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Mushrooms and Cannabis
#1520288 - 05/04/03 07:47 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
shouldn't be used at the same time. cannbis dulls and clouds the mind. it feels groovy, but isn't mind expanding or psychedelic. cannabis is a recreational drug. your mind is impaired while stoned. mushrooms aren't in the same category at all. the experience is totally different. the psychedelic experience is intense, and requires you to be otherwise clear-headed and sober to fully integrate and understand it. when you smoke and trip, you're too stoned to be tripping. you're just.... fucked up. a huge waste and an affront to the mushroom. you get much more out of the mushroom experience when you lay off the herb while tripping. smoking pot while tripping = the sux -my two cents.
Edited by mushmaster (05/04/03 08:00 PM)
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1520454 - 05/04/03 09:00 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I agree, sorta. Either way I dont think you should mix the two. Make up your mind, high or tripping? They should take turns...
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: DailyPot]
#1520534 - 05/04/03 09:39 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I guess some things are best alone. Cannabis and alcohol are great tho
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: shr00m]
#1520755 - 05/04/03 10:48 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
Sorry, I disagree. For me, cannabis is mind expanding and psychedelic. Maybe its because i only smoke weed once a month or so, for a special occasion. but, based on my own experience, it can be a great drug, it can open doors, etc. But thats just how it works in my mind.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: shr00m]
#1520911 - 05/04/03 11:45 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I guess some things are best alone. Cannabis and alcohol are great tho
i dunno, ive been thinking about that quite a bit lately. for me, when i get drunk, i get in a really good mood, sort of ecstatic. when i smoke bud, i get in a really good mood, but more chilled out. when i do both, i just get fucked up...so ive been trying to stick to one or the other.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1520928 - 05/04/03 11:56 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
It depends what kind of weed you smoke. Good bud doesn't stupify you, it makes you think in different ways and stimulates creativity. You're probably smoking crappy weed.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1520938 - 05/04/03 11:59 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
it feels groovy, but isn't mind expanding or psychedelic. cannabis is a recreational drug
I disagree completley. It sounds to me like you've been getting dirt weed. Whenever i smoke while tripping i can feel it in every cell in my body, my visuals increase like crazy, and i start thinking way faster, as well as settle my nerves. When i smoke when i am not tripping i always see minor visuals, unles it's just bad weed, things like trees looking like plastic and the sky looking like it's made of fabric. My thoughts also move in a way that only happens during a psycedelic experience. I would say that marijuana is without a doubt a minor psychedelic. And i prefer to smoke alone rather than with friends, so i guess that would mean i don't really see it as a recreational drug. When i'm stoned i don't really talk, i think alot and like to draw or read or meditate. This, of coures is just me, but in my experience i would have to completley disagree with you.
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the problem here is that I love SMOKING Canna bis.....the act of smoking, the action....and I HATE Tobbaco, so Canna bis is my only alternative......... of course, I also love the effects........
until now, I only reached level 3 and it was so because of the Canna bis..... I cannot trip without smoking Canna bis, there?s no way at all for me to do so... I didn?t cloud my mind, it actually made me more apened mind for the mushrooms effects.......it calmed me down, even though I was already pretty relaxed........
if you love Canna bis and have good stuff to smoke, it?s a good thing to do
but I sure want to trip with mushrooms only........ it?s different, a whole new experience.......
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: bert]
#1521563 - 05/05/03 10:29 AM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
You're probably smoking crappy weed.
i've smoked plenty of herb in my time and it's usually the finest canadian sinsemilla.
It depends what kind of weed you smoke. Good bud doesn't stupify you, it makes you think in different ways and stimulates creativity.
for me it doesn't. weed makes my mind and body slow and lazy. it doesn't stimulate creativity for me. while i am stoned, i am impaired. i am not at 100%. when i trip, i wanna be at 100%.
i know weed affects everyone differently... but i've seen alot of people stoned before, and they're usually pretty slow while high. i've yet to come across anyone who's not an idiot when they're stoned.
weed makes me, and most everyone i've ever smoked with, unfocuses, cloudy, forgetful, and lazy.
i think it's only when you first start smoking that it feels like your high. after a while, you just get stoned.
like alcohol, it's fun, but it's an impairment.
