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20k bet on planet X ???
#2214917 - 01/02/04 10:30 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
no poleshift, no planet X, no dimension-shift, no floods, no apocalypse. No need to argue any more between the believers and non-believers. The first were wrong, the last were right. is shroomism gonna pay up his $20k to Swami?? fact is, i do not care about that. What is do care about, is a word from all the people who swore they 'KNEW' this was gonna happen (esp. shroomism who told us over and over the aliens educated him on this upcoming event). I do not imply i believe the ppl who followed this belief were lying, i'm confident they truly believed what they were saying was true. I am merely interested in how this fact was integrated in their whole way of thinking about these kind of things. Is it like "well it is gonna happen anyways, we just have the date wrong, its gonna be 2004" or "I seriously have to sweep through my head distincting what i see around me and what i want to see around me. Now and in the future". Or anything else of course. Please elaborate... happy new years by the way

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2214935 - 01/02/04 10:46 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
quemo said: is shroomism gonna pay up his $20k to Swami??
Swami said he would accept just a fat bag of some good smoke. As for the twelvth planet, we are already on it. Peace.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2215069 - 01/02/04 01:04 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm not sure exactly how to explain it, but to me so far it seems to be a mind set. Few will reach the realms that we think we cannot. Few will never understand what the whole alien existance is all about either. Some know, some don't.
Scientifically unexplainable. Until we develope a higher form of communication. Other then the normal communication that we already have.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Droz]
#2215166 - 01/02/04 02:12 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
ahhh but telepathy is already possible for those tuned into the right stations.. it's not as effecient as language, but we'll get there..
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so whats the basics of this whole planet x 2012 stuff?
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Sole_Worthy]
#2215225 - 01/02/04 02:47 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
the "12th planet" AKA Nibiru, home of the Annunaki, is supposedly on it's way back through our neighborhood as part of it's 3600(or so) year orbit around its sun. the gravitational effects of it's passage are supposed to cause massive "earth changes" for us, which were predicted to be starting last spring/summer and culminating in 2012 with a total change and "re-emergence from the depths" (or something) of human consciousness into a New Age. there's also some stuff about the earth moving through something called the "Photon Band" which has something to do with raising our "vibrational frequencies"... i don't know much about it.
that's pretty much the gist of it.... i'll believe it when i see it.
Edited by Clean (01/02/04 02:53 PM)
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Clean]
#2215822 - 01/02/04 09:11 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Remember nothing is impossible only improbable
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: EvilGir]
#2216033 - 01/03/04 12:16 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
well you cant always predict the future with pinpoint accuracy since its constantly being shaped and defined.. I am still intent on the exact same purpose, just with no time involved. All I can say is that changes are occuring for me on a major level, and soon everyone will feel them.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216039 - 01/03/04 12:18 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Well, I hope you are right...
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: ergot]
#2216043 - 01/03/04 12:20 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I think the phrase is, "I want to believe!"
Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free.
But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216051 - 01/03/04 12:22 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
He's right about two specific things, you know.
The future is never defined in the present, and you guys will eventually feel the changes we have been feeling.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216158 - 01/03/04 01:53 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Shroomism said: well you cant always predict the future with pinpoint accuracy since its constantly being shaped and defined.. I am still intent on the exact same purpose, just with no time involved. All I can say is that changes are occuring for me on a major level, and soon everyone will feel them.
A dodge. Not like it wasn't expected.
Words like "soon" and "major level" mean little to me. I don't see how specificity is such a problem... I mean, with you having a direct connection to the pleiadians and whatnot.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Sclorch]
#2216266 - 01/03/04 04:06 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I don't see how specificity is such a problem... I mean, with you having a direct connection to the pleiadians and whatnot
Blaspheme...Bite your tongue...the pleidians have infiltrated your subconscious as we speak...
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2216269 - 01/03/04 04:15 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
For a forum on spirituality, there is a great deal of betting in here. Betting is for entertainment purposes, not proving who is right on a social or spiritual issue. Just chill out guys.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216371 - 01/03/04 08:09 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Shroomism said:
