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see you in hell

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    #1703474 - 07/10/03 05:09 PM (21 years, 6 months ago)


**Mobilization Against the WTO Mini-Ministerial in Montreal**

In the spirit of Seattle and Quebec, and in solidarity with protests in Cancun, Mexico:


JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL

As part of the ongoing struggle against capitalism, imperialism, patriarchy, and other forms of oppression, people are invited to converge in Montreal on July 27-30 to oppose the World Trade Organization (WTO). Mega-demonstrations are planned in response to a so-called 'mini-ministerial' -- at which an exclusive group of trade ministers will be conspiring here in Montreal to engineer a 'successful' outcome at a larger WTO ministerial to be held in September in Cancun, Mexico.

"Mobilization Against the WTO Mini-Ministerial in Montreal" -- an open organizational assembly process called by Montreal region activists affiliated with various local anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-war groups -- has adopted a basic action plan. This will include direct action disruptions to the upcoming meeting (possibly a 'shutdown') and an emphasis on complementing the efforts of local groups dealing with antiwar, refugee, immigrant, and indigenous struggles. There will be several days of action, allowing space for various issues, such as a focus on the pharmaceutical industry's refusal to permit low-cost, life-saving and life-enhancing AIDS drugs to the global South, on the GATS (General Agreement on Trade and Services), on WTO agricultural policies, and more. The events will be kicked off with a large-scale, popular, child-friendly march on July 27 under the theme "No One is Illegal". The focus of this will be on the WTO's links to colonial genocide, militarization and war, as well as the displacement of migrants (this march follows from the No One Is Illegal march, of more than 5000 people, last June in Ottawa against the G. Other specific events will be announced in future updates.


With 146 member countries, the WTO is the world's most powerful instrument in controlling international trade. It is a main vehicle of the 'neoliberal' agenda -- a philosophy in which everything and everyone is reduced to a commodity to be bought and sold in markets, with the ultimate goal being a relentless expansion of profits. In concrete terms, the WTO administers over 20 agreements, facilitates future trade negotiations, and oversees and enforces trade dispute resolution - a secret process which allows countries to challenge each others' laws as violations of WTO rules. Since its inception in 1995, the net effect of the WTO has been to undermine governments' capacity to implement progressive labour, social, health, safety or environmental laws, and to jeopardize the rights of peoples to determine their own futures.

But after being shut down in Seattle in 1999 and forced to hide out in Qatar in 2001, the WTO process has begun to unravel beneath the weight of its own illegitimacy. Externally, it is universally reviled as a symbol of corporate domination; internally, the majority of its own members are fed up with being shoved around by a minority of powerful interests. A powerful popular resistance in Montreal will help to unsteady the WTO so that protesters massed in Cancun can deliver the knockout blow.


The basis of unity of the organizing assembly ("Mobilization Against the WTO Mini-Ministerial in Montreal") is the PGA Hallmarks (see http://www.agp.org), a set of principles which have evolved out the struggles in the global south. They are as follows:

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation;

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism;

5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.


A Montreal organizing site will be online soon at http://montreal.resist.ca at which updated information will be posted regularly.

Meanwhile info updates in English and French about Montreal-area organizing against the WTO are available via the wto-montreal-announce e-mail list which you can join by visiting the following webpage: http://lists.resist.ca/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/wto-montreal-announce

For people coming from out of town needing transportation and/or accommodations, please see http://web.infiniweb.ca/leprof

Contact "Mobilization Against the WTO Mini-Ministerial in Montreal" at: resisteomc@resist.ca or by phone at (514) 409-2049


from http://montreal.resist.ca/wto.htm
"Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them
out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led
out, you could be led back again."
-- Eugene Debs

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Registered: 09/24/00
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    #1771683 - 08/02/03 12:19 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

How'd it go? Did you smash the state?

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T'was born oftrue in the yearof the cock!

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    #1771742 - 08/02/03 12:46 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)


enjoy the entertaining indentity i have constructed for you while you can.

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Sun-Beams out of Cucumbers
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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: atomikfunksoldier]
    #1771854 - 08/02/03 01:30 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

Whats so bad about the WTO again?

After one comes, through contact with it's administrators, no longer to cherish greatly the law as a remedy in abuses, then the bottle becomes a sovereign means of direct action.  If you cannot throw it at least you can always drink out of it.  - Ernest Hemingway

If it is life that you feel you are missing I can tell you where to find it.  In the law courts, in business, in government.  There is nothing occurring in the streets. Nothing but a dumbshow composed of the helpless and the impotent.    -Cormac MacCarthy

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.  - Aeschylus

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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: Madtowntripper]
    #1771872 - 08/02/03 01:39 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

lines must be drawn. it's time to take it to the streets.

The ultimate meaning of our being can only be fulfilled in the paradoxical leap beyond the tragic-demonic frustration. It is a leap from our side, but it is the self-surrendering presence of the Ground of Being from the other side.
- Paul Tillich

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Registered: 09/24/00
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    #1772746 - 08/02/03 12:33 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)

Did you go to Montreal?

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T'was born oftrue in the yearof the cock!

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    #1772778 - 08/02/03 12:45 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)

thw wto is a very terribly run organization, that "supposedly" tries to help third world countries through trade, but fails again and again and again. But they do help various multinational corporations get richer and richer!

enjoy the entertaining indentity i have constructed for you while you can.

