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mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt
#1232164 - 01/19/03 06:57 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Ever since my not-so-close associate began studding the secrets of mycology, he has been looking for a way to inexpensively and reliably produce crystallized psilocybin extract. Even with anhydrous ethanol he was unable to produce clean crystals, always ending up with a product full of dirty organic leftovers.
Then we ran across a post on some other website about mushroom extraction with the addition of HCl. This apparently converts the psilocybin to psilocybin hcl salt, which is supposed to be insoluble in acetone, forming large crystals.
What follows is my paraphrase of the process outlined. Go here for the original post - Powderize mushroom carpophores.
- Soak in high proof alcohol for several hours.
- Filter alcohol extract - recommenced vacuum filtration or syringe with filter.
- Add a few drops of HCl to alcohol extract to ph3
- Evaporate solution to 1/10th volume
- Clean the solution of fats and resins by using a solvent that will not dissolve in water (lighter fluid, naptha). Allow to stand for several hours, then remove the top layer, which will be the solvent.
- Slowly mix in acetone, let stand for a few hours until separated in to two layers. Remove the upper layer of acetone, and repeat acetone wash, and remove.
- Allow residue to slowly dry. Crystals should form.
Does this process seem like a viable path to obtaining a relativily pure product? Has anyone ever attemped this or have experiance with a simial process? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1232819 - 01/20/03 03:33 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
this method looks reliable... u might wanna put the container with the alcoohol+mushis in a hot 'bath' and do 3 extracts from the same mushrooms.
a growin original
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1233302 - 01/20/03 06:50 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Be VERY careful with a hotbath - could blow up. Although, that would be the correct step
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1233832 - 01/20/03 10:03 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
X.O - We're looking for specifics about this procedure, and didn't want to clutter the other thread with unrelated materials. We had figured that that thread would remain on the topic of a liquid psilocybin extract; however, it has apparently taken a turn in this direction. Regardless, we're going to continue with this thread, and hopefully some people from the other one will have some input here too.
We do have a few questions that hopefully someone will have some insight into.
First off, we were thinking of using methanol instead of high proof grain alcohol as methanol is supposed to work better as a solvent for psilocybin extraction. There is information on this board as well as others that HEET fuel additive (the one in the red bottle) is supposed to be anhydrous methanol. Can anyone verify this? Is there any other material that would be left over in the final product? Also, would adding HCl to methanol create any problems / bad reactions?
Next, we were wondering if naphtha is the same as naptha. Naphtha is sold as a paint thinner, and is petroleum ether, which is what we believe naptha is supposed to be. Are we correct in our assumption that these are the same? Can one/both/either be used safely for this procedure?
Because alcohol and naptha are both colorless liquids, how will we know when they are separated and how much to remove from the solution?
Hold on, almost done.... 
Are HCl and acetone easy to procure? What would we be looking for (as in grade, concentration) for these materials? Are they watched chemicals in anyway?
And finally, does anyone have dosage information on psilocybin hcl? Erowid lists a dose of pure psilocybin at 4 - 8mg for a medium effect. Does this change for the hcl salt? I ask because the author of the original post claimed to achieve about 10mg per gram of material. This sounds awfully high - 1g of mushrooms producing enough for 1.5 - 2 medium doses? Or is it because of the pure product, less will be lost through digestion?
We thank you for the feedback already received, and hope that someone or ones will be able to help with our questions!
Thanks a lot!!!! And God Bless jssmthrfcknchrst
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1234104 - 01/20/03 11:27 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
LOL Damn this is sounding more and more like meth lab 101 LOL The salt and liquid fire sound like basics for making it snow in a meth jar.
Wow never thought i'd use this know how again lol.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1234105 - 01/20/03 11:28 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
sorry double posted
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Edited by chills420 (01/20/03 11:29 AM)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1234157 - 01/20/03 11:55 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
What is the advantage of using Lye to basify the psilocybin over HCl? Do these produce different forms of psilocybin?
My personal reaction to the idea of using drain cleaner over HCl... well, that just makes me feel like it cooking meth...I guess i could understand if the lye is clean, but it just seems wrong.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst] 1
#1234265 - 01/20/03 12:49 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
What is the advantage of using Lye to basify the psilocybin over HCl? Do these produce different forms of psilocybin?
Lye (NaOH) and HCL are on opposite sides of the scale, so to speak. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) is a strong base with a pH of 14. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a strong acid with a pH of 1. Water, which is neutral has a pH of 7.
There is a chemical structure called an amine which is often seen in drugs. Amines have a neat property... they can be basic, or they can bond with an acid and form a salt. When they are basic, they usually do not disolve in water. When they are a salt, they usually do disolve in water.
By using sodium hydroxide (lye) we can rip the acid away from the amine making it insoluable in water. By using hydrochloric acid, we can form a salt with the amine making it soluable in water. Using this property, we can clean 'gunk' away from an amine by switching back and forth between salt or base. The process uses a solvent, but that is for another post.
This is the method used to pull DMT (dimethyltrptamine) from phalaris or to purify speed (amphetamine).
There are much better methods for extracting the magic from mushrooms.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Seuss]
#1234494 - 01/20/03 02:56 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Sodium Hydroxide (lye) is a strong base with a pH of 14. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a strong acid with a pH of 1
This isn't quite true.. pH depends on concentration. A very concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid could have a pH of -1
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1235406 - 01/21/03 02:34 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
The techniques in the link provided by growin do not result in a very pure product. Even though crystals do form, they are diluted when the rest of the solution evaporates. I suppose that one could filter the crystals out before the rest of the solution is gone, but that would be a waste of some product, and I am still not certain that the crystals are very pure.
