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I think I'm fucked.
#1313740 - 02/17/03 09:08 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
OK, So... Today has been an extraordinarily bad day... This morning I tried to get my car out and it ended up on the side of the driveway that's not manueverable... There's 1 ft of snow on the ground.. So, no car for now.
Then I noticed that my mom (I live with my parents temporarily) went through my shit while I was gone (intentionally, not that "I smelled something" crap she gave me LAST time she searched the room) and found:
Perlite, Vermiculite, Peat Moss, 50/50, BRF, 7 PF un-sterilized jars, trashcan growing chamber equipped with light, Two pipes with marijuana resin, One cheap kitchen scale, one broken handscale, zig rolling papers, blunts, and one 3/4 full spore syringe from sporeworks, fully labeled.
Now, she didn't find my colonized jars, which is good, but ... I dunno what I'm gonna do about the rest of this shit. I guses it's all legal except for the pipes w/ marijuana resin, but, you know, I bought those from a friend to smoke tobacco out of.
She has locked herself in her room, I assume with all my stuff... And what comes next is the big "family meeting" where she denounces my crimes. I don't know, she might be crazy enough to call the cops, but she really doesn' have anything, right?
Anyway, she's been brainwashed, and thinks drugs are hugely bad and all this ...
I don't know what to do right now, I'm trying to think logically and calmly but I keep thinking about how I'm gonna have to find an apartment and work more and basically support myself all on short-notice.
I know, it's crazy trying to grow shit in your parents' house, but for the record, everything I've ever said on this forum has been total fiction and made up.

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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1313757 - 02/17/03 09:12 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
If you think she might call the cops, clean house bro. Move the colonized jars to a friends house.
Other than that, it's not the end of the world. You can TRY to explain to her the facts about these drugs and your use of them. Look forward to living on your own.
Be careful and stay safe.
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Theta]
#1313781 - 02/17/03 09:25 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
If you think she might call the cops, clean house bro. Move the colonized jars to a friends house.
Other than that, it's not the end of the world. You can TRY to explain to her the facts about these drugs and your use of them. Look forward to living on your own.
Be careful and stay safe.
Looks like she stole everything, including my bottle of vodka that I bought from the bahamas (which was completely enclosed in a sealed box in an indescript location)... Except she passed over my colonized jars, evidentally. I have no idea where those are going now... I have no car because of this stupid snow thing, and my friend isn't answering the phone.
It's hard as shit trying to remember every place that you ever put drugs or drug paraphenalia... Last time she did this she suprised me with some shit I had long forgotten about.
Edited by Seeka (02/17/03 09:26 AM)
peruvian spark

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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1313805 - 02/17/03 09:34 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
Make sure she knows you were trying to grow mushrooms with that stuff, she might think you were making something far worse up there!! ( especially with syringes!) When you explain yourself, you might find yourself in less trouble than you thought.
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Make sure she knows you were trying to grow mushrooms with that stuff, she might think you were making something far worse up there!! ( especially with syringes!) When you explain yourself, you might find yourself in less trouble than you thought.
I was just about to say the exact same thing. I am very reluctant to use spore syringes for this exact reason (though my parents are not a trouble, guests are..)
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1313820 - 02/17/03 09:40 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
My mum used to go through my room. I felt really violated. Your mum really has no right. Man, I'd be voluntarily moving out. But that is just me.
-------------------- Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pacman affected our generation as kids, we'd all be running around in a darkened room, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1313825 - 02/17/03 09:43 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
say the mushrooms you're growing are legal,
and for the weed:
"pot helped you discover a productive hobby to fill your life"
tell her you gave up the "bad" lifestyle a long time ago and now you just want to live safe.
some habits are hard to kick though 
save those cakes though!! how far along were they?
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: enotake2]
#1313869 - 02/17/03 10:02 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
My mum used to go through my room. I felt really violated. Your mum really has no right. Man, I'd be voluntarily moving out. But that is just me.
At second though, I doubt that they'd kick me out entirely. But I'm gonna move out ASAP if I can. And yes, she has no right. And yes, it makes me feel violated.
I worry that she might go through my computer shit too, so I have it passworded up and everything.. Although even this level of security sucks compared to what I should have.
Still, magical mushrooms are a felony... Isn't there anything benign I could tell her I was growing? Like, something legal and uncommon?
save those cakes though!! how far along were they?
1 day till colonization. The wrong time to be getting caught with them...
Hmm, about the spore syringe... I should tell her it's for crack jokingly and then say "Haha, just kidding!" It's a good hobby of mine to fuck with my parents when they're talking to me about something stupid like this. It's not my dad that's doing it, though, it's my mom and her stupid anti-drug policies.. She's been watching too much anti-marijuana TV.
Edited by Seeka (02/17/03 10:18 AM)

