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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: chemkid]
#1363427 - 03/10/03 02:11 PM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
gunna make it quik kid- 1.EXPERTISE- no, the Richard E. Leakey is one of the worlds leading experts( i see the possiblility, but the probability is ~10 divided by ~6 billion, sorry) 2.CREATIONISM- its not disproveable because it is so vauge, obscure and so far from anyting resembling reality, that there can never be any proof for or against it, kinda like a fairy tale. 3.YOUR CHALLENGE- i dont deny evlution, i said its probably correct (i'd say about 95%, with a margin of error of 5%) i'm not in the slightest bit religious. The reason i dont fully accept it, are the numbers, your saying a process that has been occuring for about 2-3 billion years was perfectly deciphered and understood EXACTLY in about 150 years thats where my skeptisism arises from. 4.MENDEL- mendel proved the that traits are iherited (which is kind of intuitive) and the mathematical predictability of dominant and recessive alleles, nothing more. 5.WE AGREE!- i also think men direct decendent of a primate(see below) 6.TRUTH- "humans couldn't make their way through this whole confusing thing called life without seeking truth and accepting some things as truth" seeking yes, my comment was directed towards the accepting part of your statement. as you can see from my last post, i dont think it is possible for me (or anybody) to know that something is completley true, that was where my comment came from, you "accept" things to be true because you need some truth, not because you know them to be true. and confusing, yes i will have to agree. 6.???-"peabrain" come on man, do you really think i have a peabrain, i think you are a very intelligent person. i just think you are one of those people that need something to belive in, thats all, that doesnt make you better or worse than any body. 7. that wasnt really very quik 8. your mean 9. thats not good 10.i'm in high school
the leading theory of human evolution in a small peanut shaped shell.(mmm)
The book "Orgins" says we evolved from a non-hominid primate called ramapithicus (along with two varieties of australopithecus) , although it is not a "monkey" it is far from human. Primates are divided in two groups, prosimians, and monkeys and apes. monkeys and apes are further divided into 3 super-families, new world (ceboids), old world (cercopithecoids), and apes including gibbons, orangutan, chimps, gorilla and men. okay, the first primate stock was on pangea, and it seperated, now there are monkeys in the new and old world. this "primate stock" in the old world evolved into Aegytopithecus zeuxis that lived around 28 million yearsago. From it, came Dryopithecine, which is the common anscestor that all humans and other apes share (20 million years ago). from dryopithecine came dryopithecus(all modern non-human apes share this relative), gigantopiticus (ancestor of large extinct asian apes) and ramapithecus( ancestor of the "homo" line), and thats how it supposedly all happened.
I hope that clears things up with human evolution.-1C()/\/
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Underpants Gnome

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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: chemkid]
#1363937 - 03/10/03 05:35 PM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
Seriously, I have actually graduated with a degree in wildlife biology and I currently working towards my masters in macro evolution. I've been studying evolution for 7 years now, I don't know why anyone would question my knowledge on the subject. Man did not evolve from a monkey and that's that. The first primitive primate species evolved around that same time Ardipithicus ramidus evolved, which is our earliest walking ancestor, 5.4 million years ago. The only thing we actually share with the monkeys of today is a common ancestor. That common ancestor from 6.5 million years ago looked absolutly nothing like monkeys do today. So, please explain to me how we evolved from a monkey?
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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: djd586]
#1364046 - 03/10/03 06:22 PM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
Do humans resemble chimpanzees more or less than either humans or chimpanzees resemble the common ancestor?
-------------------- Morality is just aesthetics, meatbags.
what nothing is,and to fill orrefill
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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: djd586]
#1365725 - 03/11/03 09:25 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
who said we evovled from monkeys? I dont think anybody who understands evoluution would say that, if someone did say that i think they mean we have a commen ancestor with modern apes, i hope. maybe mokeys evolved from humans cus they wanted four hands and didnt like people. i wish i could evolve into a monkey.
-------------------- doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one.
Underpants Gnome

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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: iconoclast]
#1366857 - 03/11/03 04:38 PM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
chemkid did
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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: Baby_Hitler]
#1369172 - 03/12/03 11:06 AM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
Baby_Hitler- theres a picture in a book of mine of our most commen ancestor(an informed artists recreation of course), and i would have to say that chimps and people resmble the ancestor more than eachother, i would post the picture but it seems you cant directly upload a picture to this site, seems like you need a link to another site. if not someone tell me how and ill post it.
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Magat Stalker

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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: iconoclast]
#1369373 - 03/12/03 12:26 PM (21 years, 10 months ago) |
When you make a post there is a link just above the text field that says "Put picture(s) in this post."
-------------------- Morality is just aesthetics, meatbags.

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All is one. Levels of complexity make that which is "one" more interesting. with life we can experience existence consciously, there is an infinite amount to experience, for all of eternity, and that is why life will never stop evolving, and becoming more complex. In fact, there are probably infinite forms of existence, more complex than life, each one more complex than the last. pretty cool huh?
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what nothing is,and to fill orrefill
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In fact, there are probably infinite forms of existence, more complex than life, each one more complex than the last. pretty cool huh?
how do you come to that conclusion?
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"In fact, there are probably infinite forms of existence, more complex than life, each one more complex than the last. pretty cool huh?"
Yeah that's cool but please define "infinite forms of existence" - are you referring to a multiverse of some type?
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE
Edited by Strumpling (03/18/03 10:20 AM)

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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: Phluck]
#6271679 - 11/11/06 11:26 AM (18 years, 3 months ago) |
Phluck said: Now, I really don't want to insult you, but this is exactly what I was talking about a few threads back when I was saying that some people who "believe" in the theory of evolution don't even really understand it and know what it means.
Evolution is not about things improving, or increasing in size. It's about random changes, and survival. DNA is delicate, when it's being replicated, there are bound to be flaws, it will change from the original with each copy. This is mutation. When one of these random mutations actually improves the organisms ability to survive, then it thrives, expands, and spreads itself. Billions upon billions of mutations eventually lead to multi-celled organisms... then digestive systems, and muscles, and limbs, eyes, ears.... and so on.
absoºutelly! the same reason http://www.seedmagazine.com/magazine/

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Re: WHY has life evolved? [Re: xPooPx]
#6273588 - 11/11/06 09:39 PM (18 years, 3 months ago) |
Yeah, I'm not going to read 110 replies but it's obvious that a lot of people don't understand evolution. It's not a guided process. Things don't "adapt" in the way people think they do. It's random. Survival of the fittest, no matter what makes them the most fit.
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There should be a law that anyone who doesn't understand evolution, and tries to talk about it, has to go in the Box for 48 hours.
Seriously, evolution is not that complicated people. Read a book or two on it, and it'll come to you. But if you're still asking, "WHY?" or misinterpreting random mutations as too random to create order, you don't know what natural selection is.
Then, once you become enlightened, we can start discussing whether evolution is gene-centered (which it clearly is) or not. But seriously, read a few pages on biology once and awhile.
Here's a few good places to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_selection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_evolutionary_synthesis
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