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Re: youth and psychedelics *DELETED* [Re: ShRo_0My]
#1303234 - 02/12/03 03:55 PM (22 years, 8 days ago) |
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: poke smot!]
#1303779 - 02/12/03 08:07 PM (22 years, 8 days ago) |
i am 19 and i just recently started experimenting with shrooms. i am really glad that i waited until this period in my life to try them. some of the things that people in this thread are saying that they discovered due to shrooms, i discovered on my own just through experience and self realization. i think that at in your early teens there isn't always a clear sense of self (i am not saying for everyone, but for most). i think that it is best to know yourself and to learn to find certain degrees of spirituality and thought on your own before turning to drugs to help you search for it. once you have achieved that on your own, shrooms and what have you can take you to infinite heights. then again, that may be just me.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: AbFab]
#1304937 - 02/13/03 06:28 AM (22 years, 8 days ago) |
Im 18 and have done Shrooms a few times in the last year. At the age of 14 I began to smoke up occasionally. Since about the age of 16 I toke daily. My friends have all done similar drug-carriers, but despite this I find we have been effected rather differently. One friend , who is two years younger is a real pot-head , who only thinks about wether he has still got enough ganja for the day or not. If he hears a related word he?s happy, and he could talk about the "art of weeding" for hours. Mentally he is a reck! It?s all he does, and all he thinks about. Having a conversation is very hard, cause he doesn?t have hobbies other than dope and hiphop. - No sports, No Girl-friend... He also repeats the same questions frequently due to having forgotten , that he has already asked! My other best-friend is not as much addicted to drugs as the other, but far more receptive for mind-shifting substances:From 4- 4 Gr. of Maz he had cat-eyes for 1 and a half months! (No joke!) He has only taken shrooms once in his life, but has been experiencing what I analyzed as strange intermission of his brain. Sometimes , when he is talking to you, he begins to stare at you with large eyes.He then interrupts his sentance draws back his head into his neck, and stays in this gazing position for 3 secs or so, only to come back to normal and to finish of his sentance, as if nothing has happened! I myself am now always paranoid to cracking up myself. Due to this I regularly ask non-drugging friends if I am. They always state , that Im still quite well in shape (mentally speaking). My conclusion is therefore: It depends on the person. One tip is defenately to not focus too much on drugging , as this shifts drugs from being the path to being the goal in life.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: sancho]
#1306957 - 02/14/03 01:08 AM (22 years, 7 days ago) |
Wow... I'll admit I haven't read everyone's post in this thread so forgive me if I state something that has already been said too many times.
This question has been going through my head for a quite a while now...
I could really relate to what PDU said.
I'd like to also give my experiences and story instead of a simple answer, so be warned this could go on for a bit.
I Turned 16 last september 11. I've always been a pretty open minded person, I meditate, play my didge, go to high school. etc...
The closest thing that I practice to religion, apart from martial arts, is probably something close to buddhism.
Anyway getting on with it, I could go on all day but I'll spare you.
I first smoked weed when I was about late 14 or early 15...can't remember and the more I delved into the drug scene the more I wanted to know, in a purely informational way I mean, like reading through erowid/lycaeum and such. Up until about 3 months ago I hadn't tried any other drugs, apart from alcohol. It was at this time my older brother who is a big role model for me, Introduced me to E, and the raving scene.
Him, I and a few of my friends went to an amazing rave set in a castle. It was the most amazing eye opener for me, I had just started getting into electronic music a few previous months before, the good stuff; KRAFTWERK, the future sound of london, plus more mainstream yet good stuff like bexta etc. My friends all had a great time, but I did'nt devote all of my time to just dancing, oh no. I met too many people to remember, and they were all understanding and on my same level, it was amazing because I could really figure out what had been going through my head lately.
I felt great the next day, not one bit of a hangover, and from then on I've seen life in a new light.
I haven't taken any more E's since then.
One of the many entheogens I noticed information on and looked further into, was mushrooms.
I've been researching all I could about pretty much all aspects of both cultivation and uses/experiences.
Now heres where it gets moderately interesting, so hold on.
