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the most enlightening experience of my life
#1057522 - 11/16/02 02:24 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
sorry i myself cannot stand reading long posts, but this is just a very special experience that happened to me tonight that if you feel like reading 
..happened tonight. i don't know where to start.
i hung out with some old friends i haven't hung out with since the first few weeks of college; your typical layed back pot smoking hippies (they are the majority here in Flag). I wanted to get away from the people i've been hanging out with (tweakers.), so when my friend from work mentioned going to their place, i decided to come along. the scene was basically a hippie kickback with a few kegs with my friends i hadn't seen forever, so i went all twacked, had a nice conversasion with my old kinda guy i was dating, and chilled. All of a sudden, a wise man entered, and read my friends palm. Compationately he told my friend about himself and i requested to be next. About a half hour later we went outside to get some fresh air and have a cigarette and he read my hand.
I could never find the words to express this in the way my mind would like to, but this man's beauty, wisdom, knowledge, and psychic ability was both intriguing and miraculous, and forever my short conversation with him will change some of my views.
He read my hand, the fingers, the lines, the way my hand set, and needless to say he nailed everything, including some extremely personal things that left me dumfounded. He told me how i percieve my future (and yeah, he was 100% correct) and the way my future actually will be. He inspired me to quit what i've been doing simply by looking at my palm. He gave no advice, but the things he said broke me out of my low self esteem and really helped me to feel better about myself.
In the process of him reading my palm, amazed as i was i asked how i could get a hold of him to thank him and hear more of what he had to say. He was the type that you immediately felt like you had known your whole life and anyone could open up to. "do you have an email?" "no" "how about an adress or telephone number?" "i spend most of my time in the nature and have never payed a bill in my life. I travel all over the world and visit as many places as possible and been doing so over the past 15 years" I listen contentedly as he speaks to me and a few others about the beautys, flaws, and hopes for our universe, putting everything as eloquently as one could put it. His enthusiasm, peacefulness, and wisdom was enough to overpower anyone and put anyone at ease with his stellar personality. He had no flaws. He listened, he spoke with truth, and discussed all sorts of things from chakras/auras, to how every human is a gift and completely amazing.
Someone that has the ability to restore faith to even the most insecure, shy person (not me, but he couldve, no doubt) and give light to all that are lost and even those wanting answers, or reasons to the baffling problems most humans face, is someone that is literally, out of this world. He was more than a wise man, he was as some sort of diety or such.
i also could understand so much of what he was saying about living and spending time in teh nature because i myself am a naturualist, and my love and enthusiam for the outdoors is endless. Being out of a structured society and into the natural world where creatures follow their instincts following a healthy ecosystem is a whole lot more than sitting by a fire and sleeping in a tent. I went on a 3 month wilderness course (backpacking thru the canyons, horsepacking in the red desert, rock climbing and kayaking) last year and a few years before that had done a month backpacking course in colorado.
I feel so blessed to have met this wise man/diety who called himself thunderfire. It was so much more than i could ever put in words. He described and explained rainbows and clouds, the whole sky. Love and children, and the miracle of birth and death. I listened with awe (as did everyone else who was around) and couldn't even take in all the truth he spoke. All his experience was gained through traveling and talking to many many people. He discussed along the lines of how all humans are perfect but the minds poison the body sometimes. He talked about how good it was to just smile. You could tell he had probably the same reactions i did from so many others. There was no cheese, no fakeness, just wholesome love and compassion.
I will never forget this. if you got through this post, thanks for listening to me. <3 
and i just read thru this post and realize how meaningless it is to anyone who reads it. if you think its lame i understand because i can't put it into words..i wish to anything i could.
Tomorrow theres a drum circle in the woods in Sedona i might be going to, he said he'd be there. I really hope to see him again.
he knew that i know where i'm going right now and that i didn't need advice. He did tell me what i thought, its just a phase and i'll get out of the rut. He released a lot of anxiety i had concerning what direction i was going in life and told me i'd be fine. Now him saying that, i strongly feel i'll make it out alive 
Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated than that.
It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is,
without either clinging to it or rejecting it.
Edited by Jenny (11/16/02 02:44 AM)

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057535 - 11/16/02 02:38 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
That is so cool. Right on. I would love to meet someone like that. Your very lucky to have met someone with so much wisdom. I'm glad he helped you
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a hollow understanding trapped me
I cannot see outside but its calling
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057538 - 11/16/02 02:39 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
i myself feel like i'm pretty open minded and have luckily had many experiences that have given me such a greater perspective on everything at teh age of 18, although my strong personality gets in the way sometimes. I have never heard someone so intelligent speak before, out of books i have read, etc.
Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated than that.
It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is,
without either clinging to it or rejecting it.

Registered: 07/11/99
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057601 - 11/16/02 03:53 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
"when the student is ready, the teacher appears."
there is tremendous meaning in your post. very few are blessed with such a meeting or breathe the electric air @ Cathedral Rock.
i know i have had the opportunity to conversate with a Master, but my eyes were not yet open for the experience.
i know the teacher knows more about me then i do, because the teacher is my Self.
the most beautiful days of my life are in Sedona, i pray i will make it back Home before it's too soon...
Edited by soundmind (11/16/02 03:54 AM)
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057660 - 11/16/02 04:53 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
We will come across these people in our lives, to help us open our eyes and appreciate the beauty. The Universe will see to it that there is balance, and like magnets we will be attracted together. These are the modern day shamans... who come for the sole purpose of helping us transcend the material plane and into a spiritual existance of love and harmony. You have been contacted.. use the inner sight and wisdom gained to manifest your reality in the best way you can imagine. It will come.
We are spiritual beings, having a human experience

