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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1050171 - 11/13/02 06:46 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

I think you guys are taking this waaay to seriously. This taboo on doping up your kids is a pretty new phenomenon; there's a long tradition of sedating children. Ask your parents if they ever let you clean off their thumb w/ a little whisky on it, or gave you cough medicine when you weren't necessarily sick. I know my mother did.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1050220 - 11/13/02 07:03 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

Forget about possible physical harm of the given drug for a second. Hell, give your kid most any fever pill when they are sick and you're taking a crack at their liver - but your not taking a crack at their mind.

Psychoactive drugs alter cognition. A developing child is in the midst of the most critical and sensitive period for the development of their psyche. Their brains are vulnerable. In addition, as I said twice before, children are incapable of giving sentient consideration as to the use of such drugs.

Giving any unknowing person such drugs is disgusting. I have no words with which to describe the idea of giving them to children exept that the idea sickens me.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1050228 - 11/13/02 07:05 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

My parents hot boxed me. You see they are hippies(or were, mom still kinda is.) Our house was allways  in a haze of weed. My mom tells me when I was two, she baked a hash cake for her friends birthday. She left it on the counter too cool, went and had a shower. She returned to a half eaten cake and a very :grin: Sonnyboy. 


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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1050260 - 11/13/02 07:18 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

How would you like it if someone dramatically altered your consciousness without your knowledge! Especially if you were a child! That is a horrible idea. Maybe you need to take a parenting class or TEN. Why would anyone do that to their child! Paregoric and alchohol used to be given to children because we didn't know the danger yet. Have you ever heard of something called "time out"? It works wonders and does not involve striking a child or doping them up on drugs. I know of one instance where medical marijuana was used on an 8 year old because of extreme psychological problems, and it is taken orally. You can see the report at wamm.org I believe.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: Morphrying]
    #1050327 - 11/13/02 07:42 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

i think tv is worse than drugs for kids. and about the codine being "dangerous" gimme a freakin break. its not gonna go causing problems in such low doses. i heard of this woman going to jail cause she rubbed coke on her daughters tooth when she had a tooth ache. its not like the kids are doing drugs on their or and picking up addictions

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: Eightball]
    #1050432 - 11/13/02 08:27 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

In reply to:

i think tv is worse than drugs for kids. and about the codine being "dangerous" gimme a freakin break. its not gonna go causing problems in such low doses. i heard of this woman going to jail cause she rubbed coke on her daughters tooth when she had a tooth ache. its not like the kids are doing drugs on their or and picking up addictions

No, a little codine for a cold is not going to hurt much. Coke for a toothache is sane and sound (and widely practiced) medicinal treatment.

However, attempting to treat the symptoms of a phyical, medical ailment is quite distinct from drugging a child to produce a desired change in mood and mindset.

BTW, I agree TV can be very bad as well.

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Carpal Tunnel
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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1050653 - 11/13/02 09:21 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

"opiates can kill ya, ganja can't.."
So? Water can kill you if you drink enough, and nobody has a problem giving their kids that. Just don't give them too much and they're perfectly fine.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1051350 - 11/14/02 12:43 AM (22 years, 3 months ago)

I'm a little old for my parents to "hotbox" me. But my mom did use vodka to settle her nerves. She gave it to my 5 year old sister. That settled her nerves right down.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: ]
    #1051685 - 11/14/02 04:56 AM (22 years, 3 months ago)

major doping of kids occurs every day. its called adhd. Its a definite condition but many children are mis or overtly diagnosed. Parents see results with these drugs and this re-inforces many children to become add. Like smoking is an addiction, so to may be amphetamines to many unwilling children. Who knows if this is bad though. Were half nature, half nurture

In reply to:

There is no documentation of any cancer caused by Cannabis

carcinogens are found in most anything smoked. They are a big contribution to cancer. How did bob die? just clearing the air.. its getting smokey in here.


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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: Morphrying]
    #1052025 - 11/14/02 09:39 AM (22 years, 3 months ago)

ok Morphrying i understand the reason behind your thinking. i think you are takin all this wrong. its obvious that you dont have kids by the "time out, it works wonder" remark. time out, what bullshit. im not saying beat your kids, but there needs to somekind of discipline. thats why kids are such little punks nowadays. all time out does is let your kid know that whatever they do the worse thing that is gonna happen to them is to sit down for a litle while. kids dont learn that they are gonna be responsibale for their actions. these arent lessons you want to teach your child. you want them to be ready for the "real world". "timeout" kids have trouble dealin with life once they are not protected from the timeout rules of their childhood. those damn punk ass whipper-snappers, lol.


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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: MycoThaikoh]
    #1052115 - 11/14/02 10:26 AM (22 years, 3 months ago)

Common sense tells you that, burning plant matter (EVEN WEED) has carcinogens, which are cancer causing agents. You'd get cancer if you smoked enough clover, inhaling smoke is not good for your lungs no matter what it is. I'm tired of people that refuse to admit that there's anything wrong with weed. I love it, but it isn't gonna save the world, and it has its share of flaws (like making my lungs feel like they're on fire when I smoke it.) I'm not bashing ya or anything, just disagreeing.