Purity is what we are aiming for here; we want to study effects of specific doses. The naptha and acetone washes in the original procedure were supposed to help clean it. X.O's procedure also looks like it cleans the product quite well, but we are still leery of using drain cleaner to purify something (other than a drain).
Also, what are the stability issues with the different forms of psilocybin? Does the hcl have a longer self life over the base form? or the freebase (that's what it is called in the pf link)... Am I being redundant? I guess I still don't understand the different forms the psilocybin can take.
Thank you for putting up with my incompetence in these matters, please keep the great information flowing.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1236219 - 01/21/03 08:44 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
- X.O thanks for all the info and ideas - 
Obviously I haven't taken Chemistry 101, and this is really interesting to me. Sorry for all the questions, but they just keep popping into my head 
Is psilocybin freebase different then if we would add HCl to it? How stable is psilocybin freebase? Would adding HCl convert psilocin to a salt? How would this affect stability? How do the different forms affect potency? Do you think the freebase crystals will be insoluble in acetone, washing the junk away, leaving the crystals? If not, would adding HCl to the acetone/psilocybin solution result in precipitation of psilocybin salt?
(off topic) Are salts named for the acid that bound to the amine or is there really only one possible salt for the given amine? Example: HCl (acid) + psilocybin (amine) => psilocybin hcl (salt).
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1236251 - 01/21/03 08:53 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
What are you guys extracting from shrooms or cakes? I find this to be very interesting. Anyone got a digital cam they can take some pics next time?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: chills420]
#1236284 - 01/21/03 09:08 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
We were thinking fruitbodies, but I think that these techniques would work for mycelium as well. You would probably have less organic junk from mycelium, but would pay for that with less active ingredients as well. We were also thinking of applying this to sclerotia as well, since that can be grown much more clandestinly than fruiting casings/cakes/bulk substrates. I wonder if it would be easier or harder to extract the good stuff from sclerotia.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1236333 - 01/21/03 09:25 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I'd like to make some extra full rye bags and try to extract off of those. I know i'll need alot but i plan on making them myself to help with the cost of doing this. I've found a place where i can get rye berrys very very cheap local. so the only cost would be the filter bags and spores. I'm thinking of trying maybe 20 bags at once I feel that should do hell it's prob over kill.
Stones would be cool to extract from also. I think if we can get it out of mycelium that would prob be almost the best way to go about it. My bags usually get 100% in 14-16 days it would be kick ass to beable to harvest then lol
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: chills420]
#1236378 - 01/21/03 09:40 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
To my understanding there is an extremly low amount of psilocybin in mycelium. I don't mean to be a nay-sayer, but I think that doing an extraction on it would be a waste, requiring large amounts of solvent.
Also, since you would be using an rye, there would be extra organic junk in the extract, requiring further washing. The best way to get mycelium for this procedure would be to use a liquid substrate such as a malt mix or honeywater. (ala The Psilocybin Producer's Guide)
If you're going to do an extraction, you might as well start with the most potent substance you can. Otherwise your product will be impure or just hard to purify.
Feel free to disreguard my comments
Edited by JssMthrFcknChrst (01/21/03 09:46 AM)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1236537 - 01/21/03 10:10 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I would be interested if you have another form of psilocybin the trip would be stronger. Though my mind can't think of that. An answer would be cool. Maybe at hive.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1238814 - 01/22/03 05:57 AM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
By Searcher (Novice) on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 07:46 am: Edit
Almost any liquid will extract something from the shrooms themselves or the mycelium. Even water will work, producing a brown syrup that can be dried into a sticky tar. Only the acetone was a bust in extracting the magic - but it does extract some other crud that might make it a good pre-wash for more serious extractions. Recapping the results of the tests using other spirits, 99% isopropyl, 151 proof ethyl alcohol, and 99.9% methanol - methanol was the hands down winner for getting the crystals. Once the pretty white crystals have dried, they can be re-dissolved in grain alcohol for a potent elixer. The crystals tend to absorb water from the air unless they are kept in a heavily dessicated chamber. ( Source )
I assume this is the source (edit: yeah, it is - I was working on this while you answered). Interestingly this suggests using the acetone to clean before the methanol extraction. I wonder how well that would work. Since acetone and naptha are both nonpolar solvents, wouldn't mean that psilocybin is insoluble in naptha as well? I wonder which would be better to use.
According to this the rapid oxidization of psilocin is due to its lack of the phosphate ester present in psilocybin. Some where in this slurry of information, it was noted that methanol was great for extracting psilocybin, while aqueous alcohol solutions produced higher levels of psilocin due to the destruction of psilocybin. Obviously, in the terms of yields, methanol would be a much better solvent.
chem questions:
3 forms of psilocybin: freebase, acid, base?
Since nonpolar solvents cannot dissolve psilocybin, psilocybin must be polar?
Adding NaOH makes psilocybin basic and nonpolar?
Adding HCl makes psilocybin acid and more polar?
What makes the freebase polar? I would think its in the middle.
Are all basic chemicals nonpolar and acids polar? or is that just how it works in this case?
About Chemical Structure:
The nitrogen bonded to 2(CH3) is the amine correct? What happens to it when we introduce HCl? what about NaOH?
Is the OPO3 the phosphate ester? Is there anything we can do to strenthen this structure to prevent oxidation while leaving it destructable by the human body?
Edited by JssMthrFcknChrst (01/22/03 05:58 AM)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1239040 - 01/22/03 07:32 AM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
Thanks for finding that source. 
We have tried anhydrous ethanol in the past, resulting in a very dirty solution. Although crystals did form, there was so much extra gunk that we didn't bother trying to seperate them. Had we used proper filtration (we were using a couple coffee filters stacked together) we probably could have cleaned it up pretty well, however even the dirty product was quite potent. A quantity of solution around 6cc's (equivilent to about 2g of the starting product) was allowed to dry on tea leaves (using denatured ethanol, wanted to completly dry it) and then made magic tea. Sampling of this resulted in a level 2 effect. The remaining solution was given away, and we are unaware of how well it worked out for the recipiant.
