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Amanita Muscaria - How much?
    #1336810 - 02/26/03 04:34 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

How much Amanita Muscaria, in grams, must one consume for mild, medium, and strong effects?

If you've used it, what was your personal take on the drug? Hw does it compare to cubies?

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Theta]
    #1336865 - 02/26/03 04:58 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)


the only question i can answer is based on what i've read: it doesn't compare to cubies at all except both are mushrooms. the active ingredients are totally different.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Bilge]
    #4337068 - 06/25/05 07:20 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

are Amanita Muscaria mushrooms legal in the US?

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: blueboomers]
    #4337098 - 06/25/05 07:32 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)


blueboomers said:
are Amanita Muscaria mushrooms legal in the US?

Yes, they are.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: ]
    #4337517 - 06/25/05 09:34 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

i hear to get full effects, you have to drink your piss after eating amanitas, to get all the active chemicals that are in it

Marx said:
good luck with the microscopy 


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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: UlisSausage7]
    #4337780 - 06/25/05 11:05 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)


UlisSausage7 said:
i hear to get full effects, you have to drink your piss after eating amanitas, to get all the active chemicals that are in it

your fucking joking right?....

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: CaptainH13]
    #4337786 - 06/25/05 11:07 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

Aminita's aren't that nice....

if you must i'd recomend Amanita Pantherina's,there a little better on the nausea...

you WILL puke alot ,probally alot more than Cubes,ect......

we can't give Doses,but search,and for god sake be SAFE...there ARE dangerous.....


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Wasted For Time
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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: CaptainH13]
    #4338239 - 06/26/05 01:10 AM (19 years, 7 months ago)

get some real mushrooms yuck


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Registered: 05/22/05
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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: liveby]
    #4339496 - 06/26/05 03:15 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

ill take some amanitas and you can drink my piss, ok?

its true though, this is how the native laplanders originally did it, and the amanita is also the origin of santa claus's colors and his flying reindeer, christianized of course.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Theta]
    #4340363 - 06/26/05 08:29 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

Mix it with milk. Put it will a small half glass full of orange juice. Shhhhs but you did not hear it from me.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Rudra]
    #4343351 - 06/27/05 01:57 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

thats fuckin disgusting

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: blueboomers]
    #4343469 - 06/27/05 02:28 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

supposidly they dont taste that bad at all

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Grovesk8ter]
    #4343571 - 06/27/05 03:00 PM (19 years, 7 months ago)

Here's a post I did on ayahuasca.com forum, concerning amanita's...

Just in case any ones interested, here's a collection of my Amanita Observations from various newsgroups...

> How does the experience compare to psilocybin?

Barely compares at all. On high doses there are visuals, but not
vivid-colorful like Psil's. I've had CEV's of falling leaves, tattered
tapestries, fizzy cobalt-blue energies that crunch/crumple themselves
up into disappearing balls. CEV's tend to be DXM like, (closest thing
I can compare them to) Most vivid visual I've had was an open eyed one
where the visual field would seem to get ripped off like a sticker,
then reapplied several times a second, kind of maddening, so I just
laid down and closed my eyes.

But the visuals aren't the main event, neither is the euphoria, which
is slight, if at all. Main attraction is the sleepy thought-life that
nods down into dream-language. That seems very MEANING-FULL, resolving
of deeply-set questions/conflicts, until one wakes up a little and
examines them at arms length, at which point they seem like a bunch of
enigmatic CRAZY-NONSENSE! But that's all a part of the fun! The stuff
is inclined towards sleep, and one will tend to fall asleep on a good
dose, and that's OK cause the dreams on this stuff are often the
BEST-PART, and have blown me away as completely as any-thing else I've
tried (which is a lot). They often seem so SIGNIFICANT as if one is
finally being allowed to witness the unraveling of the MYSTERIES. And
one just gobbles up THE MEANING of it all. Upon awakening I'll laugh
out loud at the sheer NUT-BALL INSANITY of it all, and not have a clue
about what it's about, but again that's the fun of the stuff,
contained MADNESS!!!


Gob, I'm obsessing, you know, in the piscean age ( the one the occult
folks say were moving out of),in the Old World, there is all this
deep-dark-arcane stuff. The blood-letting, the sacrificial offering,
shaggy phophets talking to "god", meetings in the woods with drunken
"fools" spouting deep "truths" mixed with enigmatic nonsense. Who
knows what there talking about? Louts of God with some other points
besides the commonly given. These lousy shrooms with there
specific-content-containing delirium seem to capture the ambiance of
these by-gone days. They are like a trip back through time. There
seems to be a light shining in the midst of these dark, foggy forests,
and a path out of town. They're dirty and quite loony and likely the
source of a lot of your gnostic, early christian, other Old World
religious/mystical stuff, as has often been suggested.

but wait, there's more...

