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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1246686 - 01/24/03 04:09 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
The most fucked up thing that ever happened to me while tripping was having my friend tell me: "You just controlled my mind." "How long have you known this?"
My favorite part is the visuals always make me laugh!
-------------------- man = monkey + mushroom

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: pattern]
#1246737 - 01/24/03 04:23 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
The most fucked up thing that has ever happend to me....was on a level-3(hardest I have tripped so far). It was my bro and I, and we sorta got in an argument. Not a big one or anything, but all I really remember is him getting pissed off, said he would be in the car smoking a bowl, and left me there to think for a few minz. The whole time he was talking, I just sat there looking around the room at the blacklight effects. After he left, I remember feeling really confused about what just happend, and finally went to join him to spark another bowl. Everything seemed ok after that, and I havn't ever asked him what happend that night.

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripp [Re: Hongosmeester]
#1247004 - 01/24/03 11:58 PM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
I think we have a winner! I can't imagine a worse experience on chemicals than being attacked by a doberman.
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- Bill Hicks
old sourdough

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripp [Re: CaptBeefheart]
#1248103 - 01/25/03 12:33 PM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
I don't know if I like that destinction
-------------------- Don't fuck with me
I'm a postal worker;-)
A zen master once said to me
don't do anything I tell you to do
so i did
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1249505 - 01/26/03 05:03 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
the only instance of "fucked-up-ness" that i can recall right now is... It was about dusk time, the sun was coming down and it started to drizzel rain. This had been my first time trying mushrooms, and i didnt know exactly what to expect. I walked in the house, only to suffer the wrath of my mom. I had come home after the appointed time i was supposed to, and didnt do the task she assigned me. I had to play the act of being sober, and i tried my best. Though little things were freaking me out. For instance, my moms dog... she kept moving in odd ways and making odd sounds. Then, my brother came in and sat down, then got back up, moved a little, and sat back down. I couldnt keep my attention on the interrogation at hand. Also, my mom was seemingly talking in riddles. The questions she was asking me were perceived by me, as incoherent. But, i took my time and sorted out all the crazy mess she was spouting. So after about 10 minutes of rigorous questions being asked, and a slight scolding, i walked into my room, sweating. Though, i wasnt just sweating because of the stern interrogation that just went on. My mom is a conservative energy/electricity freak and it was the summer. She didn't like to turn on the air-conditioner unless she had to. So i entered into my room, and turned on some comforting music. I layed in my bed, and closed my eyes, only to be revealed to insane visuals. I could characterize this trip i was having as bad right now, only because of the questions i was asking myself. Questions i dare not reveal, for it plagued my mind then, and i dare not let it plague my mind now. So, i open my eyes, after turning my body just a bit. Right infront of me, in perfect vision, in the crevice of my water bed, was a dead rabbit. A genuine dead rabbit carcus. I immediately freaked out, and jumped out of my bed. A dead rabbit carcus is something no one should have in his bed, while tripping. My conclusion was that my devious trickster of a cat had played a mighty joke on me. Of all the places in the house to leave a dead rabbit, and he somehow sneaks passed everyone and leaves it in my bed. I poked at it, to make sure it was real and NOT a hallucination. Yes, it was definitly real enough to barbeque. i saught out my mom, (im lazy and i wanted to make her do it ). I told her the tale, then lead her to the rabbit, while still hoping it was real. She could see it, so it was confirmed as being real. She disposed of the petrified rabbit (BTW, he was in a sprint position with his legs up in the air. lol), and washed my bed sheets. While this was taking place, i walked outside to witness the sunset under the slight drizzle. Everything in that chaotic day came together at that exact moment. I stared in awe...i stared in extreme awe... i stared with an enlightened mood and maner. How beautious our skies were.. how earth our mother is. The bad trip that had occured had vanished, and had been replaced with what seemed to be a euphoric, knowledgable mood.
it was worth it.
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1249524 - 01/26/03 05:17 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
one time i was on acid and i went into my kitchen with this girl i used to live with and we were getting drinks or something and i saw something on the counter. i thought i imagined it but moved some stuff from where i saw this object and found a 6 inch long centapede (or maybe millipede) on this counter. i've never seen one this big before and certainly not in a 3rd story apartment on the kitchen counter. the girl jumped and was a bit startled by the bug so i scooped him up and tossed him off my balcony.
another weird incident that happened while tripping was when i was either on acid or shrooms and i heard someone yelling from my balcony while i was smoking a cig. then i saw whoever was yelling walking through the parking lot and then he saw me chillin 3 stories above him and he starts yelling at ME! like this kid wanted to fight or something. i was laughing my ass off as he was saying "you want a piece of me?" and being all wigger serious. this kid wasn't too big and i certainly could have stomped his ass but i didn't fight him although it woulda been interesting with the time dialation from tripping. pull some matrix shit on em =)
and another time on my balcony on acid this girl flicked her cig to toss it over the railing but hit the ceiling so all these sparks shot out at the same time someone in a car with a loud exuast was going by. so my friend chris screamed cause he thought that somehow pixie blew his head up.
-------------------- If you're frightened of dying and you're holding on.you'll see devils tearing your life away.
But...if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Eightball]
#1251158 - 01/26/03 06:33 PM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
My friend put a firecracker in a rolled ciggerette. Gave it to my roomate when we where trippin. We didn't think it was funny at all, We asked him to leave.
-------------------- "Only the paranoid survive"
Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1251365 - 01/26/03 08:06 PM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
In the category of WEIRD: Having the same person show up and ask what are you guys doing EACH AND EVERY TIME WE TRIPPED ON SHROOMS and ventured outdoors in Gainesville Florida. Never knew who the guy was, never saw him straight. This guy would just walk right up to the group of us, in the same outfit, and say the same thing.
It got to the point that we stopped going outside because NONE of us could figure out WHO THE FUCK this guy was, and WHERE the fuck he was coming from. ALWAYS DRESSED THE SAME, and just came out of nowhere. I would have thought I was totally insane, except it was a shared hallucination(reality) by a goup of three of us, and even the EXTRA people who would occasional trip with us would see him TOO. No one could explain it away.
Wasn't like we just saw him in one spot. EVERY WHERE WE WERE AT TRIPPING ON SHROOMS, he would pop up.
Get's down, withthe get-down.

