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Re: How backed up is Ryche?
#274888 - 03/19/01 09:31 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I totally agree with ya on that one. Pf took two weeks but hey they had a earthquake around the time I sent in. But I almost always get orders from PF in about a week.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche?
#274979 - 03/19/01 10:19 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
slither, if you say that you sell supplies, please post your site address..
is ryche that bad? what, in your opinion, is the best supplier? Im ordering my spores soon.

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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: mullen]
#274985 - 03/19/01 10:27 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: ralphster44]
#274988 - 03/19/01 10:37 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I don't sell mushroom supplies, I'm in a different business, but as far as spore suppliers go, Ralphster44 came through for me and is of course the cheapest. I've heard nothing but good about 3mshrooms, he uses 1 print per syringe and they are 3/$25. Those are my top two for price and speed. Then sporeworks, sporechics, PF, Captain Max, never hear anything bad about any of them, plus they deliver on time.
I'm not trying to knock anyone, I just think if someone wants your business they should act that way.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche?
#275671 - 03/20/01 10:04 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Ryche is probably SO backed up that he's having trouble enjoying his vacation! What a pity.
hehe. Sorry, I thought I was being funny but Ryche isn't here to defend himself so I'll just shut up :)
Ryche Hawk
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Kast]
#275938 - 03/21/01 11:26 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Yep, I got a little behind. I'm almost caught up.
I'm staying in and working this weekend to get caught up on it all. As of right now I have 2 weeks of snail mail orders to mail out. Those will all go out friday and monday. Anybody been waiting longer then that yours was mailed out this past monday.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Ryche Hawk]
#275992 - 03/21/01 01:23 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Good luck getting caught up Ryche, I'm anxiously awaiting the order I placed with you online 2 days ago
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: FarmerSmurf]
#276334 - 03/21/01 10:15 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I am not complaining. You and Clyde just keep kicking ass. Ignore these SLITHERING yahoos that keep attacking you.
My order came today and so did my buddies. He sent his to you snail mail on March 6th, I did mine with credit card via papay on the 12th. Both of ours came today. Only 16 days for his. Only 6 for mine. No complaints here.
What the hell are you people complaining about?
I have ordered from thehawkseye.com about 8 times now and never a problem with a single syringe.
Sorry to see you getting some bad presss lately Ryche.
There will always be a few complainers in ever crowd.
So you got behind, big deal. My buddie has been waiting 3 weeks on his order from pf and he is not even complaining about that. If you want to grow shrooms, learn about patience first.
Dystopian Harbinger
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Am I the only one sick of the whiny bitches? [Re: 12BLate]
#276385 - 03/22/01 12:14 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Truthfully I have zero interest in the validity or lack thereof of the vast ammount of claims made against ryche. Complaints leveled against him turn into circular accusations where everybody against ryche suddenly becomes PF, Sorry Senator Mcarthy I dont wanna see that drama unfold again. Perhaps an area of the forum titled "Problems with Ryche post here" would save some time for us all and really trim down the 'mushroom cultivation' area.
Nuts and bolts of it is....In my EVER humble opinion If you ordered from ryche you will get it, if the order is messed up he will replace it. If you have a legit complaint take it up with ryche via e-mail, I think aside from the consistent blatant spam he is not that bad of a guy. But hey shroomshady, If that dosent work for you consider yourself educated and try another spore vendor.
-------------------- At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: 12BLate]
#276441 - 03/22/01 03:16 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
12blate is either the biggest ass kisser on the face of the earth or he's Ryche Hawk, I got bored and check all his posts, and over 90% of them were kissing ryches ass and most of them had a link to his site.
Eddie Walker

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Re: How backed up is Ryche? *DELETED* [Re: slither]
#276444 - 03/22/01 03:46 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by Eddie Walker
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Eddie Walker]
#276676 - 03/22/01 01:28 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
"admiration" is the key word, Eddie. Yeah, all of us "admire" Ryche's flushes. So what?
psilocyber/sporechicks/3m/anyone aren't usually here, either? But do they get any flak? No. It's not because people are bored. It's not because people are jealous. It's because SOME people see the truth and it has presented itself many times in the past.
