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#1174527 - 12/28/02 12:13 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Post deleted by Administrator [Re: Aura]
#1174536 - 12/28/02 12:46 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Re: good and evil [Re: Aura]
#1174561 - 12/28/02 01:27 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I have not yet been able to get my thoughts on paper with fluidity, I write and think splintered. It's something that I need to work on because I feel like I don't actually convey what I want to say. It's very frustrating. Bear with me I have lots to say, and a poor sense of organization.
Take your time and post to the best of your ability. Very few of us are professionals here. Read the Be Nice policy to gain a better understanding of me and this forum.
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Re: good and evil [Re: Evolving]
#1174923 - 12/28/02 06:54 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
"That there is twilight does not destroy the distinction between night and day. Conditions might be ambiguous at 6:30 in the evening, but at 12 noon it unambiguously is day and at 12 midnight unambiguously night."
What does this have to do with anything?
-------------------- What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?
Re: good and evil [Re: Murex]
#1174955 - 12/28/02 07:10 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
There is a logical correlation between daylight/right and midnight/wrong and twilight/grey.
Some things are wrong and can never be right. Some things are right and can never be wrong. And some things depend upon the circumstances and can be right or wrong.

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Re: good and evil [Re: Aura]
#1175088 - 12/28/02 09:17 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
'Who is to determine them... Evil could be good. Perhaps evil doesn't hold back, there is no restraint and maybe good is just evil trapped inside. Which is worse?' -
What are you trying to say? We are inheritantly evil? The people who say they are good are really just holding their innate evil nature inside? Whatever.
Yes, I believe that good and evil are subjective terms as well. But that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Love is a subjective term, too, but few would say it doesn't exist.
'Good can easily be portrayed through a facade same with evil. I think that the problem lies in using a single word to define an essence of a person, and such misconstrued words at that. A yin/yang is still a feeble attempt at defining balance, it's over-generalized just as evil and good are. ' Hey, don't blame the tao for it's misunderstood nature. That whole night/day, black/white thing does not include good/evil. The tao is not a feeble attempt at defining balance. Yes, it's become over-generalized, trendy, and many have taken creative liberty with the symbol, but that's because either a) they don't understand it, b) they want to make a buck on a globally recognised symbol, or c) they understand that balance is subjective. More to come, but I gotta eat - thats an objective reality there!
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Re: good and evil [Re: djamor]
#1175124 - 12/28/02 09:46 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I remember on my first acid trip I contemplated the meaning of good and evil, and I realized that what we consider evil is that which we don't understand. Let's take the example of someone killing their family. What if they believed they were sacrificing their family to their god(s)? If it pleases their god(s) it would obviously be good in their eyes, and others who might share their beliefs might also believe it is good. And what if all of humanity somehow benefitted from their deaths? Wouldn't that make it good? Sure, it would violate the Golden Rule, but as wise as the Golden Rule sounds, we simply can't accept it as the absolute truth because truth is unknown to us.
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Re: good and evil [Re: ]
#1175297 - 12/28/02 11:43 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
There is a logical correlation between daylight/right and midnight/wrong and twilight/grey.
No there isn't (imo).
-------------------- What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?

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well, I think this discussion has fallen prey to semantics. We all define good and evil for ourselves. The common theme I see in this thread is that there is no universal or objective 'good' or 'evil'. I'm not arguing against that. It just sounds like you're giving yourself permission to be evil. To me, the golden rule makes perfect sense, and I'm not christian or even religious. When you look to the end result of your philosophy to determine the validity of it, it holds true. When people live by the golden rule, equality and compassion are possible. It's pretty hard to do these days, and we are not perfect in this regard, but that's what forgiveness is all about. It boils down to intent. The guy who kills his family for 'a higher good' did so with good intentions. If he didn't (which is a much more likely scenario), he did it out of cruelty or greed. How would you defend someone who abducts, rapes and dismembers a child? Where's the higher good there? How is humanity going to benefit from that? I'm sorry about the graphic nature of my analogies, but evil is ugly.
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Re: good and evil [Re: djamor]
#1175387 - 12/28/02 01:03 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
If you'll agree that morality is subjective, then I can accept that. I personally have never stolen, never resorted to violence, and I rarely am dishonest, all because I have morals which I follow. I am by no means giving myself permission to do acts which I consider evil, but because I believe there is no objective morality, I also don't believe I have the right to judge others.
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Re: good and evil [Re: Aura]
#1176655 - 12/29/02 05:39 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Here i can describe it like this!
I believe that in humanitys darkest times, even the leader of evil (anti-christ/leader of world goverment) is good.
If the end of times isn't a test, then the anti-consuisess (anti-christ), will force his mark on you, and it wouldn't be an option!
Get it? Means the anti-christ will give you option to sell yourself to the system. He's doing god's great work, takening the one's who don't believe in consiucessness off the the world, the anti-christs! Means if he was 100% pure evil then the implant wouldn't be an option.
Just something to think about in the end of times.
My whole premise supports the ying-yag. There's no such thing as 100% pure evil or good, for the existence of both must be realized in any situatation. There's 90% good with 10% evil, or 90% evil with 10% good, get it? Anyone?
-------------------- And the gameshow host rings the buzzer (brrnnntt) oh and now you get a face full of face!

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silversoul, yes, morality is subjective. And I truly respect you for having never resorted to violence. But it sounds like your subjective morality is based on the golden rule as well, true? Maybe you've never thought about it, but you are honest because you want others to be honest with you, correct? It's obviously not because you think honesty is objectively 'good'. You don't smack someone in the nose because you dont want someone to smack you in the nose, right? In my opinion, the golden rule is part of human nature. Its how we act when we are not fearful or threatened and feel connected to a community. As far as judging goes, well, we all judge people. If someone looks like a cop are you going to offer to smoke a joint with the guy? That's a superficial judgement as opposed to a moral one, but I occasionally judge people morally. Hypocrites bug the shit out of me, but I occasionally find myself saying something that could be seen as being hypocritical. I'm not perfect, so I tend to forgive rather easily, unless, of course, they are not sorry. btw, I wasnt really saying you that you were giving yourself permission to be evil - just that that philosophy (good&evil being two sides of the same coin) could be twisted to do just that.
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Re: good and evil [Re: djamor]
#1177363 - 12/29/02 11:48 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I never said that I don't follow the Golden Rule. I just said we can't accept it as being the absolute truth. There is a difference between objective and inter-subjective. I was merely saying that the Golden Rule cannot simply be accepted as the absolute measure of objective morality. It is, however, something most of us can agree upon, and is, I believe, a necessary thing to have in order for civilization to flourish. When something is agreed upon by a group of people, it is called inter-subjective. That doesn't mean it is objectively true, but rather that it can be agreed upon by a group of people.
"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."--Voltaire