Although we considered this experiment a success, the product was not nearly pure enough for my over achieving associate. When we finally get a crystalized product, he wants to test the purity using a melting point test, or some other simple test. Can anyone suggest such a test?
One of the goals in this endevor is to end up with a relativly stable product, hoping for the longest shelflife possible. After testing the potentcy of the extract, we will probably wish to encapsulate some for use at a later time, using sugar or salt as a filler. I would gladly give up quick come on for a stable product.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1239536 - 01/22/03 10:16 AM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
er.. hello there, I have been following both of the threads in this forum with some anticipation,
just one question, ACETONE is that a name for a particular product (like Heet) or is it a substance?
forgive me if I missed it earlier
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: metalchimp]
#1239573 - 01/22/03 10:26 AM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
Acetone is a substance, often used in nail polish remover (i would not suggest using nail polish remover in an extraction!!!).
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1240421 - 01/22/03 03:11 PM (22 years, 30 days ago) |
just wondering. i am going to have a good amount on hand to play with in about 4 weeks from now, maybe less and am interested in this pure extract business. anyways i was just wondering what is naptha? im confused on this. is it zippo lighter fluid? i always thought it was but someone from this post or the liquid shroom post said it was paint thinner as wel as auto starter fluid which i believe is ethyl ether????...was he full of it or is it true? ive heard its also colemans camp fuel and generic lighter fluid. i understand the process for producing the crystals, just this guys post confused me (cant remember where i saw it lol) dont want to fuck this up. also i dont think they sell HEET brand methanol in canada at gas stations or anywhere (i'll look into it) but they do sell "mineral spirits" at wally world. i was under the impression it was methanol not sure if its anhydrous or not just wondering. also i have a still and can pump out some decent shine every now and then. usually i get 90%-95% purity, so its drinkable but is it good enough to extract. i usually distill it 2 more times so i can add carbon to it and get rid of the fusil oils. its pretty pure stuff but its not anhydrous.
sorry for the amount of questions...but i cant find any reliable info on this
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1241744 - 01/23/03 04:01 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
zippo, ronsenal, lighter fluid, yeah, naptha. look on the back of the bottle. it says so.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: debianlinux]
#1241756 - 01/23/03 04:08 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
Naptha = petroleum distillates
Watch that lighter fluid stuff, sometimes there's other garbage in there.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: InMyVersion]
#1241881 - 01/23/03 04:54 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
actually there is ALWAYS other garbage in there unless you care to distill it yourself. don't belive me? pour some out and let it completely evaporate. whaddya know... there's this gooey shit left behind (some more than others). that gooey shit is most likely very hazardous for your health.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1242077 - 01/23/03 05:54 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
used in coleman white gas fuel
alot cleaner than ligher fluid
Has anyone actually tried this?
X.O. This sounds more like someone explaining how to make METH than it does someone trying to extract psilocin/psilocybin. Don't get me wrong, I know what your doing. But how do you know this even works? Sounds alot similar to how you exctract Meth and similar to DXM exctraction. How reliable is this? How do you know that there isn't a chemical reaction with the active chemicals?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: shroomologist]
#1242398 - 01/23/03 08:06 AM (22 years, 29 days ago) |
i plan on trying it in a few weeks from now. i will use colemans white gas fuel. cant distill it, my still is way too big unless i wanna distilla few gallons worth lol. plus i dont wanna blow myself up, too flammable for my taste... i'll just have to live with the other garbage in it. oh well
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1244892 - 01/24/03 04:04 AM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
I am not from the US, so I don't know "Liquid Fire drain cleaner". Can anyone please tell me what in it that make it react with table salt ?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Hr Bindegal]
#1245169 - 01/24/03 05:54 AM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
im not from the US either and would also like to know what liquid fire drain cleaner is. im guessing it contains sulpheric acid maybe???
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1245263 - 01/24/03 06:32 AM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
ding ding ding we have a winner
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1245551 - 01/24/03 08:28 AM (22 years, 28 days ago) |
i doubt hardly this is a recipe for meth. it's just a classic A/B extraction which can be used to get alkaloids out of any organic compounds.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1254796 - 01/28/03 07:09 AM (22 years, 24 days ago) |
If anyone knows how to get a pure product it would be have to be Hofmann. A while back I made a post (in Other Drugs ::sighs::) about his methanol extraction on the psychedelic fungi. It goes as follows:
Dry the mushrooms. This important step is most likely to cause the greatest loss of yield depending on how it is done. Crush or grind the dried carpophores or mycelium to a powder. Shake and allow to stand (e.g. 30 mins) in chloroform. Use maybe twice the dry weight in solvents at every step, or enough to well cover the powder. Filter and discard the chloroform. Shake the residue and allow to stand with acetone. Filter and discard the acetone. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Discard residue. Combine methanol extracts. Evaporate methanol to dryness, preferably in a vacuum, although low heat will do. This will yield a crude extract containing the active tryptamines, suitable for most purposes. This can be further chromatographed on cellulose etc. to give pure psilocin and psilocybin. The recommended solvents are n-Butanol saturated with water, and n-butanol:acetic acid:water (24:10:10). Anyone wishing to do chromatography should check the relevant texts for more detailed instructions.
I'm suprised no one else mentioned this...it seems this would be the way to go for obtaining pure psilocin and psilocybin. Enjoy.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Teragon]
#1255572 - 01/28/03 11:22 AM (22 years, 24 days ago) |
five shrooms for teragon! good work!
