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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146438 - 11/30/03 11:19 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)


SkorpivoMusterion said:
I just had an epiphany related to the subject of the whole matter of what is described in LoF's post...

have any of you had like, yknow.."future flashbacks"? Sorta like Deja Vu, but a lil "more" than that? Like suddenly you feel like you've been there, you've already seen this, you actually "remember" this moment, even though it didn't happen up until then.

I've had several incidents like this...like small things that have no significance, I'll have this image in my head, just some random image...and like, years later.. BOOM! i LIVE that image! i see the whole "scene" right in front of me, like right there just as exactly i have pictured in my head years ago...like just standing there doing nothing really noteworthy of significance or whatever...
I've had this happen to me quite a few times...and i've talked to alot of other people about it, who also related....so this could indeed be another supporting factor of the whole premise which is quite thoroughly and articulately explained in LoF's post...
like maybe we're actually "remembering" what we had planned out?
And maybe psychics are people who remember faster than most people?
Hmmm...I'ma dwell on this epiphany s'more...

^Thats also just another one of my own "clues" that support my belief in reincarnation.
I know quite a few people who have had this type of experience...
You could do a world-wide survey of it with everybody, and you would get countless people reporting the exact same type of experience(s).
What does this lead to? Who can say? Nobody can say with absolute authority. But, I can come to my own conclusion, based on what I feel to be the most likely cause, which is Fate.
I believe in Fate. I'm a Fatalist. What I've described above, that not only me but so many others have experienced, supports Fate. You don't have to believe it if you dont want to, hell you can believe whatever you feel is best, be it a simple "glitch in the Matrix".
I believe, that our subconscious mind leaks memories from us planning out the lives that we incarnate into, hence the "future flashbacks" that so many people have at times...
Again, this is just one of my reasons for my choice in the belief, of an afterlife.
If you have a better theory explaining otherwise, please feel free to share, I'm open-minded to listen to whatever ideas you feel is better and nor will I judge you for your ideas.

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Turtles all theway down

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146442 - 11/30/03 11:21 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Believing that you're born again after you die, is one theory. Maybe after we die, we become a star in the sky? Or maybe you go to heaven with god and his pals? Or maybe you haunt for ever, as a ghost? Or maybe your consciousness is transfered to an inanimate object, like a rock? Maybe your consciousness split off into all the particles that you're made up of, and when you're eventually part of another being, you'll be part of that consciousness? Or maybe, nothing happens. Maybe you just cease to exist?

Why don't you believe in any of these other theories? They're just as plausible as the standard reincarnation scenario, aren't they? Now, I could make up thousands of different theories like that, and they would all be equally good.

Here comes the difficult part: since they are all equally good, and there is no proof for any of them, what would be the logical conclusion? It would be the one that requires least conjecture. The one that doesn't require that I dream up the mechanism of how my soul is transfered to a star, or anything else like that, without any proof of that actually happening. And that just happens to be the conclusion that we just cease to exist.

This isn't proof that there is no afterlife, or whatever. It's just the most plausible theory, and there is a significant difference between plausbile and proven.

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Take half a gram of phanerothyme."

Aldous Huxley

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146443 - 11/30/03 11:21 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)


Hey, now there's also a chance I am divine and I will damn you to hell after this world no matter what..... a 50% chance, actually. WORSHIP ME, O STATISTICAL ONE.

And there is a 100% chance that i am divine because i am a Lamian...


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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ]
    #2146446 - 11/30/03 11:24 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)

makes sense to me...

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Turtles all theway down

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146449 - 11/30/03 11:26 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Even if your deja-vu experience was significant, I don't see how that relates to reincarnation or afterlife.

"To make this mundane world sublime
Take half a gram of phanerothyme."

Aldous Huxley

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: muhurgle]
    #2146453 - 11/30/03 11:29 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)


Why don't you believe in any of these other theories? They're just as plausible as the standard reincarnation scenario, aren't they? Now, I could make up thousands of different theories like that, and they would all be equally good.


Please answer his questions!   

Edit: Is my "When we die we all become the pubes of master Frodo!" theory already accepted?