Well the other morning when I was about to retire (Night-person) i
decided to take a small (about a gram) mushroom cap of some recently
received (JLF) Rocky Mountain Amanita Pantherina's. No big deal, I've
done this before as a sleep and dream inducer.

So I gobble down and lay back and funny, I feel a little nauseaus,
never happened before on such a small dose. But I fall asleep anyway
and start having the most bizarrely involving dreams, it seems at one
point within the dream I win some sort of "Weirdness Dream of the Year"
award that entitles me to a free trip to our sister planet (you know
the one we share caretakers with, mixed DNA, interstellar
experimentation in planet-seeding and culture) So the sweep of
interstellar space and the shifting of influences from our home planet
to this mystery planet as I arrive is awe-inspiring!

Then I wake up, my socks blown off by the intensity of the dreams, and
go to the bathroom to pee. As I'm sitting on the toilet (safer that
way) I look around and realize that I'm tripping balls, harder then 8
to 10 grams of other batches of Pantherina's I've had, even expensive
Japanese ones! All on just a gram, a gram and a half tops- Granted
this was the darkest cap of the batch, but still quite a surprise!
Everything I Look at gets pulled off from one corner like plastic
sticker, then reapplied (made visible) again, several times a second.
Kind of nerve-racking. So I flush and get back into bed and sleep to 5
in the afternoon, having tons of strange, wonderful dreams, that seem
to be so packed with Meaning/Significance within the context of the
dream, but when I wake up it's like "what the fuck was that all
about!" Weird!

Since then I've sampled other caps from this bag, and found them no
where near as powerful, just typical powerful (from my experience)
So watch out for those flukes!!!


I'm a fan of these. I guess I'm an anomaly, I don't sweat, salivate,
or get nauseous. They are not at all like P. mushrooms, Althou I do get
vivid CEV's on higher doses- earthy stuff like floating leaves, rock
textures/surfaces, textile patterns, dark-hued but vivid. On high-dose
trips I notice a separation of identity from the habits of mind that
normally contain it. Disassociation from the (being) within time to
the (being) without time. One can watch the "psyche" mechanically
"doing it's thing" from the perspective of the exteriorized "essence".
In this way it's easy to see how this stuff might have inspired the
Early Christians and Gnostic's. - "I am in this world not of it"

Not too much euphoria, no colorfully dazzled third eye, but a deeply
meditative state, if one can appreciate the flatness of it. Not much
"OH WOW", more "Yes of course, now I remember."

That said falling asleep and dreaming (on it) can have a great deal of
"OH WOW" factor- dreams (for me) tend to oscillate between dire themes
of martyrdom (early christian stuff again?) and just plain crazy
spirit of Pan stuff- madcap/perverse humor shaping the symbolism.
These dream sequences can be EXTREMELY INTENSE at times, other times
not much goes on there, I guess the astral is like the weather or
good/bad day's for fishing (in this aspect).

So that's it, I'm weird, I actually quite like Amanita's!

My god! when will it end... not yet.