The problem isn't with those that are against Ryche, it's with those defending him. You just dont want to let your idol, your God of Mushrooms, become compromised. You don't DARE see someone threaten the very man which you will strive to be just like. You wake up, smiling, thinking "Ahhh. Ryche." And if someone says, "Umm. Whats up with that?" You say, "What? Question Ryche Hawk?! For God (Ryche)'s Sake WHY? Do NOT question Him, He gives us all life, and breath......."
So, what's my point? I really don't care that much about Ryche and on some days, I even like him (just a bit), it's his following of sheep that annoy me the most. It's human ignorance and blatant stupidity which annoys me. And you people are the epitome of ignorance and stupidity which is why the human race will go extinct: PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche?
#276686 - 03/22/01 01:39 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
why dont you stop fuckin reading it then you fuckin idiot. you see what the title of the thread is, so dont enter and waste your precious time answering. your a fuckin jackass
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-------------------- "One toke you poor fool...wait til you see those god damned bats."
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: slither]
#276689 - 03/22/01 01:48 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
slither you are such a pussy. all you do is start all this shit with people that havent had any problems with ryche. they are giving their opinions just like you are. your opinion isnt fact, and doesnt mean that you can talk shit to anyone that disagrees. your dad proly fucked you in the ass as a kid and thats why you take out your agression here where people cant stomp your face
the first post i made on here was toward YOUR first post on here. just clearing that up. everytime ive come on and given my opinion you start talkin shit right away. for what reason? i have the right to give my opinion, and just because i dont have a problem with ryche and always got my order on time, that makes me ryche hawk? def not. oh yeah thats right the other thing i can be is a "little ass kissing dork" according to a different thread, that the shroomery community should get rid of.
you should think before you open your shit talkin mouth
"One toke you poor fool...wait til you see those god damned bats."
-------------------- "One toke you poor fool...wait til you see those god damned bats."
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Kast]
#276719 - 03/22/01 02:25 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Eddie: My last post wasn't directed toward you, I was speaking to the masses of sheep. If you're one of them, then I guess it was directed toward you.
WhereAbouts: So, wait a second. You're 12BLate? Why the dupe account? Man, you people are so afraid of what everyone thinks of you. A dupe account is a basic sign of insecurity and overall lack of confidence. I like to know who I am dealing with when I'm on these boards.
Registered: 02/02/01
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: WhereAbouts]
#277038 - 03/22/01 09:21 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Good luck with your project lounge lizard, and Whereabouts, you know your either a dork or a troll, look in the mirror, ass kisser!
Ryche Hawk
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: slither]
#277043 - 03/22/01 09:36 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
What is with all this lame "ass kissing" shit.
Some ppl give me praise. Big freaking deal. I have given Workman praise many times. Does that mean I'm kissing his ass?
I've given other members here praise for their ideas and pictures.. does that mean I'm kissing their ass?
Giving ppl credit, praise and respect for their hard work is about good human nature.
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Ryche Hawk]
#277064 - 03/22/01 10:06 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Giving people credit is good I agree, whether it's you or anyone else. But certain types of people were just born to be ass kissers, theres a difference. Hey I like getting my ass kissed too, but it's usually people that have actually met me, and respect me for what I do/have done.
I can understand respect fully, I respect you or whoever's growing those shrooms cultivation skills/setup. Just don't like ass kissers, don't think anyone does.
Ryche Hawk
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: slither]
#277066 - 03/22/01 10:09 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Well, Slither... many of us dont like to see ppl such as your self ( and others) constanstly spewing negative words towards myself and others. That shit creates constant chaos and argueing around here. So why keep doing it?
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Re: How backed up is Ryche? [Re: Ryche Hawk]
#277081 - 03/22/01 10:24 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I'm not sure why I do it, I'm not really an asshole. I'm not constantly spewing negative words. I guess I just wonder what planet some of these people are on? Anytime someone says oh my RH syringes are late one of three "people" jump in and call them PF. I mean shit, that's a legitimate concern for people to have, most people ordering syringes need them yesterday.
They really get on my nerves more than your spam. And I feel like what you do wouldn't be spam if you contributed to the boards the way you used to, and I'm confident others feel the same.
Have a good evening, I know I will!