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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Innvertigo]
#11020598 - 09/08/09 12:26 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
Innvertigo said: well? I keep hearing how people don't hate the US but hate Bush. Is this true?
that might have been the case before the polls started showing that the american ppl overwhelmingly support bu$hcos' neo-fascist policy.. even more so after hes' gone ..
in fact the bu$hco right is now being called the center ..
if we are to believe the pollsters..then fascism is not just a bu$hco thing.. its an american thing...in that case..one simply cannot claim to oppose fascism and not hate the united states...
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Annapurna1]
#11020879 - 09/08/09 01:14 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
First of all you have the right to oppose who ever you want. You have the right to say what you want. You have the right to go where you want... Doesn't sound like fascism to me! I don't even think you understand what fascism is. All of your hatred indicates a more complicated reasoning to your social/political ideals. If you want a real Fascist to hate, try Chavez in Venezuela.
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: C.M. Mann]
#11020935 - 09/08/09 01:24 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
C.M. Mann said: First of all you have the right to oppose who ever you want. You have the right to say what you want. You have the right to go where you want... Doesn't sound like fascism to me! I don't even think you understand what fascism is. All of your hatred indicates a more complicated reasoning to your social/political ideals. If you want a real Fascist to hate, try Chavez in Venezuela.
That's right. For all the idiotic talk of fascism she is still quite free to say just about anything she wants. We are also free to laugh at and ridicule her as well, a freedom that should be embraced more fully than it already is.
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: zappaisgod]
#11021336 - 09/08/09 02:33 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
relevant article:
"Can one love one’s country, and not respect the state? Can you call yourself a patriotic American and distrust the U.S. ?"
Legitimacy by Paul Hein
Exclusive to STR
September 8, 2009
There are, I suspect, many people who confuse America --this beautiful and bounteous land with which we are blessed--with the United States , that corporation calling itself the government, which owns and operates it through its front men, those windbags in Washington . That’s a shame, because one’s natural love for the country rubs off on the United States, so to speak, tending to give it (notice how the “United States” is always singular!) a respectability which it does not deserve.
The recognition of a distinction between the U.S. and the country can make one uneasy. Can one love one’s country, and not respect the state? Can you call yourself a patriotic American and distrust the U.S. ?
What little remains of the basic principles of American life: freedom of speech and association, private property, the sanctity of contracts, the rule of law, etc., is quickly disappearing under the Obama reign. Americans will eventually have to confront the dilemma: freedom, or adherence to the “law.”
I checked with the law dictionary to confirm what I suspected: the word “legitimate” is a synonym for “lawful,” or “legal.” I also looked up “government,” and found, among the many definitions associated with that word, “governmental action.” It is defined as any action of the federal government authorized by the Constitution, with several court citations to support that definition. So it is logical to conclude that a legitimate government is one that acts within its own Constitution and the laws made pursuant to it.
That presents a problem. A legitimate government obeys the laws, but that selfsame government makes the laws. What is so difficult about obeying your own laws? And how can a government be criticized for lawlessness, when it can simply make laws to justify its actions? After all, “blacks in the back of the bus” was the “law.” I would be willing to bet that most of the actions of the Nazis, or the Communists, at least in the beginning, were according to the laws which they had made. Slavery, in this country, as in others, was utterly lawful.
Even worse, however, than the sham of a government piously claiming adherence to laws of its own making, which shouldn’t exist in the first place, is the action of government unsupported by any laws whatsoever--bogus or not.
The Supreme Law in this country, we are told, is the Constitution. Imperfect though it may be, that Constitution, if adhered to, would restrict the growth of the state, which inevitably results in a diminution of freedom. So the state simply ignores the Constitution. Evidence of that is abundant, but let me cite a few instances for the skeptical.
The Constitution prohibits the states from making anything other than gold and silver a legal tender. That simple provision alone, had it been taken seriously, would have prevented the economic catastrophe which now confronts us. The Constitution acknowledges the right of the people to bear arms, a right which is not to be impaired. Try to buy a gun, and see how impaired your right is! Try to buy an automatic weapon, and find that you may have no right at all. Try to obtain the privacy in your papers and documents which the Constitution guarantees, if the IRS comes snooping around. See if you truly have the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to freedom of speech, if you decide you want to say nothing when some official demands your Social Security number.
The so-called “birthers,” who question the legitimacy of an Obama presidency based upon their reasonable doubt that he was born in this country, are ridiculed. “So what if he was born in Africa ” is the refrain from the establishment, both “conservative” and “liberal.” But the significance of the question of his birth is simply this: Either his presidency conforms to the law, or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, then what’s the point of the law? If it can be set aside when deemed necessary (by the rulers, not you or me!) then the concept of the protection of the law evaporates.
So: if governmental action is NOT in accord with the Constitution, is the government legitimate? The question is rhetorical, surely.
If a government is not legitimate, can it command your obedience? Were the victims of Al Capone’s extortion efforts in any way obligated to yield to his demands? True, those demands were not backed by any law save that of the gun, but how does that differ from demands made by an organizations which has thousands of laws, but pays no heed to those which might impair it, and makes new “laws” to justify itself.
The state Constitution of Missouri contains these stirring words: “That the people of this state have the inherent, sole and exclusive right--to alter and abolish their Constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness….” The Declaration of Independence contains a similar sentiment. If the organizations which publish such ideals and claim to believe them actually took them seriously, they’d disband themselves without the necessity of the people rising up and doing it for them.