Lately amanita's have become one of my favorite ethnobotanical pals.
Here's why.
Let me preface this by saying that amanita's vary widely in their
chemical make-up and effect. Good ones have more of the good stuff and
less of the bad stuff. I feel that Japanese pantherina's are the best.
these can be mail ordered and eaten as is with out any additional
fuss. However even the effect of the good one's will vary widely from
person to person. This is what makes them tricky. As far as dosage
goes, start low (3-4 grams) and work your way up slowly. Good
amanita's seem to like me (or my metabolism likes them) in that I
experience few negative side effects (no excessive salvation,
sweating, little or no nausea) YMMV. Amanita's aren't very involving
in low doses and in high doses they are too gooned out. Medium to
medium high doses are the most rewarding but again START LOW! The
experience is not very euphoric no glimpse of heaven here. What it is
dark, not external world, not social. They're a look back, within, and
below. I like to take them alone at night, in the dark on the couch,
headphones on and off, music ambient, relaxing, trance inducing.
Biosphere, Robert Roach, Hypnos label stuff works great. First effect
is a funny body feeling. At first a little disturbing, than
comfortable. Then at some point I notice that my verbal thoughts have
shifted down into chunks of dream symbolism. This wakes me up and the
process of shifting down then repeats it's self. Sometimes insight
results form this tumbling over of the conscience into the
unconscious mind. Sometimes it's just interesting quirky nonsense. I
get a sort of bifocal view into the spirit and the beast. The beast
living confused with fear under time. The spirit clear, without fear,
outside of time. The gnostic principles governing which side I'm
identified with seem to be featured here. If I an feeling fear,
confusion I find it easy to correct that by identifying with the
fundamental tone of my essential whole well-being. And then I'm
humming right along. AUM. On higher doses CEV'S become vivid. Very
earthy- organic- death,decay,regeneration stuff. A mushroom eyed point
of view. Floating Autumn leaves, birch bark, beetle shell, insect
wing, ancient wizard's bag tattered faded fabric beautiful embroidered
silver forest green. Frayed edges. Bursting seed/spore/pollen pods.
Poof poof poof.. the body-mind feels very well-grounded. Composting
into forest floor. From there I tend to slip off into dreams. These
dreams are wild vivid entertainingly nightmarish and seem to repeat
the mechanical theme of martyrdom. I've been both the victim and the
victemizer in these dreams and it is evident that neither of these
sides are wanted. That they are just the pieces that one gets stuck
with in this ancient game, played by who?!? Once I experienced myself
as the central vacuum tube of creation, crucified into the circuit
socket of reality. Stuck there so that the whole world can manifest
around me and should I be pulled out of that socket, Poof the whole
universe blinks off like a light. A electronic dark night of the soul.
So that's it Amanita's deep, fascinating, occult, weird. Take em or
leave em.

Just one more, if you can stand it...

Jaguar have you ever heard the old adage "one man's mead is another
man's poison"? There's a lot of truth to that. I for one can't bear
ayahuasca, even carefully obeying all the dietary regulations it just
makes all my nerves scream and feel like I'm on the verge of a stoke
if I get more than a entry level dose in me. <--EDIT I GREW PAST THIS- UPPING THE VINE AND ELIMINATING THE ROOT-BARK (LEAF ONLY) HELPED. THAT PLUS PRACTICE.-->END EDIT For you ayahuasca may be
THE KEY. I've used Amanita's both muscaria and pantherina and have
found that used properly (for me that means light out, alone on the
couch, maybe headphones on) they are a relaxing and fascinating
experience with very few toxic effects involved. Beautiful CEV's and a
quite dialog with the sub-conscience mind are common. And then there
are those wild dreams! What a cast of characters! Sure when I'm
walking back and forth from the john I feel retarded a bit, but that's
not where the experience is at (for me), sort of like ketamine and dxm
that way.
At any rate for me and alot of other people they are psychedelic, just
not for everyone apparently.

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: CandyLand]
    #5083277 - 12/19/05 07:06 PM (19 years, 2 months ago)

Grea post. Thank you.

i've not been on the voard for some time! Hmm, I do think I may explore the Japanese pantherina's. Your eloquent description of experience with the Amanitas seems in harmony with many of the wonderful harmonies of those experiences I deeply enjoy.

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outdoor mushroomfarmer

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: Theta]
    #5084033 - 12/19/05 10:42 PM (19 years, 2 months ago)

i found some amanitas growing around town in salem, oregon, i dont live there anymore tho, and there are not any kinds of mushrooms at all here where i live, as compared to the cornucopia of psychoactive fungi up in oregon. 

anyways, i did amanitas a total of four times, i think.  i took the caps and stems, dried them, toasted them in the oven on 250 for a while and made a tea out of them.  they make you salivate and sweat, which can be uncomfortable, but mixing with a little bud seems to alleviate those negative effects.  at small doses ( a tea of 3-4 caps) it just gets you really high, really spiritually in tune... i ventured one night into the unknown with what many would call disastrous results.  i always journal my experiences, but right now my journal is in the hands  of the police, so im not sure of my dose.

anyways, i boiled up maybe 6 caps in a tea pot and drank the two or three glasses of nicely flavored tea.  i sat back and smoked some herb. i also drank a cup of my own urine, which i had read would increase the trip, and i wanted to go all the way.  it really wasnt that bad, and since im all about breaking down boundaries, i had no problem with it.  i soon started to notice the effects, so i put on my headphones with some indian ragas and fell asleep.  next thing i know i was having a horrible dream.  i was standing alone on an infinite plane of orange matter.  there was nothing, it was flat.  and then i realized i was suffering, and it was suffering beyond description.  in the sky somewhere i could hear the devious laugh of an evil god, the only god, i percieved.  i had an epiphany  that the entire point of human existence is to suffer.  we live ourlives suffering, wondering what lies beyond, and then we pass through the threshold of death only to suffer exponentially more and for infinity.  i was dead and existing in the afterlife of pure pain, the essence of fear and suffering.  as most psychedelic experiences, this is beyond words. 