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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1313887 - 02/17/03 10:08 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
If she calls the cops, get rid of all your illegal stuff. Then beat yourself senseless ala Fightclub. When the cops arrive, they'll have her arrested for child abuse. She'll learn her lesson, you can probably sue for some money and get yourself a nice apartment and move out and live on your own.
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poke smot!
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Re: I think I'm fucked. *DELETED* [Re: Seeka]
#1313906 - 02/17/03 10:16 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: poke smot!]
#1313930 - 02/17/03 10:22 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
Hmm, for the record, I'm over 18.
And .. my policy is to not negotiate with terrorists (that is, people who come in my room when I'm away, search the room and steal things without ever telling me).
That said, I'm moving out as soon as I can. In the meantime, I've got work and school shit to deal with, and I'm not prepared to do all this shit at once right now... it's just a real big load of stress.
I don't know how my mom justifies stealing legal shit, though. The only thing she took that was illegal was the two pipes w/ resin... and she doesn't even tell me she found this shit until later I'm sure.
She evidentally has this "moral highground" that I'm doing drugs and must be stopped or some BS. She might not realize she's breaking up the fucking family. My apologies for the French, btw.
Edited by Seeka (02/17/03 10:32 AM)
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1314079 - 02/17/03 11:04 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
poke smot! had some excellent advice. It is your parent's house, and they will have the final say. But if you can just try to relate to their fears and concerns, and attempt to alleviate them by communicating about yourself, your interests, the legitamite use of drugs, and the real dangers associated with them - it may help her to see that you are a capable adult who is very responsible and will not do anything stupid.
After coming clean to my parents, it's a lot easier to be close to them because I know they accept me for who I am and that I don't need to hide anything from them.
This isn't a trip tip, so I'm going to move it to The Pub.
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: geokills]
#1314150 - 02/17/03 11:25 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
my mother saw (spore)syringes in my room and thought that i was IKing drugs and shit. WHen i told her that i grow shrooms,toild her that it's legal and i also told her how good it is for my me(shroom trippin') everything was cool!!! unbeliavable!!my mother was never an open minded person and when i told her the whole truth instead of throwing me out of the house she just let everyting be...
life can be weird sometimes
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1314155 - 02/17/03 11:27 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
When my mom tried to steal my pipe, I did not let her get away with it. I took a fifty from her and said if she finds stealing acceptable then so be it. She gave me my bowl within five minutes, I gave her the money and all was settled. I am lucky my mom is nice though and she doesn't go through all my shit anymore.
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"Your mum really has no right"
Okay, so, it may be considered immoral (not by me, but I can understand how you feel there), and an invasion of privacy, but parents have *every* right to do so. Even if you are 18, you're still living with them, even if temporarily, and you can't blame them for this.
Still, that sucks, try talking to them. Parents seem to hate their children hiding stuff far more than illegal activities. My parents don't give a flying fuck what I do, as long as my room is clean and I get 90s...
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1315737 - 02/18/03 01:19 AM (22 years, 3 days ago) |
No right? It's her house, she has every right.
What's sad is you not respecting her enough to honor her wishes. She's the one whos trust was violated.
Move the fuck out you selfish ass.
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No right? It's her house, she has every right.
What's sad is you not respecting her enough to honor her wishes. She's the one whos trust was violated.
Move the fuck out you selfish ass.
Looks like the assholes have seeped into the thread. No comment.

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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1315772 - 02/18/03 02:13 AM (22 years, 3 days ago) |
if your kids started growing shrooms and selling them on your front porch, i'd bet your tune would change. or is that still the kids' rights? where can the owners of the house draw the line, or can't they?
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Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Bilge]
#1315778 - 02/18/03 02:31 AM (22 years, 3 days ago) |
if your kids started growing shrooms and selling them on your front porch, i'd bet your tune would change. or is that still the kids' rights? where can the owners of the house draw the line, or can't they?
OK, First off my mom entered my room without telling me, searched the room without telling me, stole things from the room without telling me, and has yet to tell me about ANY of this crap.
She goes in the room when I'm not there like a goddam sleuth detective and searches the room, steals things that I'm using and camps out in her room so she can sort and hide everything.
This is NOT about her property, this is about her having some big problem with me "doing drugs" and her watching way too much TV and not getting enough exercise. She's been brainwashed since she was a kid, she continues to be brainwashed, and THIS is not the kind of person I need searching my room.
Whatever, while there might be a legal right to do this, I don't believe it's ethical behavior. At all.
Re: I think I'm fucked. [Re: Seeka]
#1315786 - 02/18/03 02:41 AM (22 years, 3 days ago) |
You aren't sellin em on her porch either I bet. ;p