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Honestly, I can't tell from that specimen if it's Amanita muscaria or one of the similar species.
You should probably watch where they came up for the next crop. Then get some of various ages and let us see them.
Better luck next time.
Happy mushrooming!
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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: ToxicMan]
#1655533 - 06/23/03 04:22 AM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
Thanks Guys, How long do you think it will take for the next crop to come up, I don't see anything starting yet.
Amateur Mycologist

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Hard to give an exact time range... I have never read any studies on that sort of thing at all. I would guess that your best bet would be a little while after the next good rain that you get.
Just keep an eye on it, man! I hope some more come up and they turn out to be what you're lookin' for! I will be hunting for these in my mom's woods fairly soon msyelf.
-------------------- Namaste.

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shroomben2003 said: Did you guys forget about me!lol Please tell me if this is the real hallucinagenic Amanita, Thanks!
Here is some honest advice: Don't do eat Amanita muscaria. There are VERY few people who enjoy the experience. Most people who consume this mushroom get extremely nauseated and end up vomiting half digested mushrooms all over the place. Sure you might feel a little drunk or retarded while this is all going on, but you'll also feel like complete hell. You don't have to heed my advise but I'm just telling you what I've gathered from other people's experiences. I've got a huge patch of A. muscaria that fruits every year... I leave them there for people to look at. I've got no desire to ever try it.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: ToxicMan]
#1656394 - 06/23/03 04:54 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
i heare your advice man and it makes a good point, but I'll try it and see what happens even though i risk vomiting and extreme pain, thanks for the advice though!
badger, badger,badger...

Registered: 12/10/02
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jesus you could kill yourself, literaly, I hope you don't even think about eating an unkown amanatia, you though that amanita's are the leading cause of mushroom related deaths? Amanita muscaria is not poisonous, but other pecies that could look liek that could be deadly poisonous.
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badger, badger,badger...

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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: gdman]
#1656741 - 06/23/03 07:31 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
here's some advice: don't be an idiot, you do not want to die from amaniatia poisoning. It slowly kills your liver untill you die.
edit: it takes anyware from 2 days to a week to show symptons of poisoning.
Got a question about a substance? Erowid might already have your answer! Have questions about the mushroom experience? The Tripper's FAQ may have your answer or someone else might have had your question before.
I know up on the top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights.
- Theodor Seuss Geisel Dr. Suess
"I didn't come here to be easily understood" - Steve
Edited by gdman420 (06/23/03 07:32 PM)
Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: gdman]
#1656917 - 06/23/03 08:43 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: gdman]
#1657381 - 06/23/03 11:46 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
First of all, Amanita muscaria is considered a poisonous mushroom. It is certainly possible to eat too much and die of them, although it is very rare. There are two fatalities recorded in the literature in the last 50 years, one involving a 2 year old child, and the other an individual who ate two dozen caps.
Symptoms from amatoxin poisoning typically begin 8-24 hours after ingestion. The time period "2 days to a week" is closest to the one for orellanine, a toxin from Cortinarius orellanus and a couple of its close relatives. Incidentally, it can take up to 21 days for the symptoms to appear for orellanine.
The primary reason that Amanitas are never recommended for eating (for any purpose) is the possibility of misidentification. Too many people think they know how to tell the difference, and it turns out that the set of features they're using will not eliminate some dangerous similar species. Until you can identify the ones you're interested in flawlessly and tell somebody else how to do so, you shouldn't even consider eating an Amanita. The vast majority of fatal poisonings are due to misidentification. Incidentally, not all red-capped Amanitas are Amanita muscaria, so if that's your means of identification, you've got a problem and need to study a bit more.
Finally, no, I'm not going off on anybody. I just want to make sure that the correct information gets out there. The "you"s above are not aimed at any specific individuals. They're aimed at anybody reading.
The information above on toxicity was taken from Mushrooms: Poisons and Panaceas, by Dr Denis R Benjamin (for those who'd like to learn more or verify it). Dr Benjamin is head of the NAMA Toxicology Committee.
Happy mushrooming!
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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: ToxicMan]
#1657999 - 06/24/03 07:27 AM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
I understand how you guys feel and I agree 100%. I would never dream of eating an unidentified mushroom under any circumstance. That's why I'm waiting for the next crop to come so I can pick a mature specimen and take pictures of it to see if it is really amanita muscaria. I am not an idiot who risks death and severe liver damage just to get high, because only those people end up in situations of panic.
Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: ToxicMan]
#1658017 - 06/24/03 07:42 AM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
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badger, badger,badger...

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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: ]
#1658987 - 06/24/03 04:24 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
lol at mr mushrooms, thank you for clearing this up toxicman, the point is still the same though, don't ever eat an unidentified mushroom, especilly when you know it's an Amanatia. While it's true that it is posible to die from Amanita muscaria poisoning, but when used properly, this will not happen if your healthy and you don't eat an uber large amount. Gotta use your head.
Got a question about a substance? Erowid might already have your answer! Have questions about the mushroom experience? The Tripper's FAQ may have your answer or someone else might have had your question before.
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- Theodor Seuss Geisel Dr. Suess
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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: gdman]
#1659018 - 06/24/03 04:33 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
People chasing a high so desperately that they'll forgo caution and do something they know could kill them is simply evolution in progress...the bad genes are flushing themselves outta the pool. I used to let myself get upset by watching so many people take ecstasy without testing their pills. There's no point...if they need the high THAT bad...they'll accept their fate.
Love & Light,

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Re: Amanita Muscaria [Re: Boppity604]
#1659279 - 06/24/03 05:57 PM (21 years, 7 months ago) |
Rightly said Boppity604