Posted by Jimbolalo (02/15/15 01:32 AM)
This happened to me a couple months ago ... But I was sober 
The blue triangle had orbs spinning at the very top and I instantly thought of the album cover of the dark side of the moon I felt this wave like sound as it pulled me in but I was strong enough to pause the situation and think to myself " can I trust these guys, are the aliens, what is this " I decided I wanted to gather kore evidence before I let them pull me into what seemed like a portal I pulled back saying " fuck this and woke up and banged my head on the wall 

I obsessed over the meaning of this triangle for weeks and couldn't find anything 

The trippy part was that I was sober and the night before I took a lot of AL-LAD 

I've seen them in the sky , they're much more pronounced on weed and psychedelics but I'm not sure what to think of it
You should PM me man if your still around these forums 
This is the closest thing I could find to what I experienced