Edited by Annom (11/30/03 11:34 AM)

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: Annom]
    #2146500 - 11/30/03 11:47 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)

If you look at every natural thing in existance, you will start to see a pattern.
There is a cycle to everything.
The planets revolve around stars, protons revolve around nucleus.
Leaves fall from the trees and nourish the Earth
In the Spring, they return
Water evaporates from the surface and collects in the sky
Only to precipitate back down once again
Physical Life on Earth is a collection of millions of cycles.
Being a living human is no exception.
No you will not find proof of an 'afterlife'
Not until you die, or have an out of body experience, whichever comes first
Because we are not special, we are subject to the same laws as everything else in existance.
Evolution is the name of the game, and to evolve one must experience and learn.
You don't learn by everything going black.
I mean, if you want to cease existing after your physical life, that's your perogitave.
But me, I am going to move my consciousness to the other side, where I will analyze my life and the lives of previous incarnations. I will return to spirit and rejoice with my celestial family as I dance amidst endless flowing energy. And then I shall incarnate again.
Consciousness is not a product of the brain. It resides in, for the time being. It is energy, and last I checked, you cannot destroy energy.
So go ahead and believe in whatever brings you peace. But you will not sway those who have experienced firsthand and remember.
Eternity can really be a bitch sometimes.


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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: muhurgle]
    #2146520 - 11/30/03 11:52 AM (21 years, 2 months ago)


muhurgle said:
Believing that you're born again after you die, is one theory. Maybe after we die, we become a star in the sky? Or maybe you go to heaven with god and his pals? Or maybe you haunt for ever, as a ghost? Or maybe your consciousness is transfered to an inanimate object, like a rock? Maybe your consciousness split off into all the particles that you're made up of, and when you're eventually part of another being, you'll be part of that consciousness? Or maybe, nothing happens. Maybe you just cease to exist?

Sure I could come up with all kinds of loony out-landish infinite possibilities, maybe we turn into a blade of grass? maybe we become a zit on someone's ass? Maybe our souls evaporate into the clouds and transform into rain and hits the ocean and evaporates all over again?

Why don't you believe in any of these other theories?
Because I have to choose what I feel to be true. What my heart tells me is truly true. And that's Reincarnation. And the reason I choose reincarnation, is because sincerely doubt that I turn into a star, or a blade of grass, or become a molecule in a dog's turd when I die. I believe in my theory, because it's by far the most PLAUSIBLE theory, at least IMHO.

They're just as plausible as the standard reincarnation scenario, aren't they?
Thats a matter of opinion. My opinion of the matter is that the theory(s) of reincarnation has REASONING behind it, you reincarnate for a REASON, be it to come to this plane of existence to learn and progress your soul, throughout the lives that YOU planned out yourself.
If you find equally plausible reasoning behind any other belief, no matter how far fetched, and feel that you believe that is the most likely cause, then believe it. Because I believe the truth is...it doesn't change what really happens when you die, be it going back home to the next dimension where you came from. In the end, everybody reaches the same destination. Regardless of what they beleive. This is my belief.

Now, I could make up thousands of different theories like that, and they would all be equally good.
You really think the theory of becoming a dust-mite on some guy's hairy armpit has an equally good reasoning behind the theory as the "standard reincarnation" theory? If you do, then -shrugs- whatever floats your boat.

Here comes the difficult part: since they are all equally good,
Thats still a matter of opinion.

and there is no proof for any of them, what would be the logical conclusion? It would be the one that requires least conjecture. The one that doesn't require that I dream up the mechanism of how my soul is transfered to a star, or anything else like that, without any proof of that actually happening. And that just happens to be the conclusion that we just cease to exist.

to quote Chris Rock "If everybody knew we lived after death, like if we had proof that reincarnation existed, the world would way crazier! waaaay crazier!" In my own opinion in my own belief in reincarnation, there is good reason behind that, which Chris Rock stated quite humorously :smile:

This isn't proof that there is no afterlife, or whatever. It's just the most plausible theory, and there is a significant difference between plausbile and proven. 


Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: Shroomism]
    #2146535 - 11/30/03 12:00 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Good post!

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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: muhurgle]
    #2146553 - 11/30/03 12:10 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)


muhurgle said:
Even if your deja-vu experience was significant, I don't see how that relates to reincarnation or afterlife.

Okay, I'm gonna go real slow for you here...

Lets say you have a "daydream" or whatever...and you have a very clear vivid image of you doing some random thing, say, washing dishes on a sunny day.
Then you snap outta your day-dream state of mind as someone calls your name and then thats the end of that.

Then, say, 1 year later....
on a sunny afternoon...you decide to clean the house...and along doing so, do the dishes...you begin to wash the dishes...and alla the sudden, it hits you like a frieght train...you remember that exact moment...and yor mind races to make sense out of the whole situation, and if you're quick enough in your memory, you'll remember that you actually had that EXACT same "scene" daydreamed out in your head, a year ago. Everything was identical.