But, of course, they are not going to do that. I guess that means it’s up to us. How much respect is owed an illegitimate government?
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: silversoul7]
#11021379 - 09/08/09 02:41 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
silversoul7 said: I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a place like Alabama.
you've probably never been here
I'll tell ya one thing, California's the most overrated place on the planet.
I've been to OC/LA and SD
"California's so great I love paying a million dollars for a one bedroom house and getting mugged by skinheads in OB and getting sunburnt 'cause there's no trees and breathing smog so thick you can't see the Hollywood sign. Oh but there's medical marijuana! That automatically makes it awesome!" YEAH FUCKIN' RIGHT
No one speaks English, stuff like milkshakes and smoothies cost upwards of 7 dollars apiece, and MOST Californians (like the one quoted above) think their shit doesn't stink/like the smell of it.
The people I met in CA were the most condescending assholes I've ever run into. They treated me and my family like little kids just because of where we're from. These CA people were honestly surprised we had shoes and electricity back home.
You have no idea how many trashy people move FROM california TO Alabama.
And they don't fit in well either.
I'm sorry for the off-topic post, but no one else was gonna call this guy out on his regionalist assumptions.
Edited by Mchaggis (09/08/09 02:49 PM)
HaRo On KoRn
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: zappaisgod]
#11022238 - 09/08/09 04:27 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
free speach owns all if you hate amirica you can say it go live in russia and tell them you hate them or china
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: ScavengerType]
#11022507 - 09/08/09 04:57 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
ScavengerType said: I said the refusal to adopt the metric system was worse than those things, or at least has inconvenienced me more.
but there is no refusal, it's taught in schools along with other forms of measurement, I know what a liter is and I know what a quart is so I dont have to be confused by all that technical jargon, it's up to the people to decide what they prefer to use, it seems americans dont find the metric system very attractive when we can make the rest of the world work harder
HaRo On KoRn
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Prisoner#1]
#11022739 - 09/08/09 05:32 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
american measurement is used for americans
do u use the metric system when your driving no you dont
you go we got about 3 more miles de de deee
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Prisoner#1]
#11023451 - 09/08/09 07:12 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
Prisoner#1 said:
ScavengerType said: I said the refusal to adopt the metric system was worse than those things, or at least has inconvenienced me more.
but there is no refusal, it's taught in schools along with other forms of measurement, I know what a liter is and I know what a quart is so I dont have to be confused by all that technical jargon, it's up to the people to decide what they prefer to use, it seems americans dont find the metric system very attractive when we can make the rest of the world work harder
Why should anyone give a fuck what a Canadian thinks about our system of measures? Answer. They shouldn't.
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: HaRo On KoRn]
#11023486 - 09/08/09 07:17 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
HaRo On KoRn said: free speach owns all if you hate amirica you can say it go live in russia and tell them you hate them or china
Does free speech cover terrible spelling and grammar?
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: zappaisgod]
#11023777 - 09/08/09 07:59 PM (15 years, 11 days ago) |
zappaisgod said:
Prisoner#1 said:
ScavengerType said: I said the refusal to adopt the metric system was worse than those things, or at least has inconvenienced me more.
but there is no refusal, it's taught in schools along with other forms of measurement, I know what a liter is and I know what a quart is so I dont have to be confused by all that technical jargon, it's up to the people to decide what they prefer to use, it seems americans dont find the metric system very attractive when we can make the rest of the world work harder
Why should anyone give a fuck what a Canadian thinks about our system of measures? Answer. They shouldn't.
the correct answer: we should because it leaves them awestruck since americans are smart enough to learn 2 systems and retain the knowledge while the rest of the world is kept dumbed down with only one
I can even teach a canadian how to use a SAE tape measure in terms they'd understand and most likely retain...
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Prisoner#1]
#11024397 - 09/08/09 09:45 PM (15 years, 10 days ago) |
How many people actually HATE the United States?
Well, that depends on what you mean by "America". Do you mean:
1. The idea (ie, the constitution)?
2. The real estate (the actual land that comprises the United States), or
3. The collection of obese retards?
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: TGRR]
#11024748 - 09/08/09 10:43 PM (15 years, 10 days ago) |
how cute, you guys think Canadians aren't forced to learn standard measurements because of your backwards and irrational country.
-------------------- "Have you ever seen what happens when a grenade goes off in a school? Do you really know what you’re doing when you order shock and awe? Are you prepared to kneel beside a dying soldier and tell him why he went to Iraq, or why he went to any war?" "The things that are done in the name of the shareholder are, to me, as terrifying as the things that are done—dare I say it—in the name of God. Montesquieu said, "There have never been so many civil wars as in the Kingdom of God." And I begin to feel that’s true. The shareholder is the excuse for everything." - Author and former M6/M5 agent John le Carré on Democracy Now. Conquer's Club
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Re: How many people actually HATE the United States? [Re: Redstorm]
#11025203 - 09/09/09 12:17 AM (15 years, 10 days ago) |
muhahaha i cant spellQuote:
Redstorm said:
HaRo On KoRn said: free speach owns all if you hate amirica you can say it go live in russia and tell them you hate them or china
Does free speech cover terrible spelling and grammar?