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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: quemo]
#1386474 - 03/18/03 01:55 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
You kill the 10th person and the violence would trigger them to just kill each other anyway. Violence leads to more violence. Peace leads to peace. Two wrongs do not make a right. You want peace? Outlaw guns, missles, bombs, etc. If no one had them there would be no use for them. At least violence would get back to swords and fists and shit.. that's more 'manly' anyway. WAR, will NEVER lead to peace. There will always be a retaliation, there will always be someone waiting for revenge. War breeds only more war. Show me a war that has caused peace, and an end to war. Show me a peace that has caused war.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Shroomism]
#1386557 - 03/18/03 02:36 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Governments start wars, outlaw governments.
-------------------- To call humans 'rational beings' does injustice to the term, 'rational.' Humans are capable of rational thought, but it is not their essence. Humans are animals, beasts with complex brains. Humans, more often than not, utilize their cerebrum to rationalize what their primal instincts, their preconceived notions, and their emotional desires have presented as goals - humans are rationalizing beings.

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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Shroomism]
#1386576 - 03/18/03 02:45 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Examples like this one i stated are created to find 'absolute' laws in existence, or in this case to rule yours out. By setting a specific kind of conditions in a vacuum situation it is easier to filter out truths and flaws in ones statement. In this case you say: "war (cq.violence is my assumption) could NEVER lead to peace". I disagree in a philosophical way, not in a personal emotional way, and try to make that clear by the given situation. I hope you see the difference....
by the way: my personal statement in this one would be i guess that given the infinite conditions wich create reality as we know it, there will ALMOST always be a significant number of peacefull options to resolve any given problem. And those are preferred above war in ANY situation......sorry if i'm being to picky
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: jono]
#1386670 - 03/18/03 03:33 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"I know in my case, LSD gave me a proverbial kick in the mind, and changed my life... I do believe, however, that most everyday people would be hard pressed not to "change" after having a "level 5" experience on psychedelics."
But did it change your values, or your basic beliefs? I'm not denying it can bring about some sort of a change (or at least a perceived change), but it's not going to reverse your morals or beliefs.
-------------------- "I have no valid complaint against hustlers. No rational bitch. But the act of selling is repulsive to me. I harbor a secret urge to whack a salesman in the face, crack his teeth and put red bumps around his eyes." -Hunter S Thompson
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1387168 - 03/18/03 06:39 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"because I believe 100% I already know!!"
lol I always feel way better when I leave a bit of room for false beliefs.... DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE 100% IN ANYTHING? Don't just say Yes without thinking.. oh shit nevermind you believe in God.. ok nevermind. bye.
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Shroomism]
#1387422 - 03/18/03 08:00 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
You want peace? Outlaw guns, missles, bombs, etc. If no one had them there would be no use for them.
Gee, that's a real nifty idea. I agree, the world would be better off without ballistic weapons. But that isn't the reality we have created for ourselves. Weapons exist. Lots of em. They will continue to be produced. No law is going to stop the production and distribution and use of ballistic weapons. The best any law could do is stop law-abiding people from having these weapons. Then, only the people witht the worst intentions will have them.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Shroomism]
#1387605 - 03/18/03 08:49 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"You want peace? Outlaw guns, missles, bombs, etc. If no one had them there would be no use for them."
Who would outlaw them, and how would they enforce it without weapons of their own?
See this is exactly what Hitler did back before he started romping around europe; he banned all citizens from keeping weapons so that he could do whatever he wanted and nobody could fight back.
If you let them ban guns, "the man" or "the establishment" or whatever you want to call it is going to walk all over you at 50X the speed they're doing it at now. Once the people have no weapons, the government is free to do whatever it pleases.
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Strumpling]
#1387689 - 03/18/03 09:09 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
If you let them ban guns, "the man" or "the establishment" or whatever you want to call it is going to walk all over you at 50X the speed they're doing it at now. Once the people have no weapons, the government is free to do whatever it pleases.
C'mon, if you can't trust people who lust after power, get it and then tell everyone else what to do, who can you trust?
-------------------- To call humans 'rational beings' does injustice to the term, 'rational.' Humans are capable of rational thought, but it is not their essence. Humans are animals, beasts with complex brains. Humans, more often than not, utilize their cerebrum to rationalize what their primal instincts, their preconceived notions, and their emotional desires have presented as goals - humans are rationalizing beings.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1387787 - 03/18/03 09:39 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
impossible...i am jewish myself, but there is no solution in G-d, because if im not mistaken, religion was the CAUSE of most of those wars in the 20th century
-------------------- Here comes the sun, do n do do,
Here comes the sun, and I say,
It's alright...