Now, on top of that, lets say you had SEVERAL similar experiences with you having this exact same type of incident, throughout your life.
And on top of that, you've talked to people about, and THEY TOO, relate to it and have experienced the same thing, and so on.

Now tell me, what would YOU, make of that? what conclusion would you come to as to what the reason behind the incident that not JUST you, but other people all over the world has experienced? And why would you come to that conclusion.

I already told you my opinion and conclusion on the matter in my other post.

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: adrug]
    #2146555 - 11/30/03 12:11 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Skorpivo: Do you believe you always incarnate into a human being?

...and to the people that do, what would happen if the species became extinct? ...and how come we don't incarnate into living beings on other planets?

"Remain a learner, never become a knower." - Osho

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: Shroomism]
    #2146558 - 11/30/03 12:12 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Brilliant post :thumbup: 

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146561 - 11/30/03 12:14 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)


SkorpivoMusterion said:

muhurgle said:
Even if your deja-vu experience was significant, I don't see how that relates to reincarnation or afterlife.

Okay, I'm gonna go real slow for you here...

Lets say you have a "daydream" or whatever...and you have a very clear vivid image of you doing some random thing, say, washing dishes on a sunny day.
Then you snap outta your day-dream state of mind as someone calls your name and then thats the end of that.

Then, say, 1 year later....
on a sunny afternoon...you decide to clean the house...and along doing so, do the dishes...you begin to wash the dishes...and alla the sudden, it hits you like a frieght train...you remember that exact moment...and yor mind races to make sense out of the whole situation, and if you're quick enough in your memory, you'll remember that you actually had that EXACT same "scene" daydreamed out in your head, a year ago. Everything was identical.

Now, on top of that, lets say you had SEVERAL similar experiences with you having this exact same type of incident, throughout your life.
And on top of that, you've talked to people about, and THEY TOO, relate to it and have experienced the same thing, and so on.

Now tell me, what would YOU, make of that? what conclusion would you come to as to what the reason behind the incident that not JUST you, but other people all over the world has experienced? And why would you come to that conclusion.

I already told you my opinion and conclusion on the matter in my other post.

Perhaps we are destined to re-live our same life over and over in some cyclical universe? And our subconsious leaks out memories? ...perhaps adding randomness to each life each time?

"Remain a learner, never become a knower." - Osho

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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146565 - 11/30/03 12:17 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Ergot: I don't believe that I would CHOOSE to incarnate into a Duck-billed platypus :smirk: 

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146578 - 11/30/03 12:22 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)


ergot said:

Perhaps we are destined to re-live our same life over and over in some cyclical universe? And our subconsious leaks out memories? ...perhaps adding randomness to each life each time?

Very good, now you can speculate theories as to what the possibilites behind such occurences may be.
Now, try to find solid plausible reasoning behind what you would honestly FEEL to be most likely true.
There's always going to be a myriad of "possibilties".
It's up to YOU to choose what you feel, deep down within yourself, to be true.
Think deeply about it. Dont just throw out random possibilties.

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146583 - 11/30/03 12:23 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

But, what will happen when/if humans become extinct?

"Remain a learner, never become a knower." - Osho

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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146589 - 11/30/03 12:24 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

You're still thinking in terms of this physical plane of existence.

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Livin in theTwilight Zone...
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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: ergot]
    #2146606 - 11/30/03 12:31 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)


ergot said:
...and how come we don't incarnate into living beings on other planets?

who says we don't? :grin: Who says other beings from other planets havent incarnated on this planet?

Perhaps George Lucas incarnated on this planet from a distant planet in a galaxy far far away...Perhaps subconscious memories of past lives on alien worlds and advanced civilizations fueled his creation of Star Wars...

Perhaps the same goes for Gene Roddenberry...the creator of Star Trek. 

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.

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Turtles all theway down

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146613 - 11/30/03 12:33 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

Um. I would come to the conclusion that one could see glimpses of the future? And.. how does that relate to an afterlife?

See glimpses of future -> something very obvious -> Afterlife

Yeah, I understand it now :smile: 

"To make this mundane world sublime
Take half a gram of phanerothyme."

Aldous Huxley

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Re: You silly afterlife-believing fools... [Re: SkorpivoMusterion]
    #2146615 - 11/30/03 12:34 PM (21 years, 2 months ago)

or perhaps they are using something called creativity and not everything has a supernatural origin.

"Remain a learner, never become a knower." - Osho

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