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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: Icelander]
    #18981025 - 10/15/13 11:48 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Telepathy believers are exactly like Jesus freaks. They will do cartwheels to get you to believe (tens of thousands of posts on both), but when all their arguments fall flat, they suddenly don't care if you believe them or not. It is not important.

Then a few months later they will start another thread on the exact same topic trying to get converts.


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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: OrgoneConclusion]
    #18981039 - 10/15/13 11:53 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)


OrgoneConclusion said:
Telepathy believers are exactly like Jesus freaks. They will do cartwheels to get you to believe (tens of thousands of posts on both), but when all their arguments fall flat, they suddenly don't care if you believe them or not. It is not important.

Then a few months later they will start another thread on the exact same topic trying to get converts.

Kind of like you on the Michael Phelps diet myth thread?

How many more times we gonna see that one?

Anxiety is what you make it.

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: LunarEclipse]
    #18981101 - 10/15/13 12:10 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

I like how you guys lump me into one category of two. Either right or wrong. There is more to it than that blah blah blah and yes, I'm fine with working 40+ hours a week than trying to prove telepathy and ill never make any threads trying to convert people into telepathic believers, I really don't care. I've never cared what others believe and I've never argued for or against telepathy, I'm simple saying that it is an unusual phrenomenon that i believe I have experienced. I don't care about either party, it's just another silly debate like politics or philosophy. Freedom of beliefs.

...also, go to hell, huh?

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18981123 - 10/15/13 12:16 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Telepathy is nothing like politics. It is NOT opinion. Nor are both viewpoints correct. It either does or does not exist.

As to lumping you in with others, you have opted for standard excuse #23. If you were so different you would have invented a new excuse, not one that has been seen on this board hundreds of times.


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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18981152 - 10/15/13 12:29 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)


GreyMorph said:
I like how you guys lump me into one category of two. Either right or wrong. There is more to it than that blah blah blah and yes, I'm fine with working 40+ hours a week than trying to prove telepathy and ill never make any threads trying to convert people into telepathic believers, I really don't care. I've never cared what others believe and I've never argued for or against telepathy, I'm simple saying that it is an unusual phrenomenon that i believe I have experienced. I don't care about either party, it's just another silly debate like politics or philosophy. Freedom of beliefs.

Try this one on.  I believe that the OP Swami, and OrgoneConclusion are one and the same.  Yet how can this be?  How can a permabanned puppet come back as a happy puppet?  It makes no sense.  Trust me, someone pulled some strings to get him an exemption.

Anxiety is what you make it.

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: LunarEclipse]
    #18981204 - 10/15/13 12:48 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)


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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: FishOilTheKid]
    #18981298 - 10/15/13 01:14 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

You have a lot of time on your hands when you argue against something you don't believe in. I dot believe in ghosts but you don't see me arguing that ghosts can't be real and making a WHOLE thread claiming that they can't be real. So you have a numbering system for "excuses" of why I'm not believers of telepathy are not right? Anywho, there have been a million theories that were correct but couldn't be explained until years and year later. Everyone thought most geniuses were crazy until they'd been proven correct. "The world is round." The ignorant shouts, "NO, it's not!" in disbelief. Years later, omg the world is round...didn't that guy say that a hundred years ago?

It's just a stupid argument and waste of time. I know that telepathy can't be proven as of right npw and maybe it's not even possible and my experience was something else. Who cares?

Like I said, I've never argued it. I don't intend to. I simply stated my own experience. I don't care whether I was being extra receptive to pheromones or body language or it was telepathy, point is it happened and it felt like telepathy and I believe that it might have been.

I remain a very open skeptic. I don't say that it is so but I do say that it is a possibility. To deny something that can't be seen is ignorant. Air can't be seen.

...also, go to hell, huh?

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18981408 - 10/15/13 01:43 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)


angry you be

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: Repertoire89]
    #18981418 - 10/15/13 01:44 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Nah, I'm always happy.

...also, go to hell, huh?