well you cant always predict the future with pinpoint accuracy
since its constantly being shaped and defined..
I am still intent on the exact same purpose, just with no time involved.
All I can say is that changes are occuring for me on a major level, and soon everyone will feel them.
for me this answer fits needlessly in the category i described as "well its gonna happen anyways, we just got the date wrong blabla"
i agree with sclorch that your answer lacks all specificity, wich didn't seem to be a problem in late 2002/early 2003. During that time it was simple: aliens visit me, they tell me. I find it truly dissapointing, that i cannot see any self-reflection in your current perspective. As a result i would cautiously conclude that it is the most primitive survivalelement of your mental consciousness at work here: the power of denial.
You built this whole pyramid of beliefsystems and ideas in your head forwarding to one upcoming spiritual apocalypse, wich you follow unconditionally. The fact that it is all based on nothing but belief, gives it one big risk. One crack could bring this entire house of cards down, wich would leave u with absolutely nothing but a big hole to fall in. You need denial to continue on the road you chose. Or the strengt to fall down, self-reflect, learn and build up from scratch again
Ok this wasn't a cautious conclusion, i understand if ppl find me arrogant and don't like me for it.....i would feel the same i guess
Edited by quemo (01/03/04 09:53 AM)
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2216659 - 01/03/04 12:25 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
eh. dodge, whatever. I was wrong to choose a date in the first place, sorry for that.
I don't think it's anyone's place to be telling me how I built my belief system. I'm not falling into any big hole for being wrong about something. If you knew the first thing about me as a person, you would know that I THRIVE on making mistakes, falling down, self-reflecting, learning and starting from scratch. And I learn even better when I do it publically.
You know this evolution I always talk about, I don't pull out my ass. I learn like everyone else.. by making mistakes and reflecting on them. In fact this has seemed to be a major flaw for me.. giving dates or exact times when things will occur when I do not know for certain that they will on that date. Whether it is pole shifts or when will I be done wiring up your home entertainment system. I suppose this is my current lesson.
The case here is that four years or so ago I followed a certain belief system that led me to believe that in the very near future all these changes would occur. In my ignorance, or ego.. I slapped a specific date on it and butted heads with the skeptics. Most of that was me wanting to say, "I told you so" too much. So my conscious lost sight of what was really important, the underlying message of the shift which is unity and peace and love.
Regardless of what I said years ago that I though would be, I still live in a very malleable reality. This transformation is still happening, it just seems that putting a set date on it's final outcome is nonsense, since it is completely unpredictable. My perception on the 'evolution and transfiguration' of our species and civilization has not changed. My ego has changed, and I am more humble. Thus I admit I was wrong for choosing a date, and I will never react out of competition, ego or fear, only out of love and the helping of others, as it should have been all along.
So yeah.. file that under the category of "its still going to happen, we just had the date wrong" if you want. But it's based on life experience, and not belief.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216672 - 01/03/04 12:37 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I am awaiting a nice fat ounce of West Virginia's finest to square things up...
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Swami]
#2216679 - 01/03/04 12:45 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
And so shall it be as soon as I have the flow  It would be Canada's finest though..
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216683 - 01/03/04 12:51 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Acceptable. (And it buys my silence. I will never bring this up again - see how ez Swami is?)
The proof is in the pudding.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Swami]
#2216688 - 01/03/04 12:54 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
It won't buy your silence,... just the inability to form a coherent sentence Like me last night when I write my first post inthis thread

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216758 - 01/03/04 01:46 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I bring this up everytime there is the "12 planet" talk and I never get a straight answer. There are 9 planets in our solar system now, is this planet x gonna bring along 2 more planets?? If an extra planet entering our solar system seems highly improbable, the 3 news planets coming is next to impossible. Please explain to me how thousands of astronomers and sky watchers across the world cannot spot these new planets about to enter our solar system with the telescope technology we have today.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chodamunky]
#2216764 - 01/03/04 01:49 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Well, apparently we could already have twelve planets. However, Pluto might not even be considered a planet. But there are at least two other objects orbiting the sun that can qualify for being planets if Pluto does.
Like I said earlier, we are already on the twelvth planet.  Peace.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chodamunky]
#2216782 - 01/03/04 01:57 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I know I've answered this many times. The Mayans counted the Sun and Moon as planets. They were the ones to name it "The 12th Planet".

