Massey University Psilocybin Doctorate Research Invitation: New Zealand Based Participants
Shroom_scribe | 2,445 |
18 (18) |
02/09/25 02:58 AM by Cakewonder |
pf / brf tek CAKES or Bulk / contams
MycWazowski | 3,395 |
3 (3) |
10/29/19 09:19 PM by Jokeshopbeard |
Shroomysteve91 | 1,842 |
4 (4) |
09/20/18 07:28 PM by Jokeshopbeard |
Growing PE in cakes?
Akai08 | 7,031 |
1 (1) |
11/11/12 12:16 PM by koraks |
Bulk Psilocybe Cubensis growing for noobs - Very easy TEK
( 1 2 all ) |
m00nshine | 514,208 |
29 (29) |
09/04/09 03:35 PM by Ythan |
pins just at the bottom of the cake?
joker_66599 | 15,691 |
2 (2) |
01/15/06 04:31 PM by MushroomSmoothie |
The PF Tek. Step by step. (A Magash picture show)
( 1 2 3 all ) |
Magash | 71,137 |
45 (45) |
07/16/05 10:16 PM by Magash |
normal or not??? pre-pinning??
wzombie05 | 13,656 |
6 (6) |
11/28/04 06:46 PM by hyphae |
Hawks GT
Anno | 17,142 |
13 (13) |
11/06/04 12:35 PM by baraka |
Is white fuzz contamination?
GnuGeek | 86,826 |
10 (10) |
11/06/04 12:29 PM by baraka |
Dunk before first flush?
MikeHuntShrooms | 62,335 |
13 (13) |
11/05/04 02:51 PM by baraka |
You gotta try cakes(pictures)
( 1 2 3 all ) |
Sam1912 | 46,095 |
43 (43) |
10/25/04 09:44 PM by indigo758 |
niteowls Dunk TEK
niteowl | 18,696 |
15 (15) |
08/28/04 01:16 AM by niteowl |
Taping holes
( 1 2 3 all ) |
hyphae | 32,639 |
47 (47) |
08/18/04 04:26 PM by hyphae |
A little test on jars colonizing.
( 1 2 3 all ) |
Magash | 34,075 |
40 (40) |
06/10/04 04:46 PM by sublimesubmind |
PF Tek: Why is there so much substrate mix left over?!
( 1 2 3 all ) |
ShroomNoob03 | 36,420 |
54 (54) |
06/02/04 03:46 PM by sublimesubmind |
WBS Flour instead of BRF
( 1 2 3 all ) |
FallenShroom | 40,267 |
56 (56) |
05/20/04 10:53 AM by Dr. Greenthumb |
Flat Cake Tek Version 1
( 1 2 3 all ) |
eatyualive | 56,710 |
50 (50) |
03/03/04 03:03 AM by cowshitblues |
P. cubensis Burma PF cakes cased
( 1 2 3 all ) |
Anno | 41,670 |
48 (48) |
12/04/03 08:34 AM by |
4 x (PR, EQ, TC) newbie grow log ** Completed 7/2 **
( 1 2 all ) |
houshroom | 28,626 |
23 (23) |
08/20/03 06:22 PM by houshroom |
a few reasons why you should dunk and roll in verm...
( 1 2 3 all ) |
GestaltAssault | 44,999 |
50 (50) |
08/10/03 04:55 AM by whole9 |
Idea on hydration for cakes?
( 1 2 3 all ) |
cottlestonpie | 29,136 |
44 (44) |
02/06/03 04:00 PM by SubGen1us |
The Importance of Gas Exchange
( 1 2 3 4 all ) |
Anno | 106,342 |
65 (65) |
02/03/03 11:40 PM by deprave |
P. cubensis and P. azurescens jars
( 1 2 all ) |
Anno | 26,083 |
21 (21) |
12/22/02 03:46 PM by SomeMycologist |
Dunking before 1st flush?
( 1 2 3 all ) |
Zwieback0 | 32,414 |
41 (41) |
09/19/02 07:11 AM by shroomsformike |