Posted by newtimeshroomer (10/17/09 11:45 AM)
I have to agree with the first post that 8th grade is way to young even though im only in 11th myself. And just hanging round KFC at 11oclock at night? Thats dodgy man, you watch yourself
Posted by thekwazz (10/09/08 11:29 PM)
Stop stealing, dose more. Grow up. You'll be alright ;)
Posted by doom876 (10/08/08 03:57 PM)
Stealing is lame. There is nothing wrong with shrooming or toking at your age, just be responsible. Stealing is ok, when it's from an ass or corperation, just don't get caught ;)

Edited 10/8/2008 5:59 PM
Posted by anarchOi (10/08/08 07:33 AM)

fucking retarded, who would give shrooms to an 8th grader?? or sell weed to them?

Posted by peterluber (10/07/08 03:17 PM)
I didn't eat mushrooms until I was 15 but I used plenty of other drugs at this kids age. I hope this kid takes more mushrooms so he can mature. Resin hits and stealing from Walgreen's is not the way.
Posted by Feeling_of_Sound (10/06/08 10:45 PM)
OMG! you're fucking 12/13 years old?! what happened to the innocence of our youth?