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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: Shroomism]
    #1731839 - 07/20/03 04:38 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: Thor]
    #1731847 - 07/20/03 04:46 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1731971 - 07/20/03 09:18 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)

The role of faith in the Christian

Faith does not merit salvation. Faith only observes the effects of salvation. Human merits do not play any role in finding favor with God.

Now wait a minute, are you saying I am totally at the mercy of God and there is nothing I can do about it?

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

This totally blows away the false notion that man can "decide" and by "deciding" find favor. Man only finds favor if God himself has decided to show favor, and this according to His purposes.

So are you saying He has decided to show favor to some and not others?


The statement that "Jesus loves you" is false. Jesus loves those who were named and given to Him in the everlasting covenant of redemption. Those not named in this covenant abide in wrath and will exist forevermore under wrath, both in body and in soul.

The fact that Jesus would come under wrath for the sins of His people is a demonstration of the love of God for them. Love is not shown on the basis of forseen faith, goodness or any other merit. Love is shown to the ungodly, the sinners, the wretched, the undone not to those who bring works of their own righteousness such as "my faith", "my repentance", "my goodness" or "my preserverance".

The only righteousness God is pleased with is the righteousness of His dear Son, who satisfied the broken law by coming under divine wrath and obeying every precept perfectly for His people.

The Spirit applies the Word to the heart of the elect, in time, by convicting of sinnership, righteousness and judgment and causes conversion, faith, obediance, and reveals the hidden truths in the Word.

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: Grav]
    #1732027 - 07/20/03 09:54 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)

There are billions of people who would disagree with your second statement, and pity you for your first.

γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: fivepointer]
    #1732146 - 07/20/03 11:28 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)

Substances can be considered to be 'drugs,' which is a perjorative term, or they can be considered to be 'medicine,' as in Huxley's term "Moksha [Liberation isn Sanskrit] Medicine," or as the Native American Church employs Peyote buttons as the Eucharistic Body of Christ. Now, you might belong to a church that employs half-inch squares of Wonder Bread and Welch's grape juice, or you might belong (unlikely) to the RC church which uses specially prepared unleavened bread, or you may belong to an Orthodox church (also unlikely) that uses leavened bread (in their case leaven is not equated with evil, but with Bread thar 'Rises' as in Ascension. Different valence of symbolism). Some people, trying to synthesize an equally valuable substance, may employ Psilocybe Mushroom Caps, for example, as the Body of Christ.

The substance called wine, contains the psychoactive ethyl alcohol (during the time of Jesus, Greek wines contained herbal psychoactives that sometimes had to be diluted 20:1 with water, or they could be fatal). For some people, the use of wine is strictly profane - for mere pleasure of the palate, relaxation, or downright inebriation. That SAME bottle can be consecrated to a Sacred use. The same thing with Peyote or Mushrooms. The alteration in consciousness can "occasion" (Huston Smith) genuine religious experience, the proof of which is the spiritual fruit that such an experience produces in the years to come, or the SAME substance can be [ab]used for merely pedestrian, mundane, profane use.

Related to the above Sacred-profane dichotomy, and relevant to your uncritical one-dimensional evaluation of phenomena, is hypnosis. Hypnosis, similar to drugs, can be used for entertainment, or it can be used to heal. I am a Diplomate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and have used it exclusively, since 1989, as part of psychotherapy [intimate care of the soul]. It is not magickal, neither is it demonic - nor can it be, if you know anything about it. It cannot be used to make someone violate their own morals. I have also seen an 'X-rated' hypnotist use willing subjects in embarrassing stage shows.