GovernmentalStrain 13
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: IamHungry]
#1388024 - 03/18/03 10:52 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
impossible...i am jewish myself, but there is no solution in G-d, because if im not mistaken, religion was the CAUSE of most of those wars in the 20th century
Ok.... no. Religion wasn't the CAUSE of any of the wars in the 20th century... you can't put it in the name of religion. It's the people in those particular religions that twisted it to go along with what THEY think would be right.
But... you are right in a way as well... becuase that's one thing I think will happen before armageddon comes. In revelation it says that right before armageddon the government is going to go against false religion... or whatever they think would be false religion, which may be all religion. But it says at that time, once the government tries to raise up his hand against the group of people that are doing god's true will, it says that then god will react immediately... because he won't allow his true worshipers be harmed.
So look for government going against religion sometime in the future... they'll believe that if they get rid of religion that they'll then have true peace worldwide... but it won't happen that way! Armageddon will be very close at that point!
Against, this is what I've learned to be true!
-------------------- Nostalgiaholic -
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Phluck]
#1388036 - 03/18/03 10:56 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
How do you know what you believe is true?
Because I have faith in what the bible says. I mean, what other book has such amazing fullfilled prophesies? It's definetly inspired by a divine source! If you would like me to list all of the amazing, detailed prophesies that has happened throughout the history of mankind without fail? It's just proof you can't ignore! Plus when you find the truth you can just feel it, you can sense it, it's like a slap in the face!
-------------------- Nostalgiaholic -
Fresh Times Past Age Like Wine,
More and More Precious All the Time
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Fresh Times Past Taste Like Wine
GovernmentalStrain 13
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: KB1EWE]
#1388063 - 03/18/03 11:03 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
the bible is not for us.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
the bible is old and outdated....sure it teaches common morality...but so do mommy and daddy (they should...)
It doesn't just teach morality, it explains exactly in detail what is going to happen when this system of things comes to an end. Everything else the bible has prophesied to come true... has come true... so why would this be any different. Plus, how could the bible be outdated... it's the word of God... and God doesn't get outdated... he's more intelligent then anybody could ever even conceive of. He knows more about us, and our lives than we even do!
the bible was the myth for the past....people just don't know what the myth for today is
Well man... if you believe it's just a myth then I can't change your opinion... but I've never known of any other myth that has successfully fortold many detailed happenings hundreds of years before they even occurred!
-------------------- Nostalgiaholic -
Fresh Times Past Age Like Wine,
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GovernmentalStrain 13
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: chodamunky]
#1388104 - 03/18/03 11:19 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Well the truth is, humans just aren't fit to rule themselves... man is not fit to direct even his own steps uhhh no, YOU aren't fit to rule yourself by making a statement like that. If you feel you need a higher authority to tell you how to live and how to direct your own footsteps then I feel sorry for you.
Ok, so mankind knows what they're doing then huh? Why is this earth being destroyed slowly, year by year? Why is their still NOT Peace? Lets just say there was no god, and we came about from evolution... we're all gonna kill ourselves off either by destroying this planet beyond liveable conditions, or by killing ourselves with war! So this is success? This means we're fit to rule ourselves? I don't think so, do you?
The Man Upstairs... The Ruller of the Universe... There a so many views on what God is or is not, how are you so sure you know what he is or if he even exists?
Look at my last post, read what I said about prophesies? That is proof enough there is a God that has power over everything! Besides, do you really believe all of us, everything growing on the earth, all the animals happened by chance?? If you've ever read about the complexities of just the human body, and the universe and whatever else there is then you'd know that if just 1 of the billions of factors that is involved in creating a human was just off by the smallest of fraction that we wouldn't even exist!
And because of my beliefs I really am not worrying what's gonna happen next... because I believe 100% I already know!! LOL, blinded by your own beliefs... that's classic.
Just the opposite, my beliefs have opened my eyes... they were never opened in the first place before my beliefs.
But we all know what happened next, Adam and Eve were snared by Satan's lies. Satan offered them knowledge and equality with God. I guess that's a bad thing in some peoples eyes.
That's funny, what kind've knowledge could Satan offer that God wouldn't offer? You think God was trying to hold something out on us? He created us to enjoy life, and whatever rules he makes for us are only for our own good. Oh and Satan offering EQUALITY to God???? That's ridiculous... nobody could ever be equal to God, and somebody offering this is humourous to me.