Registered: 11/29/02
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Blue_JAY]
#1251381 - 01/26/03 08:12 PM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
I'm thinking hard and all I got so far is this one story, a couple summer's ago.. It was ness creek , a music festival me and abunch of friends go to every summer, It's alog side of a creek, back in the north saskatchewan wilderness..every year's there's a whole bunch of different band's playing, band's from all different genre's..
Me and my buddy ate a hit of LSD each, and ate probably about 1.5 gram each of mushroom powder, and started tripping, the weirdest part was sitting on the edge of the crowd, watching a Latino dude, dancing like ricky martin and singing in spanish to a bunch of zooming hippie's....we looked at each other after who knows how long and took off... 
i always walked up to a friend sitting and talking with a cow...that was pretty cool.

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: funkymonk]
#1252259 - 01/27/03 05:36 AM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
I was flying on 3hits of acid once, and for some reason had gotton off the bus half way to our destination (was trippin with afriend). Anyway we were comin down a forested path wich was well light and this group of what i though were rowdy drunks were making noise up ahead on the path. We keep walking and were peaking around this time when the group of people, now 4 started walking towards us. As they passed they started shouting Azibbibby-booo0ooo... and othe3r gibberish that made NO sense whatsoever!! But to top the cake they were wearing wierd masks....like normal faces but streatched into outrageous smiles or other facial expressions. My first though was ?!?!?!?!??!?...?!......? and then i thought they weren't wearing masks but on LSD, like us but on a HUGE dose....and then i couldn't tell reality anymore as my trip was in its glory. After passing and contemplating what happened i wanted to go see if they were really wearing masks but we never did and to this day i am dumbfounded at those people, what they were on, and whether or not they were just tring to trip us out.....talk about WEIRD!!!! still bugs me to this very day.....
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Azmodeus]
#1259202 - 01/29/03 01:51 PM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
I had come home after eating about 7 (dried cubensis)grams at a friends house. I was just sitting on my bed playing with my dog when all of a sudden I hear "THIS IS THE POLICE, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" At first I thought this was an auditory hallucination, but then I noticed the red and blue lights outside my window. Then I heard the dogs barking. The first thing that came to mind was
"They found me. I don't know how but they found me. Run for it Marty!"
But then I realized they we're actually at the farmhouse about 2 or 3 houses away, on the opposite side of the street, and down a tiny ways(it's complicated). It was ammusing hearing them with the dogs and the megaphones. I guess the guy had tried to elude them in the woods because they kept trying to get him to come out with the megaphone, saying things like it will be a lot easier for both of us. Eventually I put some slippers and a robe on and walked down to see what was happening. But all the cars sped away as I got there. Then on the way home some construction equipment tried to attack me, but I knew I wasn't in any real danger, so it was fun. I guess thats what happens when you try to be in reality on mushies =)
Edited by Indo (01/29/03 03:51 PM)

