Posted by masterofnull (11/03/17 11:21 PM)
So I'm not saying they are the healthiest. It is solid growth and I have 10 jars that have yet to have contams. Comparing how different methods and describe growth in these earlier stages. Also its only been 13 days and theres clear differentiation between species and methods so thats cool to me.
Posted by The Mycologist (11/03/17 10:04 PM)
Those jars dont look that healthy
Posted by masterofnull (11/03/17 08:53 PM)
Also, I'm finding more localized mycelial growth with one race, and another seems to spread quickly throughout the jar. Would this affect chances of contamination? Either way one would have to effect the chances.

Also, the popcorn is really great at mixing up the mycelium and having solid mycelium in many spots throughout the jar