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Alright, so let's say what you just told me is true and assume this: after the 12 planet arrives and everyone is shocked that the prophecy came true, ANOTHER 5 objects are discovered shortly after that fit the definition of a 'planet'. What then, can you seriously tell me the prophecy still makes sense if there are 17 planets in our solar system? This is basically a numbers game and there in no concrete definition of what a planet is so basically whatever happens, you can mold it to the theory and interpret anyway you like.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216825 - 01/03/04 02:35 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
thanx shroomism, thats an self-reflecting answer i respect and can follow from an intelligent being as you've shown before you really are. Good luck in the path you choose. And excuse me for my assumptious analyzing-methods, but they do tend to get the rabbit out of the hole more so than not..
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2216829 - 01/03/04 02:37 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I remember last year at this time when all of this was going through my head, for one reason or another i was REALLY fucked up, and i found it easy to see this as possible...
I was always skeptical of the whole ordeal, but what didnt leave me was the feeling that things beyond me felt like they were changing.
Every night i dream about our planet, completely messed up, dreams about how physical changes to the planet have distorted everything. Sure there are plenty of good explanations.
But i will admit i always keep it in my mind. Today I walk outside, its 70 - 80 degrees... in northeast texas. LOL, me and my friend were talking about how messed up that is. Every winter it seems to get less and less cold, it takes longer for trees to change color, and the grass to die. We get less frequent rain.
It really makes me wonder how our weather patterns our changing on the planet. Now i know i may just be putting too many things together, and buying in a paranoid half psychotic dillusion, but i think a lot of other people sense the same thing. And its not just people ive heard it from on these boards, but my friends, and people i know.
dates are bullshit, after all how can we predict something we dont even know will happen for sure? If we have a feeling it will happen, we are subject to two possibilties, that the earth will change soon, or that it will change later. No doubt the earth is constantly changing, but just how drastic will those changes occur, and is there another reason for the majority feeling throughout a lot of people?
I think about it everyday, ive thought about it all my life. Ive had dreams about it, ive had visions from places i dont know where they came.
When i go places, mostly new places, i get images in my head, on how I react to that place, sometimes i get some strange encounters. Call me crazy, but i dont think ive fallen too hard, considering the circumstances.
But all in all i wouldnt quit my job for it, at least not today, i would just move when i had to.
Nature has its way of making itself apparent when it is about to change. It can be seen in animals, plants, fungus. These things all spring from the earth, so why would it be too outrageous to assume that maybe the earth itself is going through a major change, that would consequently change the life for all on the planet?
Im not going to say what would change it, cause that is beyond me. Ill just sit here, and peer in on the action , if rocks start flying, ill get out of the way
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2217076 - 01/03/04 05:37 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
do these changes and feeling have anything to do with hair growing in places it idnt used to?
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Sole_Worthy]
#2217082 - 01/03/04 05:40 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
funny you should say that i had weird dreams about that last night! BUt it was no normal hair... no... no. it was mutated, and it had veins and gelatinous... okay... ill stop.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Zero7a1]
#2217102 - 01/03/04 05:49 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Ever had dreams about the psychotic turkeys who stop at nothing to kill you?Theres tousands of the the featherles grotesque creatures who will wrap their boney strucures around your neck and head. Too witness, with the eye, a beast like this would be a horror eneogh, yet to have several pecking and holding onto your face is hell.
well thats me anyway.
so what are these changes we will expierence? and how can one recognise them?
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Sole_Worthy]
#2217231 - 01/03/04 06:46 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I dont speak for everyone, only for myself. Ive had visions of what I think would happen when the world changes. Ive had so many visions "images" i dont know anymore. Oceans will rise, land masses will slip away (california). Global climate changes? I really dont know. Im not claiming to have knowledge of the future, just that i have "feelings" that things will change, that those feelings have been supported through things i have experienced growing up. I admit that they could just be a jumble of crap that im buying into, but beyond that i wonder sometimes.
I cannot explain the kinds of dreams that i have. It just doesnt make sense to me, i try not to think about them, but just the information i have recieved in them, boggles my fucking mind! All kinds of things i have never seen before, or learned about i dream of... Maybes its faulty reasoning for me to assume that because i can peer into other things like that, that i would know about the earth.
But i find myself for the most part to be pretty logicaly consistant in making my assertions. Maybe i havent lived long enough to make such assertions anyway, but again like i said i dont know. What would humans face? They would have to face their mortality, they would be FORCED to face a world of uncertainty, and therefore accept that they live here in communion with nature, not as enemy sitting on the battle lines with it.
Are there other people that feel the same way i do? Probably. Does it mean that their is a reason for it? Maybe. Is there a way to definately know for sure? No. Why would i think about it more than i think about watching star trek, i really dont have a clue, but im sure there are people on here who would be willing to make some sort of psychoanalytic dive into the subconcious abyss.
But i do remember coming across this question a few weeks ago in my head...
When you step outside into an urban setting... What do you notice. Nature, or what humans have built? i.e. Buildings. Or do you see the trees and the ground, and the sky, and see how the buildings block that view?
-------------------- What?

