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Re: The poor man's blues
#20615 - 06/14/00 10:50 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
no naturallry occuring fruits in s. Africa? maybe you could trade someone? if i had prints i would but not yet
Re: The poor man's blues
#20617 - 06/15/00 02:10 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
I will send you some spores if you send me a living T. Iboga plant (Tabernathe Ibogain), I think thats how you spell that.
Re: The poor man's blues
#20618 - 06/18/00 10:33 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
To all those who responded, thanks alot ( though feel free to reply some more !) Shrooms do grow in South Africa, but I live in a city and farmers here tend to shoot trespassers on site- so no forays to the nearest cow field - not that I have a car to get there. Also, T.iboga grows in WEST africa. I live in SOUTH africa. Theres one rain forest and at least 2 deserts seperating the two places- so they have different ecosystems and all that shit. Africa's one hell of a big place - why, its even bigger than north america!!!?!(and they say everythings bigger in america....) That reminds me, it would be interesting to get some idea of which different countries contain shroomers (eg, fiji islands, outer mongolia-places you'd never think of)- so where do you all come from (this excludes the thousands of americans out there - we know where you come from.) gotta run....
old hand

Registered: 04/02/00
Posts: 497
Last seen: 23 years, 4 months
Re: The poor man's blues
#20619 - 06/19/00 12:33 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Drop me an email and we cxan see what we can do... Krugerands are pretty . Do you know how to make your own syringes?------------------ Be sure to check out www.3mshrooms.homestead.com for your spore needs
-------------------- Corruptissima republicae, plurimae leges
Illegitumus non carborundum
Green Fever

Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 43
Loc: S. Africa
Last seen: 23 years, 22 days
Re: The poor man's blues
#20620 - 06/19/00 02:01 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Send me a mail, we can negotiate.
Fried Brains
Registered: 12/21/98
Posts: 83
Last seen: 12 years, 4 months
Re: The poor man's blues
#20621 - 06/19/00 02:15 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Send me an email with your address. I live in S.A.
Green Fever

Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 43
Loc: S. Africa
Last seen: 23 years, 22 days
Re: The poor man's blues
#20622 - 06/19/00 02:38 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Yo Fried BrainsI am also from SA. Are you willing to swop syringes? I have EQ.
Re: The poor man's blues
#20623 - 06/19/00 09:29 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
did you ever get spores and is it 33 cents to send mail to africa if so when mine fruit ill send you a print
Fried Brains
Registered: 12/21/98
Posts: 83
Last seen: 12 years, 4 months
Re: The poor man's blues
#20624 - 06/20/00 01:27 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Hi Green Fever Yeh I am willing to trade but would prefer spores prints only. I have lots of Gulf Coast.( from smart botanics) A few Treasure Coast, and a few B+.( ex Ryche Hawk ) In the pipe line I will be aquiring soon cambodia, amazon, matias romero, mexicubes. Send me an email. Attached is a pic of some Gulf Coast recently fruited.
Re: The poor man's blues
#20625 - 06/20/00 07:27 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Me Tarzan, you not. Me know where all mushroom are in Great Land. Me no tell hunter, hunter bad, hunter kill all mushroom, all elephant, all buffalo.Ungawa! Ungawa!
Re: The poor man's blues
#20626 - 06/20/00 07:28 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Hey Tarzan, how did you get into my account?------------------ Visit the Spore Lab at: http://www.sunshine.net/www/1700/sn1730 It's a trip you'll never forget!
Re: The poor man's blues
#20627 - 06/20/00 07:30 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Tarzan sorry. Tarzan not know computer well. Tarzan still learn DOS 6.1 and Windows for Workgroup 3.1.
Re: The poor man's blues
#20628 - 06/20/00 07:32 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Damn elves! You just can't find good help these days!
Re: The poor man's blues
#20629 - 06/21/00 04:00 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
AHA! I was hoping that some south africans would crawl out of the woodwork...good to know you're out there and having better luck than me. Unfortunately I did'nt have a couple of spare SOLID GOLD kruggerrands lying around to purchase some spores, but you know how these things are... How EXACTLY do you make a spore print ? I know the general method, but it seems as though there must be a massive risk of contamination. People are kind enough to offer spore prints, but I'll start foaming at the mouth and having a fit if everything gets contaminated bacause I've screwed up.By the by, how many other S.Africans are lurking around out there....own up, don't be shy, 'cause we don't have FBI !!!