(for me anyway).
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1521618 - 05/05/03 11:00 AM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
mushmaster you have it sooo wrong......
I am a really heavy dope smoker (all day, everyday) and i say that smoking while tripping on shrooms is great.
When i first started smoking dope it did make me slower, this was in year 7 however. Before the start of year 10 i was smoking nearly everyday and found many people could not tell the difference between me stonned and me straight. It no longer dulled my mind in an obivous way due to my tollerence increasing.
Smoking while tripping deffinately boosts the effects for me. As soon as you rip the cone you can feel the bud helping you trip. Your visuals will increase with the rush and your thinking SPEEDS UP. I have only tripped once without dope and it was good, but with dope its F**KING UNREAL!!!!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On another note...dope and alcho goes great together in moderation and in the right order.
Everyone should know the rhyme.......(this rhyme has saved my life so many times and has been proven correct by me, all my mates and anybody who has begged me for some bud while drunk).............................. Beer than grass you're on your arse, grass then beer you're in the clear.
Beer, or alcho i have a very low tollerence for (drunk off 3 beers lol) i find if i start smoking before i drink and continue to smoke my brains out while drinking slowly, i can get the perfect mix between the two and it is blissfull.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: fatasaurus]
#1521632 - 05/05/03 11:08 AM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I think that posts like these should be full of "I think". No reason to try to prove someone wrong. Everyone reacts differently when it comes to drugs. As for me.. i've tripped without smoking and with smoking.. I say smoke!!!.. it always makes my experince a lot better. Better thinking... better visuals.. better trip...... smoking doesn't impair me.. and well.... thats what I think .
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I thought the 'I think' was implied as anyone can make up anything for these posts and they are not meant to convince anyone of anything...merely put forward another point of view for people to read and make up there own minds......well that's what i think, lol
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1522162 - 05/05/03 02:55 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
Hmm, when I smoke it usually starts off with a 'high' and then moves on to 'stoned'. During the stoned part I'm tired and not thinking up to par. But the first 30 minutes are pure gold. I still haven't smoked weed on shrooms, but I'll give it a spin this summer to see if it's bad or good.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ]
#1522198 - 05/05/03 03:09 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I have to disagree also. Mushrooms + Cannabis is an absolutely mind blowing combo, for me at least. It adds something brand new to the experience. It puts me in a different place, out of time. However I usually like to wait until after the peak before I smoke, because i want to experience fully what the mushrooms have to offer until I alter that experience.
I think they are a synergistic combo. When I smoke while tripping I don't become "stoned", I become something else. And it's groovy .
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: Revelation]
#1522305 - 05/05/03 03:43 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
Cannabis doesn't "cloud" my mind. I think that it can somewhat impare short term... um.. what was I saying? I went to every philosophy class stoned off my mind (the latter classes, so was my professor) and I did great. Marijuana gearsyour brain to operate on a more creative earthy level. At least it does for me
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: Revelation]
#1522308 - 05/05/03 03:44 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I agree with revelation, i too prefer to wait until the peak has passed, its like a whole other "different" peak.
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ODhaze]
#1523512 - 05/05/03 11:38 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
i enjoy mushroom trips way better with marijuana than by themselves.....with just shrooms i seem to get just mindfuck trips.....with weed trips take on a chaotic twisted swirly feeling
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Re: Mushrooms and Cannabis [Re: ODhaze]
#1523531 - 05/05/03 11:48 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
i agree this is a matter of preference, but i think weed is a great aid in the trip, the only problem is, if i'm tripping and i have weed, i'll smoke all of it. no matter how much i have, it's gonna be gone by the end of the day.
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