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: the spiral]
#1257449 - 01/29/03 03:47 AM (22 years, 23 days ago) |
Hey, thanks man. Just glad I could help out.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Teragon]
#1257906 - 01/29/03 07:02 AM (22 years, 23 days ago) |
We have read this procedure before, however feel it is too advanced (chromotography - not my bag) as well as costly. I mean, where does one get chloroform and n-Butanol? At least the methanol and acetone can be distilled from common OTC sources. No doubt Hofmann knows his shit, but we don't, and want to keep it as simple as possible.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1258111 - 01/29/03 08:17 AM (22 years, 23 days ago) |
No doubt Hofmann knows his shit, but we don't, and want to keep it as simple as possible.
...but you can't expect the process of extracting pure crystals of psilocybin to be simple. Crude extractions have been posted and those are effective but they are crude.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: the spiral]
#1258481 - 01/29/03 10:23 AM (22 years, 23 days ago) |
We're aiming for a trade off - decent purity for ease of process. Pure would be awesome, but at least for the early trials, simplicity and cost win out. If we find that this process creates unacceptable product, we will undoubtably move on to something more complex. Thanks for the suggestions, and we will be coming back to this at some later time, even if just for experimentation.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1261355 - 01/30/03 08:30 AM (22 years, 22 days ago) |
Any one think that a pre-washing the powered mushrooms with acetone then extracting with methanol, and finally washing the crystals with acetone again would be a good approach?
I figure the prewash will help keep the extract solution clean, even before it has extracted... Since acetone is a flop for extracting the alkaloids, it shouldn't affect the yield.
Can anyone see a problem with this?
PS - found acetone at a well known Mart chain, Kleen Strip Acetone. Label claims 100% pure. Less then $3 a quart!
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: X.O]
#1261580 - 01/30/03 09:22 AM (22 years, 22 days ago) |
point taken. still, i doubt the purity of the crystals that the simpler methods produce. considering that i have never attempted any of these techniques, however, i'm hardly an authority!
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1263174 - 01/30/03 07:00 PM (22 years, 22 days ago) |
Be very careful with lye. OTC NaOH contains high levels of heavy metals. Mercury, Lead, ect. Very Bad stuff.
You are definately not going to be able to use an OTC non polar solvent. Ether are something will work. A Cl based solvent would be better. Good luck getting the stuff and be careful (they are watching out for the meth kiddies). But you are going to need a vacuum distallation setup to get an acceptable solvent.
Psilocybin is known for being extremelly unstable and is found in very small quanities. Crystalizing it, then separating such a small amount is quite an undertaking.
Dr. Slavic
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: vader]
#1270390 - 02/02/03 06:44 AM (22 years, 19 days ago) |
The document on this website explaining how to grow mycelium on agar cultures states that an a/b extraction will not work on psilocybin. That it will dissolve in both polar and non-polar solvents. And whats wrong with vader. I think hes just talking out his ass. You don't need ether you can use otc non-polars for an a/b. And no ones going to think your making meth unless you buy everything at one store at the same time. And why do you say psilocybin is extremely unstable?? I think your thinking of lsd. If an a/b does work on psilocybin most people will be able to perform it. Its not hard at all to do an a/b extraction. Vader can't even spell so no one listen to his bullshit!! He's full of himself. otc solvents are pure enough for this type of thing. And no one has mentioned gassing with hcl to recover the psilocybin hcl from the non-polar. No evaporation is needed with gassing so theres no heat that can possible harm the chemical. Then just wash with acetone and recrystillize in acetone. Thats how i'd do it.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Teragon]
#1271193 - 02/02/03 12:46 PM (22 years, 19 days ago) |
Does anyone have any idea how much impact the pre-wash with acetone will have on the final yield?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Dr. Slavic]
#1274195 - 02/03/03 10:52 AM (22 years, 18 days ago) |
Ten points for dr. Slavic! Indeed, psilocybin can not be isolated by means of a classic acid/base extraction as described by X.O.
That is because psilocybin is a internal salt (due to the phosphoryloxy group). Even the freebase version of the molecule is polar, so it will never move to the naphta layer when the lye is added to the water extract. Only psilocin, 4-OH-n-methyltryptamine and 4-OH-tryptamine can be isolated in this style but they are very minor components of the mushrooms and very unstable. Especially in alkaline environments (the lye will destroy them).
For psilocybin there may be no other option than using alcohol. Methanol is best, but a mix of water and ethanol (=vodka) works too, especially if you use a lot of it and several soaking periods of a few hours each. Psilocybin doesn't dissolve readily in pure ethanol but it does very well in water. 140 proof alcohol is fine. No problem if it is denatured with methanol or acetone (as long as you do not drink it of course).
Unfortunately, for most alkaloids mixed phase extractions are far less specific than acid-base extractions. The result is usually not crystals but an oil.
The oil then needs to be purified, for instance by means of chromatography. I am afraid that is also the case with psilocybin. The method in the link in the beginning of this thread works. But unfortunately the crystals which do form are mainly urea, and the total residue is not purer than 30 percent psilly. Urea is also an alkaloid. It is not really toxic but not psychoactive either. Psilocybe mushrooms may contain three times more urea than psilly.
I have tried to dissolve the crude brown extract in boiling ethanol. It certainly cleaned it up a bit but not to nice white-transparent crystals. Same with toluene, diethyl ether and petroleum ether. The dark residue only dissolves readily in water.
Perhaps that the residue can be further purified when it is dissolved in a boiling mixture of ... parts of acetone (in which psilocybin does not dissolve) and ... parts of distilled water (in which it readily dissolves). When this mixture is slowly cooled there should be a moment that the psilocybin crystallizes out and the unwanted gunk stays in solution. Or the other way around. It is possible that for a nice endproduct the mixture needs to be of a certain pH and/or saturated with a specific salt. Etcetera etcetera.