Stay gold.

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: ShroomSkin]
    #1052620 - 11/14/02 01:42 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

weed can save the world, well hemp can anyway. why do you think its against the law? jj

thats a good point, most kids are drugged with ritalin and similar shit

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Timeout? Drugs? Kids? [Re: highoman]
    #1052699 - 11/14/02 02:08 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

"Time out, works wonders" This entirely depends on the reason for the kids behaviour.
If the reason for the kids misconduct is to attract attention then a "timeout" method
can work in some cases. It is however by no means a general solution since there
are plenty of other reasons for misconduct to which the "timeout" solution will have
no particular effect.except perhaps reinforce the fact that the behaviour has no
negative consequence (as someone said previously)..

Regarding the use of psychoactive substances on children it's an interesting topic
methinks. If we all can overcome the initial, almost allergic, reaction to the concept of
altering a growing psyche with psychoactives, perhaps some application of it can be
seen. But before any conclusions can be drawn regarding this use, one would have
to define what positive outcomes can be achieved through drug use, in general.

Can it be agreed upon certain positive effects at all, and if so, can these effects
be achieved by the intellectually immature mind of a child as opposed to that of the
adult (which hopefully is more advanced)?
Can we envision certain positive effects of psychoactives on the child's psyche
that can not be envisioned for adults, and if so, what are they?

I am, like most people, very skeptic to the use of these substances on children, as
they are not yet responsible beings. I will not, however, dismiss the posibility of
positive effects before some research, either empirical or deductive reasoning, has
been done.  :wink: 

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1053345 - 11/14/02 05:24 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

Ive never hot boxed a kid..... but Ive seen it done.
The child calmed down for about 5 minutes then proceeded to eat every fucking thing in sight! and after eating all that sugar he was 10 times worse than the little Brat that we started with!!!!

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: YouInfoIt]
    #1053691 - 11/14/02 07:40 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

This is fucked-up parenting.

Even today, as a pot-smoker, if I found out my parents had done this to me when I was a small child I'd be pissed-off and disappointed.

Edit #1 (addition): but of course, this is just my opinion..

Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE

Edited by Strumpling (11/14/02 07:40 PM)

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Re: Timeout? Drugs? Kids? [Re: laguendo]
    #1055899 - 11/15/02 01:35 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

laguendo, man i love that avatar!! You sound pretty educated and are intitled to your own opinion. But do your raise any children?


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Re: Timeout? Drugs? Kids? [Re: highoman]
    #1055995 - 11/15/02 01:59 PM (22 years, 3 months ago)

Always liked both ol' Sigmund and Floyd... =)

No, I don't raise children as of yet. Currently I do not believe I have the capacity to
love a newborn child the amount it requires nor do I have the time. Do you?

As a computer programmer and a student of psychology, the subject of raising
children interests me. After all; it's the logical progression from assembly language. :tongue:

It's all pretty logical really, just on a much higher level, some of it on a level too
high for us to understand currently. Anyways, such is my belief. 

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: I_Fart_Blue]
    #9109331 - 10/21/08 11:44 AM (16 years, 3 months ago)


I_Fart_Blue said:
"opiates can kill ya, ganja can't.."
Whoohooo! Cancer is now non-deadly! 

No case studies have linked any type of cancer to marijuana smoking.  There are simply not enough carcinogens in the substance to propagate the disease contrary to tobacco which contains thousands of different carcinogens.  We would all appreciate educated and informed comments as opposed to hip-shot reactions. 
Based on clinical trials and even government research since 196o, I would rather give my daughter a rice crispy treat with ganja butter for a DVD nap as opposed to a benedryl coma if it ever comes to that.

The idea that someone on this forum thinks that in the course of a child's life an occasional second-hand reefer smoke in a car suscepts them to lung cancer reminds me to be wary of all users here, there may even be an agent or two lurking in the mix.  Beware the media and all the things said on television, not all smokers get cancer, it's not a given that if you smoke you will get it.  Genetics plays a small role.  All smokers in my family have lived over 80 and still going so far.  How long do you want to live anyway, isn't it quality over quantity?  Of all the non-smokers who out live smokers, what added contribution to society was made as a differential to that quotient? 
Cheese & Rice!

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: Vermonster420]
    #9109352 - 10/21/08 11:47 AM (16 years, 3 months ago)


Vermonster420 said:
The idea that someone on this forum thinks that...

someone that hasnt posted in 5 years?

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Re: Ever hotbox your kids? [Re: Prisoner#1]
    #9109383 - 10/21/08 11:51 AM (16 years, 3 months ago)

Almost six!

Way to go you get a gold star :poop:

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