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18981430 - 10/15/13 01:46 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

I'm not always happy and im not even sure where im going with this

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: Repertoire89]
    #18981436 - 10/15/13 01:48 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Lol, even when I'm angry, I'm happy. No kidding, it's my favorite emotion to release! Feels good man!

...also, go to hell, huh?

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18981498 - 10/15/13 02:04 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

I used to think I was always happy, on hindsight I've come to realize I wasn't. Oddly enough there is some pleasure to be found in negative emotions

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: Repertoire89]
    #18981579 - 10/15/13 02:29 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Anger isn't negative. That's just one perspective. Good song by the way. I'm not really always happy but point is, I'm happy with life although it could be better, it's good though cause it could be a lot worse.

...also, go to hell, huh?

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: FishOilTheKid]
    #18985132 - 10/16/13 07:57 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)


FishOilTheKid said:
I fully believe that you ARE experiencing something real.  I know that telepathy like this exists.  People freak about psychosis and schizophrenia and they should but no one should blanket statement all things extraordinary.  You will find out what is real and what is not but it will take time and perhaps confusion.  Potentially a collapse of your perceived self identity or ego.  Just be skeptical of your conclusions and always question what it is that you are believing in the now.  Test it all anyway you can repeatedly.  ESP is real but I doubt some of what you were experiencing is actual.  The worst is to invest too much in the conclusion(s) that come from these psychedelic states then build your beliefs from something that can be proven to be false later in time.  If its a major element of who you are and you have elaborate 'systems' that hinge off of the decision to believe or not things tend to get complicated if you can't let go of what you once chose as Truth.


When i was about to fall asleep i was thinking about it and was thinking 'hey, maybe the 'crazy' ones are in that state all the time. Maybe i will be getting crazy and hearing voices if i keep exploring that stuff'!? Maybe the voices are not a bad thing necessarily if they are real.

This is where it all led for me.  But the voices are of Beings with distinct personalties and they can act in ways that they choose.  They are good at the game of deception and often lie to gain belief.  (which is a part of you)  Then once you think you have it figured they jokingly say, at least they did to me, 'HAVIN YA!'  They play a game sending people into insanity on purpose to feed on a bleeding energy system.  We are the rats.  We are the pets.  They are the watchers or what have you.  Just like you could tap into some level of telepathy these beings monitor the population and have similar access.  Just like you could 'know' so can they.  Just like you could direct attention so can they.

Be careful is my advice.  And always know that you are walking a fine line between be labeled and accessing Truth.

You are toying with the very way that your mind works and relates to the rest of the interaction that is going on.

Things can get ugly when you can't make sense out of what is real anymore.  Its very exciting!  But I think with all this you will uncover something very ugly about how things work on this planet.

If you can mind control your rats with simple suggestion think of what is possible...  Again we are the experiment.  ...The lab rats or guinea pigs.

Will you share more?

They are known as the Jinn;

Their plan is well-known to most on this planet. Some humans work with them to do very naughty things.

They oppose God-ness... Way back in a while when first man was created one of their dudes (Iblis) took issue with this and set out to fuck shit up. The result is an interstellar conflict and we happen to be the poor squishy folks stuck in between. We each have a choice: work for Nature and experience freedom, grace, Love, ecstatic bliss, or work for these guys, enjoy this transient life for a time and get wrecked beyond all comprehension for choosing to commit wilful malice by Nature. They spin quite a weave of tales, the Buddhists have known their plan as 'Maya'.

The experiment is pretty simple;
Conjecture: Humans are weak/will turn away from Goodness in favour of stupidity/ignorance
Experiment: Earth (temporary life)
Proving: A lot of humans, unfortunately are. They have lived and died with hate in their hearts. But there are a lot of us who see through the crap, see through the ploy. We are warned and notified all day long. In this universe, ask yourself why there even is a debate between 'atheism' and 'theism'.

Thing is these dark fuckers watch humanity in the same way humans watch others with CCTV and remote surveillance. However there is a fine boundary. They can provide appearances, threats, conspiracies, ideas, whispers. Your power is to simply define yourself. They have no control over who you yourself are, and if you yourself reject them, they cannot harm you. All they can do is entice, seduce and hope you will become as hateful as them.