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Indo]
#1259392 - 01/29/03 02:47 PM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
hahah...thats funny..
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Registered: 12/11/02
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1259741 - 01/29/03 04:39 PM (22 years, 26 days ago) |
I remember when I took LSD for my second or third time when I got home about 3 or 4 hours after eating 3 hits I was just tripping in my room. Everyone was sleeping(I thought) So i'm tripping in my room.. looking at the chaotic visualls that break down and form into new ones. Then I turn on the tv for some reason. I flip around a while, I can understand whats going on but it doesnt look or sound right. Then I hear a knock on the door, and then someone walks in. I turn off the lights and lay down so as to look like im sleeping to avoid confrontation. I then hear a voice, it was deep and condecending, "A cop" I thought. I was right, but it wasnt for me, it was for my sister. Yeah.. then I went to bed(yes I was still tripping)
Once on mushrooms me and my friend followed some train tracks to the middle of nowhere and sat against this tree. From here we could see the lights of boulder/denver/westminister and a really good view of the sky. Then both of our attention is cought when this huge green flash comes out of nowhere on the horizon. we decided it must of been a comet. We talked for a while and then all of a sudden we here footsteps stepping on sticks loudly in the bushes behind the tree we were sitting at. Keep in mind this is about 2am in the boonies. So we stand up, adrenaline pumping, and grab some rocks. Then we threw the rocks at the sound and ran away. While running away we say what must have been a ufo in the sky.
One time when my friend was on mushrooms in the mountains he came across a tree that had legs in it. Deer legs!!! just a pair of hind legs chillen in the tree. He screamed and he found more trees with legs.?????? Sober people saw it too. but really, who the fuck would put legs in trees?
Also this same friend was tripping in the car with this other guy. while driving the guy stops at a gas station, go's to his trunk, gets out his vacuume and starts vacuuming the walls of this gas station....No joke.

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: psychopsilocyber]
#1260939 - 01/30/03 06:06 AM (22 years, 25 days ago) |
Those gas station walls are so dirty!
-------------------- "Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source.
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Heavily Medicated
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: LTBOOMER]
#1262736 - 01/30/03 04:16 PM (22 years, 25 days ago) |
This didn't happen to me, but I did have to deal with the person who it happened to so I am going to share it. It was two days before Christmas probably 8 years ago, I had some high quality blotter. My roomate and I dosed one night and were tripping really good when this girl who we sometimes partied with stopped by our apartment. We were laughing our asses off and feeling good. She had never dosed before and decided she wanted to. She was a checkout person at K-mart and was suppose to work the next day(Christmas Eve). It was pretty late in the evening and we tried to convince her to wait, because there was no way she would make it to work the following day, but she was very persistent. Well she tripped very hard and was still tripping when time to go to work came around. I warned against it, but she left and went to work. I laid on the couch and went to sleep. A few hours later I was awakened to a knock on my door. It was her and she was in tears. She came in and I asked what had happened. Well she was at her Kmart register, on crazy Christmas Eve, tripping balls, having trouble functioning and coping with the crowd, when the lady who was next in line projectile vomited all over her. She totally freaked and ran from the store. She was pretty freaked out by the whole experience.
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Heavily Medicated]
#1262786 - 01/30/03 04:37 PM (22 years, 25 days ago) |
Aww dude, that sucks! LMAO!  What happened to her, did she get go back? Get fired?
This is the best thread I've read in a while; so many good stories!
Heavily Medicated
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: TeKHeAD009]
#1262837 - 01/30/03 04:57 PM (22 years, 25 days ago) |
Yeah, she got to go back. She gave them some BS story and they didn't fire her.

