wall and they started "talking loud and audibly." lol i was crcking up, on acid the lastime i remember my friend was wearing the giant madhatter hat and i remember "hearing" it hit the wall loudly -- but its made of light foam! synesthesia is fun
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#328546 - 05/29/01 06:18 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
my best (and so far only) synaesthesia experience was on aout 2.5g. listening to some LOUD bass from a car, sitting with my eyes closed i could see the music as a spiraling tower of neatly latticed balloons, and with each beat an explosion of coloured balloons would erupt from the tower. the loudness of the beat determined the explosions size and relative position on the tower.
absolutely insane! best visual ever i would have to say, ill never forget it anyways :)
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#328745 - 05/29/01 12:18 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
While dosed I always see drumbeats as like hundreds of tall columns in a row, kinda chugging up and down like pistons with the beat. Kind of like a spectrum analyzer I guess. I also hear the vocals from all around, 360 degrees, like hundreds of voices yelling, pleading, crying to me... It's pretty cool. But I play guitar and drums, and I saw music somewhat like this before I ever did LSD or mushrooms or grass or anything else. I think all musicians kind of 'see' music, it would be really hard to learn to play it if you couldn't see it/feel it/imagine it. I think things already have these properties by default, just by being part of the complex physics of the universe, but psychedelics definitely help those struggling to see it. Of course, my own abilities to perceive the more abstract are greatly enhanced while dosed.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#328747 - 05/29/01 12:21 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I just thought of a good example of classic synesthesia... The way that Van Gogh used color to convey moods, instead of painting his color schemes realistically, or according to the subject he was painting. His stuff really conveys something more than 2-Dimensional imagery. But I just thought of something else, he may very well have been under the influence of hallucinogens, I know he did quite a few drugs.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: zeuzjuz]
#328930 - 05/29/01 04:19 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Yah, Van Gogh wasn't just huffin' the ol' turpentine back in the day! ;-) He was a little nutsy though too.. hehe
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#328965 - 05/29/01 05:05 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I've seen the music before. It only comes to me when I close my eyes and it is like this blue wall of sound, moving, rippiling, pulsating to the music. This wall of sound moves toward me and then I pass through it. A new wall of sound is right behind it. This keeps repeating until I open my eyes. It's great, the first time I saw that I was listening to Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the wall" (the funky guitar solo at the end). Man that kicked so much ass.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#594365 - 03/31/02 07:57 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Last time i tripped i saw sound waves
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: cyanescens]
#594372 - 03/31/02 08:09 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I've seen it once, alltho I didn't realise it at that time.
a band of red patterns emerging from my speakers flowing past me left and right in incredible high speed.
kinda overwhelming, guess it was because the music was way too loud.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: Tonic]
#594582 - 03/31/02 12:20 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
yes, tonic, good post. synesthesia can be very cool, also very frightening. everything is connected in there, and you can make wonderful new connections while tripping.
leary talked about "imprint vulnerability". while in these states, it's possible to influence the pathways; they are always connected, but you can strengthen some connections, and perhaps make important changes to yourself. this can be a good thing or a bad thing, so be careful. once i found my way into this place in my mind where all these connections came together, like a big switchboard with lots of pink and purple and blue tubes joining together...and after a little study, i reached out and 'flipped a switch', and realized i don't like soda...it's just nasty, syrupy sugar water, sucks out your nutrients, etc. i used to love pepsi... drank it all the time. but now i have a sip every couple of months, no more, and feel much better for it.
i'm always tempted to find my way back there and make some really important changes...but if i got it wrong this time...made a bad connection...i think it's good to go out into nature or watch intelligent shows while in this state...you can learn very important things.
in regards to too much connectedness...i know what you mean. i think i have spent too much time looking into the depths of things and seeing all the endless possibilities that at times it's hard to decide what is the 'right way' to do something.
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: magnu]
#673026 - 06/11/02 09:55 AM (22 years, 8 months ago) |
> "...i think it's good to go out into nature or watch intelligent shows while in this state...you can learn very important things."
That is the truest and greatest idea ever! Nature and especially the behavior of animals is so important for the mind. Gotta love learning reality!
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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: theshroomer]
#673074 - 06/11/02 10:24 AM (22 years, 8 months ago) |
I've seen CEV's dance to the beat of music on acid. And I can 'feel' music whenever I'm tripping or even high, but I never actuially saw music yet.
one time I kept on smelling parceley when trippin on mushrooms?

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Re: Can you see Sound on Mush? [Re: TeKHeAD009]
#673335 - 06/11/02 02:07 PM (22 years, 8 months ago) |
Yep, it's great. It's one of my favourite things about a trip. I'm usually outside and watching the clouds swirl in time to the music. It really is amazing. When the music gets louder and intense, the clouds swirl more and go nuts, then when the music calms, the clouds swilr softly and slowly again. And I love it when the ground melts in time to the beat, usually on some bassy techno beats. Makes it extra fun when just walking around a small area.