See why mixed phase recipes are so difficult to compose? There are too many factors for beginning students like me!
Fortunately, chromatography always works. But you need specialized types of paper, developer liquids and color reagens for that.
For now the needed mixed phase recipe is still a big puzzle. You will need tons of mushrooms to find it by guessing&testing - or a lot of luck!
The good news howver is that once the recipe is there it is easy. Just a mixture of OTC liquids. So in case that a lucky person reads this thread - feel free to post the recipe!
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: mycophreak]
#1278084 - 02/04/03 11:56 AM (22 years, 17 days ago) |
If I remember my chemistry right, almost any HCl salt will be insoluble in acetone. After the "dirty" solid has been obtained from washing in methanol, one could use acetone to remove the "gunk" from the solid, leaving a more pure HCl salt.
However, anhydrous acetone should be used to avoid losing the any of the salt. If their is water in the acetone, some of the salt will dissolve and be washed away with the acetone.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: BigJohnson]
#1280899 - 02/05/03 06:59 AM (22 years, 16 days ago) |
When some one does get a pure form from the extract please try his for me. Snort some just for the hell of it. Just some thing I've wanted to try for some time now. Oh yeah and put a post up about it.
A simple opinon from another monkey with a voice.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Sacik]
#1283022 - 02/05/03 06:23 PM (22 years, 16 days ago) |
why are all of X.O.'s post gone??
-------------------- work of fiction
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1283043 - 02/05/03 06:38 PM (22 years, 16 days ago) |
after washing with acetone, could the water soluble psilo be washed with water and then evap the water to clean the acetone off?
This sounds much easier than a RP/I extract of of meth from E. Im definately going to experiment.
Edited by Audi0 (02/05/03 06:53 PM)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: IDontGrow]
#1283410 - 02/06/03 12:41 AM (22 years, 15 days ago) |
I second that. Why are X.O.s interesting contributions removed? sHe is a Shroomery administrator, which means that it must be a very educated person from who we can learn. That is why I am here. And I remember that sHe posted a very detailed psilly isolation technique. The text wasn't hypothetical at all - it was clearly written in a style which suggested that X.O had tested it him/herself.
No need to remove the text simply because I disagree with it. Science can only develop in an uncensored environment of free speech/discussion. Do not take me that serious. Like I wrote, I am just a student and X.O is a shroomery ADMINISTRATOR.
Anyway, the acetone doesn't help much in the end IMHO. The filtered 140 proof alcohol extract is brought at a pH3 with a drop of muriatic acid (supermarket grade), evaporated down, defatted with naphta and then the acetone is added. Yellowish toplayer = removed and more acetone added. Now the toplayer stays clear. On the bottom is mysterious dark matter. I have heard it can produce galaxies and that it is about 30 times as potent as semilanceata. But further purification (maximum will be about 100 times as potent as semilanceata) will be difficult without chromatography. At least that is what I think. Ask expert X.O. for a tested method which works.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: mycophreak]
#1283429 - 02/06/03 12:59 AM (22 years, 15 days ago) |
XO is NOT a shroomery admin LoL he just put that under his name. He is an OTD tard and prolly got his ass banned or something.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: mycophreak]
#1283592 - 02/06/03 03:16 AM (22 years, 15 days ago) |
Hey. That is weird. The mysterious dark matter doesn't dissolve in 192 proof ethanol at roomtemperature.
But if the dark matter is loaded in a 30ml bottle (miniature hard liquor bottle) along with 10ml of 192 proof alcohol (denatured with acetone for cheapness), firmly closed, boiled in a pc (do not choose a thin walled bottle for this!) and slowly cooled to roomtemperature, after which the liquid is poured in a 2nd bottle, then the molten but not-dissolved dark matter remains in the 1st bottle. But the alcohol in the 2nd bottle becomes milky white when the temperature is minus 20 centigrade. The milkyness stays if the bottle is returned to roomtemperature, and seems to be caused by tiny white crystals which are insoluble in acetone, ethanol, naphta and toluene but which are very soluble in water (water is the only solvent which stays transparent when the powder is added - the rest stays milky). The crystals precipitate on the bottom of the 2nd bottle.
When a few ml of the milky white ethanol is evaporated in a shallow dish, and one drop of freshly prepared Marquis reagent (=45 volume parts (drops) of 37 percent sulphuric acid plus 1 volume part (drop) of 37 percent formaldehyde) is added to the crystals, an orange color reaction develops in about 5 minutes.
Strange. Does any one of you have a clue what this white powder can be?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: IDontGrow]
#1284602 - 02/06/03 08:30 AM (22 years, 15 days ago) |
It happened to me too. A little bit back, when the webstie changed, some names were deleted and all posts by them disappeared. I had to re-register my name, and if I search for posts by the old me, it finds nothing.
the spiral

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: mycophreak]
#1296164 - 02/10/03 09:10 AM (22 years, 11 days ago) |
That is because psilocybin is a internal salt (due to the phosphoryloxy group). Even the freebase version of the molecule is polar, so it will never move to the naphta layer when the lye is added to the water extract.
So this means that naphtha can be used to defat the solution, right? I imagine that a methanol extraction, washed a few times with naptha, acetone, ether, chloroform, and DCM, then evaporated might yield a rather pure endproduct. Is psilocybin soluble in any of these solvents? Would any of them react with each other?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: the spiral]
#1296801 - 02/10/03 12:46 PM (22 years, 11 days ago) |
One washing with acetone should do the trick, assuming it was filtered while dissolved in your alcohol.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: mycophreak]
#1296852 - 02/10/03 01:05 PM (22 years, 11 days ago) |
Anyone know a good method of drying acetone? I've read about using epsom salts from the grocery store, but i dont think i quite understand the process.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1296892 - 02/10/03 01:18 PM (22 years, 11 days ago) |
Bake them in the oven at 250 F for a half-hour. Then, pour the salt crystals into your acetone and pour off the acetone. The salts absorb any water in the acetone.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: BigJohnson]
#1297020 - 02/10/03 02:00 PM (22 years, 11 days ago) |
Its just that easy? Sounds too good to be true.
