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Thrill Seeker
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Whats so "Magic" about shrooms?
    #1421493 - 04/01/03 11:46 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

I grow my own stash and i have consumed a fair amount of psilocybe shrooms and i have come to realize that i have never had a spiritual or enlightening trip off of shrooms.

I have done shrooms in all kinds of interesting settings with all kinds of people yet the only thing the mushrooms presents me with is funny visuals. In-fact the only thing i enjoy doing on shrooms these days is watching paintings. I love art on shrooms but thats just because i get seriously intense visuals.

At times my mind wanders of and i think something original and interesting but when i analyze it the following days i realize that it wasn't at all enlightening or special the high just made it seems that way.

Gateway to the spirit world? get the fuck out of here! Its nothing but hallucinations. I have done doses that most people would shit their pants if they tried yet no revelations.

I'm starting to get pissed when my friends talk about how enlightened they have become after discovering shrooms yet they are the same dumb-asses they have always been. Yeah you feel good and the trip is cool but thats it.

We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking earth!

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1421510 - 04/01/03 11:58 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Mushrooms or any other drug are just the boat to get where you want to go. You still need to paddle or it's useless.

Persons denying the existence of robots may be robots themselves.

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1421515 - 04/01/03 12:00 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

God smack :shocked:

interesting I have a group of friends who have consumed psychadelics for years and when recently discussing philosophy I was comparing equality to ego loss, and said " you know like on a 5 gram trip! " .they had no idea what I was talking about.. and as we got deeper into theconversation I realized they had never seen the world i had seen..I was shocked.
I dont know what to tell you, I am just as amazed you havent seen  [ or been anything for that matter ] amazing while shrooming as you are that i have :crazy:

err..maybe try asking yourself philosophical questions on 4-5 grams..
try looking out at nature and think look theres something.. theres something else..wait a minute its all something~ see the big picture~ look at the blade of grass/then look at the whole yard that contains the blade

Maybe read murex's "things to say to random people thread"
good luck! 

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1421584 - 04/01/03 02:42 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

If you think of shrooms like that you'll never have a spirtual experience. Mushrooms don't make the experience, they just show you the door. It's up to you to walk through it.

I have considered such matters.


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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: Cherk]
    #1421591 - 04/01/03 02:51 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

There is no universal mushroom trip, or any universal message the mushrooms impart. I think people need to define the term "enlightened" because "spiritual" people always use it in conversation and everybody seems to have a different idea about what it means. I think you're wrong to brush it off the way you are, though. The more I eat mushrooms the more I'm amazed. I guess your brain is broke.

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1421598 - 04/01/03 03:01 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

I don't know what to say either. They unlock your mind from the usual thought routines, but it is up to you to attain meaning from the experience. What is the highest dose you have taken, what was it like?

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: shaggy101]
    #1421781 - 04/01/03 04:50 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Me, my brother, and three other friends love to trip all them time - none of them really know what the cosmos are. They are left dumbfounded when I explain high doses. My brother and I are like the only real trippers in my town - everyone else won't take more than two hits of acid, or an 1/8 of mushrooms. It's really sad.


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World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)
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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1421888 - 04/01/03 06:06 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Trips are very personal but my advice is to try more strains.


Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1422005 - 04/01/03 11:17 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Mushrooms are the trigger your mind is the gun and your soul is the bullet . Lets play some Russian Roulette.

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Endo Smoke

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Re: Whats so [Re: hawk]
    #1422250 - 04/02/03 02:12 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

I know a man, he has never consumed an illegal drug. That is his right, and I respect that. We talk about mind blowing philosophy, spirituality, and other subjects all day long. I have been thinking out of the box long before my mushroom experimentation also. Your mind does not transform into a mushroom when you consume them, it is still your mind. When I dose, I usually take in as much as I can, without anylizing it, then when sober, I take the time to process the information given to me. Taking mushrooms will open your mind up, but some people are a few paintings short of a gallery.

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1422955 - 04/02/03 11:08 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

what are you doing them for then?

have you taken 5 dried grams and laid alone in dark (if you can't get darkness, close your eyes) silence (if ya can't get silence, put on your most mindblowing cds) for a whole trip?

Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE

Edited by Strumpling (04/02/03 11:13 AM)

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fungus fanatic
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Re: Whats so [Re: Strumpling]
    #1423001 - 04/02/03 11:31 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

i pity you shroomnoob

"tonight is the definition of the discovery of actual situations and realities that continue to go on, no matter who sees them. Everybody is blind, but i now see" ---first trip documentation...hehe :laugh:

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1423542 - 04/02/03 03:20 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Let me explain.

Just about anyone can munch a mushroom. But only a shaman knows how to use it properly.


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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: cleaner]
    #1423970 - 04/02/03 05:55 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Just about anyone can munch a mushroom. But only a shaman knows how to use it properly.

I wonder what you mean... "properly" hey? I'd like you to explain what the "correct" way to use mushrooms is.

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1424013 - 04/02/03 06:13 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

It took me about 5 trips to see what mushrooms are really about.. a glimpse anyway. Either I was delusional at the time (very possibly) or I was on to something pretty mind blowing. At this time I don't know which is the case. It's interesting though. And if it turns out I was delusional then mushrooms are still pretty "magic" for me, due to the experience alone.


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Burning withCircles!
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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1425719 - 04/03/03 09:16 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Hail the DMT molecule right guys? (mushrooms being 4-ho-dmt)

It just is, a persons WOW, factor is amplifyed on mushrooms a great deal!

And the gameshow host rings the buzzer (brrnnntt) oh and now you get a face full of face!

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Revelation]
    #1425800 - 04/03/03 10:19 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Heh, good point. it wasnt until about my 10th time the mushrooms actually "spoke" to me~so amazing~
Now I never really know if it will be a funny lite visual trip or knock me on my ass  and shove enlightinment down my throat trip :cool:
tis usually somewhere in between though....

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Registered: 06/14/02
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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: shaggy101]
    #1425862 - 04/03/03 10:43 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

while i have had the "spiritual" experiences and wouldnt trade them for ne thing, honestly its just all biology and chemicals inside your brain. so for you they probably just dont react the same way as to create emotions and feelings of "awe" and spiritual enlightenment. i would keep trying tho if you want to. i wouldnt increase the dosage if you already have visuals, i would just go for a while without (to make sure your tolerance is down) make sure your in a good mood (to avoid a bad trip) and take some with just one trip sitter (or alone, if you feel that is safe) and cut out any distractions like tv. also it might help to have your mind concentrating on one thought when you take off (like "why are we here") and that might help to get you into that philosophical mindframe.

good luck man. at any rate just try to enjoy your experiences and you can enjoy the experiences of others through trip reports as well. :smile:

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1425985 - 04/03/03 11:28 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)

That quote makes me think..thanks alot  :crazy: 

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: shaggy101]
    #1426052 - 04/03/03 11:49 AM (21 years, 10 months ago)


"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1426778 - 04/03/03 04:23 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

there is nothing "magic" about shrooms...

Psilocybe was boichemically engineered by the Mantids to produce 4-ho-DMT, an algorithm designed to format the four-dimensional primate mind for assimilation by the fifth-dimensional Overself.

to be selected for digitization, the monkey mind must properly integrate the Memes
and have the elasticity of consciousness to translate them into ordinary experience.

Thats is where the "magic" takes place.

have you eaten 5g+ in silent darkness?

you may have a calcified pineal gland.
the PTB have put flouride in the water to accomplish just that.

try drinking filtered water and using flouride-free toothpaste..

Edited by soundmind (04/03/03 04:36 PM)

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: Middleman]
    #1426801 - 04/03/03 04:33 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Soundmind, I like it. Whacky shit, but what the fuck are you talking about? Tell me about the calcified pineal gland, I want to know more. And who's the PTB?

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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1426837 - 04/03/03 04:52 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

PTB = powers that be, and it has been observed that fluoride consumption over long periods of time slowly coats and "mucks up" the pineal gland.

Aside from that.... uhh lol I don't know about that other stuff he was talking about. Soundmind, heh can you elaborate on your post?

Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: Strumpling]
    #1426870 - 04/03/03 05:10 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

yaeh, soundmind's post was like a DMT blitzkrieg, it just blasts in with all this weird shit and is out before you can even call the cops

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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1426891 - 04/03/03 05:34 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

it did remind me tho, one real way to boost ure trip is vitamin C. thats an old trick most of us know, but if shroomnoob hasnt tried it, it might be a good idea. orange juice is an obvious easy source, but maybe it would be better to take vit C pills ahead of time.

i had almost forgotten to mention that. tried n tru

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1427009 - 04/03/03 06:35 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

is it tried n true? Last time I checked, lots of people disagree on whether or not this is effective.

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1427014 - 04/03/03 06:37 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

hey is there some kind of source I can go to so I can discover what "mucking up the pineal gland" actually means? And what effects would that have on mushroom trips? I know DMT is produced there, but does psilocybin act on that part of your brain?

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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1427022 - 04/03/03 06:42 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

i mean ive tried it and its true :smile: i think overall erowid reports n such really verify it, and i think the sticky point is just that you have to 1)consume enough vit C 2) be familar enough to recognize the difference but 3) not be so burnt out from drug uses that ure dulled to it (if u know what i mean. like when u smoke green everyday for a while.)

but hey, maybe im wrong. wouldnt be the first time :smile:

also, as always, we gotta remember that people's bodies are very different and you gotta figure out what amounts are right for you n such

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1427026 - 04/03/03 06:44 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)


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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1427033 - 04/03/03 06:47 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

o, dogomush--yea i was looking at that too. the info i found basically feel into two categories 1) the technical stuff that didnt mention drugs anyway and 2) the questionable sources that said some very interesting things about the pineal gland. here are some links




"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1427038 - 04/03/03 06:49 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

fell i meant, not "feel" haha

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Barbless Aryan

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1427055 - 04/03/03 07:06 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

sweet thx dude, I'm going to go over this stuff in more detail later. Sounds like something you don't want to "muck" up.

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Re: Whats so [Re: Dogomush]
    #1427106 - 04/03/03 07:42 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

haha yea ure right about that. maybe soundmind will post about it next time he (or she?) is around

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." Voltaire

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Reality Hacker

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Re: Whats so "Magic" about shrooms? [Re: Scarfmeister]
    #1427430 - 04/03/03 11:20 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Try 5 grams of a different strain alone in the dark and get back with us later.  :wink:

What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?

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Re: Whats so [Re: Murex]
    #1427475 - 04/03/03 11:49 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

...or just try Copelandia cyanescens/tropicalis haha...
Try to explain the "magic" in the mushroom is impossible...like trying to explain the blue color to a blind...the spiritual experience with the shrooms is not abordable with words...don't even try ! Do you people tried to read some of the level 4-5 trip reports on this site before posting ? Do you think that we are lying and trying to look hype and "enlightened" ??? My first time with shrooms i was confronted with spirits, i died and saw all my life passing then i reborn...and i took the shrooms just to have some fun so i didn't expected something spiritual ! You're are talking about the visuals and the hallucinations but those hallucinations aren't the main thing of the trip, it's a detail...the main thing is...aaaaah it's so big...no word to put on it...well it's like awakening from a dream and this dream it was your life ...
Yes, try Copelandia !  :grin:

Edited by KOPELANDIAA (04/03/03 11:52 PM)

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Freak Of NaturalNature

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Re: Whats so [Re: prince_toadstool]
    #1429081 - 04/04/03 02:41 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

So theirs a chance you will never reach this spiritual enlightment?

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Re: Whats so [Re: Nah]
    #1429698 - 04/04/03 06:18 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

we are All "enlightened" only some people realize this fact and others remain in ignorance of it...

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Reality Hacker

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Re: Whats so [Re: Middleman]
    #1429861 - 04/04/03 07:16 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

Interesting way of putting it soundmind.

What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?

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Re: Whats so [Re: Middleman]
    #1432630 - 04/05/03 10:44 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)


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Reality Hacker

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Re: Whats so [Re: shaggy101]
    #1432642 - 04/05/03 10:49 PM (21 years, 10 months ago)

that's it- REMEMBERING!

Good one shaggy.

What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?

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