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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up
    #17461 - 05/17/00 09:46 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Don't get discouraged. Try again and stick to the tek meticulously. Are you using a pressure cooker or are you boiling your jars? IMHO there is no replacement for a PC

Be sure to check out www.3mshrooms.homestead.com for your spore needs

Corruptissima republicae, plurimae leges
Illegitumus non carborundum

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17463 - 05/17/00 09:48 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Look here dude, my first time growing, I had no access to the net and used the old ver of MMGG. I had 24 FULL quart masons totally collinized, got rid of em all 2 months after innoc, because of little yellow balls I thought was contams... I felt so stupid and so lost that I had wasted so much time, even when it wasnt contams just baby shrooms.. Dont give up, like MMGG qoutes the single most discouraging thing to gowing is contams... Dude look, Ill even send you a syringe of pf if you would like, Ill even help you via email or whatever.. Just hang in there man... took 3 years to get the success rate Im at now... KEEP THE SHROOOMIES LIVING!!!!

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17464 - 05/18/00 10:01 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Thank you for the support guys. And exodus, I truly really appreciate the offer, but I have half a PF, and half an EQ syringe left. I just reread the PF tek, again, and I think I got some pointers, that I will try next time. But I have one question, is sterilizng the syringe with a lighter OK? PF says this leaves a soot, is that OK? Thanks again...

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17465 - 05/18/00 10:07 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

try a lil torch lighter. No residue.

Good luck Melt.


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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17466 - 05/18/00 10:22 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

WHere can I get one at? Thanks for the reply.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17467 - 05/18/00 01:42 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

gas stations like thorntons or super america, most of the time any way, dude i think your doing too much stick to the pf tek, its plain and simple and i would not advize trying to grow eq's your fist time.

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Registered: 05/10/00
Posts: 40
Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17468 - 05/19/00 10:39 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Hang in there. A pressure cooker really helps. And work with a gas flame. I have a gas stove and i hover over a
burner, it creates a little magic zone of cleanliness. I flame everything--the foil when it comes off the jars, the needle in between jars, the lids of the jars, everything that can be flamed I do. You might read abouth this flaming tek in a bacterology lab guide. If you have access to a gas stove that's all you need, along with using the pressure cooker.
Good luck,

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17469 - 05/18/00 11:09 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

But is a lighter OK? I know it leaves the soot, but isn't that sterile. I need an answer quick, because I will innoculate tomorrow morning, and all I have is a lighter right now. Requiring a torch lighter would be OK, just make it a longer wait, I just want to do the right thing.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17470 - 05/19/00 02:44 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

melt, everyone makes mistakes. I tried making shrooms a while back using the PF technique and it sucked ass...all the fuckin jars went bad, i wasted alot of time and effort.

there is an easier method i use and it brings EXCELLENT results..look up the Quart Jar Way Revisited in the Grow/Find section and follow it to the letter. It's simple, to the point, and extremely effective.

I innoculated 6 jars last week and no cantamination, just beautiful, white myceilium. I think the key here is to use alot of lysol which is what is stressed in the tek. I'd clean the entire area with lysol, soak the box which held the jars, and sprayed the top of the jars with it everyday to discourage contams. Try it out.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17471 - 05/19/00 06:01 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

i am in the same ship as you ..
i have tried it about 5 times now and i had no sucsess an lost a lot of money for things i dont need :?-( .
but i will try it again and again and i am going to buy a pressure cooker , i think that this was my fault.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17472 - 05/19/00 06:54 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Well, I guess things aren;t so bad after all. I have three pins now, that look really healthy. Well, it's the next morning, and nobody answered me yet, so I will just go buy a torch lighter, it can;t hurt. Thanks for all the support...


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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17473 - 05/19/00 07:37 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

go ahead and use the regular lighter... i did and all my jars are fine. I didn't pressure cook them either. i just did exactly what the pf tek manual said to do and right now i'm at week 4 and have 100% germination and no contams whatsoever. they're still in vitro cause a few of the 12 jars are slow growers but I also never really let the tempature rise above 72 F in my place. just make sure you boil them long enough and lightly seat the jar lid (cover with foil too) so pressure can vent if it gets real high in the jar. flame the needle inbetween each innoculation with a regular lighter and you'll be fine. wipe off the soot with a little rubbing alcohol and then lightly heat the needle to evap the alcohol... innoculate away!

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17474 - 05/19/00 09:32 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

i know what you mean. i tell you this at least you had pf spores. i had jlf spores and you want to be pissed use those. just follow the tek and you'll be good. during sterilization try putting 2 layers of foil and maybe boil the water lower and with the water level just under half the jar. and do not forget the rag. don't worry about heating the jars pf does great at 70 degrees.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17475 - 05/18/00 10:50 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

I did 5 jars using the PF tek with a regular lighter that left some black crap on the needle but I soon figured out if you just hold the lighter about a cm away from the needle when sterilizing it won't leave a soot on the needle and it still gets red hot. it just takes longer to heat up... try it out... works great for me. No contams and they are almost fully colonized after 3 weeks....

"The Fungus Is Amung Us"

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17476 - 05/18/00 10:54 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

also I do not have a pressure cooker but I boiled my jars an extra 30 minutes just to make sure there was no contams. I also baked my dry substrate at 300 in the oven for 20 min before they went into jars and boiled my water too.

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Head Banana

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17477 - 05/19/00 11:28 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Hi melter8or,
First off, I'm so happy that there are people kind enough to share their experiences with you and help you out.