I suppose since salts don't disolve in acetone, there won't be any salt added to the acetone, but what about other things in the salts? Couldn't this lead to undesired waste in the acetone?
Dr. Slavic
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: BigJohnson]
#1298896 - 02/11/03 06:08 AM (22 years, 10 days ago) |
I always bake my epsom salt for an hour at 350F Till its all bubblely and slightly brown and crush it into powder. Works great. I have tried drying for less time but never dried all the way. Then just put the salt in acetone or other non-polar, swirl around and filter the salt out. easy!!
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1304915 - 02/13/03 06:14 AM (22 years, 8 days ago) |
so after reading through all these posts it seems like a cluster fuck of ideas. Have any of you got this to work yet? If so could you make it one easy reading post then mad info mixed up with out results?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: durban_poison]
#1304926 - 02/13/03 06:19 AM (22 years, 8 days ago) |
Working on it... We take our time around here. Not to worry, results should be coming soon.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1313416 - 02/17/03 06:34 AM (22 years, 4 days ago) |
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1431840 - 04/05/03 05:21 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Has anyone been able to produce a clean extraction reliably? Testify! I can see this being a useful solution to many of the drawbacks some growers see in fungi (especially taste, long-term storage and standardized dosage).
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1432521 - 04/05/03 09:48 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
COMING VERY SOON: Results of this extraction tek!
Just a few more days now!

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1432668 - 04/05/03 11:07 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Could it be devine intervention? Leave it to the Son of the Lord Almighty to show us the way...
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1432698 - 04/05/03 11:24 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Could it be devine intervention?
No, it is probably the Devil leading you astray.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1434065 - 04/06/03 07:04 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Does anyone knmow why all of XO's posts are deleted? They seem to have pretty important bearing to the conversation and leaves big holes in the fluidity of this post.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: CultyVader]
#1435939 - 04/07/03 11:33 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Do a search on all posts by XO, and you'll see that it appears that Moe Howard has something against him.
Since this thread has become a cluster fuck, I will post the results in a new thread, detailing the procedure more clearly.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: vader]
#1440475 - 04/08/03 07:17 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Be very careful with lye. OTC NaOH contains high levels of heavy metals. Mercury, Lead, ect. Very Bad stuff.
not true Red Devils Lye is 99% NaOH Mercury, Lead etc dont' even go into NaOH synthesis..... Come on ... u know that
Na+ (metal) + H20 ------> NaOH + (1/2) H2
 its very exothermic.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1450115 - 04/11/03 02:35 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Unfortunatly there was a problem with the process. My associate was unable to seperate the methanol extract from the acetone when attempted to wash. The pH may have been slightly off, or there may have been some other problem. Anyone know if methanol and acetone should seperate easily?
Results of this tek will have to wait, sorry for anyone waiting on the edge of their seats, I know I was.
2nd attempt will take place shortly. (this time my associate will wear gloves when working with HCl, ouch)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1450186 - 04/11/03 02:55 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Dude, evap the methanol BEFORE washing
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: BigJohnson]
#1452446 - 04/12/03 12:39 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Too late now 
Thanks for the correction though, have to do that next time
Well, back to the waiting game!
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10 steps to heaven (was: extraction - psilocybin hcl salt) [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1454228 - 04/13/03 03:49 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
It really is much more simple than most people think.
1. Powder mushrooms in blender 2. soak powder in 140 proof ethanol = 70 percent alcohol. Soak for 12 hours (or so), in the fridge but roomtemp is probably OK too. 3. evaporate the liquid (big shallow dish, table fan) to 1/10 of the volume 4. add a few drops of hydrochloric or muriatic acid to convert all ionic and freebase alkaloids into salts 5. put the acidified extract in a tall vial 6a. remove resins with naphta or petroleum ether. These liquids float on top of the extract. To remove the resins, just add naphta or pet ether, shake, let settle and remove/separate the layers with a pipette or syringe. Discard the naphta/pet ether. 6b. repeat step 6a. 7a+b. remove other unwanted stuff and a lot of water with acetone. This goes in exactly the same style as step 6. 8. Add 190 proof or 95-96 percent ethanol (denatured alcohol is no problem as long it is denatured with methanol or acetone). Close the vial and place it in boiling water. If you have a small, thick walled glass bottle or vial you can even place it in a pc. 9. Heat the mixture and then allow it to cool down (slowly). The fine white crystals which precipitate (rain down) as first from the solutiuon is what you are looking for. 10 remove the excess liquid and save the crystals.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1457426 - 04/14/03 03:03 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Dont throw it away!
You can still recover your product by evaporating the solvent.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Catalysis]
#1459199 - 04/15/03 01:20 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Yeah. Thats what was done. But it was used without getting a acetone wash, not a crystaline end product.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1500889 - 04/28/03 02:05 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
oh,, my eyes hurt.. that was a lot of reading!!!!. ( bump ).
So, does it yield gram per gram, the same as dried fruits?
Well, not gram per gram.... but dosewise is what i mean??
Sniff, Sniff... What's that smell???... ohhhhh.!!
Pot Free for another : nevermind.. never made it..

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: PooPs]
#1507661 - 04/30/03 12:53 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
If you have perfect conditions and do everything right, you can get a complete extraction. From there it's simple math to figure out the dose. You probably won't get a complete extraction, but it is better to err on the side of caution, I think. I have seen numbers in the range of 10-60mg for a dose, depending on how much urea is in the mix, although it sounds like you can get a pretty clean end product with an acetone wash.