Once I felt I had enough knowledge to do some microscopic experiments, I did'nt have enough time, because I had recently applied to go on a year long exchange to Japan, and this has always been a dream of mine, since I can remember. So in about two weeks from now I'm leaving to do so.
I beleive that whatever it is (and sorry to get philisophical on you guys) that MAY govern something to do with this planet, or it's inhabitants. wether it be a god, or a super intelligent shade of the colour blue, has ordaned that now is not a good time for me to be experimenting with such powerfull forces just yet. This is fine for me because (1): if anything it will mean I will have to do with researching more for now, which is good because I won't be able to jump into cultivation (hypothetically) without having a great knowledge of all aspects. And I think that perhaps I'm also not meant to experierence such things mentally just for now, because as level headed, mature and quasi-enlightened I may see myself, I obviously have more to learn.
One thing I think I must resolve is my relationship with my current girlfriend of 7 months, technically my first g/f, and literally my first, so I feel alot for this girl.
I realise that I'm not really supposed to know what love is, since I'm so young, age wise. I've read from other peoples experiences on this trip to Japan, and they agree that dumping your g/f or b/f before you go, and I can understand why that would have it's advatages. Not because I could get a new one over there, I'm not like that, but atleast there won't be any confusion or mixed feelings between us.
If anyone has read all of this I'll be suprised, I hope it was'nt too 'me, me, me', I had to cut out a whole lot and this has taken me a couple hours to get an extremely vauge description of my point, while still trying to stay on topic.
To those of you who did read it, any feed back would be great.
Anyway it's 2:00 and I can't really say much more, goodnight, and please don't dislike me for the really long post, at the very least, you may know a little bit more of where I'm coming from and who this guy with the really long odd name is anyway
EDIT: spelling error
-------------------- I rose up towards the ceiling, rolled over, and looked down on my body, lying there in peaceful repose. I thought to myself, "Damn, too much".
Edited by eleutheromania (02/14/03 01:12 AM)

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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: ShRo_0My]
#1306991 - 02/14/03 01:58 AM (22 years, 7 days ago) |
well i am 16 and will be turning 17 in three months. i started smoking weed when i just turned 15. the only drugs ive done are marijuana, and then salvia a couple of weeks ago
if you're intentions are good then the use of psychedelics are great. most kids my age use "drugs" to get "fucked up". i use them to learn about myself and to expand my thinking and creativity.
psychedelics have taught me two very important things:
- EVERYONE is searching for a place to fit in and a meaning to their life, some people find that place , some people go on their whole lives searching for it.
- EVERYONE needs love. (we had a bombing in a building of ours that killed sooo many people and i was pissed off at the guy for killing all those people. then i realized the sad thing is why he did it. nobody was showing him love so in a desperate cry for attention he bombed a building and killed everyone. maybe if we (not all of us) would get out of our self-centered worlds and reach out to someone then none of this stuff would happen.
learning what i feel is valuable information like that at a young age is going to help me later on in my life.
i am planning on tripping shrooms and cant wait to see what i learn. ill let you know how it goes 
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most kids my age use "drugs" to get "fucked up".
I'm in the same posistion, My closest friends I think are more starting to use entheogens to get something deeper out of it. But I know so many people at school and such that would just abuse amazing gifts like mushrooms to 'trip balls' while chugging down beer and running around trying to be like those guys out of CKY. -_-*
-------------------- I rose up towards the ceiling, rolled over, and looked down on my body, lying there in peaceful repose. I thought to myself, "Damn, too much".

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I started hallucinogens when i was only 16, but i do think that is a little young for most people, but i felt that it was a good age for me because i was very responsible and very happy with who I was, most teenagers have insecurity issues from what i have encountered.

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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: sancho]
#1309497 - 02/15/03 07:20 AM (22 years, 5 days ago) |
At 15 years old i started to expand my mind with phycedelics. still at a young age i feel alot more open to everything. i found my self listeing to diffrrent music, reading diffrent subjects, looking at everyhtin just so much diffrently...and i think its only turned out for the better. i gained respect , confidence, happieness, and more of an understanding of what i and everyoen else. i belive its fine at a young age, as long as your not doing them "to be cool".