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2217240 - 01/03/04 06:50 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Shroomism said:
I know I've answered this many times.
The Mayans counted the Sun and Moon as planets. They were the ones to name it "The 12th Planet".
Ok Shroomism, then explain this: Pluto was not discovered until recent history, long after the Mayan civilization made that prophecy. Pluto can't be seen with the naked human eye, and the Mayans had no telescopes. Assuming you can see Uranus with the naked eye, that adds up to 10 planets (including Sun and moon). This theory just doesn't add up.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chodamunky]
#2217248 - 01/03/04 06:55 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Here's an interesting tidbit I came accross:
French astrologer Alexandre Bolguine notes that Mayan eyesight in those days was far more powerful than today, although even with acute eyesight, it would be difficult to account for how the Maya knew of 400 stars in the 7 Sisters constellation the Pleiades (called Tzab in Mayan) whereas today we can only spot 6 with the naked eye."
Even with today's most progressive technology, we cannot produce a more accurate set of astronomical calculations, nor whole-systems understanding of the living Universe than that of the Classic Maya.
I find that pretty interesting AND rather peculiar.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Deiymiyan]
#2218039 - 01/04/04 06:20 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Vehy interestint Indeed.  Peace.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Deiymiyan]
#2218493 - 01/04/04 01:35 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
"that Mayan eyesight in those days was far more powerful than today" o
or maybe there was less light pollution? duhh.
"Even with today's most progressive technology, we cannot produce a more accurate set of astronomical calculations, nor whole-systems understanding of the living Universe than that of the Classic Maya."
thats a nice-sounding sweeping statement, too bad it isnt backed up by any facts.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Positronius]
#2218867 - 01/04/04 05:14 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Well the people in Europe around 2-300 years ago didnt have light pollution either, and they didnt see it...
-------------------- What?

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Positronius]
#2218895 - 01/04/04 05:29 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
thats a nice-sounding sweeping statement, too bad it isnt backed up by any facts.
I kinda figured the pyramid was reasonable vs. today's astrological calculations.
I dunno, but it appears that the Maya knew their astrological stuff.
Also, I did include a reference: French astrologer Alexandre Bolguine..
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2219036 - 01/04/04 06:45 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
So shroomism were you told about the date by beings or did you come up with it based on what you were sensing in the world? Should I bother making contact if the beings are so unspecific?

