Posted by PostRainer (04/19/20 01:40 AM)
I feel you man, last trip i had was 4 grams of dry of P. Subs, supposedly a heroic dose but I only experienced light open eye visuals, But man when i closed my eyes i could see my mind melt. I think it has something to do with outside stimulation, when its light out and you can see alot its hard for your brain to focus in on specific objects and allow the swimming and breathing to take effect, while focusing on simple surfaces like the ceiling or walls you start getting open eye visuals. my first trip was at night with a low dose and i was getting intense visuals. Just a theory though..
Posted by Neumonic (01/16/20 05:52 AM)
No matter how many mushrooms i eat, I also do not see as others claim to. I have attributed it to various reasons. Getting my head stomped when i was twelve. Weak mushrooms. A story of

Ram Dass giving a guru acid to no claimed effect.

""At the end of an hour it was obvious nothing had happened. His reactions had been a total put-on. And then he asked, %u201CHave you got anything stronger?%u201D I didn%u2019t. Then he said, %u201CThese medicines were used in Kullu Valley long ago. But yogis have lost that knowledge. They were used with fasting. Nobody knows now. To take them with no effect, your mind must be firmly fixed on God. Others would be afraid to take. Many saints would not take this.%u201D And he left it at that.""

As far as god goes I think that is just a placeholder for a universal unconscious or similar.

strongest visuals so far have come from combing mushrooms with Syrian rue.
Not geometric or flashing lights though. I saw green text in an unknown language (now I think it might have been hebrew) to me flowing on the walls like the matrix. when i went to take a poster off the wall i thought i cut myself and saw blood flowing down my arm and the poster. 

All colors and geometric designs are very faint, like the writing on a piece of paper under the one you wrote on. 

I get flashes of "memories" or "videos" but that is still as if recalling a dream.

Im curious about the connection of fluoride to this. 

I wonder if my third eye is blind.

Im not entirely sure.. but i think mushrooms might cause some vasconstriction, and that alcohol, being a vasodialator, might have helped in that way. Starting with morning glorys, I have noticed that my penis shrinks to an abnormal size. the same happens with mushrooms "acid" and i think san pedro(dont really remember)it can effect walking i think by tightening the muscles causing cramps. I would recommend ginger, or mint tea. or spicy food lol, just eat a habenero. Also i think some people are more strongly effected by vasoconstrictors due to various factors.

I had an experience as a kid, i must have been 10 or 11. I think I was munching on mulberries earlier that day. alot of unripe one. I threw up a dark bloody mass. (just looked that way, could have been poop or blood but it was probably just the berries) and went to lay down. my entire vision became filled with blinding blue and green light with the center white hot from the friction between the two colors. in my mind now showing the birth of a new color but i dont really know.. 

i see Eyes when I look at the stars. I saw a giant flaming eye float up to me, blink, then move on. I saw the sun as 4 suns surrounding a center keyhole. I see the clouds in front of the moon change everytime i look away then look back showing me some picture or another. I see little people out of the corner of my eyes. 

Geometric patterns? bright lights? not really.

Posted by Diego (01/04/20 08:47 PM)
Have you ever night tripped?
Posted by numnum59 (12/11/19 07:40 AM)
Its not like the movies where you see dragons and spiders and shit everywhere. You wont see whats not there, mostly with visuals you will get what seems like swirling patterns in stuff. Particularly, I know when i start tripping because the popcorn in the ceiling starts to swim. I also don't think that 'shrooms cause your body to release lactic acid(the chemical that makes your muscles burn during workout). Maybe you did alot of unintentional stretching while high? I know when I trip, I have "muscle spasms". Where I feel like I constantly have to stretch or move my body.

-Good Luck
Posted by Zoda (11/28/19 05:47 AM)
7g for 7h that felt like 2h which didnt leave you for 2w  and at a lvl3 trip your walking skill was lvl0 - very interesting statistics! :D