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: sancho]
#1309520 - 02/15/03 07:36 AM (22 years, 5 days ago) |
eye think usage at an early age can be uncertain and sometimes dangerous, of course it depends on the individual. But even in college eye've met people who had their first experiences with phsychedelics and turned out to be a bad memory for them. People who are open-minded and are willing to accept the yet unknown and unexplainable mysteries of the world are those who can handle a life changing and life enhancing experience with phsychedelics. Eye am reminded of a time that a college friend of soochi's asked if it were possible to grow mushrooms that didn't give him a bad trip, of course eye laughed hysterically inside, but he carefully explained to him that the enjoyment of the trip was all in his mind.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: soochi]
#1312134 - 02/16/03 02:31 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
People who are open-minded and are willing to accept the yet unknown and unexplainable mysteries of the world are those who can handle a life changing and life enhancing experience with phsychedelics.
Bang on! People come to this place at different ages. That is the determining factor in my mind. I suppose this comes with maturity.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: juicemonkey]
#1312141 - 02/16/03 02:33 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
ah the famous defensive 15 year old 
Whether you like it or not...their ARE drawbacks to being young. Your brain is still developing. Your body is basically 'getting your shit together', that will be used for the rest of your life.
I don't think taking psychedelics necessarily help that process(maybe sometimes it does for some people, and maybe sometimes it doesn't...why risk it?).
I know I didn't say their was a set age. And I also didn't say anything about 'being ready'. Sure, you were really ready to take a psychedelic. You did all your research, etc. That does not change the fact that....you are still growing...your brain isn't even 'in tact' yet, so to to speak. Would you give 4 hits of lsd to a 7 year old? Why not? It's the same thing as giving you lsd, compared to a 30 year old. As much as you don't agree with it...it's true.
I'm not saying "don't take psychedelics when your young...that's bad!!"....I'm just saying...it probably doesn't help your brain, when your 15(for example), to take psychedelics. I guess it's all opinion from both of us, because we will never know otherwise. Not a lot of research can be done when things are illegal.
Thats a moot argument.
There isnt much known about the adult brain either. And people take the research chemicals, where there is hardly NO research done, on any brain, and people here dont scold them.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: Sombie]
#1312343 - 02/16/03 04:40 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
and people here dont scold them.
Who said anything about scolding...getting defensive again j/j
Whether you agree or not, this is all opinion anyway, I think that a 'youth's' brain is still developing and taking psychedelics might not necessarily be good for it.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: juicemonkey]
#1312419 - 02/16/03 05:09 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
I see the point being made here, but here's my 2 cents...
How can you say, with any accuracy, if psychedelics are "good for your brain" no matter who you are? Not a whole lot is known about psychedelics, so its kind of a big crap shoot anyway. If you get something you can use or enjoy from psychedelics, and feel that outways any possible negative effects, then go ahead and take them. Age is totally irrelevant.
Besides, think about how much worse ritalin is for developing brains.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: Sombie]
#1312699 - 02/16/03 07:07 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
Thats a moot argument.
There isnt much known about the adult brain either. And people take the research chemicals, where there is hardly NO research done, on any brain, and people here dont scold them.
But you sure moust admit , that your brain is most likely still in an evolving phase , when you are younger , than when you are older. Besides: Studies on dope have shown , that it influences your short-term memory a lot more than your long-term memory (I hope its called that way in english). Thus , when studying you miss out on a hell lot , cause it gets decepted from your short-term memory, and then gets lost in the world of psychadelics. I know drawing a conclusion from Cannabis to Shrooms is questionable, but I think we can agree on that both influence the neurons, and therefore may be considered similar to a certain extent.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: JazzMatazz]
#1312714 - 02/16/03 07:19 PM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
I think it might be time to sum up this thread: So , I think it clearly came out how difficult this topic is , as we do not have a lot of scientific material on which to draw any solid conclusions from. Therefore I suggest, that everyone who does psychadelics is aware of the potential dangers it might cause, and should see for himself if he still draws a gain from shrooming. (In whatever kind of way) As this is however always very difficult to estimate by oneself, I do stress that talking to other people about your state of mind occasionally, to see if your not cracked up, helps me a lot. It can be very self-reassuring and makes you more confident towards trips, thus making them more pleasant.