Secondly. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Growing is "easy" but so is brain surgery if you know how to do it:-) When I first started I had absolutely no problems. But After a few harvests, things did go wrong (and I thought I knew what I was doing:-) I've lost literally POUNDS of substrate, bunches of casings, and til this day, many of them I'm not sure why I lost. Some got contaminated, some just didn't colonize, etc. etc.

Let me see if I can help any....

A pressure cooker is NICE! Not essential, but defintely worth buying. They cook at a more even, regulated heat, and they cook at a higher heat so right there it's good. If you use a canning pot or a just a pot with boiling water, make sure you boil the water until you see steam THEN put your jars in. Some people put water in the pot, but their jars in, then count down an hour....It doesn't work:-) The jars will be sitting in there for a good 10-15 minutes before the necessay heat to sterilze is achieved.

If you get a pressure cooker. Put water in it, then your jars, then tighten down the lid. Start to time when the pressure relief valve starts to jiggle. (If you never used a pressure cooker before you'll know what I'm talking about when you get it:-) Also, alot of teks say that you need to cook for an hour. That's true....AT LEAST AN HOUR! Don't be afriad if you go over 15-20 minutes:-) I wouldn't go over and hour and 1/2 for PF style cakes....

Next. PF....When did you get your syringes from PF? I ordered a few things from him and one being a few B+ syringes. 1/2 of the syringes NEVER colonized!!! Am I pissed?? Sure I am...but PF has treated me good many times so, I can't complain. Point is, maybe your syringe is bad?

You said you lost your casings? Thats sucks... Until you have some success at casing, my best recommendation would be to over colonize your casing.

For example, if a tek calls for half of a 1/2 pint cake...use the entire cake. I'm pretty sure that most contaminates hit within the first 5 days of a casing? So if you use more colonized substrate, your chances of contams gets knocked down. The more colonized substrate that you use the quicker your casing will flourish;-)

Well...I hope things work out for you. And please don't give up. If you need any help just email me.


Myco Supply - Distributors of Mycological Products

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Head Banana

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17478 - 05/19/00 11:30 AM (24 years, 8 months ago)

OOPS...one other thing...

I've never used a flame to sterilze my syringes. I always used rubbing alcohol. It will kill 98% of all the contams so...get a cotton ball and rub the needle down 3-4 times;-) It's cleaner and a bit easier.

Just my opinion:-)

Myco Supply - Distributors of Mycological Products

The Premiere Source for Mushroom Growing Supplies.
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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17479 - 05/19/00 12:28 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

When rubbing down needles with rubbing alcohol should you wipe them off afterwards with a paper towel or is it alright to put that slight bit of rubbing alcohol into your jars???? thanks

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17480 - 05/19/00 01:00 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

As far as sterilizing the needles goes, PF (check the website www.fanaticus.com) says to use a tequila shot glass, turn it over and fill the little dimple on the underside of the glass with rubbing alcohol and light that. That flame will burn "clean" as opposed to a regular butane lighter. Use that flame to sterilize with.

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17481 - 05/19/00 01:57 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Try to use less water if your steaming them on the stove. Steam is way more hot than water anyways and does a better job. My jars only touch about a centimeter of water cause they are on a vegy steamer thing(my sisters), and i never had a contaminated jar. When i flame the needle, i fliip over a shot glass and pour rubbing alcohol in it and light that, its a pure blue flame. The safer the better cause i dont like wasting my time. Make sure you steam the jars for an hour so the heat can penetrate to the center of the jar and kill all the bacteria. good luck bro!

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17482 - 05/19/00 04:47 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Is it neccasary to sterilyze between each jar? and if so does that mean you have to wait for the needle to get red hot and then cool down between each jar? thanks

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17483 - 05/19/00 04:56 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

My friend doesn't sterlize between jars, he doesn't even sterilize the needle when it comes out. He just is careful to not touch the needle to anything unnecessarily, is clean, has a face mask (t-shirt+string) and does it in the oven on its lowest setting (200-250?).

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Re: Pissed...feel like giving up [Re: 3Mshroom]
    #17484 - 05/19/00 05:25 PM (24 years, 8 months ago)

Don't give up!
You seem to have a big bacterial problem....
So here some possibles solutions:
1- USE A PRESSURE COOKER (if you don't have one)
2- use a bleach solution 20% to disinfect your jars before using them, best to keep them for an hour dipped in that solution (as endospores can survive the pressure cooker but not chemical attack)
3- wash your p/cooker with the same solution as above (2) or buy a new one
4- the next time keep a jar as test...i mean don't inject spore solution...of course if don't get contaminated your problems are the syringes....
5- try the honey tek...when the liquid mycelium starts to grow you can inject some h2o2 that kills the bacteria, and use this solution in the same way as spores...

When i started this journey into homegrowing i had the first 5 batches very nice, then i began to feel sure and was when the troubles began.....lots of contams, especially bacteria.
Do you want to know how i resolved them?
I FORGOT ALL WHAT I KNEW BOUT CULTIVATION and i started again like the first time..and also i used the points 2-3-4 mentioned above..
Don't get discouraged, growing cubies it's damn easy...BUT SOME RULES CANNOT BE CHANGED (at least if you aren't an expert)
Hope this helps and feel free to ask me more if you need

Look at http://novenove.homepage.com/Honeytek.html for the liquidmycelium honeytek

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