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Absinth?? aka common tansy?
#1237438 - 01/21/03 03:12 PM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
Has anyone ever used this stuff to make absinth..or is it supposed to be used with wormwood.. I think i can get both, and plan on making a very hi concentration liquer.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Legoulash]
#1239712 - 01/22/03 11:09 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
supposedly you can't make true absinth with jsut wormwood steeped in alcohol. are you planning to actually go through the fermentation process?
I beleive this is require dif you want true absinth...with the thujone in it i mean.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: zandorf]
#1239737 - 01/22/03 11:13 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
No i was planning on just using some rubbing alcohol to make a bunch of strong extract.. then add taht to some bacardi 151.. But i have access to both wormwood and common tansy. Should i try both or just stick with worm wood..
PS: does anyone know the legal status for absinth and/or wormwood and/or common tansy?

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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Legoulash]
#1239838 - 01/22/03 11:50 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
Absinth has a shady legality... basically prepared absinth containing thujone is illegal to sell for human consumption, that's why it's not imported really.... but i'm sure if you try enough places overseas you'll get one past customs.
The plants themselves are not illegal, and making absinth at home probably would cause a legal debate field day between DA and Lawyers and things because the law is so unclear.
Although you need to fill out papers and a license and things like that to run a distillation apparatus. But who ever does that. And you're just putting it in bacardi 151 right?
I'd suggest though not using rubbing alcohol for the extraction and perhaps pure ethanol/ever clear, incase for whatever reason there is not complete evaporation of the IPA -- this way you prevent poisoning yourself.
edit: for those of you that read this while it said "the plants themselves are illegal" i had gotten ahead of myself and meant to say "the plants themselves are NOT illegal"
The correction has been made. My apologies.
Edited by neuro (01/22/03 11:55 AM)
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#1239847 - 01/22/03 11:52 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
The plants themselves are illegal
Huh?! Can you provide a ref to this?
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: DazedSol]
#1239850 - 01/22/03 11:54 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
oh fuck did i say that>?
i got ahead of myself i didn't mean that..
lemme find where that is and correct it.

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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#1239861 - 01/22/03 11:57 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
But who ever does that. And you're just putting it in bacardi 151 right?
I'd suggest though not using rubbing alcohol for the extraction and perhaps pure ethanol/ever clear, incase for whatever reason there is not complete evaporation of the IPA -- this way you prevent poisoning yourself.
I think he was being sarcastic when he said that...
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Meph]
#1239872 - 01/22/03 12:01 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
well just incase.. rather be safe than embalmed from the inside out.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#1239876 - 01/22/03 12:02 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
Lol....figured it was typo.....made me look twice though
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: DazedSol]
#1239900 - 01/22/03 12:10 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
kinda contradictory ya know, saying the plants are illegal but making stuff with it isn't clear in the law.. doesn't really add up.
Good thing you caught that quickly.

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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Meph]
#1239913 - 01/22/03 12:15 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
My questions still havnt been totaly answerd.. Is comman tansy used in the making of absinth. I was told it was, but iv learned the word of mouth is just kerfuckled. Plus how much of each (common tansy and wormwood) would i need.
One more question . I make beer would this be good with an absinth extract?
OTD residentvirginwizard-abstinenceain'teasy

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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Legoulash]
#1239967 - 01/22/03 12:33 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
i'm getting the impression no one here knows what common tansy is. heh, i sure don't.
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Edited by zandorf (01/22/03 12:34 PM)
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: Legoulash]
#1239974 - 01/22/03 12:35 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
Hmm dont think tansy has anything interesting in it......not sure exactly what 'common tansy' is though.....tansy(that i know) is Tanacetum vulgare...has no thujone in it..... ive also heard Silverweed (aka: Potentilla anserina) called 'wild tansy' which contains alot of tannin but no thujone....as far as i know only the wormwoods(Artemisia spp.) contain thujone
Although(probably pointless)but tanacetum is in the same family as wormwood; Compositae.........more research is in order
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: DazedSol]
#1240312 - 01/22/03 02:36 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
Thujone is the primary constituent of essential oils derived from a variety of plants including wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), sage (Salvia officinalis), clary (Salvia sclarea), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), and yellow cedar (cedarleaf oil) (Thuja occidentalis) (Albert-Puleo, 1978).
Dazedsol: the rest isn't for you. As far as i know Wormwood (Artemesia spp., but mostly A. Absinthium) is primarily and probably only used in making absinthe and not any of the other Thujone containing plants.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#1240411 - 01/22/03 03:08 PM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
Well i'll be....... i stand corrected....good info neuro.... any idea about thujone levels in any of the other plants? although wormwood is the traditional one used maybe one(some) of the others have higher levels or other actives? dunno, just throwing more ideas around
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: DazedSol]
#1240618 - 01/22/03 04:32 PM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
>>maybe one(some) of the others have higher levels or other actives? dunno, just throwing more
ideas around
I don't know, i've heard of some shroomerites trying to make absinthe with Salvia Officianallis, but the word around here was that it was a waste of time cause Wormwood contained higher levels.
Okay I've found some information.
I'm only going to list total thujone concentration and not the individual percentages of either the Alpha or Beta -Thune isomers.
[Name] [Percentage Thujone]
1.) Cedar Leaf - 64.5
2.) Salvia - 42.5 - 55.7
3.) Tansy - 77.4
4.) Wormwood - total not really considered.. A-Thujone: 0.53-1.22, B-Thujone: 17.50-42.30
5.) Thyme - .2
6.) Rosemary - 4.17
(1 - 3 Pinto-Scognamiglio, 1967 - 4 Lawrence, 1995 - 5 - 6 Farag et al., 1986)
So as you can see there is actually more thujone in the other sources, makes me wonder why only thujone is used - i suspect it's probably just tradition.
Edited by neuro (01/22/03 04:46 PM)
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#1242295 - 01/23/03 07:13 AM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
Hi all.. I made a similar post some time ago, about tujone containing plants, and decided, although nothing was really clear, to grow some salvia officinalis to check their amount of tujone.. the plants are now getting ready, I'll try soaking them in alcohol soon.. I was planning to grow some arthemisia absinthium, but I got ripped off so if anyone has any seeds to trade, I am willing.. thanx.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: psylo33o]
#1242392 - 01/23/03 08:05 AM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: neuro]
#3899581 - 03/10/05 07:05 PM (19 years, 11 months ago) |
tansy of the european variety (sweden,norway and such) contains upwards of 80% thujone, with camphor as a byproduct. if you used it with wormwood as an addition in the maceration process used for absinthe it would increase the thujone content considerably. Absinthe is legal to produce for personal consumption, it is regulated by the FDA and connot be sold to the public IE any thujone containing products cannot be sold for human consumption.
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Re: Absinth?? aka common tansy? [Re: sputnik2]
#3899838 - 03/10/05 08:02 PM (19 years, 11 months ago) |
if im not mistaken, common tansey is very highly toxic and contains other alkaloids than thujone?
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