IF you want an idea as to the human:jinn interaction which goes on behind closed doors, look into MONARCH mind control :wink:

Seriously, all they want is for the powerful human imagination is to be used in an ungrateful fashion. That way, they win - they still lose as Nature will punish them for their vain attempt but they win in the sense that "if we're going down, you fuckers are coming with us". You can use your imagination to effortfully create darkness and ingratitude and despair and hopelessness and futility, or you can use your imagination to channel/flow Light upon Light, gratefulness, wisdom, hope/faith/trust/sincerity and completion. Yours is the choice. Fleshbot or Divine Being, your choice.

Protip: stop smoking. Seriously, stop smoking. If you want to keep your mind, stop smoking tobacco from their helpers.


"Everything there is, and all that there is, is a Pattern of unspeakable proportion. The Pattern contains everything that is, completely fixed in succession, all the minimal particles interconnected in every way that is. Every way that is is not every conceivable way, because not everything that can be conceived is manifest in the pattern."

"THE Human, you, is a miniscule but essential part of that pattern. In it lies complete fulfillment. It will never become something it is not, but it will never need to be anything else." - Wiccan_Seeker

"If boring drudgery was the way of the universe, everything would have killed itself long ago." - Spacerific

Edited by crkhd (10/16/13 08:12 AM)

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: crkhd]
    #18985664 - 10/16/13 11:14 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Thanks for that!:thumbup:

You are in fact correct.

And monarch programming is what it felt like I was put through.  Trauma based mind control or something.

They claim that they are Lucifer and they wanted me to salute them...

One thing about their power: they can move my body.  Its disturbing what they want: control physically.  I can only imagine who is and isn't controlled COMPLETELY by them.

Reminds me of 'They Live.'


Protip: stop smoking. Seriously, stop smoking. If you want to keep your mind, stop smoking tobacco from their helpers.

FOR REAL.:thumbup:

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: FishOilTheKid]
    #18985766 - 10/16/13 11:40 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Iblis is the original one, then the name of their hoarde would be 'Satan' or perhaps 'Lucifer', the set of human beings following them whether knowingly or unknowingly are also part of the archetypal collective 'Satan'. These are the folks who walk around and spew hate and death and darkness and despair everywhere they go. Satan hates its subjects just as much as they hate each other and it stops to no end to hurt them as much as possible so they get pissed off and hurt everyone else too. Think of it like the Borg of Star Trek or the Machine Army of the Matrix, very adept analogies.

They can move your body only because your field of thought is still accepting these fuckers in. Celibacy, meditation and fasting will break them down. If you want rid of them, you gotta be serious and take a big huge step back in your life and turn directly to eliminating them. Otherwise they will attempt to confuse you everywhere you go, and every situation you are in, they will influence. You just have to go out on a weekend and watch all the criminals running amok to see how this stuff works. It takes man by the balls and drags him off the cliff like a lemming.

In the highest echelons of dark society, the folks there commune with these beings directly. Then on the surface they attempt to erase all evidence/trace of this so people fall into ignorance and don't even know they are being led. It's truly depraved what is happening behind closed doors, deep underground, where eyes do not see... except the eyes of the I-AM :wink:


"Everything there is, and all that there is, is a Pattern of unspeakable proportion. The Pattern contains everything that is, completely fixed in succession, all the minimal particles interconnected in every way that is. Every way that is is not every conceivable way, because not everything that can be conceived is manifest in the pattern."