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Deiymiyan]
#2219207 - 01/04/04 08:50 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
French astrologer Alexandre Bolguine notes that Mayan eyesight in those days was far more powerful than today
How the hell did he come up with that?
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chodamunky]
#2219245 - 01/04/04 09:15 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
cause they could see more stars an' shit
Space Travellin

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chodamunky]
#2219253 - 01/04/04 09:18 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
chodamunky said:
Ok Shroomism, then explain this: Pluto was not discovered until recent history, long after the Mayan civilization made that prophecy. Pluto can't be seen with the naked human eye, and the Mayans had no telescopes. Assuming you can see Uranus with the naked eye, that adds up to 10 planets (including Sun and moon). This theory just doesn't add up.
I don't know if the Mayans had telescopes or not, I wasn't there. The Dogon Tribe knew of the Sirius star system and that it was a binary star system long before our sciences discovered that very fact. But the fact remains that I did not give it the name 12th planet, nor was I living with the Mayans at the time of the prophecies to evaluate whether they were aware of the existence of 9 planets. In other words, we don't know for sure if the Mayans had telescopes or not, and I'm not really worried about it, because I didn't call it the 12th planet, the Ancient Mayans did.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: quemo]
#2219255 - 01/04/04 09:18 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I thought the Sumerians were the ones who first came up with the whole Nibiru, 12th planet thing, not the Mayans.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chunder]
#2219291 - 01/04/04 09:37 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I was also under that impression..
Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: chunder]
#2219300 - 01/04/04 09:44 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Yes it was the Sumerians, as promulgated by Zacharia Sitchin in his book The Twelfth Planet.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: ]
#2219328 - 01/04/04 09:59 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
See.. I'm all backwards as it is.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#2431395 - 03/14/04 01:23 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
just came across this: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,8968352%255E29098,00.html If im not mistaken, the bet was to end at the end of March 2004.
Thought it may be of interest
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: vampirism]
#2434469 - 03/15/04 10:41 AM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Xochitl]
#2434587 - 03/15/04 11:07 AM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
> If im not mistaken, the bet was to end at the end of March 2004.
Yes, but the planet-X described in the bet was supposed to be swarming with little moons that are all trailing behind it trying to win a place close to the planet or some other such nonsense. Also, the planet-X as described in the bet was not supposed to be in orbit around the sun, but rather an independent body able to move about through space on its own, changing directions at will, etc.
-------------------- Just another spore in the wind.
Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Seuss]
#2435591 - 03/15/04 03:35 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
no poleshift, no planet X, no dimension-shift, no floods, no apocalypse
A pole shift, great floods, and an 'apocalypse' are guaranteed things in the future of Earth..but no one can really say when these things will happen..
As for a 'dimension shift' and planet X these are just beliefs as of right now..with sketchy scientific proof..
The best time in my mind that I can figure for the most changes on our planet would be 2012... possibly the end. It's not just because the Mayan calender ends that year but because of the rate the world is going....something or someone is going to snap. A great revolution could occur...someone could start world war 3..who knows? it might not even be 2012 it might be sometime after or before, but it will happen. Theres not doubt in my mind.
And it's nice to think that at one point in time our ancestors were very wise and complex thinkers with a simple way of life.. and this is very true. Take the pyramids for example..we still have no true idea of how they were built, only theories. These people knew something that we don't...
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: ]
#2435649 - 03/15/04 03:49 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
Well even looking at a technological view point within our life time its gona be like startreck or someother far out sci-fi show. Just look at what we had in 94. Mobile phone where way to big and expensive, PC where lame so where most other computers well compared today.
Now we have all kind of cool stuff like mobile video phones super fast PC ect. Just tink what the world will be like in ten years from now its gona be at least 10 times more advance than we are now.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: EvilGir]
#2436090 - 03/15/04 06:01 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