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057734 - 11/16/02 06:25 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
this sounds nice.
-------------------- Cuba Libre

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057752 - 11/16/02 06:51 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
You hit me right in the heart-spot. I too have a similar experience, except the man i met was literally my art teacher for my first 2 years in college (im in my 4th now, and he has since moved away). He taught things that i would laugh off or shrug about... things about the universe and the ebb and flow of energies. He taught about life and the pursuits of the ego and the soul... chakras...energy bodies...the relationship between santa claus/the amanita muscaria/ and coca cola (just ask if you interested, its a very very interesting angle on american culture and human nature)... and all of that mystical good shit. I never took it seriously until after he left.
I always knew that he was a special person that had much to offer, and we kept in touch after he left through emails. It wasnt until i began my interest in mushrooms that his true being came crystallized to me. He came back in town with his wonderful wife to hang and see me and other friends. Well, i ended up finding a good amount of some green for him and he brought along a gift of some tasty mush chocolates, knowing my recent interest and curiousity... well i kept them hidden away for a month or so, more out of fear of the proverbial bad trip. Well one day i finally split them up with my girlfriend and ate them. The experience was mindshattering... i called him shortly after the peak to express my love and care for this man and his wife, to explain that everything he had once said and i disregarded was 100% right. I knew that I had been directed to him as a teacher to learn both art and life....
to this day we talk thru emails and on the phone... and i occasionally go to visit him and his wife. There is never a time when i feel that i havent learned something when i speak with or am around him.
life is just amazing when it brings these people to you isnt it?
thanks for the story jah
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057786 - 11/16/02 08:14 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I didn't think your post was lame and I came away with very distinct images. I think you conveyed your ideas well.
I think it is very good you found someone that could tell you but it is an even greater good that you were able to listen. Our personalities sometimes plug our ears.
At the age of 47 I have spent a good deal of time in the presence of teachers. My first was my high school science teacher who introduced me to Eastern Mysticism at the ripe old age of 13. He lent me his copy of The Third Eye and started me on my path.
I also find it interesting when white people discover what we Natives have known for a long long time. Then again, we're just "dirty redskins". 
Take the journey......
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: ]
#1057791 - 11/16/02 08:21 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Thanks, guys, you all make wonderful points. i used to read a lot and have been pretty lazy lately, and just ordered some books on shamanism and buddhism. I've read a dalai lama book and a little on the net about each, but not into any depth. Now my curiosity by you guys and this wise man has been sparked. Thank you. i feel i'm on a downword spiral as far as drugs taking over, i think something that will help me get out of this rut is a more spiritual side.
Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated than that.
It is opening to or recieving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is,
without either clinging to it or rejecting it.
Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057805 - 11/16/02 08:45 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
You're welcome Jenny.
May you find not only what you are looking for but also what you need and the wisdom to know the difference.
Eggshell Walker

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Middleman]
#1057869 - 11/16/02 09:49 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
"when the student is ready, the teacher appears."
That phrase makes as much sense as:
"When the victim is ready, the robber will appear."
The proof is in the pudding.

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: ]
#1057870 - 11/16/02 09:49 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Mr. Mushrooms,
big respect to all the 'dirty redskins'. I have always felt a respect for the natives, well as long as i have had independent thought enough to realize that christopher columbus was a crock of shit (im italian too!) and america was founded on lies and blood of your people. i have been trying to get this damned native american religions class here at my university for about 3 years now... its been filled up every semester. 
there is so much to be learned...
reminds me of a song that i have just heard...
part of it goes "this paradise has become americanized, but what for?"
btw, could you recommend some good books on native north american shamanism or just some good books on your own tribes origins and beliefs?
thx jfi
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Swami]
#1057875 - 11/16/02 09:54 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
i think it means more that when the student finally comes to a realization, he/she sees those who have been his/her teacher all along.
not just "oh, im ready to learn" then POOF! "hey, there, i will be your spiritual guide now tha tyou are ready"
but hey, anything can happen
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Eggshell Walker

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: jahfeelirie]
#1057880 - 11/16/02 09:59 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
When you phrase it like that it makes sense, though I doubt that your first explanation is the way it is usually meant.
The proof is in the pudding.
Edited by Swami (11/16/02 10:30 AM)
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Jenny]
#1057895 - 11/16/02 10:09 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Very beautiful post It was full of meaning and understanding.. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience ...it really glows trough... 

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Swami]
#1057911 - 11/16/02 10:21 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
heh, it wasnt me that said it. i just rephrased it
but i see your point. americans like taking things at face value. (im one too)
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Eggshell Walker

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: jahfeelirie]
#1057926 - 11/16/02 10:34 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I once visited an energy vortex in Sedona. No spiritual awakening unfolded, but my clothes came out whiter and had that crisp spring smell.
The proof is in the pudding.
Eggshell Walker

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: jahfeelirie]
#1057927 - 11/16/02 10:34 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I once visited an energy vortex in Sedona. No spiritual awakening unfolded, but my clothes came out whiter and had that crisp spring smell.
The proof is in the pudding.

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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: Swami]
#1057953 - 11/16/02 10:48 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
im sure it has more to do with intent than physically stepping into a vortex of energy and expecting enlightenment.
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Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: the most enlightening experience of my life [Re: jahfeelirie]
#1058046 - 11/16/02 12:02 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I was talking about the downtown Sedona laundromat with all that whirling energy...
The proof is in the pudding.