"THE Human, you, is a miniscule but essential part of that pattern. In it lies complete fulfillment. It will never become something it is not, but it will never need to be anything else." - Wiccan_Seeker

"If boring drudgery was the way of the universe, everything would have killed itself long ago." - Spacerific

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: crkhd]
    #18986143 - 10/16/13 01:21 PM (11 years, 4 months ago)


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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: GreySatyr]
    #18994131 - 10/18/13 05:03 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)

I had no effort at all. And it was just very nice. No pressure behind it. Why not prove it if possible. I will earn myself if i can :p. Just gotta make sure the country i have to prove it in allows mushroom consuming :laugh:

By the way the telepathic part was just to show me that there is somethging overnatural possible. The real interesting part for me was what happened after that... Tho not very long lasting because i had to pee so bad (probably controlled by the ueber beeings the other guy is talking about :laugh: to avoid me going deeper) it was ultimatively exciting. Really like i found a gate to access, and even control(or manipulate), humans through the dns somehow.

If im not mistaken Bill Gates once said LSD was about the best thing happened in his life. or was it steve jobs? Who ever it was, i wonder if they have accessed this world also. I dont know why but i feel he/they did. Im pretty sure noone whould have said that for a nice trip. specially not someone the world looks up to. Why would a billionär say something like that? His best interest should be to hide illegal facts like that? I feel like that was a message to humanity. Also if humanity once discover that there is some other world excisting there they will look back in history and see that bill gates was one of those lucky bastards who accessed this world and might even used to become one of the richest man alive?

Also i think u can regulate health alot with these powers. U figured that albert hoffmann and some of the other scientists who took lsd with albert hoffmann back then got over 100 years old still making documentarys with a very clear head? They either found a chemical that made cells die slower or they might also found this special world to regulate health to infinity.

By the way it was not a spontaneous event, After a while communicating with my rats i thought 'hey, if something like THAT is possible, what else can be possible?' i turned around laying on my stomache and

Hope im not getting sniped for these thoughts? :laugh:

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: imstunned]
    #18994384 - 10/18/13 07:30 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)


imstunned said:
I had no effort at all. And it was just very nice. No pressure behind it. Why not prove it if possible. I will earn myself if i can :p. Just gotta make sure the country i have to prove it in allows mushroom consuming :laugh:

By the way the telepathic part was just to show me that there is somethging overnatural possible. The real interesting part for me was what happened after that... Tho not very long lasting because i had to pee so bad (probably controlled by the ueber beeings the other guy is talking about :laugh: to avoid me going deeper) it was ultimatively exciting. Really like i found a gate to access, and even control(or manipulate), humans through the dns somehow.

If im not mistaken Bill Gates once said LSD was about the best thing happened in his life. or was it steve jobs? Who ever it was, i wonder if they have accessed this world also. I dont know why but i feel he/they did. Im pretty sure noone whould have said that for a nice trip. specially not someone the world looks up to. Why would a billionär say something like that? His best interest should be to hide illegal facts like that? I feel like that was a message to humanity. Also if humanity once discover that there is some other world excisting there they will look back in history and see that bill gates was one of those lucky bastards who accessed this world and might even used to become one of the richest man alive?

Also i think u can regulate health alot with these powers. U figured that albert hoffmann and some of the other scientists who took lsd with albert hoffmann back then got over 100 years old still making documentarys with a very clear head? They either found a chemical that made cells die slower or they might also found this special world to regulate health to infinity.

By the way it was not a spontaneous event, After a while communicating with my rats i thought 'hey, if something like THAT is possible, what else can be possible?' i turned around laying on my stomache and

Hope im not getting sniped for these thoughts? :laugh:

I have read this a few times and I am not exactly sure what you are trying to say.
And it was Steve Jobs btw.


You are not special :haha:

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Re: Telepathy on shrooms: part II [Re: Cyclohexylamine]
    #18995111 - 10/18/13 11:22 AM (11 years, 4 months ago)

Im sorry, i answered to this post:

GreyMorph said:
I've experienced it. Don't care to try and prove it to mankind. Even if you could recreate a spontaneous event and finally prove it to the world, would the money be worth the enormous amount of effort and ridicule you'd get while trying to recreate the experience?

Do I believe it's possible? Yep.

Do I care if the world ever proves it? Nope.

I thought it was quoted. Does that clear things up? Or need any more help?

edit: Also it is based on the long post i made before in the thread

Edited by imstunned (10/18/13 11:23 AM)

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