Now you may remain in your state of adament denial for as long as you live. You may maintain the same party-line based on your interpretation of Paul - a man like you and me, except for reportedly having been a murderer at one time, which I believe you are all too willing to overlook in light of his otherwise great reputation in the eyes of Christendom. You are probably not a Christian Scientist, who will deny material medicine for yourself, and perhaps even allow a child to die because it's the 'Will of God.' Medicine is pharmakeia, is it not? Well, if it is, then medicine=pharmaceuticals=sorcery=evil. Ever been to a physician? That would be, a 'medicine man.' A medicine man is, and has always been a 'shaman,' a 'magician/magus/mage,' a witch doctor/witch/sorcerer - someone with knowledge of Nature, of herbs, teas, baths, even trephining the skull (if even for the wrong reason, often worked and cured the patient). Add hypocrisy to your own laundry list.

It is easy to point a finger of self-righteous condemnation when one has little grasp of Scriptures other than as a bludgeon in the service of the ego. Equally, a limited knowledge of other knowledge bases, such as the use of psychoactives in the service of God, since time immemorial. Tell me not that people didn't drink well at the time of Jesus, that the first 'miracle' at the wedding at Cana wasn't to 'turn water into wine' - two symbolic Lunar and Solar elements that would later issue from the pericardium of Jesus's heart at the thrust of Longinus's spear. But besides that, it was wine, not grape juice. I come from a Jewish upbringing - later a Jewish Christian. If you know anything about the Passover Seder, you'd know that since before the time of Jesus, one downed a whole cup of wine between readings from the Haggadah (we tooks sips in my family). One got high my man, for centuries, to celebrate Liberation from bondage, according to the myths and symbolism of the Old Testament. Alcoholism is minimal among Jews, BTW.

Salvation history continues, and so does the growth of faith and changes in ritual and practices. A Christian who takes Psychedelics [psyche/soul-manifesting] takes a Christian's trip. Did not the Holy Annointing oil in Exodus 30:22-33 contain Calamus [Acorus Calamus] (KJV), or "fragrant cane" (NIV)? Well, the oil is called holy and sacred in both versions not only because it was consecrated to the LORD, but because this plant (which I have some experience with) contains TMA, a powerful psychedelic precursor to Mescaline. To cover oneself with this oil would result in a transdermal dosage of a powerful catecholamine psychedelic. 'Peak's Commentary on the Bible' deleted this singular ingredient - I wonder why.

γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732183 - 07/20/03 11:54 AM (21 years, 7 months ago)


Enter said:

Thor said:
Two cents short of a dollar.

May ignorance be faith, and faith be ignorant.

Fear not the truth, let us shine in the light of what other tells us to believe :wink:

Blessed be that which tells us what to do, fear those who believe not in us and fear that they challenge our faith with logic.

Faith is fear, you are afraid.

BTW, I'm being sarcastic. 

I knew you'd be back, silly one.(!)  :laugh: :sun: :heart:
It's good to see you around.
As for the faith and fear: Faith is an essential and fundamental requirement for all decisions, whether they be insignificant or highly religious. When you leave for work with only 17 minutes before your boss expects you there, you are demonstrating faith in your knowledge of traffic, faith in your car, faith in your legs walking, faith that weather or accidents won't slow you down, etc.
When it comes down to religion, faith becomes an aspect to fill in what is otherwise ineffable and unproveable. We are able to debate religious matters so frequently because they are presently too difficult to grasp, communicate, prove, and persuade (all people that is).
My faith is not based out of childish imagination.
My faith is not based on being a pansie.
My faith exists because I know the Holy Spirit. By the way, this is the same Holy Spirit that created the Earth and the Universe, mushrooms and cannabis, tomatoes and trees, the potential for good and the potential for harm.

Knock, knock, Neo.  :alert: :sun: 

Just teasing ya man :wink:

Just my way of dropping by to say hello.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: fivepointer]
    #1732728 - 07/20/03 03:57 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732740 - 07/20/03 04:02 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

I feel cleansed, I want in... but wait can my cat come to heaven aswell, and what about my ethnic homosexual housemaid? God doesn't mind the odd minority now does he?

