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The greatEnitsuj

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1154488 - 12/19/02 08:08 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
sounds good to me
-------------------- What fun is it in Nirvana while other beings are suffering?
Mr Wobblehead
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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1154509 - 12/19/02 08:13 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Can we get the Shroomery to put a notice on their home page, a copy of the official flyer (which needs to be designed) would be a good idea.
We could maybe ask shoomery for some space for a World Shroom Day page, then we could direct everyone to that with the flyer. I'm sure shroomery will agree as it's all free advertising for them and their sponsors.
Anyone any good at art that can design a World Shroom Day logo flyer thingy? If we make it black and white then people can print them out on their computers at home easily and distribute them around the world very cheaply.
If we're going to do it then we need to start now as six months will soon go by and nothing will be done. Plus, people need to be informed and badgered into starting a mushroom grow ready for the big day.
What say you all?
Spaced outRabbit

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1154546 - 12/19/02 08:23 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
im up for it. except i cant draw or design anything..however i think a big shroom covering the earth with north america/UK in the background or something would work nicely. a shroom that resembles the one at the hawks eye ad in high times maybe?? just a idea. theres many college campasses around here and i know a few people who work at hemp stores in the city...im sure they would let me put up a flyer in there shop. also mail boxes, light posts (there covered in many other things though), etc. just some ideas ive thought up on the spot. only problem is that many people find it hard to aquire shrooms. not me of course though. wish more people grew them.
"With insomnia your never really asleep, and your never really awake"
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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1154582 - 12/19/02 08:30 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Black & white, 1-page flyer, mushroom day? No problem, I could do something like that in an afternoon if someone gave me the complete text of this flyer. Somewhat silly idea, but I'm always up for designing logos. [shrug]
Mr Wobblehead
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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Xibalba]
#1154617 - 12/19/02 08:40 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I'll start a thread for a flyer competition. Gets the ball rolling anyway.
Edited by Mr Wobblehead (12/19/02 08:41 AM)
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1154660 - 12/19/02 08:51 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I'm gonna start a thread for a flyer design for World Shroom Day.
I'm thinking that as it's your idea that you get to be the judge and choose what you like the best. Hope that's ok with you? I'm going to donate an Ecuador print as a prize, hopefully a few other people who are shit at art can contribute with a spore print or some other little thing to add to the prizes.
Maybe we could have 3 or 4 winners and then people can take their pick of which ones they print out.
Barbless Aryan

