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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5
    #305984 - 04/30/01 05:20 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

Because no one has EVER lost their ego on shrooms...

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5
    #306025 - 04/30/01 05:38 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

ive never experienced TOTAL ego death but i came fairly close--about 9 hits (!!!) of mediocre quality 'cid...i dont believe in total loss of ego that'd be a shitload of shrooms, but im not doubting its happened to people. i wouldnt want to do that anyways tho, i tend to enjoy the trip better and smaller doses (like 4 or 5 hits) is more than enough for me, i really dont believe that acid trips are meant to be an endurance constest, rather a journy (hence the word trip)...but i dunno just take a lot and hope for the best and try not to think about things just let it all go

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: HB]
    #306047 - 04/30/01 05:56 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

"try 20 hits of "good quality acid"

Thats enough acid to kill a small animal! I want to get as smashed as I can without taking a hospitol visit or getting put into a straight jacket,would that be about 6 hits,10 hits?

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306131 - 04/30/01 07:33 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

you don't take phycotropics to get smashed.

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: hunterthompson]
    #306142 - 04/30/01 07:40 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

Thats the word I felt like using.You know what I meant by it.

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I climb rocks

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306146 - 04/30/01 07:45 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

if you are using the word smashed to describe these kinds of drugs don't expect to be able to handle 20 hits. You get smashed off a bottle of vodka and are the same in the morning beside a few things a-stray but you get smashed off 20 hits you will never be the same.

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306147 - 04/30/01 07:46 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

Forget about the level sytem with shrooms.Lets say theres a level system with acid that is 1-5,and any of these levels can be reached with a resonable ammount of acid.
How many hits would it take to get to level 4 or 5? 5,10,15 hits?

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306193 - 04/30/01 08:27 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

I've had more than 10 hits on seperate occasions and never felt what I would call a level 5 trip. I've reached states on mushrooms that are absolute....

Going crazy will drive you mad, but once you get there the rest is easy.....

Going crazy will drive you mad, but once you get there the rest is easy....All spores are not created equal!!!!!!!!!!! Sporeworks, Hawkseye, PF, they are completely viable with very strong genetics.

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Swank]
    #306333 - 04/30/01 11:03 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

<sigh> Having a self-contradictory, or severly fragmented ego is one thing but Ego loss means that you have no sense of self. That means that the concept "I" does not even exist. So what happens when you have no concept of "I", you simply experience. You don't experience dying (as that involves "I am dying"), you just become a bundle of sensory perceptions that experiences data.

I'm not saying that it has never happened, but when you read people's supposed EGO LOSS trips, they still incorportate "I" into them, which involves sense of self, which is ego.

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306337 - 04/30/01 11:05 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

> Thats enough acid to kill a small animal!

If you count an ant as an animal, then I guess you're right.

Look, I've done upto 7 hits at once. I could've gone way beyond that. Even the time I had a mindblower on 4 awesome hits, I coulda taken quite a few more.

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5
    #306395 - 05/01/01 12:02 AM (23 years, 9 months ago)

If you haven't ever reached a true level 5 I feel you would be quite intrigued to analyze it later. Yes you do loose the ego, complete loss just space with strangely few hallucinations once your there. Almost the "center of the tornado" space. There is no fear, no joy not much at all . Going into nothing is very intense almost like being stretched though wormholes and speeding on a rollorcoaster to nothing and coming back also but the strange calm when egoloss occurs is not easy to explain it's really imposible to exlplain and to the people who have experienced it we can tell you believe it or not it is for real.....

Going crazy will drive you mad, but once you get there the rest is easy.....

Going crazy will drive you mad, but once you get there the rest is easy....All spores are not created equal!!!!!!!!!!! Sporeworks, Hawkseye, PF, they are completely viable with very strong genetics.

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: egolesss] * 1
    #306520 - 05/01/01 06:33 AM (23 years, 9 months ago)

shulgin uses a 0-->4 + scale... and says that 0 to 3 can be often reached by adjusting the dosage, but a +4 just happens when it wants to...

old enough to know better
not old enough to care

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: gnrm23]
    #306538 - 05/01/01 07:40 AM (23 years, 9 months ago)

^ how many hits do you think it would take to get to level 3 of that scale?

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Intox]
    #306582 - 05/01/01 09:09 AM (23 years, 9 months ago)

i dunno, what does shulgin say in TIHKAL? i figure between 250 and 400 micrograms... how many "hits" that is i suppose depends on how many mikes on each dose...
and of course individual sensitivity to the "psychedelic" effects of lsd vary quite a bit from person to person...
possible dose/experience relationships
50-100 u --- esthetic exploration/party dose
150-250 u --- psychological/philosophical expereince
300-400 u --- encounter with deep self
>500 u --- immersion in the universal hum/voidness
>1000 u --- neurorecptor saturation/white light
YMMV !!!
for Ps cubensis, above figures from low of <1 gram to high of 10 grams dry weight (all figures very approximate, ok?)

old enough to know better
not old enough to care

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: gnrm23]
    #306590 - 05/01/01 09:47 AM (23 years, 9 months ago)

^ thanx

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: egolesss]
    #306723 - 05/01/01 02:49 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

I've been there on DXM.

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: Kid]
    #306802 - 05/01/01 04:57 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

20 hits wouldnt kill anything, though it may fuck you up after, but w/out experience i wouldn't really know, but i dont plan on it...i like to have, to an extent, some element of control. to me its more fun that way--4-5 hits is perfect

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5
    #306839 - 05/01/01 05:27 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)


i want my acid.


oh toronto, why dont thee show me the way?


~Happy sailing~

~Happy sailing~

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Registered: 01/07/01
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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5 [Re: RuNE]
    #306857 - 05/01/01 05:45 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

yeah im from toronto too. i dont ever see acid here...

There are 3 types of people in this world: Those who can count, and those who can not.

Give a man a match and he will be warm for an hour. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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Re: How many hits of acid does it take to reach level5
    #308010 - 05/02/01 09:29 PM (23 years, 9 months ago)

"I took 40 liquid drops"

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consider yourself lucky,some guy was in the mental ward of a hospitol for 9 months because he took 25 hits.
And I also heard of an 'experienced' acid user who went to the hospitol because of 12 hits.

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