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is to live under the government of worse men.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732748 - 07/20/03 04:04 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Dance EnergyConjuror

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732751 - 07/20/03 04:04 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

How could god love the world so much that he would (for no reason but for humanity) punish his own son? Well, usually I dont express my love to everyone else by beating my son with a stick and putting him through an agonizing death.

As far as the words I have chosen I have chosen to accept what visions have brought me, as they have their own significance for my own reality. Everyone has their beliefs. I happen to believe that the Bible and every version of it (wonder how there got to be so many) was re-written and to read and actually believe it is like obtaining morals and reasoning for life from Alice and Wonderland.

Enter, you are entirely correct on the note of it being to dangerous to go into a reputable church, as I prefer to do the math at home. I think everyone should figure out what reality it for themselves.. As it appears most of us have.


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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: LikwidDrawp]
    #1732760 - 07/20/03 04:07 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

Now its just you keep referring to that bastard book, I admire your "faith" but it seems so outlandish to me to keep quoting the bloody bible

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is to live under the government of worse men.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732781 - 07/20/03 04:11 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732794 - 07/20/03 04:16 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

All we can do is hope that christianity eventually dies out like the religions of the inca's and ancient greeks, sadly its not going to happen in my lifetime.......

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is to live under the government of worse men.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732832 - 07/20/03 04:40 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732843 - 07/20/03 04:43 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

LOL, Im not condeming you, im condeming an evil religion not the people that choose to follow it....

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is to live under the government of worse men.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732856 - 07/20/03 04:48 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732873 - 07/20/03 04:55 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

How about not answering my post with mindless babble... And stop implying I hate people, I hate christianity thats all... I would worship a dustbin if I saw fit, but you choose to follow something that has caused so much shit and is built on something your familiar with.... mindless babble

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is to live under the government of worse men.

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Dance EnergyConjuror

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732933 - 07/20/03 05:23 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

As far as the religion of the ancient Incas... There was an evil, evil man who lived named Cortez. He indoctrinated the Incas with Catholosism, as well as many other nations that now typically follow Christ rather than what their heritage did. He also killed many who would not follow, along with many that would follow but he killed them thus disallowing them from being shown the "light" of Christ. Correct me if I'm wrong but has anyone who truly follows love and peace killed and forced relgion upon people? I havent experienced the "light" from very many Christ followers but I have experienced this from them.
-An acute loss of reasoning

I'm not saying all relgion is bad because some bastard named Cortez inflicted pain and evil upon people in Christs name...

But those who have dabbled in multiple dimensions do not pay attention to meaningless rhetoric.


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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: st0nedphucker]
    #1732940 - 07/20/03 05:30 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

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Re: To the Christians; From Enter [Re: World Spirit]
    #1732983 - 07/20/03 05:56 PM (21 years, 7 months ago)

Enter quotes-
"Isaiah 53:1
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."

The address is to the thirsty. Those who thirst after righteousness, those who are heavy laden with sin, those who are being convicted of their lost estate and utter wretchedness. These are the ones who come without money or price, with nothing. They don't come with "decisions", good works, they come heavy laden, broken, and ruined.

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

No man of himself comes thirsty, man is a spiritual corpse. Only the work of the Holy Spirit can give the thirst and make a person see perfect righteousness verses his total ruin. Each one of the elect will be taught by the supernatural power of the Spirit of sin, righteousness and judgment.

Enter writes-
"Perhaps you have disregarded John's words and chosen another's. Remember this: "God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life."
That's an open invitation."

We know that by eternal decree in the covenant of redemption God loves His people and them alone. This verse is showing that out of every tribe, nation and tounge - not just the Jews - a people will be brought in, the "world".

Millions have lived and died before Christ came, the gospel was not even sent to them, they had no salvation, wrath abides on them. Since all events are ordered by divine purpose how does a universalist reconcile this obvious truth?

There is no way that the gospel of grace will permit human merits (such as forseen faith) to come in. Salvation is entirely the perfect and sole work of Jesus Christ, that no man can boast.

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