I know many of you won't believe what I believe is the truth... but I just had to put it out there... I definately don't believe in your version of truth but I respect your views and I hope you can respect mine too. Enjoyed your post
As always I respect anybodies beliefs... because it's not up to me to judge on anybody.
Peace Out
-------------------- Nostalgiaholic -
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1388359 - 03/18/03 01:08 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"Look at my last post, read what I said about prophesies? That is proof enough there is a God that has power over everything!"
No. No its not.
Please list these "detailed happenings" that the bible predicted, and then take a look at these details in other translations/interpretations - many modern (and not-so-modern) "translators" have basically molded the bible into whatever they want through loose interpretation and a complete misunderstanding of ancient communication.
Please just admit to me that it is POSSIBLE that the bible was just a really good epic fictional story loosely tied to a few misunderstood occurances, and I'll admit that it is POSSIBLE that its all how you say it is
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Strumpling]
#1388426 - 03/18/03 01:30 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
what if the only belief you have is science, true mathmatical science, because its the only thing in life that CAN be proved... everything else is just an infinite loop of questions, and the only time we think those things are actually true is when when we as people stop asking questions... things like the bible only exist because people wanted to stop asking questions, and once someone wanted to really know for sure, they were labeled a scientist and probably burned alive.
i bring no solution... just a drop of chaos for you all to taste.

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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1388461 - 03/18/03 01:40 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
we're all gonna kill ourselves off either by destroying this planet beyond liveable conditions, or by killing ourselves with war! That's only two possiblities of the future, but since you are so firm in your beliefs, you think they're the only ones *sigh* Why has the bible made you so cynical?
my beliefs have opened my eyes... they were never opened in the first place before my beliefs. Do you understand what a belief is? A belief is a commitment to a single idea or ideology, which inevitably closes your mind to other posibiblites and ideas. I stand on what I said, you are blinded by your beliefs and your post proves it by saying you are 100% sure you are right.
You think God was trying to hold something out on us? Obviously, he forbid Adam and Eve to eat from the tree....
Oh and Satan offering EQUALITY to God???? That's ridiculous... nobody could ever be equal to God Has the thought that we ARE god ever crossed your mind? oh silly me, I forgot about you and your 10 mile high beliefs...
As always I respect anybodies beliefs I considered my replies to be opinions, not beliefs. I try to have as few beliefs as possible.
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: chodamunky]
#1388485 - 03/18/03 01:47 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"Why has the bible made you so cynical?"
LoL yeah, Gthirteens..... So you prefer to look at the story of Mankind as all failure, lack of faith, lack of will, lack of intelligence, lack of peace, and in-need of a 'parent' as opposed to a story of success, self-fulfilled AND self-created meaning, drama, action, adventure......
edit: hmm I shouldn't pigeonhole people like that.. I'll attempt to refrain from doing so in the future.
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
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Edited by Strumpling (03/18/03 02:11 PM)
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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1388879 - 03/18/03 04:07 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"If you would like me to list all of the amazing, detailed prophesies that has happened throughout the history of mankind without fail?"
Yeah, I would actually. Let's see this list.
This is gonna be great.
-------------------- "I have no valid complaint against hustlers. No rational bitch. But the act of selling is repulsive to me. I harbor a secret urge to whack a salesman in the face, crack his teeth and put red bumps around his eyes." -Hunter S Thompson
Carpal Tunnel

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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Gthirteens]
#1388882 - 03/18/03 04:09 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
"Plus when you find the truth you can just feel it, you can sense it, it's like a slap in the face!"
Actually, I've been slapped in the face a few times. It's never convinced me of any facts.
The fact that you have faith is not evidence that what the bible says is true. Many people have faith in other religions that directly contradict what the bible says, and there are even people who have faith in the idea that there is no god.
-------------------- "I have no valid complaint against hustlers. No rational bitch. But the act of selling is repulsive to me. I harbor a secret urge to whack a salesman in the face, crack his teeth and put red bumps around his eyes." -Hunter S Thompson
Space Travellin

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Re: Wanna know what the real solution to peace will be? [Re: Strumpling]
#1388924 - 03/18/03 04:24 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Sorry I should have been more clear. I should know better than making a blanket statement as such. What I really meant to say was, get rid of/change/replace the governments from the inside out, unite the people of earth, and THEN ban guns.