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1155310 - 12/19/02 12:54 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
sounds rad man. I say use them all but give prizes for the best ones.
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1155389 - 12/19/02 01:36 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I say use them all but give prizes for the best ones.
Good idea. It could be like Pokemon cards, you've got to collect the set to be a super shroomy trippy master or something silly like that.
Hopefully we can overcome the apathy of the world and get this really into something big. I just find the idea of loads of people all around the world tripping at the exactly same time an amazing idea. And hopefully through doing this we can teach people how easy it is to grow their own shrooms and how wonderful tripping on something you've grown and nutured yourself is.
And it'll shit the governments up also. It's bound to be banned. he he
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1155415 - 12/19/02 01:46 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
One other thing. I'm busy with a couple of maths exams until mid January. Then i've got plenty of time to help out with this as i don't work as i'm disabled. I've made a website before and am up for helping make one for this sometime after mid Jan.
I can get some free webspace in uk. And shrooms are legal here so it's not a problem with the law or anything.
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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1156586 - 12/19/02 09:47 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Are we sure we want to attract much attention? If world shroom day was announced outside of the Shroomery, it could bring unwanted attention to shrooms. Even in the UK, IIRC deliberate cultivation of (magic) shrooms beyond the mycelium stage is illegal. You can own shrooms (i.e. going shroom hunting isn't illegal), but not grow (fruit) or prepare them for consumption (i.e. drying them, or mixing them up for the purposes of consumption). Doing something high profile like this might lead to a tightening of regulations (no growkits / prints / syringes etc), which would be a pain, if nothing else.
I'm all for the idea, but given current circumstances (e.g. the evening standard headline (17/12/02) announcing a "new date rape drug" despite hvaing no evidence of drug date rapes actually taking place to back its claims up) we might want to keep this within the Shroomery community and immediate / close associates (trip-friends etc). it would still be a good idea, giving shape and an additional level of connectedness between Shroomery members.
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Superficial]
#1156705 - 12/20/02 12:14 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Hiding away, ashamed and frightened, snivelling in corners is not the way forward. If the governments have a problem with shrooms then tough titties on the governments. We the people of the world have the right to self determination whether they like it or not. It's time to stand up for what you believe in.
If you consider tripping to be a bad thing that should be hidden away from public view then go hide away in your shame. I'm Pagan, and people like me have used this sacrament for tens of thousands of years, and i ain't going to be persecuted into turning my back on everything i believe in and love. And i am not going to fear the opinion of a few bigotted idiots who write newspapers, bring them on and i'll eat them with my shrooms. The day we run away from the opinions of bigots and oppressors is the day all hope for free life is lost.
There is only one way to change the law and that is through changing public opinion. Sure the papers may try to condemn us, but we have the internet and can easily counter their propaganda. And only a bunch of fuckwits believe anything that is written in newspapers anyway.
However if you don't wish to join in then by all means feel free not to. That is your choice. But when your grandchildren ask what you did to secure their right to live the lives they choose, what will you tell them? That you did nothing because you were so frightened of the opinion of the Evening Standard and the governments power to make cultivation illegal? It's not what i'm going to tell my grandchildren.
In reply to:
this might lead to a tightening of regulations (no growkits / prints / syringes etc), which would be a pain, if nothing else.
Do you really think that this government has the ability to stop mushroom cultivation? Cannabis use and cultivation is the most obvious and smelly process i've ever encountered and they can't stop that, in fact, the more they try the more it grows as people hate being told what to do. Mushroom use and cultivation is totally unobvious and doesn't smell at all so what hope do they have of stopping that? And they haven't stopped the sale of cannabis cultivation equipment so what makes you think they are going to bother themselves or their overstretched criminal justice system to try and stamp out shroom cultivation. The governments have realised already that they can't fight drugs, all they are now trying to do is to save face, they are not going to add to their problems by attacking shrooms as well.
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Superficial]
#1156729 - 12/20/02 12:49 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
In reply to:
Even in the UK, IIRC deliberate cultivation of (magic) shrooms beyond the mycelium stage is illegal
Who is the IIRC?
Would you point out some court cases in uk of successful prosecutions for personal shroom cultivation?
I believe that the british government would be walking on eggshells trying to get a case successfully prosecuted, especially against a practising Pagan with the Human Rights Act 1998 to back his/her case. They can bluster all they want, if they want to try me for cultivation they can easily trace this post back to my home. I'm up for it anytime they want to play.
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 8. You have the right to respect for your private and family life, your home and your correspondence. If i wish to grow and take shrooms in my home that is my private concern and on one else's.
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 14. Freedom from discrimination. Christians are allowed to ferment grapes into alcohol for their sacrement, therefore a Pagan must be allowed to grow the plants and fungi that he or she chooses as a sacrament.
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 9. Freedom of Belief. Aricle 9 protects your rights in relation to a broad range of views, beliefs, thoughts and positions of conscience as well as to your faith in a particular religion. You have the absolute right to hold the thoughts of conscience or religion you chose. The state can never interfere with your holding of these views, whatever the circumstances of your case.
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 10. Freedom of expression. If i want to tell the world about the joys of tripping, and to inform them of a day when all the world should grab some shrooms and trip together then i am allowed to by this right. This article can also be taken to mean that i have the right to express myself freely as a Pagan with all that entails.
Human Rights Act 1998 Article 11. Free assembly and association. You have the right to assemble with other people in a peaceful way. This also gives us the right to protest in a peaceful way. All World Shroom Day is is an attempt at a peaceful assembly of spirits on meta-physical level. There is nothing in this article that forbids assembly on a spiritual basis as opposed to a corporeal one. As long as it's peaceful that is all that matters.
The bold type is direct from the HRA study guide issued by the home office.
Still going to sit there and do nothing?
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1156742 - 12/20/02 01:00 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
For those interested in designing a flyer. All of which will be used. Then please go to
Don't be shy i'm sure there's lots of trippy artists out there.
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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1156885 - 12/20/02 02:42 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You misunderstand me, and I hope to calrify my position. I only wish to question whether it is a good idea to publicise mushrooms right now. Although there are many who feel mushrooms are good, compared with cannabis it is even more of a "fringe" group, and a less well understood culture. People have a "peaceful stoner" stereotype for cannabis users, giving the message of being "mostly harmless", but I fear what stereotype will be foisted onto the mushroom community. Cannabis has almost become publically acceptable, shrooms have not.
Yes, shrooming will continue in spite of any crackdowns, but it will cause additional difficulties which I am sure many will want to do without. I would think many people wouldn't even consider growing shrooms if spores were illegal. It wouldn't matter if the government can't enforce the laws, since the potential (and unknown) risk will turn many away. I personally am glad for the lattitude of law, and I wouldn't want them tightened.
I only raise this issue because no one else has, not because I want to hide away from anybody, governments or not. I know the frustration of not even being able to discuss shrooming with most people, but care must be taken in promoting shrooming. Like growing, we must have patience, and bide our time until the current clouds of darkness and deliberate fearmongering have passed.
I may, of course, just be paranoid.
Still, when world shrooming day comes, I will be there, and I will bring friends.
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Superficial]
#1157078 - 12/20/02 04:24 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
In reply to:
You misunderstand me, and I hope to calrify my position. I only wish to question whether it is a good idea to publicise mushrooms right now. Although there are many who feel mushrooms are good, compared with cannabis it is even more of a "fringe" group, and a less well understood culture. People have a "peaceful stoner" stereotype for cannabis users, giving the message of being "mostly harmless", but I fear what stereotype will be foisted onto the mushroom community. Cannabis has almost become publically acceptable, shrooms have not.
Cannabis used to be considered a fringe thing indulged in by whores, blacks hippies, Mexicans and any other group that mainstream society wished to hate at the time. It's only become publically acceptable because of the few people who refused to cow down and hide away. All the governments did by making it illegal was to publicise it out of all proportion. Well i say let them do that to shrooms also.
I see World Shroom Day as a fantastic opportunity for shroom-heads all over the world to get out and about and explain to people about the fungi of their choice, how to grow and dose, and to do it in a mature and responsible way.
Why should all the other drugs and substances get all the publicity? Why can't shrooms have some publicity also?
In reply to:
I would think many people wouldn't even consider growing shrooms if spores were illegal.
I'm quite sure that many people grow shrooms in California.
You are obviously not very experienced with shrooms as you would realise that you can make your own spore prints for nothing and distribute and share with friends for nothing also.
Growing Cannabis can get you 15 years in jail but tons of people do it. You're just finding excuses that have absolutely no basis in reality. The more you tell people they can't the more they will demonstrate that they can. It's human nature. Either way, we win.
In reply to:
I know the frustration of not even being able to discuss shrooming with most people, but care must be taken in promoting shrooming.
I have no frustration with discussing shrooming with people. I discuss it with anyone who will listen to me. If everyone actually bothered to get themselves out of their paranoid closets they would find that a lot of people have tried shrooms at some point in their lives. And while it is not something that most people will do many times, it is not as unacceptable as you seem to believe.
In reply to:
we must have patience, and bide our time until the current clouds of darkness and deliberate fearmongering have passed.
Pray tell how long must we wait for freedom? For two thousand years my religion has been opressed and persecuted upon my Island. Should i wait another thousand or two or three? I think you should read some history and realise that opressors, bullies and bigots do not just walk away. They have to be stood up to and we have to take our rights and our freedom because these people will not give them.
Now unless you have something constructive to say, go away.
The greatEnitsuj

