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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: Rono]
#2077927 - 11/06/03 05:42 PM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
also, i'm on irc most nights @ shroomery.org:6667 when i'm on i'm usualy in #support.
Attn PWN hunters: If you should come across a bluing Psilocybe matching P. pellicolusa please smell it.
If you detect a scent reminiscent of Anethole (anise) please preserve a specimen or two for study and please PM me.
ProfessionalPsycho - JTOKREW

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: canid]
#2078561 - 11/06/03 08:49 PM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
I just wanna add that if you do add me to your msn, please, if you msg me there, let me know who you are and that you are from here. I dont answer msg's i get from people i dont know or recognize. Thanks.
-------------------- I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One.
To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind. - Th?ophile Gautier.
Seek not every quality in one individual - Confucius.
Global Living Space
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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: sykobish]
#2085676 - 11/09/03 12:28 AM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
if anyone wants an opinion on a problem or just someone to listen aim: vandals14 if im on ill be happy to help you out anyway i can
--=..Did Adam and ...?=--

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: ]
#2089401 - 11/10/03 12:52 PM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
I like helping people. I've really been trhough the whole thing, no matter what it was. I was an Hollywood punk and Satanist when I was 13-16 back in 79-82. Then I got spiritual and went to Maharishi University for my undergrad. I have since been in food service so never very far away from the ground. I'm not very far up, and I'm not very far down. I'm just still around. I have done every drug known to man except H. I am a tantra expert. And I mean the real thing. I have had the major Nyingma Buddhist empowerments, and am a Buddhist as well as meditator. Like I said, I like to help. My advice can be really simple and common sense, like you feel smothered? Clean your room. See? Easy. On the other hand, maybe you feel smothered by being stuck in a hopeless viscious cycle of self destruction. That's not so simple. For this some spiritual, and maybe extraordinary means might be needed to help you lift yourself out. For that, we can talk. I'm not converting anyone. We Buddhists get no kudos with the Creator for bringing people into the fold. Rather, we sometimes have a different way of summing things up which can be helpful. If someone needs to talk I'm always willing to help. Though I don't do chat you can always get me at eve__69@hotmail.com I have been in the computer underground for many years. Maybe you've seen me back at tGF, or SOS, or Sacrificial, or one of these other boards. Maybe not. Doesn't matter. Come talk before you check out. Take Care.
-------------------- ...or something
Registered: 09/25/02
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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: eve69]
#2113696 - 11/16/03 11:04 PM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
Aim - Idughs
I'll be your friend!!
lest we baguette

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: Idugh]
#2119167 - 11/18/03 06:56 AM (21 years, 3 months ago) |
tredingwater420@hotmail.com on msn
always willing to chat with anyone. 
-------------------- Annnnnnd I had a light saber and my friend was there and I said "you look like an indian" and he said "you look like satan" and he found a stick and a rock and he named the rock ooga booga and he named the stick Stick and we both thought that was pretty funny. We got eaten alive by mosquitos but didn't notice til the next day. I stepped on some glass while wading in the swamp and cut my foot open, didn't bother me til the next day either....yeah it was a good time, ended the night by buying some liquor for minors and drinking nips and going to he diner and eating chicken fingers, and then I went home and went to bed.
hypno toad

Registered: 11/03/02
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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: kaiowas]
#2136727 - 11/26/03 02:18 AM (21 years, 2 months ago) |
i am always always on and will usaly get back to you pretty quick(goes to my phone) dont worrie i wont bite
Old Timer

Registered: 01/04/04
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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: Penroc3]
#2230106 - 01/09/04 12:16 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
-------------------- Grumpy Old Man.

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2233599 - 01/10/04 05:07 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
OG shroomerite

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2233683 - 01/10/04 05:58 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm not sure if everyone is aware that wyldtouch69 was my old username. this is my original but I created wyldtouch69 b/c I forgot this pwd and I wanted to post. then through that whole OTD mess I was told that wyldtouch is technically a puppet so I don't post with that name anymore.
my hotmail addy is wild_touch69@hotmail.com
hit me up I'm online A LOT
-------------------- We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings going through a temporary human experience.

Registered: 03/20/03
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I?m alot on msn too, add me if u like
Edited by phobey (03/21/05 12:08 PM)
I'm NOT a 'he'

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2285851 - 01/29/04 11:32 PM (21 years, 25 days ago) |
I'm on quite often, so go ahead and add me
Nerd of the Herd

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2292046 - 02/01/04 03:44 PM (21 years, 23 days ago) |
Calbha on AIM Calbha@shroomery.org for e-mail Callbha on yim.
-------------------- Learn from your mistakes never regret them....

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2341474 - 02/16/04 02:00 PM (21 years, 8 days ago) |

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Alan Stone

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: ]
#2379550 - 02/26/04 12:22 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
I'm willing to help. I don't know much about drug chemistry, have probably done a lot less than Shroomery regulars -in both amounts and types- but if you just need someone to talk to, send me a message.
-------------------- It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- Aristotle
Criminal Bodhisattva

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2393085 - 03/01/04 11:13 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
just thought id throw my screen-name and email in here (i thought i already had)
AIM: LuminousFuant
-------------------- T h e r e a r e n o o r d i n a r y m o m e n t s.
Anonymous #1
Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: thePatient]
#2397918 - 03/03/04 10:29 AM (20 years, 11 months ago) |

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2464367 - 03/23/04 04:08 PM (20 years, 10 months ago) |
armyofmullet -AIM
Why not?

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Re: shroomery buddy system [Re: wyldtouch69]
#2523253 - 04/03/04 10:09 PM (20 years, 10 months ago) |
I'm not a really well known shroomery member, but you can PM me if you want me to talk to you. Ask me for my aim if you want realtime talk.