Posted by
The DealMaker
(02/28/23 07:39 AM)
I see posts of people no having effects when consuming shrooms. I wonder if it's possible to be immune. I consumed 4 grams the first time, three hours later 2 more and two hours later 4 more and felt nothing. I consumed today 6.2 grams and nothing. Can it be the product or me?
Posted by
Joseph Zisa
(01/19/23 02:08 AM)
To date, studies have shown that psilocybin therapy is beneficial in relieving symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and other mental health disorders.
Posted by
(06/24/21 09:44 PM)
Can anyone id these grains and would they be alright for spawn?
Posted by
(06/22/21 04:13 PM)
Hello community I have a couple of questions and I'm going to send some pictures along I don't know if I can post them but says you can. My first grow have an oculate at two and a half weeks ago and you will see through the pictures that I'm not getting that much mycelium. And three of my jars have got black in it for some reason. It was my first time so I didn't know how little you were supposed to put in each jar so the first three kind of got almost a half a syringe and the first three jars and these three are turning black. Any advice tips and pointers and why the other ones aren't fully taking up yet and if these things are even safe and I doubt it! Okay and anybody that breeds this and is interested in finding out what the hell I'm talking about tell me how to post a picture LOL
Posted by
(06/22/21 04:11 PM)
Posted by
(11/09/20 09:15 PM)
I am new and somewhat lost I would like to identify those shrooms so i am grateful to anyone that can help me
Now I am trying to link that text to the picture in question.
Posted by
(02/16/18 08:54 PM)
Hi just registered and trying to find my way around. I have these bags with rye and soil that are about ten day in and want to prepare for the next step. I'm also searching and deciding what would work best. [url=][image][/image][/url]
Posted by
(05/01/17 11:20 PM)
Can somebody identify these mushrroms I have growing in my backyard. They are growing in full sun some 3metres from the truck of a cypress tree. they look likemushrroms, smell like mushrroms and do not discolour when scratched, Etc.
Posted by
(09/06/16 06:40 PM)
What type of mushroom has a brown cap and the stem turn purple when you hold it?
Posted by
(03/30/15 06:11 AM)
Posted by
(10/06/12 11:18 PM)
How do I get prefilled syringes from some website that will ship to Georgia?
Posted by
(05/18/12 04:07 AM)
Lots of cool stuff in here thanks for the links.