HOLD UP! I just want to say you seem like a guy in search of truth. Remember the Bible does say that Satan is the father of lies and just because your on a shroom exploration doesn't mean Satan is taking a vacation or a break so you can find that truth. OH YEA Psilocybin can allow you to see much truth with clearly but it also can allow much confusion. Yes God is "light" a consuming fire needing nothing to survive like a normal fire needs fuel to keep going. As you probably know Satan was created by God and wanted to be God himself and thats were he fell to his own lie. When God created this world he gave a part of himself to it so it could have life. Every living thing has a part of Go in it. Its what God is "LIFE"a flame , a light. Without it nothing would be alive. It would be just death and darkness. The "LIFE" or part of God he gave to the world is whats in every living thing. Its the flame in the "ATOM". In the Bible it say that God is the Alfa and the Omega "THE BEGINNING AND THE END". That flame in the ATOM is the center or the beginning of all life. If it goes out there is no life just death and darkness. Isn't it funny that the "BEGINNING" or the "FIRST" human starts with a man named "ADAM" . Ok you said you were a Christian before this trip but I think its not about if you say your a Christian or not but its about if you believe your a creature on this earth like every other living creature that has been given the gift of life by a loving ,awesome and merciful CREATOR. This might help you a little. When God first created this world it was perfect. It had the perfect temperature, the perfect environment, the perfect humidity and was completely clean without "SIN". Until Satan slipped in to confuse the creatures. God made it that whey so we could live a good life and to spread throughout the earth bringing forth fruit "children". But when Satan confused the creatures it allowed sin to enter and ruined the plan or environment and relationship God had for us. And after much time Good looked and saw the filth spreading through his creation and decided to start over and thats when the flood came. But Satan still wanted the world to fall into darkness and ruin. The Bible is the history of this world that tells about a loving CREATOR and its creatures. The BIBLE is for us to see how HE did it ,how HE does it and how He's going to do things. He lets us know "KEEPS US IN THE LIGHT". Like someone warning you while driving at night that the bridge is out saving your life from the cover of night "DARKNESS". Unlike Satan that wants us to be in the dark about things forever. Growing shrooms is just a REFLECTION of the Bible. You become the creator . First you need the perfect environment (a jar) "WORLD" with the right temp , humidity, and completely sterile "WITHOUT SIN". You would then inject your jar "WORLD" with spores "CREATURES" and wait a while to see if anything slipped in "SATAN" to add contamination "SIN" to your new world you just created. If something slipped in "SATAN" you wouldn't need to throw the jar "WORLD" away completely you would just get ride of the inside and wash it out " THE FLOOD" and sterilize it and start over. But sometime its fun to see if it can still grow fruit "CREATURES" in that bad contaminated "SINFUL" environment. I just want you to see your not God just a reflection of who he is. And thats the gift he gave you. Its like if the moon says to itself look I to sit in space and shine bright so creatures can see at night so I must be the sun two. But its not until the moon is eclipsed or is in " DARKNESS" that it realizes its not the sun but was only a reflector of the TRUE sun that sends its light to it for a reason. Your not God Just a reflection of him. But Satan wants you to think that you are. Next time you do shrooms think about the CREATOR and his CREATION . Both GOD and the world and you and your grow jar and why God didn't destroy the world again but sent Jesus to die for the world to save it from eternal darkness. Your a Christian when you believe the bible and confess its truth. WE ALL ARE SOMEONE "souls' BUTT NOT THE ONE "GOD" ! When I do mush I sometime think im some type of Jesus or "THE ONE". Not So. God created the earth and called it GOOD and its up us to find whats good about these things and use them for the GOOD of man and the earth. Bible study starts again tonite @ 6:30 in the fellowship hall. Just kidding! Your fellow mushman.