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1157890 - 12/20/02 10:50 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
i understand the concern and wanting to keep a low profile on it, but if you think about it, people could be reading this right now who don't agree with 'mushroom day' so it's already out in the open. and besides, there things like 4:20, they know about it. and if someone gets busted, it's most likley there own fault for not taking proper percautions (sp?)
i think the flyer idea is cool, with the hole contest thign and all. and i think it would be a good idea to get it up and going now. or else it won't happen. if i could draw, i would be in for the drawing part. but i can't but it really is an awsome idea.
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Reality Hacker

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Dogomush]
#1158448 - 12/20/02 03:19 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Great Idea! I love it!
I like to consider myself a trippy artist, but I can't transfer anything from My computer because it doesn't havee internet access or a cd burning program or anything (exept a floppy drive). It would take me a while to update all my art on my website (I just made a ton of good trippy pics), so maybe when I do, people could vote for what trippy pic they like best and it could be used to promote mush day.
...Just a thought.
-------------------- What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know,
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection,
Is it all you want it to be?

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: soylent_green]
#1158739 - 12/20/02 05:11 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Post deleted by Administrator
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: Murex]
#1159278 - 12/20/02 11:31 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
In reply to:
so maybe when I do, people could vote for what trippy pic they like best and it could be used to promote mush day.
Go for that, it sounds great.
Mr Wobblehead
WizardExtraordinary &Absolute CocoaSlut

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Re: Universal mushroom trip day... whaddya think? [Re: matts]
#1159284 - 12/20/02 11:38 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Perhaps a mailing list could be set up?
After everything you've just said on this thread about everyone needing to be worried about their security and how bad it would be to expose themselves, you now suggest that they should put themselves on a mailing list.
You are one fucked up person. Are you on some serious medication or something? Or are you a drug cop?