the trip goes on where i watched the creation of the universe, pushed myself through blades and felt them cutting me and then out of nowhere i saw a table in front of me.  i was not moving of my own volition, and i felt that i never truly had.  i was at a point in my life when i was learning about destiny and the flow of time, how everything happens on a predestined course, or something like that.  i knew that i had to destroy this table, so i did.  and next i saw my grandparents crying and asking me to stop.  i felt that this was an obstacle placed in my afterlife by god to increase my pain.  this went on for quite sometime and then i realized that i had travelled so far into the future that there was a new kind of trans-dimensional police that that broke through the barriers of life and death to capture consciousnesses and confine them in prisons.  they tasered me and i fell down.  i was sweating and bleeding.  they pulled me out and i started to come down.  'are you on meth?' 'take any crystal tonight?'  no... no, im just a lonesome boy in the afterlife.. suffering.  i heard a machine coming down the street, a sort of incinerator on wheels that they were going to confine me in.  i ended up in the hospital, then in juvinile, my parents came to pick me up. 

in the process of the trip i pissed all over my grandparents couch, destroyed their tables, punched a hole in the wall, destroyed the dishwasher, the countertop, the floor, and several other costly things.  this experience effected me quite profoundly, but perhaps not as profoundly as it should have.  its been a year now, and ive been mulling over the experience, meditating on all the lessons it had to teach me and paying off my debts.  luckily, insanely, i had no punishment from the cops, no jail time, community service, no record, nothing.  they just confinscated a bunch of shit from my room.  they showed the list to my mom... three pages long.  yeah.  so the biggest lesson was for me, never take a large dose of anything without a trip sitter, that was my fatal mistake.  and now, my grandfather is dead, my entire family holds a grudge against me and im still a pioneer of the psychedelic realms.  always have a trip sitter present.  i plan on using amanitas again, some time in the future, to resolve this karmic debt that ive created for myself.... sail on. :rocket:

Spiral out.... keep going...
spiral out!

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: whythewho]
    #5084657 - 12/20/05 02:30 AM (19 years, 2 months ago)

uhhh holy shit that was entertaining make a fucking movie i will be a writer as well and make millions lol

when i did it i felt a little funny little sick and i thought that they were lame but when i used a recipe to get all the poison out and just eat the mushy it wasn't that bad pretty good actually

"Anything i say is fictional"
  what you should look for in manure

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: xaxphaanes]
    #5087149 - 12/20/05 08:02 PM (19 years, 2 months ago)

Yes- amanita dream's can truly knock your socks off sometimes. As intense as anything I've ever experienced, including dmt...But the magic is very unpredictable, doesn't work (that well) more often then it does. Very tricky!!!

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: whythewho]
    #5088827 - 12/21/05 08:08 AM (19 years, 2 months ago)


whythewho said:

in the process of the trip i pissed all over my grandparents couch, destroyed their tables, punched a hole in the wall, destroyed the dishwasher, the countertop, the floor, and several other costly things.  this experience effected me quite profoundly, but perhaps not as profoundly as it should have.  its been a year now, and ive been mulling over the experience, meditating on all the lessons it had to teach me and paying off my debts.  luckily, insanely, i had no punishment from the cops, no jail time, community service, no record, nothing.  they just confinscated a bunch of shit from my room.  they showed the list to my mom... three pages long.  yeah.  so the biggest lesson was for me, never take a large dose of anything without a trip sitter, that was my fatal mistake.  and now, my grandfather is dead, my entire family holds a grudge against me and im still a pioneer of the psychedelic realms.  always have a trip sitter present.  i plan on using amanitas again, some time in the future, to resolve this karmic debt that ive created for myself.... sail on. :rocket:

ive had a similar experience with lsd , i can relate, to trip sitter negligence.im glad you learned a lesson

ive had friends that get different results from amanitas. i think this is from variations.maybee different times of year harvested amanitas have different effects.

maybee its more personal (individual brain chemistry)

as far as how much. i like to reprise "one mans mead is the other mans poison"

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Re: Amanita Muscaria - How much? [Re: ]
    #5088867 - 12/21/05 08:33 AM (19 years, 2 months ago)

id you like the definitive


hey if its in a book(or on the net) it must be true!

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