Edited by pseudopod (04/30/03 01:15 PM)
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1507799 - 04/30/03 01:32 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
urea as in urine? or Piss???? huh?
Sniff, Sniff... What's that smell???... ohhhhh.!!
Pot Free for another : nevermind.. never made it..

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: PooPs]
#1507964 - 04/30/03 02:19 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
The same. Urea is also contained in mushrooms and is extracted with the psilocybin.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: PooPs]
#1507966 - 04/30/03 02:20 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
a soluble weakly basic nitrogenous compound CO(NH2)2 that is the chief solid component of mammalian urine and an end product of protein decomposition.
basically it's the nitrogen that your body converts it's waste into. And exerts in urine.
-------------------- Raadt
-- The information I provide is only information from readings, growing of gourmet mushrooms, and second hand stories--
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: JssMthrFcknChrst]
#1522064 - 05/05/03 02:14 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
okay afoaf tried to get a reasonable end product of psilocybin hydrochloride. only thing is that all he has is a gooey mass about the size of a marble. here's what he did. started with 12g dry shrooms. 1) grinded up shrooms in coffee grinder 2) put shrooms in a mason jar with methanol added (covered all the powder easily) 3) after about a day he filtered it off. and did the extraction 2x more times 4) added muratic acid to the PH was roughly 3 (used litmus paper) 5) let it all evap on a glass plate. 6) scraped the goo with a razor blade. 7)tried to dry it in the open air. would not dry (afoaf was hoping it would powder so that when he did the acetone wash it would do a better job) 8)used anhydrous acetone and did a wash. the goo stayed at the bottom and turned a grayish color (the original goo resembled opium). filtered it 9) afoaf noticed that after a few minutes of sitting in the open air the goo started to turn back to its original color and became sticky again (when he took it out of the acetone jar the goo broke into a few pieces and became more solid and hard)
supposidly this is supposed to create a fairly pure end product. what afoaf ended up with is a gooey resin like material that looks like good hash or opium. now afoaf is by no means a chemist. did he do something wrong?
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt *DELETED* [Re: Bob_J]
#1524229 - 05/06/03 10:35 AM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
Post deleted by poke smot!Reason for deletion: x
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: poke smot!]
#1526977 - 05/07/03 08:15 AM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
Gooey hash like substance. mmmmmm
try some BT's.!!
Sniff, Sniff... What's that smell???... ohhhhh.!!
Pot Free for another : nevermind.. never made it..

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: PooPs]
#1528039 - 05/07/03 03:34 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
I know many people have reported success with ethanol, but if it was me I'd go for something relatively anhydrous, e.g. methanol. I'm not a chemist, but water could be fouling up the proceedure.

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: poke smot!]
#1528058 - 05/07/03 03:42 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
You got all the fungus material too.
How did you filter? Your proceedure doesn't cover how you did this.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1539743 - 05/11/03 07:23 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
i tried some of the extract last night. didnt do alot....barely any visuals at all, but i could tell it was there. the extract would equal about 2-3 dry grams worth of material. oh well better luck next time.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1539824 - 05/11/03 08:16 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
Sorry in advance if I'm being redundant; I haven't kept up with this thread....
Are you sure you should use a polar solvent to wash after acidifying it into salt form? Seems to me that an acidic solution of psilocybin should be washed with a nonpolar solvent. Or is psilocybin just insoluble in acetone?
I think you could do an extraction washing the acidified sol. with CHCl3, take aq. layer and then basify it and extract with the CHCl3 (bottom layer) and evaporate. I don't know the specifics, though.
Methanol is a lot better than ethanol; dilute acetic acid (i.e. vinegar) is a lot better than anhydrous ethanol. Methanol is the best, though, as long as there is no water (don't let a lot of water vapor from the air mix with the CH3-OH.) The only problem with vinegar is it would take a while to evaporate if not decanted and it smells bad (but so does acetone)
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Edited by micro (05/11/03 08:45 PM)

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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#1539886 - 05/11/03 08:47 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
An a/b extraction is not possible in this case. It requires that the alkaloids be relatively basic and that the base form be less soluble in water, so that won't work unfortunately.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1539899 - 05/11/03 08:52 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
Sorry -- that was a typo -- I edited it.
I'm not talking about forming a precipatate; just using polar/non-polar solvents to wash/extract @ diff. PH's.
-- Micro
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#1539938 - 05/11/03 09:07 PM (21 years, 9 months ago) |
Yeah, psilocybin is almost completely insoluble in acetone. I've also seen some proceedures that do the acetone wash before the methanol extraction, but they were also using chloroform.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: pseudopod]
#1639681 - 06/17/03 12:57 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
where does one aquire chloroform? i really dont want to synthesize it myself as it produces phosgene, and gives little yield. also i dont want to go to a chemical supplier.....thats out of the question. can one aquire it OTC? its either that or i mak it myself.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#1641074 - 06/17/03 11:03 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but isn't this post exactly what the feds need to shut this site down, chemistry really seems to get their nut sac in a bunch
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#1641877 - 06/18/03 09:35 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: ]
#1642172 - 06/18/03 11:47 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
"Has anyone tried using butane for extraction? Just wondering."
You mean butanol? Butane is a gas.
Yes, on many an extraction, but never for psilocybin. Should work, but I have no clue how well.
-- Micro
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#1642382 - 06/18/03 01:08 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
All this talk.... I think I'm going to gank a liter of methanol from work and do an extraction. Prolly just with chloroform and HCl/NaOH.
-- Micro
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#2374033 - 02/23/04 10:58 PM (20 years, 11 months ago) |
bump bump
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#2571766 - 04/17/04 05:57 PM (20 years, 9 months ago) |
bumb ! This was an interesting thread Don't stop !
