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Registered: 11/15/98
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Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1079748 - 11/23/02 04:03 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Whose going to be vending your special recipe compost SixTango? I've been wanting to give it a try. peace

Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 1,996
Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Here is the 4/26/02 post I made about UNICORN BAG. http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=Forum4&Number=619429&Forum=Forum4&Words=unicorn&Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=allposts&Main=616930&Search=true#Post619429
As for your Q's. A lot depends on the type & size PC you have. Jam a big 941 AA full of grain spawn bags & your PC time goes up to 4.5 hours. Because of the bulk. Like cooking food. I takes a lot longer to cook a 30 pound turkey, than it does a 3 pound chicken.
Best bet is to start with the small 1 kilo bag (about 2 liter size).
-------------------- ~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~

Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 1,996
Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: Alkaloids]
#1079844 - 11/23/02 04:57 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
A new company called MycotaPro. They will have a website up & running -- soon. 6T
-------------------- ~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~

Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 217
Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1080632 - 11/23/02 11:28 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
6t you da man...... anyone that gives you shit should have ther eyebrows shaved off ( )
-------------------- work of fiction
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Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1081245 - 11/24/02 06:26 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
LOL, PsiloSteve............
You might take the time to notice who started this thread & what was stated in the 1st post. The bags the raccoon uses are purchased wholesale, by the thousands, straight from a manufacture. Not a reseller.
Here is just a small example of just a few filter/patch autoclave type bags, I use. 6T
SixTango, I wasn't trying to argue with your post if that's the impression you got. I actually typed that post for the ones that were asking if it would melt in the pcooker. Some people still use jars though. Whatever floats your boat though I guess. They do have a few disadvantages, for one they're not made of thick glass like canning jars but they're still pretty heavy duty. Also, they're not really reusable as you can use jars hundreds of times as long as you don't have slippery fingers. Third, you can inoculate spores all over the substrate by spreading it out like a pancake, and they can be shook up fairly easy. Personally, I think they're the way to go as well.
Good luck with your project.
-------------------- Don't worry be happy!
Registered: 04/07/00
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Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1081247 - 11/24/02 06:29 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Oh, and what I said about punching holes, I'm a retard... I accidently typed in your username, I meant to type MsPacMan, sorry. I was quite hung over that morning.
-------------------- Don't worry be happy!
old hand

Registered: 10/16/01
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old hand

Registered: 10/16/01
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Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1081516 - 11/24/02 11:09 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.

Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 1,996
Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: MicronMagick]
#1083264 - 11/24/02 11:59 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You appear to suffer from delusions or assorted mental disorders. Moreover, you -- a "vendor" advertising here & publicly posting ~~out of context~~ content of confidential communication, openly display your own lack of integrity for the whole world to see. What are you going to do next, post your clients name & address list, if they piss you off?
Furthermore, certainly I have an affiliation with MycotaPro & so stated publicly. How else could they vend my custom compost, formulated specifically for cultivating psilocybe cubensis strains? You act like a buffoon, as if you are revealing a secret, that isn't a secret.....at all.
Back in April, I posted pic's of plastic jar lids I developed with a filter & injection port. Shortly thereafter, your company was announcing & vending a somewhat similar injection port lid as a brand new product. While the timing of my post w/pics of those lids & you starting to vend a like item - a short time later, could be coincidental? I doubt it.
Why don't you invest a thousand hours ++ & substantial cash in R&D of potential new commercial products like my custom compost & the following items I have developed.
This one is a complex liquid nutrient that mycelia can readily absorb, that is equal to the nutrients in the best exotic mushroom substrate made. The purpose being that a few drops can be added to a gallon of water, then that water can be used to hydrate vermiculite with. Resulting in the vermiculite have a very high nutrient value. That vermiculite can then be added to PF style cakes, or used to extend any type bulk substrate, as well as utilizing the vermiculite's water retention abilities, so the substrate retains moisture & lasts longer.
 This one is a time release complex powdered nutrient that can be added to any substrate, so that even after the natural nutrients are utilized, the substrate continues to produce healthy flushes far past normal conditions.
 This one is a SuperSorbant, that when hydrated & mixed into a substrate, releases moisture far longer than ordinary products.
 Hell, just try and guess what this one is. No don't. I don't need your BS.
 Here is a pic of a single EQ, weighing over 120 grams. It was produced from these products, in their development. So, these little items have some poop behind them.
 Yup, I imagine all these items may be vended by someone -- sooner than later. So what? That is what free enterprise is all about. 6T
-------------------- ~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~
Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
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Re: Screw quart jars of grain------> [Re: SixTango]
#1083355 - 11/25/02 12:25 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Thread closed, this turned sour.. SixTango, if you want to start another thread thats cool.. MM, stay out of his thread if you feel the need to start something with him...
This is not a bitch forum, stay with the topic or deal with the consequences.