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Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS
#1142853 - 12/15/02 09:52 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Spirituality -
1. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman 2. Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan millman was good to, but nothing in comparison to the first book 3. Going on Being by Mark Epstein
Drug Related None yet!
Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1143732 - 12/15/02 03:33 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1144497 - 12/16/02 03:36 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
i havent read many books so i have one book that answers both questions:
Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics by Allan Hunt Badiner (Editor), Alex Grey (Editor), Stephen Batchelor, Huston Smith (Preface)
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1145170 - 12/16/02 07:44 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Spirituality...Be Here Now and Conversations With God probably had the biggest impact on me. Ishmael was another one, although it's not really "spiritual" in the sense of the other two. "The Book" by Alan Watts is also good.
Drugs..Doors of Perception, Food of the Gods. Both good reads.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: Revelation]
#1146397 - 12/16/02 04:19 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Psychedelics Encyclopedia by Peter Stafford From Chocolate to Morphine by Andrew Weil DMT:The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman Trips:How Hallucinogens Work In the Brain by Cheryl Pellerin (very cool drawings by R. Crumb) The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley Teachings of Don Juan:A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castaneda
too many more to list....
-------------------- People think that if you just say the word "hallucinations" it explains everything you want it to explain and eventually whatever it is you can't explain will just go away.It's just a word,it doesn't explain anything...
Douglas Adams
Edited by grandmasterfat (12/16/02 04:22 PM)
Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: monoamine]
#1146458 - 12/16/02 04:31 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1147349 - 12/16/02 11:18 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
_island_ by aldous huxley
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: gnrm23]
#1159871 - 12/21/02 08:17 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
diary of a drug fiend, by aleister crowley. true story about when he goes on a honeymoon with his wife and does a bunch of heroin and cocaine. they get addicted and eventually seek help and overcome their addictions
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOO [Re: tekramrepus]
#1160567 - 12/21/02 03:06 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
My favourite drug book? I'll give y'all a hint:
We had two bags of grass, seventy five pellets of mescaline...
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOO [Re: Gunboat]
#1174946 - 12/28/02 07:06 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
The Ghost Dance by Weston LaBarre, The Healing Journey by Claudio Naranjo, Criminalizing the Natural by Timothy Francis Leary, Pharmacotheon by Jonathan Ott, Plants of the Gods By Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hofmann, The Sacred Mushroom Seeker by Editor Thomas Riedlinger. Marriage of the Sunand the Moon by Andrew Weil. Maria Sabina, Her Lifes Her Chants, High Priest by Timothy Francis Leary, Psychedelic Encyclopiedia by Peter Stafford, All writings of R. Gordon and Tina Wasson, Dick Schultes, Andrew Weil, A. Hofmann, Wolfgang Bauer, Stanley Krippner and Ralph Metzner, Rudyard Kipling and Robert Service.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOO [Re: mjshroomer]
#1180521 - 12/30/02 06:20 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
I haven't read many, but I recently finished "Opium: A History" by Martin Booth. Very informative and gives a good recount of, well, the history of opium and its current place in our society. Jumps back and forth between time alot and lags a bit in the middle, but overall pretty good.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1182757 - 01/01/03 09:03 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Spirituality -
1. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman 2. Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan millman was good to, but nothing in comparison to the first book !
I enjoyed those two as well. Also The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure by James Redfield. Content and ideas are good but plot and writing style leave something to be desired.
The Return of Merlin by:Deepak Chopra I would like to read some more of his stuff.
I am now reading Siddhartha by Herman Hesse So far so good. I think I see where it is going and I would agree... A true seeker cannot accept the teachings of anyone else, he must find the answers in his/her own way/time.
As for drug books, I haven't really gone there except for reading parts of LSD; my problem child.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: mntlfngrs]
#1186408 - 01/03/03 03:29 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
i've been trying to finish acid dreams - the complete social history of lsd: the cia, the sixties and beyond by martin a. lee and bruce shlain...it's been over a year now and i just can't do it. i want to trip every time i read it. anyone read the cannabible yet?
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: falcor]
#1186410 - 01/03/03 03:30 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
oh also, how could i forget - the teachings of don juan, et al... by carlos castaneda.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: falcor]
#1192072 - 01/05/03 08:06 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
flesh of the gods. can't remember the author though
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: soylent_green]
#1193127 - 01/05/03 03:43 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
The mission of Art by Alex Grey
I also heard Zig Zag Zen was excellent but have yet to read it
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1224397 - 01/16/03 04:30 PM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
After the Ecstacy, The Laundry Angel Tech JACS
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1226404 - 01/17/03 09:48 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Definatly read the Castenada books, they will help with whatever you want them to.
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: soylent_green]
#1226431 - 01/17/03 09:55 AM (22 years, 1 month ago) |
Terrence McKenna
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Re: Your favorite Drug or Spirituality related BOOKS [Re: tekramrepus]
#1239582 - 01/22/03 10:29 AM (22 years, 27 days ago) |
1) Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are 2) Something in This Book Is True 3) You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience -Bob Frissell All Three of these titles are by Bob Frissell. I have read the first book and part of the second however I have been told by many people the three go great together, which is why I decided I mine as well post the names of all three. The first book touches heavily on human consciousness, evolution, higher forms of life, Merkaba meditation, and also dabbles into some sacred geometry. It gives a pretty decent background on all these topics and kind of gives you a starting point for spirituality. This book opens you up to many new ideas, if your accepting. Bob Frissell teaches a workshop with Drunvalo Melchizedek (highly reguarded for his work in spirituality, especially with the Merkaba meditation) called the Flower Of Life workshop which focuses on Merkaba meditation techniques which encompasses sacred geometry. If you would like anymore information on this workshop or if their are any workshops coming up locally check out this page: Http://www.floweroflife.org
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