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Heavily Medicated]
#1264374 - 01/31/03 04:35 AM (22 years, 24 days ago) |
Thats nasty as is... But to be the target of projectile vomiting while still tripping?? ....no wonder she fled the store....
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Poo Pie Maker

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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: Azmodeus]
#1264659 - 01/31/03 06:10 AM (22 years, 24 days ago) |
we were moving once and My wifes car couldn't haul all our stuff so I used my van most of the day. I had most of my stuff moved witht the exception of my mush tanks and a few 5 gal buckets with some dank growing in them.
I couldn't fit the plants in my last load so I had to come back 4 them. Well my dumb ass desided to eat a handfull of mushies being the house we were moving from was just down the road. So I ate them and headed back to grab my plants and haul ass. Anyway my van got stuck n the mud on the side of my house witch delayed me about 30-45 mins. I was triping hard by the time i got the plants n my van and tied up to keep them from falling. I pull out of the driveway get about 100 yards down the road and got pulled over. I got a ticket for not having my lights on(it was about dusk) Luckly my van was a party wagon with no windows down the side. This wasn't to cool being i was tripin. All i could think was fuck there gona stick me n a cell triping. That prob wouldn't have been 2 good But i drove off with a ticket for not using lights. Thats what I call luck
-------------------- Teach a man to make cakes he will trip for a night. Teach a man to case he will trip forever
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Re: Most fucked up thing happening in reality when you tripped [Re: chills420]
#1275854 - 02/03/03 08:09 PM (22 years, 20 days ago) |
Ok heres a good one:
I ate 3 hits of this blotter called Jesus Christ at about 9 oclock; knowing I had to work the next day. I thought that it would be all gravy cause it was only 3 hits but I was sorely mistaken. My friend and I are trippen good, throwing cards at each other, watching the trails, when our friend Cliff comes by at about 11:00. He asks me to use the car, and at first i say hell no, but he wont shut up, so I say ok, fuck it here are the keys. He comes back at like 12:30, hands me the keys and leaves. My bud and I then walk out into his woods and into this open area. I felt like it was an arena or something. It was very intense watching the stars and constelations swirl and zoom in & out. Very Cool. Anyhow, morning comes and I'm still feeling like I did at 12:00am! I leave eddie and start to walk to my car. It must have been about 6:30am and I had to be at work at 9:00. I walk out and look at my tire. it looks Flat. I'm like, no, cant be. Im just a trippin. I get in and drive like 20 feet down the highway where the entrance to my neighborhood is (very close to where i was) and as I turn i can tell its flat. I get out and look & sure enough my suspicions are true. I was so fucking mad! Cliff had done this shit while he had my car and not told me! WTF!!!! Anyhow, ha, I get home and my Mom is like "Well good morning." all mother-pissed-condesending-like. Somehow, I figure I need a new tire so I call AAA and this tow truck dude comes to my house. Im still wiggin hard. ha. He loads up the old volvo and we take off. It turns ou this guy had helped me out before with towing and so he starts trying to talk to me. shit. So I try to be cordial and keep my cool, but everything is so alien and weird, and people are like going to work and shit (this was a Monday morning). I remember looking at this sticker on his window that had a badge on it and I was like ohhh shit hes undercover oh shit. ha. After looking at it for a while, it was just a certificate of some sort. So he drops me off at the tire place and I get my new tire. I get in and drive to work. oh yeah did I mention that I work in the fucking MEAT DEPARTMENT at a grocery store!? ha. So I come in late, still trippin, and the first thing my manager has me do is rip the skin off of chicken breasts. I cant really describe what its like doing this. Ill let you imagination take over. It was fucking ghastly to say the least. Then I had to do a bunch of other really lame work shit like make sauseges and clean all the equipment flawlessly  I would get high with my asst. manager sometimes and I told him abou the cid and my state and he was just fucking with me the whole time. ha it was shitty.
Some advice: Dont trip the day b4 work and l dont lend your friends the keys!  These stories are great. Keep them coming.