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Registered: 07/21/03
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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: atomikfunksoldier]
    #1773044 - 08/02/03 02:17 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)

Apparently like 100 people got arrested there.. Glad I didn't go..

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unintended sideeffect

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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: atomikfunksoldier]
    #1775168 - 08/03/03 10:08 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)


atomikfunksoldier said:
thw wto is a very terribly run organization, that "supposedly" tries to help third world countries through trade, but fails again and again and again. But they do help various multinational corporations get richer and richer!

This is correct on many levels. The WTO (and by association, the IMF - which is, coincidentally, owned 51% by the US Treasury Department) is the leading international bankroller for Globalization and Privatization of government sectors of the infrastructures of foreign countries. They are arguably the most powerful single organization in the world, and have used that power to make a lot of people incredibly rich, and a lot more people unbelievably poor.

If you really want to know more (and I think we all should - 12 year old kids in Argentina can tell you more about the WTO and IMF than most American politicians), then check out these 2 books. And yes, you have to read both of them to get a good understanding of the arguments.

The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization - Thomas L. Friedman
Gloabalization and its Discontents - Joseph E. Stiglitz.

Not exactly light reading, but if you've had a college level Econ class, you will understand the principles.

And it's fucking scary stuff.

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
  --  Howard Zinn

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Sun-Beams out of Cucumbers
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    #1775264 - 08/03/03 11:07 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

I really didnt know. I thought it was all these rabid protesters who will protest ANYTHING,ya know?

I mean, I think the world is definately heading towards a one-government type thing...We have to eventually, the world is too small for petty squabbles. I'll hafta read up though and edumacate myself. Making the richer richer and the poorer poorer isnt very nice...

After one comes, through contact with it's administrators, no longer to cherish greatly the law as a remedy in abuses, then the bottle becomes a sovereign means of direct action.  If you cannot throw it at least you can always drink out of it.  - Ernest Hemingway

If it is life that you feel you are missing I can tell you where to find it.  In the law courts, in business, in government.  There is nothing occurring in the streets. Nothing but a dumbshow composed of the helpless and the impotent.    -Cormac MacCarthy

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.  - Aeschylus

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unintended sideeffect

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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: Madtowntripper]
    #1775286 - 08/03/03 11:22 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

It's SO not very nice as to nearly be beyond words.

I totally agree that a united world government is an idealogical goal, it deeply pains me to see that the beginnings of this govornment are not organizations such as the UN, but corporations disguised as govornment agencies like WTO, World Bank, and IMF.

Really do read those two books. They're a hell of an education.

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
  --  Howard Zinn

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Sun-Beams out of Cucumbers
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    #1775341 - 08/03/03 11:52 AM (21 years, 5 months ago)

Just was thinking a bit, and I'll say this...

Are they anti-WTO just because they're making money? I mean...Corporations are in the business of making money. Period. . Thats what they do. And naturally, there are going to be people who are working for these corporations, who are making minimum wage, or whatever...

You cant pay everyone an executives salary and make money...But big business isnt like a bad word....

After one comes, through contact with it's administrators, no longer to cherish greatly the law as a remedy in abuses, then the bottle becomes a sovereign means of direct action.  If you cannot throw it at least you can always drink out of it.  - Ernest Hemingway

If it is life that you feel you are missing I can tell you where to find it.  In the law courts, in business, in government.  There is nothing occurring in the streets. Nothing but a dumbshow composed of the helpless and the impotent.    -Cormac MacCarthy

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.  - Aeschylus

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T'was born oftrue in the yearof the cock!

Registered: 04/07/03
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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: Madtowntripper]
    #1775399 - 08/03/03 12:28 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)

nope, im anti-wto because its a shitty organization that doesnt produce the results it proposes to, and in the process, they fuck up alot of peoples lives.

i dont give a god damn if people make billions, as long as they dont fuck innocent people over.

enjoy the entertaining indentity i have constructed for you while you can.

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unintended sideeffect

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Re: CALL TO MOBILIZE AGAINST THE WTO JULY 27-30, 2003 /MONTREAL [Re: Madtowntripper]
    #1775439 - 08/03/03 12:45 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)


Madtowntripper said:

Are they anti-WTO just because they're making money? I mean...Corporations are in the business of making money. Period. . Thats what they do. And naturally, there are going to be people who are working for these corporations, who are making minimum wage, or whatever...

You cant pay everyone an executives salary and make money...But big business isnt like a bad word....

The WTO and World Bank are in the business of making money, to be sure. That is what business is about, for sure.

However, if your corporate globalization policies have the tendency to cause political coups and rebellions in the street, or cause people living well below the poverty line in an already reasonably poor country to, overnight, be forced to pay 20x more for their water, electricity, and gas... well, that's not really good business.

Corporations have the right to make money, of course. Do they have the right to make as much money as possible, at whatever cost, with little to no regard for the effect their marketing and business strategies have on people, governments, and world (and I DO mean global) policy?

I don't think so.

That's why people are anti-WTO.

Seriously - take the time to read up on Globalization and WTO/IMF policy. It's truly scary shit.

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
  --  Howard Zinn

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Dance EnergyConjuror

Registered: 07/10/03
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    #1776833 - 08/03/03 09:46 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)



Edited by LikwidDrawp (08/03/03 09:47 PM)

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unintended sideeffect

Registered: 05/28/03
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    #1776890 - 08/03/03 10:10 PM (21 years, 5 months ago)

I didn't even get to read what you said before you *poofed* :frown:

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
  --  Howard Zinn

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