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: Bob_J]
#2573336 - 04/18/04 08:03 AM (20 years, 9 months ago) |
To let everyone know, the isopropl extraction worked fine for Skip. This was a first time atttempt using this thread as a reference........... He used 17gms of dried powder from over grown monsters (More dry material to actives)
Reaped a few capsles of a little goo and crystal...
heated in alcohol
filtered 2x through coffee filter
reaped crystals and some "goo" due to poor filtration.
the effects were strong, just licking his fingers after laoding the capsules
went a long way....a little cleaner ...came on fast though...........
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: PooPs]
#2601890 - 04/25/04 06:07 PM (20 years, 9 months ago) |
How come Swim's acetone doesn't separate from his "Methanol/fungi filtered evaporated 1/10" . He put 60 ml of acetone in the methanol, waited for 24 h and he doesn't see two phases.. what the heck is wrong ?! The acetone is supposed to float on it, and now he got nothing ...
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: InfiniteAdam]
#2604484 - 04/26/04 12:01 PM (20 years, 9 months ago) |
I thought acetone and methanol were miscible. Acetone and water may be a different story, but even then I'm not so sure. Best to use some ether... 
If acetone and water were used and the psilocybin did preferentially dissolve in the acetone, you could just try adding some drierite to the solution and that should suck out some of the water and make the evaporation process quicker. This would probably keep potency high because I believe an appreciable fraction of psil is oxidized during the drying process.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: BigJohnson]
#3722954 - 02/03/05 12:53 AM (20 years, 17 days ago) |
If I remember my chemistry right, almost any HCl salt will be insoluble in acetone. After the "dirty" solid has been obtained from washing in methanol, one could use acetone to remove the "gunk" from the solid, leaving a more pure HCl salt.
Ok so this post is really old and probably dead, but here's my question. After reading a lot about extracting Psilocybin/Psilocin from Mushrooms/Mycelia, I came accross Hoffman's Recipe. Upon reading the final posting in this thread which spoke of the acetone to wash out other "gunk", I thought about this. Would one first extract a crude brown powder with Methanol (4x), then "wash" this final evaporated extract with Acetone? Or would soaking the crushed mix in Acetone before the extraction with Methanol achieve the same effect? Also, does anyone know what the Chlorophorm wash would remove?? Just curious.
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: doctor_kandee]
#3723162 - 02/03/05 01:54 AM (20 years, 17 days ago) |
No, you want to extract with a/b first because the tar you'll get from a methanol extraction won't easily dissolve in anything.
I might have been misled if I said it tested positive with Kellers reagent, btw -- this is probably because I didn't dry it -- it was lab grade stuff but who knows? I did do a test of an acetone layer, though, and it turned colours.
I guess I'd like to get an answer as to weather or not it's soluble in acetone -- I've heard different stories both here and on the hive (when it was around) Since I did get a positive test in analytical acetone.... Well, I'm a bit skeptical.
The method I posted a million times should work for all practical purposes, though. Lowdown: a/b extract, evap, alcohol extract
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#3723213 - 02/03/05 02:07 AM (20 years, 17 days ago) |
Oh, BTW -- this would be the acetate, not the -hcl because I used dilute acetic acid
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Re: mushroom extraction - psilocybin hcl salt [Re: micro]
#5078558 - 12/18/05 03:08 PM (19 years, 2 months ago) |
I've read all these posts, and the goos extracted along with the alcohol extractions cannot be removed with a variety of non-polar solvents or with acetone - they've been tested.
The non-polars people have been using here are weak, toluene or xylene is strong. So it's toluene, xylene or chlorinated hydrocarbons. I highly doubt the toluene or xylene will work because people have stated that the goo readily dissolves in water - that doesn't sound very non-polar to me.
chlorinated hydrocarbons dissolve a whole range of compounds both polar and non-polar - just as acetone does.
So alcohol extractions, and then washing with dichloromethane, hopefully the DCM doesn't dissolve the psilos.
By the way, acetone found in shops invariably contains isopropanol even if it states it's 100%, so trying to wash away the goo with it will lower yields.
Get methylene chloride (dichloromethane), it's paint stripper.
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JssMthrFcknChrst said: Ever since my not-so-close associate began studding the secrets of mycology, he has been looking for a way to inexpensively and reliably produce crystallized psilocybin extract. Even with anhydrous ethanol he was unable to produce clean crystals, always ending up with a product full of dirty organic leftovers.
Then we ran across a post on some other website about mushroom extraction with the addition of HCl. This apparently converts the psilocybin to psilocybin hcl salt, which is supposed to be insoluble in acetone, forming large crystals.
What follows is my paraphrase of the process outlined. Go here for the original post - Powderize mushroom carpophores.
- Soak in high proof alcohol for several hours.
- Filter alcohol extract - recommenced vacuum filtration or syringe with filter.
- Add a few drops of HCl to alcohol extract to ph3
- Evaporate solution to 1/10th volume
- Clean the solution of fats and resins by using a solvent that will not dissolve in water (lighter fluid, naptha). Allow to stand for several hours, then remove the top layer, which will be the solvent.
- Slowly mix in acetone, let stand for a few hours until separated in to two layers. Remove the upper layer of acetone, and repeat acetone wash, and remove.
- Allow residue to slowly dry. Crystals should form.
Does this process seem like a viable path to obtaining a relativily pure product? Has anyone ever attemped this or have experiance with a simial process? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
I Know this is a crazy old thread but this is what I needed. Im getting that vacuum pump very soon now, I knew you could extract and make crystals. I knew it.
Thanks for the Research Jss Chrst ~ LC
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This thread has been closed.
Reason: If you want to extract useless salts, that's your business but this was off topic here 8 years ago. RR