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: debianlinux]
#3112195 - 09/09/04 02:46 AM (20 years, 5 months ago) |
Off topic but...
debianlinux said: You DON'T know if tomorrow is your last day, in fact, I live every day as if it were..
I hate this bullshit statement... I Know if I lived my day like it were my last, my ass would be in jail for life. Your telling me if tomorrow you knew you were going to die you wouldn't do some fucked up shit today? Liar. Sorry for my rant and no disrespect intended
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: sancho]
#3112203 - 09/09/04 02:54 AM (20 years, 5 months ago) |
chinacat72 did acid when he was 13
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: liveby]
#3112712 - 09/09/04 08:30 AM (20 years, 5 months ago) |
there comes a time in all our lives we have to deal with strong emotional feelings...I don't think it will hurt a developing mind but I think the older u get hte more you can appreciate it
ps trippin balls as I post this some really good acid up here in canada right now

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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: sancho]
#3112728 - 09/09/04 08:38 AM (20 years, 5 months ago) |
I waited until I was 20 to do LSD, and I took shrooms the first time three months after I turned 19. (I will only be 21 in a month)
I think there is a problem with younger people taking hallucinogenic drugs partly because you _have_ to know yourself. There can't be any gray areas in your morals or ethics or LSD/mushrooms could really take you for a life-defining ride.
You can't approach these type of drugs with an immature attitude, and a lot of people do. Sure, mushrooms can be used as a recreational activity with a group if you're taking smaller doses, but even then it is usually a group of people who feel good about themselves, and aren't subconcious about whether they are fitting in, someone likes their shoes, whether they are acting right, etc. Teenagers are definately not stable people.
I know now, as I'm approaching my early twenties that I am in store for a lot of eye openers as I age. Between the age of 16 to 20, I have realized that I'm not as smart as I have always thought, I have matured mentally and realized beauty in more things, things that I would have probably vandalized or not even acknowledged appreciation for four years ago. I have respect for a lot of things now that I like, and/or other people partake in. I realize that if we ever stop learning, life becomes pointless. We are here to learn, but this becomes increasingly easy once you have matured past a point and have _completely_ defined yourself, rather than just your physical appearance.
I just find that most people I know who are 16 or under are far to immature in my opinion to handle a full blown psychedelic experience, let alone respect it.
I do admit though, in my short life of 20 years I have met some exceedingly mature 16 year olds, but this is probably due to having to be the parent in their household, or liberal but responsibility-driven parents.
IMHO _no one_ under the age of 16 should partake in the use of strong hallucinogens due to the high chance that they don't even really know who they are at this point in life. It has too high of a chance to impact how they think and interpret things they see at that age.
Someone already said they can't wait to see how they will be when they are 30+ on a hallucinogen. I second this, I picture myself laid back, questioning everything I see, still trying to inform myself on many subjects I find interesting, and more understanding of other people's conquests to quench their interests.
Anyway, this is just my two cents. I hope someone finds it insightful, and no one is offended. - Silven
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Re: youth and psychedelics [Re: Silven]
#3117091 - 09/10/04 01:13 AM (20 years, 5 months ago) |
Ok, I have to admit this kind of pisses me off. I am 18, almost 19 and I started tripping when I was 15. I was more than ready. Of all people, my fellow enlightened minds, you need to realize that some people have a path that has already been set. I'm just following my path, and I don't give a shit how old I am.
The "trippers" in our society all have minds that have been naturally stuctured to use psychedelics to their advantage, and thats all their is to it. As juice said - they are a tool, and nothing more. I as well thing I am more mature than normal for my age, and this is pure speculation but I can only assume it has come from all the psychedelic useage.
I'm just a bit drunk at the current moment anyway so I hope this makes sense....
Good day to yall and happy trippin