Posted by
(05/19/21 03:51 PM)
howww do I post enough for the giveaway lol cmon guys
Posted by
(12/01/20 08:46 PM)
I have some B BRF cakes that are just starting to pin and they have a white crusty looking coating on them
- can anyone help me? What is it and is it harmful? Worry or no?
Posted by
(11/04/19 05:29 PM)
Posted by
flying botchnik
(11/01/19 11:08 PM)
I grew Penis envy, golden teachers, treasure coast and Nepal Chitwan cakes. the spores were from and everything went perfect growing wise and fruiting wise but for sum reason even when cracker dry I have to eat 3.5g's for a mild trip, were in the past I've had golden teachers that I purchased and 2g's had me rocked. Does any1 know why this would happend? I'm dedicated to finding out how to grow potent cubes consistently. lookin into mono tub.
Posted by
(04/14/19 06:20 PM)
Contams wld be a funky color right???? Myceleium is white
Posted by
(04/14/19 06:19 PM)
Ive been away for close to a month and just put them in 2nd dunk for 12 to 24hrs. They got a fluffy white cotton shit all over but is bright white. No cantams i hope. Im so new to this. Is the bright white ok??
Posted by
(05/24/17 03:31 PM)
Why does it make me post 10 posts to look at someones journal? and why can't I attach a photo? Why does it have to be linked? I was going to post my grow bags but I don't have them on another website
Posted by
(05/24/17 03:27 PM)
Posted by
(12/07/15 07:01 PM)
Why wouldn't the cap on my mushroom have any color like the rest of them
Posted by
(01/23/14 11:19 PM)
hey guys, I'm still not seeing any results in my jars... its been since early november.. not too sure what to do with it at this point. any ideas?
Posted by
(11/21/12 07:52 PM)
can someone identify these folder name&oldaction=viewthumb
Posted by
(11/09/06 04:03 PM)
we need more pictures