interesting topic, i watched a discovery show on the culture who first predicted the new planet and what makes it somewhat credible is that these people had already mapped out the rest of the solar system with an accuracy that was thousands of years before our own. In fact it was impossible for them to have this information without even the kind of primitive telescope we discoverd much later. These people were very far in advance of any other known culture in terms of astrological knowledge and they themselves accredited this knowledge to the inhabitants of the 12th planet (i thought it was tenth they said)
so whatever
shroomism: its all very well and good to hear you admit that you were a bit arrogant in your belief, and its all well and good to think the global change is coming. But didnt you say Aliens TOLD you this? how do they explain this mistake? how do YOU?
basically what i want to know is 1. why did the aliens lie to you 2. what drugs were you doing when you saw these aliens? 3. if you werent on drugs how did you come to believe they existed? 4. if you didnt believe they existed why did you lie to all of us?
seriously dude you were going on about these aliens talking to you for a long time and when people inevitably call you out about the date you set being wrong you dont say a word about them. in fact you said that YOU shouldnt have set a date, and yet earlier you said aliens TOLD you the date. Your either lieing for fun, lieing for some other perverse reason or some other goofy thing is going on in your head that you should work on.
UNLESS im totally wrong about all this in which case a million apologies, but you DID say that aliens told you this (now proved false ) info, DIDNT YOU?
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: PHARMAKOS]
#2436483 - 03/15/04 07:30 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
At the time, (approximately 4 years ago) I was in contact with a different group of beings, little guys that were based on fear. I was shown possible realities, told that one was certain, and I was deceived. Turns out I was chilling with the wrong group of aliens, they weren't very 'benevolent' beings for lack of a better word.
So I was wrong, shoot me. I'm still an evolving earth human until zero point so I'm going to enjoy it ya hear? There are innumerable possible outcomes of our current path, or should I say.. ways to get there. It's not over yet, no not at all. There is still a lot to be learned, a lot to be discovered. The best we can do is not to freak out, it is to be human to each other. The transition is coming whether we like it or not, it's up to us whether it's a smooth ride or not.
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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Shroomism]
#19906076 - 04/27/14 06:23 AM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Shroomism said: And so shall it be as soon as I have the flow  It would be Canada's finest though..
I think 10 years wait is extreme patience on my part and plenty of time for 'flow' on your part.
Now pay up!
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OrgoneConclusion said:
Shroomism said: And so shall it be as soon as I have the flow  It would be Canada's finest though..
I think 10 years wait is extreme patience on my part and plenty of time for 'flow' on your part.
Now pay up!
Sometimes it's a mistake to wait. Statute of limitations was 7 years.
-------------------- Anxiety is what you make it.
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What kind of statue?
In the early part of the last century an Italian, fresh to the USA, is invited into an upper-middle class house. His eye light up and he gets excited as he spies an object. "Ah, you have a halo statue!" he exclaims. The lady host looks around puzzled and says "No, we don't have any religious icons here."
"Of course you do!" Luigi continues as he walks over to the telephone and picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear in a mock call. "Halo? 'Stat you?"
Enlil's Official Story

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OrgoneConclusion said: What kind of statue?
In the early part of the last century an Italian, fresh to the USA, is invited into an upper-middle class house. His eye light up and he gets excited as he spies an object. "Ah, you have a halo statue!" he exclaims. The lady host looks around puzzled and says "No, we don't have any religious icons here."
"Of course you do!" Luigi continues as he walks over to the telephone and picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear in a mock call. "Halo? 'Stat you?"
That joke truly sucked. And, I don't think you are getting your fat sack. Perhaps more belly fat and less time in the sack.
-------------------- Anxiety is what you make it.

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10 year megabump. That will be 20,000 Shroomery bucks.

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Re: 20k bet on planet X ??? [Re: Middleman]
#19907778 - 04/27/14 03:10 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
I should be able to trade those in for a baseball cap or t-shirt.
Enlil's Official Story

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OrgoneConclusion said: I should be able to trade those in for a baseball cap or t-shirt.
X Games coffee mug.
-------------------- Anxiety is what you make it.