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Registered: 11/10/02
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mushroom identification
#1041938 - 11/10/02 09:53 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
hey i've been trying to identify a mushroom the past few days with no luck. this was my first time picking so i'm not very experienced. sorry, i don't have a scanner or anything to put a picture on my computer. note that i'm foolishly trying to describe them from what i remember from a few days ago. here's the info i have on it:
Cap: Brown (light brown?) and viscid. Somewhat yellowish, I think. Strong bluing reaction in the older specimens (almost looked there were pools of blue food coloring on the cap after it rained). Hemispheric in the younger ones, uplifted (and somewhat wavy) in the older ones. Estimated diameter, 5-15 cm (quite large). After fully drying: Nut brown (looks like wood) with blue areas (usually even in the younger ones), 3-6 cm diameter.
Gills: Attachment unknown. Close-crowded. Light purple in the younger ones, and I don't remember in the older ones, although I believe they were concolorous with the cap and stem (yellowish?). The gills of the older specimens bruised blue. After drying: mostly whitish, somewhat brownish (distinctly lighter than the cap), and perhaps a light purple, with some blue areas. The edges in many places turned black.
Stem: Concolorous with the rest of the mushroom I believe. Bruises blue at base and sometimes in other areas. Fibrous, I believe, although relatively easy to break (but they could've been rotting). Short (relative to cap) and thick - thicker than most of the pictures I've seen of psilocybe mushrooms (est. 1-5 cm). After drying: Concolorous with cap, blue areas, inside has flesh that is lighter in color than the outside, although the older ones are hollow. 2-5 cm long and .5-1.5 cm wide.
Spores: Unable to optain spore print. Don't have a microscope.
Habitat and distribution: Found in Pacific Northwest within a few kilometers from the beach in a moist pine forest in early November. Scattered (usually by itelf, sometimes a few next to each other, but I found quite a few of them within the same area), found in the middle of dirt paths, on the side of paths, and sometimes in dirt with a lot of twigs in it. Note that although I didn't find any growing directly on manure, the paths have some horse/dog manure on them. I've also noticed that they seem to like the same areas as some mushrooms I think are boletes (which look exactly like these: ,
Any speculations would be of much help. Could the black areas on the edge of the gills after drying be the spores? I also had a few questions:
1) I'm having trouble spore printing. The mushrooms seem too moist, and just get the paper wet, and I don't see a print - even only a few hours after picking. Might using tin foil help?
2) What is the smallest amount of a toxic mushroom that could poison you (esp. a psilocybe look-alike?) I ask, because once I am pretty certain that I have a psychedelic mushroom, I want to start small, wait a week, and work my way up and look for signs of toxicity, just to be sure.

Registered: 12/18/01
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1042474 - 11/11/02 02:47 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Hey there, very nice description.
It would be benificial to get a spore deposit color. Try using foil, and make sure you have a plastic cup or paper cup over it so the spores can drop without being blown by any small amount of wind.
It appears that you MIGHT have collected Psilocybe cyanescens.
The best thing for you to do, is to do a search at www.google.com, with that species name. look at the descriptions and pictures.
Please do not eat. Best would be to try to dry the specimens, by a fan or some other means. Wait for others to reply.

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Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1042568 - 11/11/02 03:59 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
If they looked like boletes then they should have had pores not gills. Many boletes stain blue, they're not active and if they hed red pores then they were probably inedible.
Registered: 11/10/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: zeronio]
#1044823 - 11/11/02 09:17 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
no, i wasn't saying they looked like boletes (although the younger ones kind of did, from the top), i was saying they grew in the same habitat as them - sorry about the confusion.
at first, i was sure i had cyans, but they don't match any of the pictures i've found - the stems on the ones i have seem a lot thicker and not as long, and the cap is a lighter color. could they just be a different variation? after drying, they did look exactly the same as pictures i've seen of dried cyans.
could it be a gymnopilus (or however you spell it), or something like that? anyone know where i can get more information on those types of mushrooms? my suspicion is that it's not a psilocybe, but that it could very well be psychedelic. i'll see if i can find another one and get a spore print.

Registered: 12/18/01
Posts: 7,264
Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1045050 - 11/11/02 10:23 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Do you understand that gyms and psilocybes look COMPLETELY different? heh,
Whats the spore print?
Registered: 11/10/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: angryshroom]
#1045319 - 11/12/02 12:05 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
i'm virtually certain i've identified these as laceterus indigo. too bad, they looked promising...
irregular meat sprocket

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Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1045324 - 11/12/02 12:06 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
the universal edibility test will not work with mushrooms. if they are poisonous and you are working up to higher and higher doses untill you notice they are making you sick the damage will be worse than if you just ate them at once. moreover, if they are amanitin containing mushrooms, by the time you notived any ill effects the damage to your liver would be done. would you work up from one shot to one gallon of wiskey thinking it would be better for you? not to sound like i'm ragging on you but you walk a dangerous line when you think like that. good luck and be careful.
Attn PWN hunters: If you should come across a bluing Psilocybe matching P. pellicolusa please smell it.
If you detect a scent reminiscent of Anethole (anise) please preserve a specimen or two for study and please PM me.
Registered: 11/10/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: canid]
#1047131 - 11/12/02 04:45 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
hey, thanks, i'm glad somebody answered that question, cause i wasn't too sure if that was a sound method. i read it in a survival manual a long time ago. good thing i didn't do it.

Registered: 12/18/01
Posts: 7,264
Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1047153 - 11/12/02 04:53 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
You went from psilocybe to gyms to laceterus?
Well those that you say you have are indeed edible, but, if you arent sure I wouldnt eat them. All those genus's look completely different.
Registered: 11/10/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: angryshroom]
#1047204 - 11/12/02 05:12 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
yeah well i was pretty sure they weren't psilocybe from the beginning, but their general shape did seem to come closer to matching the pictures of some of the gyms i've seen, but then i found this:
and the mushroom i have looks exactly like that; i'd have to say i'm 99.9% positive that it's what i have.
Registered: 09/30/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: pacnw]
#1047638 - 11/12/02 08:04 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
If the mushrooms in question, are in fact Lactarius Indigo......Then you have yourself quite the find!! They are delectably edible and hard to find, even in their native sw us to mexico habitat!! I'm not advocating eating them though unless 110% sure they are the lactarius indigo.
Registered: 11/10/02
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Re: mushroom identification [Re: shrump2000]
#1048309 - 11/13/02 12:30 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
ok, i found them in the pacific northwest, so maybe they aren't laceterus indigo. what could they be then? they look exactly like the mushrooms in those pictures on the thread i linked to, except some of mine had uplifted caps.